Your preferred date night...?



  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Though in DM's situation that's probably not the case.
    Based on what?
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Though in DM's situation that's probably not the case.
    Based on what?

    Based on the information he has given us. She said she was busy, hasn't gotten back to him since and hasn't offered an alternate date. It's been days. Of course, I intentionally say "probably" because there are always exceptions
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Though in DM's situation that's probably not the case.
    Based on what?

    Based on the information he has given us. She said she was busy, hasn't gotten back to him since and hasn't offered an alternate date. It's been days. Of course, I intentionally say "probably" because there are always exceptions

    If it was me, I'd at least make two attempts. I did that with a girl I met a month or so ago. I made two attempts, and although I thought she was interested she never really gave me an answer. After twice, I'll move on.

    But, we already know I feel differently about things then most guys on here.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Though in DM's situation that's probably not the case.
    Based on what?

    Based on the information he has given us. She said she was busy, hasn't gotten back to him since and hasn't offered an alternate date. It's been days. Of course, I intentionally say "probably" because there are always exceptions

    If it was me, I'd at least make two attempts. I did that with a girl I met a month or so ago. I made two attempts, and although I thought she was interested she never really gave me an answer. After twice, I'll move on.

    But, we already know I feel differently about things then most guys on here.

    Sure, if you're interested I can understand that. However DM has also stated that he's not interested anyway because he doesn't like older women.
  • Devolucien
    Devolucien Posts: 52 Member
    So many people like weeknights! I'm surprised!
    I prefer days when I don't work the next morning (5:30 AM comes fast!). I like my sleep and I like to have time to get stuff done during the week. I think weekend plans are so much more fun because if you're honest, you don't need an exit strategy. Also, if you're honest, you may very well end up wanting to spend much more time with the person regardless of the goings on. I've had first dates where we ended up taking a midnight roadtrip to wherever our little hearts desired! I'd much rather have a loosely structured plan for the night (i.e: we're going to the city and there's A,B,C, and D going on- then decide what we feel like doing once we get there). Impulsivity and fun makes for a much better date than knowing you have to get up for work in the AM!
  • nightsrainfall
    nightsrainfall Posts: 244 Member
    I understand what y'all are saying, everyone WANTS to look their best for someone they like. But if you only had a small window of time to see somebody would you really rather not see them at all than show up not looking your best?

    I know I'd rather hang out with someone that showed me that she's willing to make time for me than someone who doesn't because she's insecure about the way she looks.

    I work construction - there's no such thing as looking nice if you are in the field. Generally, there's no way I'd go on a first date without getting time to clean up unless maybe it's someone I know from work so he already knows how so not good cute we look out here. I mean if you force my hand in saying that I have to meet you this day after work or not at all - I'll go with it. From past experiences, usually if a guy has to see me that day and has no room to change or open-ness/understanding, the relationship doesn't work out well mostly due to my job and a need for flexiblity.

    Then again my job is a bit unsterotypical.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I understand what y'all are saying, everyone WANTS to look their best for someone they like. But if you only had a small window of time to see somebody would you really rather not see them at all than show up not looking your best?

    I know I'd rather hang out with someone that showed me that she's willing to make time for me than someone who doesn't because she's insecure about the way she looks.

    I work construction - there's no such thing as looking nice if you are in the field. Generally, there's no way I'd go on a first date without getting time to clean up unless maybe it's someone I know from work so he already knows how so not good cute we look out here. I mean if you force my hand in saying that I have to meet you this day after work or not at all - I'll go with it. From past experiences, usually if a guy has to see me that day and has no room to change or open-ness/understanding, the relationship doesn't work out well mostly due to my job and a need for flexiblity.

    Then again my job is a bit unsterotypical.
    What kind of construction do you do? I'm in the industry (mainly roads) and I know when I work in the field by the end of the day I'm usually hot, sweaty, smelly, and covered with dirt. There's no way I would go out on a date like that. That and the hours are crazy long so I know what you mean.
  • Daisy_Cutter
    Daisy_Cutter Posts: 774
    I understand what y'all are saying, everyone WANTS to look their best for someone they like. But if you only had a small window of time to see somebody would you really rather not see them at all than show up not looking your best?

    I know I'd rather hang out with someone that showed me that she's willing to make time for me than someone who doesn't because she's insecure about the way she looks.

    I work construction - there's no such thing as looking nice if you are in the field. Generally, there's no way I'd go on a first date without getting time to clean up unless maybe it's someone I know from work so he already knows how so not good cute we look out here. I mean if you force my hand in saying that I have to meet you this day after work or not at all - I'll go with it. From past experiences, usually if a guy has to see me that day and has no room to change or open-ness/understanding, the relationship doesn't work out well mostly due to my job and a need for flexiblity.

    Then again my job is a bit unsterotypical.

    I hear ya! I work a construction-type job too but when I'm in the field I'm actually in the middle of the Mojave Desert... talk about dirty girl. However, there have been plenty of guys out there that apparently like that look as I've been approached looking hideous.

    But yes - a shower is always necessary!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I'm sorry but if I asked someone out and they said they couldn't meet up with me for like 2 weeks and didn't really give a reason I would be gone too.
    You have to understand that most women would rather just lead you on for weeks than tell you they're not interested. How are we supposed to tell the difference?

    You could tell the difference by setting a date 2 weeks from now and seeing what happens. I'm not the most datable of women, but even I have most nights booked for the next two weeks.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    See usually I have a tough time dating someone that is busy all the time. After a couple months of hanging out once every couple weeks it just starts to feel like it's not going anywhere and I lose interest.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    See usually I have a tough time dating someone that is busy all the time. After a couple months of hanging out once every couple weeks it just starts to feel like it's not going anywhere and I lose interest.

    I suppose it depends on why they're busy.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    See usually I have a tough time dating someone that is busy all the time. After a couple months of hanging out once every couple weeks it just starts to feel like it's not going anywhere and I lose interest.

    I suppose it would. But if you finally met,and really hit it off, then one would expect that you'd make more room in your schedule for each other. It took almost a month to meet bodybuilder guy because I had so many other plans already set up (trips with friends, Warrior Dash, work trips stuff like that) but we hit it off, and scheduled more time together and after another month we saw each other (at least for an hour or so) every day for almost two weeks. Of course, that fell apart when I got deployment orders, but the point I'm getting at was I wasn't going to cancel existing plans to meet a new guy... so many guys out there to meet...but once I met one worth spending more time with, I had no hesitation giving him priority in my schedule.

    When a man is busy a week or two out, I take that's a good sign of his sociability and hard work. I *ALSO* take as a good sign that he doesn't drop all his existing plans to spend time with me. Loyalty and commitment is very important to me. A man who drops his friends for a new woman will also drop me once the newness wears off.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    See usually I have a tough time dating someone that is busy all the time. After a couple months of hanging out once every couple weeks it just starts to feel like it's not going anywhere and I lose interest.

    I suppose it would. But if you finally met,and really hit it off, then one would expect that you'd make more room in your schedule for each other. It took almost a month to meet bodybuilder guy because I had so many other plans already set up (trips with friends, Warrior Dash, work trips stuff like that) but we hit it off, and scheduled more time together and after another month we saw each other (at least for an hour or so) every day for almost two weeks. Of course, that fell apart when I got deployment orders, but the point I'm getting at was I wasn't going to cancel existing plans to meet a new guy... so many guys out there to meet...but once I met one worth spending more time with, I had no hesitation giving him priority in my schedule.

    When a man is busy a week or two out, I take that's a good sign of his sociability and hard work. I *ALSO* take as a good sign that he doesn't drop all his existing plans to spend time with me. Loyalty and commitment is very important to me. A man who drops his friends for a new woman will also drop me once the newness wears off.

    Not if you make good sandwich's.

    I kid. :)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member

    Not if you make good sandwich's.

    I kid. :)

    You shouldn't kid about sammiches... I make a mean sammich!