Just For Today I will



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Best wishes on this approach Marie. Sounds great to me----a list of known meals that won't spike your blood sugar. Terrific.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Blood sugar is OK.
    I am having left overs tonight 2 oz baked chicken breast, 1/2 baked sweet potatoes and broccoli
    Thanks Lin for giving your support to me. It means a lot to me. My arms is tired and sore from holding that I pad up to read it.
    Jerry and I did o for a walk.
    I am trying to talk him into taking me to see the bluebonnets. No luck so far Hugs.Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Blood sugar is OK.
    I am having left overs tonight 2 oz baked chicken breast, 1/2 baked sweet potatoes and broccoli
    Thanks Lin for giving your support to me. It means a lot to me. My arms is tired and sore from holding that I pad up to read it.
    Jerry and I did o for a walk.
    I am trying to talk him into taking me to see the bluebonnets. No luck so far Hugs.Marie

    MARIE - glad your blood sugar is okay. Leftovers are my life!! Yours sound just fine.

    I hope you can talk your DH into taking you to see the bluebonnets. I imagine they are just LOVELY!!! Tell him Lin says to pamper you and take you to see the beautiful flowers..........

    Lin:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I will try lin. to get Jerry to take me.
    For breakfast I had two fat free refried beans tostada for breakfast With taco sauce and a small amount of grated cheese.Will have my fruit a little later.

    Shirley when are you getting back./ missed you very much.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Sounds like a delicious breakfast Marie. I had steel-cut oatmeal and fruit. I don't regularly eat breakfast---seems to make me hungrier all day!!!! I made a pit of soup this afternoon---used up some veggies that weren't going to last much longer. Turned out delicious as I has to taste it while putting it in the container.

    Best wishes!!!! Hope Shirley has safe travels.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I will be back tomorrow after this dilation is gone. from me
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Just for today I will get back on eating right and detoxing for the next few days. Then I will get on
    the scale and get rid of the vacation weight. :bigsmile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello Shirley, so glad to see you back.

    I learn a bad thing while you were gone. I found you can take fruit pumpkin and such and add it to a juffy cake mix and make a good muffin. Lucky it only make 6. I made a banana nut today. And they are safely in the freezer. I have such a hard time staying away from sweets.

    Hi Lin, I will set my glasses in a week. What did you find out aat the dentist.

    Good night girls.
    Hugs)))) Maie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hello friends - welcome home Shirley!

    Hello Marie!

    Each day seems to crazy busy that I think I must just be slowing down these days and can't keep up. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    MARIE - I am so sorry that you learned that trick! Why don't we pick up on delicious and nutritious ways to eat zucchini! :wink:

    SHIRLEY - I would wait a couple of days to get near a scale---I'd probably wait a week! :happy: Best wishes on catching up on the laundry.

    The dentist found another cracked tooth which means I need another crown. I'm putting it off for now.......maybe this fall unless the tooth breaks--then I'll get it right away.

    I am trying to be the *near perfect* nutritarian once again. Maybe the nice spring weather will help me stay away from my stress eating. So many things have me anxious. I need to kick myself in the tush!! :bigsmile:

    Talk to you soon my friends.

    Lin (who's loving her leftover soup)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Marie and Lin,

    I am glad we are back here making ourselves accountable for what we eat.:drinker:

    MARIE - You love sweets and that is why you are diabetic. Like me I love sweets too and I
    am Type 2 diabetic which is due to being obese. Luckily I am out of the obese range now
    and into overweight. I have been working on getting my BMI down to the normal range if
    I can and that will be work, but it will also be worth it in the end.

    LIN - I know I like busy, but I don't live crazy busy which makes your stress level go up.:ohwell:
    You have a lot on your plate and it amazes me how you get so much accomplished in one day.
    I get a fair bit done, but I poop out at night and can't keep going.

    Just for today I will get my work done and laundry today so I can relax and get on a normal
    schedule again. I love going away, but it tires me out coming home to all the laundry and such.
    I am still tired today and probably will be until next week. I started back on Phase 1 today for
    two weeks to get some of the weight off. I will get on the scale tomorrow and face it and then
    go from there. I could wait a week, but I might as well face the scale and get my butt in gear.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley you talk about detoxin How do you do that? and Why./
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hello Shirley and Marie - :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'm taking a break from another very jam-packed day to sit down and see what's going on with my friends here on MFP.

    Marie - how long before you get your new glasses? I'm sure it's difficult to cook, work on the computer or do any sewing when you need different glasses. I'm still chomping away on my last batch of cooked pinto beans and my leftover soup. Love them both. Now that my cholesterol numbers are better I don't think I'll cut back on my steel cut oatmeal or quinoa. Both are good sources of protein, fiber, and should help to keep cholesterol down. And apparently all the nuts I eat aren't causing a problem with cholesterol. Yeah! Like you though Marie, I love them waaaaay too much.

    Shirley - I get tired so easy now. I think living on the edge all the time causes it. I did have a C-reactive protein test though to see if it I was in the category of people most likely to have a heart attack due to increased inflammation levels. I was surprised that I came out at the very bottom of the scale in that test. Ha. Good luck on catching up. Don't push yourself---you'll get it done when you get it done!

    Wishing all the best for my buddies! Health and better health and even better health!:heart::heart: :drinker: :heart: :heart:

    Back to planning and packing. I need two breakfasts, two lunches, and two dinners, my vitamins, beverages, some extras in case I'm starving---don't want to stop at a store and buy something bad! Anything I don't use can come back home.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lin I did buy some steel cuts oats but have not cook any yet. Need to check and see if I can cook it overnight in my small crock pot. How do you cook yours. I still have not cook any quinoa Since I did cook some long time ago and it was terrible bitter.
    pinto beans cannot be beat.

    Be careful driving up to your dad. See you later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Clean out my meals on our food chart. trying to make it easy to used. I am starting fresh on it.

    I am giving up sweets as of today. Just fruits for my dessert.

    But those banana nut muffin was reall good. hope fully I got it all out of my systems. trading it in for hi fiber bread. it really keep me full. Like it is surpose to. I did lose 3 lbs today the 3 I gain last week.

    Hi Lin See you ot your Dad truck sold that is good. Shirley lad you are getting back on SBD You have done good on it. And will so again.

    See you gals later
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Another busy day getting caught up, but I think next week will be better and back to normal.:bigsmile:

    MARIE - When I talk about detoxing, it means just eating vegetables and protein, drinking lots of water
    and staying on track for a few days. You can get rid of a few pounds just doing that but mostly water retention.
    When you eat out so much of those foods have a lot of sodium so I was trying to get rid of the water in my body.

    Just for Today I will get back to exercise, I got in a 45 min walk and Dave joined me. :bigsmile:
    Usually I exercise alone because he is still working and is so busy it's hard for him to join along.

    Thursday I got back to Phase 1 of South Beach and portion control. I hope to see a loss this week.
    My goal is getting back to my starting weight before vacation then continue on to my final goal.

    Good luck this week !!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley here is my plan tomorrow if I have a 2 lb gain or more. I will take 2 water pills which my doctor told me to take if I gain 2 lbs.
    So we will see in the morning if it is 2 pills or 1. Also will eat mostly veggies and lean protein like you said .For a few days.
    It seems to work for you. and thank you for the information. lice and I did eat out today and rather late for my meals so I was ravish When we stop to eat I did order the wrong kind of foods. It was chicken and shrimp but had a sauce over it . Did bring half home and I even half that with Sammie

    we did make it bye Kylee to see her new home. Nice. That's why we were late in eating. Kylee Mother is taking her to Arkansas Easter Sunday so we will not get to see her Easter. She is going to go to her her other great grandmother for Easter.

    It is hot here in Texas today.

    my dry eyes are given me a fit today. Is there anything but drops to used? I better quilt rambling on. and get ready for bed.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    MARIE - maybe the type of eye drops you're using could be improved upon?? Several of my friends say Restasis is very good. That's what my dad has used for years---he got his 1st Rx when he was diagnosed with the eye cancer. Really helped with the irritation for him at least.

    SHIRLEY - I don't know how you keep everything on track when you have so many social occasions to attend. You are just doing a stupendous job of balancing everything.

    As to me---I'm having a difficult time keeping my love for tea and coffee away from my meals with vegan sources of iron. So I ordered an iron supplement.

    Shirley and Marie, I feel like I'm just a wreck
    !! It's always something.

    Talk to you again soon.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin, I read where black beans has a lot of iron in them. I know you eat them a lot. But maybe you need to eat them more regular I have been eating the fat free refried deans a lot hear lately and I have notice one thing. I do have a problem with a leaked bladder and I notice the last two or 3 days I have not had that problems. Could it be the black beans? I will keep a closer tab on it. But It is sure nice. not to have to mess with that. Think I will search it out it and see what they have to say.

    Lin you are under a lot of stress right now. Just keep your chin up and do the best you can. I think you are doing just a great job. hugs
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Thanks Marie - I've been researching the best vegan sources of iron. Here's a list of some of the foods that I eat on a pretty regular basis and the iron content
    :wink: :smile: :wink: :smile: :wink:

    Food Amount Iron (mg)
    Soybeans, cooked 1 cup 8.8
    Lentils, cooked 1 cup 6.6
    Tofu 4 ounces 6.4
    Chickpeas, cooked 1 cup 4.7
    Lima beans, cooked 1 cup 4.5
    Black-eyed peas, cooked 1 cup 4.3
    Swiss chard, cooked 1 cup 4.0
    Kidney beans, cooked 1 cup 3.9
    Black beans, cooked 1 cup 3.6
    Pinto beans, cooked 1 cup 3.6
    Quinoa, cooked 1 cup 2.8
    Tahini 2 Tbsp 2.7
    Peas, cooked 1 cup 2.5
    Cashews 1/4 cup 2.1
    Bok choy, cooked 1 cup 1.8
    Raisins 1/2 cup 1.6
    Apricots, dried 15 halves 1.4
    Watermelon 1/8 medium 1.4
    Almonds 1/4 cup 1.3
    Kale, cooked 1 cup 1.2
    Sunflower seeds 1/4 cup 1.2
    Broccoli, cooked 1 cup 1.1
    Soy yogurt 6 ounces 1.1
    Tomato juice 8 ounces 1.0
    Sesame seeds 2 Tbsp 1.0
    Brussels sprouts, cooked 1 cup 0.9

    Sources: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 24, 2011 and Manufacturer´s information.

    The RDA for iron is 8 mg/day for adult men and for post-menopausal women and 18 mg/day for pre-menopausal women. Vegetarians (including vegans) may need up to 1.8 times more iron.

    Thanks for all the encouragement my friends. I love beans Marie but my guts won't take more than a cup or a cup and half in a day!! I do have *some* everyday. I hope the beans are helping you with your health issues! Today I cooked up a mix of beans/lentils so I got some of EVERYTHING! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I was surprised that Brussels sprouts and broccoli weren't better sources of iron.

    SHIRLEY - I'm glad you were able to go for a walk with your DH. How long before he retires? I hope and pray you'll be able to spend more time together at that time.

    Hugs my friends.....

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Marie and Lin,

    Lin - you sure do eat a lot of beans. Not much of that on South Beach but I will be only be doing this
    until I reach my goal then I will have to find a maintenance program which the book has but I do like
    to eat beans too. Lin, you have a lot on your plate most days, I don't know if I could keep up with
    your schedule but you look fabulous and seem to be very healthy. Your iron deficiency I can't explain,
    but going to a supplement will help most definitely. Like Sandy says, One day at a time. Yes, I try and
    balance things the best I can and I am so determined to lose this weight again. I just keep plugging,
    sometimes life gets in the way and we just have to work around it. My daughter is a vegetarian, she
    was thinking about going vegan, but found it too hard. She has to travel in her job and finding the foods
    is sometimes a problem or the restaurants.

    My husband doesn't retire until March of 2015 and he is so looking forward to it.

    Marie - You have learned a lot about food and your diabetes, keep up the good work. Just watch the
    sauces when ordering food and try to get broiled instead of fried. I am glad you finally got to see Kylee
    she is so adorable.

    Tonight I went to an orientation on A Healthier You which my nutritionist called me about. There were only
    4 of us who showed up and they need 12 to continue the program. I thought I would get some pointers on
    long range maintenance when I reach my goal. So now I have to wait for the call and see if they program
    goes on.
