Just For Today I will



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    good evening ladies.
    We are in for a frost or a freeze tonight. Kinda of late for us to have a freeze, I really don't think we will but whose know. We have cover our plants just in case.
    I am so happy to be able to post on flicker now. It was really confusing for me. But with Shirley and Dandy help I finally understand it.

    My embroidery machine is suppose to be ready this week Be glad so I can woke on those tu tu cartoon dolls.. maybe it will keep my mind off of food. my glasses will be ready Wednesday and Friday I have a lab appt.

    Shirley I really just love beans. more so than meat. tonight I had a bowl of chopped salad with a cup of black beans. its still working wonders on my bladder. or something isI have not found out anything on it on the internet
    But do know beans are good for a diabetic. So will continue eating them.

    I am watching DWTS tonight the first time I watch it tis year.
    So for this week I will continue on eatin lots of beans,

    Shirley I never did tell you that your look just fabulose in your vacation pictures. you birthday and anniversity must have been a blast. You got a very good looking husband in Dave.

    Going to turn around and watch DWTS

    Hugs Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just for today I will try to relax, lots of emotion happened yesterday with my sister. I hadn't seen her in
    8 years since my mom past away. Trying to get back to normal eating, but still suffering from the TMJ
    in my jaw and tried to get a dentist apt today but they don't have hours.:ohwell:

    I decided to drink smoothies for breakfast and lunch to give my jaw a break from chewing. Advil and ice
    packs are working only temporary, I think I need a muscle relaxer.

    Anyway, so much for whining. Back to the job at hand of losing this vacation weight so I can get back
    to my ticker weight again and go from there. :bigsmile:

    Have a happy day !

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So glad to hear of your reunion with your Sister. What is her name Wish I had a sister, but I have all of you.

    Sure hope your tooth get better.

    I had a bowl of butterbeans and a corn muffin for lunch. and will have some strawberries here shortly
    I am really watching my sugar. But have not eliminator it altogether yet. hopefully when I get my new reading glasses I will be able to read the ingredients a lot better especially at the store before I buy. need to find me a recipe for sugarless corn muffin. Maybe I will check it out today.

    I have given up on gluten free diet. I really don't think I had the problems to begin with. Will be taking a blood lab this Friday and if my kidneys have a bad readings will get back on it for sure.

    lin.................. How are you doing.? You are one busy girl.

    hugs to both of you
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hello friends - just one busy day after another. Seems like I get one or two little *fires* put out and some more ignite! Ha. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I found a good source of iron today. Whole Foods sells bulk products and the black lentils are just power-packed with iron. A 1/4 c of dry black lentils has 25% of the daily RDA of iron. The dried mung beans they sell said the same thing. I got some of both items today. I cooked a serving of the black lentils today and they were quite good so I think I'll have them more often. Other types of lentils and beans are very good for protein and fiber but not quite so good on iron content.

    Anyway, that's all I learned for today I guess.

    Wishing you both well.

    SHIRLEY - I am so sorry about your TMJ. It must be difficult to eat---are you able to sleep at night?

    MARIE - I got some fresh strawberries at the store today. Wow, they are delicious. I almost always have frozen berries so the fresh ones are quite the pleasant change. I sometimes wish I didn't have to watch every darn ingredient in what I eat---doesn't allow me to eat anything without asking a lot of questions beforehand (or if I don't ask, I could have a nasty surprise).

    Hope you get some rest. Best of health to all of us.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I can't imagine having to watch everything that I eat like you do Lin, I give you
    credit, but then eating the wrong thing may cause some illness. Glad you
    found something to help your iron intake.

    MARIE - It's not my tooth that is the problem it is the soreness and tightness
    in my jaw from tension. I am doing better today after giving my jaw a rest.
    It is the left side around my ear and jaw that is effected.

    Today I will keep on track and try and see that scale go down. I am finally done
    with laundry and ironing until next week. :drinker:
    Just for today I will take a long walk on this beautiful day. The temps are cool this
    morning but will get higher later on today. :happy:

    Have a motivated and happy day !

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I had one of those days where I wanted to eat everything and couldn't fill up. That
    was my day yesterday. So I got on the scale and I am a bit up.

    So Just for Today I Will stay on my plan and stick to just eating the foods required.
    Drink my water, exercise and log. I have to get back to where I was so I
    can continue on. I have been straying a bit. :ohwell:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Go Shirley - !!! Back on it today. Excellent.

    I have become so food obsessed that I am dreaming about food. I wake up with my mouth watering. I think I have gone 'round the bend. At least I didn't get up and eat. That is my only positive note on this issue.

    Take care my friends and wishing us all success in life...

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just for today I will relax and instead of running around like I usually do. :bigsmile:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Just for today I will try to stop thinking about everything that's going wrong, everything I cannot fix, everything that is causing me stress and just try to take each moment as it comes and be happy for what I have including friends!

    Fear and worry are my enemies............!!

    Best wishes to you Shirley and Marie if you happen to stop by.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Lin for stopping bye.

    I am taking your advise you posted on Facebook. it goes something like this Don't go on a diet just eat Healthy I am also reopen my blog Starting in the morningThat way I can keep up with it. I will be keeping track on my word pad and will copy it to my blog the next day.. I am also subtracting my calories from 1400 calories at each meal. and really know where I stand. Now to go to my blog and see if I can get it started Hugs to my pals. Lin and Shirley
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hello friends - not making any progress on settling life into some semblance of order.

    I'll keep at it.

    Thinking of you........

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Marie and Lin,

    I am glad we are keeping up with this thread. I had a great day yesterday with my family and am blessed to
    have such lovely daughters.

    I ate well, did not overdue it, did have two glasses of wine, but hey it was Mothers Day. I had no dessert instead
    had a cappuccino. This I want to get down another pound.

    Dave and I have a goal of July 1st to keep at losing weight until we get to some kind of a healthy BMI and goal
    weight. We weigh in every Friday and I keep track on my fridge.

    So TODAY I will drink my water to flush out any sodium from Sunday and start fresh today getting on my
    plan and sticking to it.

    Good luck ladies this week with your exercise and weight loss. :flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin and Shirley
    Sorry I have been absent so much, I have been searching my soul for a solution for my weight.
    I have decided on the Atkins diet. I have heard good things and bad things about it.But I do know I am a carb addict and they try to eliminate all the bad carbs and just eat protein and light veggies. I would like to stay on this plan till I lose 20 lbs and then et on a more realistic diet. I am goin to miss my beans.
    Just wanted to let you two know what I am up to.

    Shirley you are doing so good. So proud of you.
    Lin Has it been hard to maintain you weight?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Best wishes to you as you try the Atkins program Marie!! I've never done that but did try several other high protein programs. I lost a lot of weight but also lost my gall bladder. Not a great trade overall! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Wishing you both very healthy days.

    And no Marie, I am not finding it at all easy to maintain my weight. Life has thrown me a few more obstacles and I am not doing well overall. I am trying though. :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you again soon.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin sorry to hear you are not doing well.. you have a lot on your plate this time in your life.
    We did et our hot water tank fix. We now have hot water But you will get it all work out. for you are one determined gal..
    Take care of yourself/
    Hugs to you. my dear friend.

    Shirley I can hardly wait to hear of your boating adventure I know it will be hard for your diet. for you do like to socialized with your friends.


    my dear friends
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Marie and Lin,

    Yes, Marie it will be hard this summer to keep on losing weight. I will just have to be strong and
    keep saying no to temptation. I am also going to keep my alcohol to a limit too. I am trying not
    to drink beer just wine. That will be hard when those hot days hit and you just want a cold beer.
    Although, I do drink the 100 calories beers when I do. It certainly will be a challenge but I
    am determined to keep on going.

    This week was not a good week for me, I missed one day of exercise and my eating that day
    wasn't the best but I felt I helped my friend out and she thanks me all the time for it.
    I also told her I was there if she needed me for any of her chemo treatments. Then after
    that she will have surgery on her liver. That is a 2 month recovery time and that is if all goes well.
    She has a long road ahead of her.

    JUST FOR TODAY I WILL stay focused, no more snacks than my plan calls for, and lots of water.
    I know my weigh in tomorrow will not be a great one but next week will be better.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley, According to the south beach die bookt we are allow beans.. I just found a recipe for using canned white beans and ground chicken for a meat loaf that sounds pretty good.in one of there books.
    But I am sticking to atkins till my two weeks is up on Atkins It will just be a week tomorrow. since I started.Then I will try SBD so I can have beans
    This morning I had bell peppers, onions and spinach stir fry wih 2 boil eggs sliced on top

    Hi Lin. gosh you sstay busy cookin but know you cook a lot and then eat off of it for awhile. I do that a lot.

    I di clean out my pantry over the weekend. Got rid of all the pasta box mixes.Had Jerry take them to Church for their pantry
    Cake mixes too.

    See you guys later
    Hugs marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    MARIE, great job getting rid of the cake mixes and pasta boxes, it all turns to sugar anyway.

    I have the original South Beach book, which one do you have? I should probably get a new one.

    I have added black beans to my diet because there are no beans in this book and beans are good for you.

    Today I will stay focused, try to lose that pesky pound that I have been trying to do. I am so close to 169 lbs.

    I can taste it.

    Good luck on Friday!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley you have done a fantastic job of losing your weight. it helps with Dave being on it too. Jerry offer me a ice cream sandwich tonight after Dinner. Big help he is. Of course I turn it down. Did not bother me at all. I have the book with all the exercise in it. Which I do not have any plans for now. my pantry does looked sort of naked without all of those box foods.

    lin What lettuce do you used for a wrap? I think I goof up today I got some of Walmart Brocolli Salad and it was sweet. and I am not suppose to have any added sugar right now. Will make my own from now on. Taste better too.
    have a great evening
    Hugs Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,173 Member
    Hi ladies - I am kinda lost in the Atkins/South Beach Diet discussion. I know they are high protein plans but that's it! So I'm not ignoring you, I just know nothing!!

    Marie, the lettuce I used for my lettuce wraps the other day was butter crunch head lettuce. I also have used the hearts of Romaine that I buy all the time. The hearts have a lot of nice inner leaves that work well for wrapping. I never buy the larger full heads of Romaine.

    Wishing you both well as you add in other foods to your plan. I'm chomping on beans, black lentils, quinoa and steel cut oats. Always try to have one or more of those available.

    Meanwhile, I need to kick myself in the butt and stop eating so much in general. I'm in a horrible groove of eating nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. They are so delicious, and while nutritious they are also CRAZY FULL OF CALORIES!!

    Hugs to you!!
