July Challenge - The Binge vs Me



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    July 2012:

    Me - 12
    The Binge - 2 (Sun 7/1, Fri 7/6)

    I feel like I'm doing better. gaining a little more control. Last night while babysitting a baby that did not want to stop crying, I started to feel real stressed and losing a little control over myself. I just kept thinking about eating and eating everything. But I didn't. I grabbed a sugar free popsicle and stayed out of the kitchen for the rest of the night, then went strait to bed after his dad picked him up.

    Good job!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! How is weekend going? I see a lot of people have not checked in. Own it. Even if you binged no reason no reason not to own it. If you did not meet the challenge no reason to feel bad or down on yourself. It is what it is and tomorrow and today is another day.

    July 2012 - Goal not to binge more than 9 days

    Me - 12
    The Binge - 2 (7/1,7/4)

    “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Me: 7
    Binge: 8

    I had a binge yesterday. I was in a funk for some reason, my fiance was really getting on my nerves, and I was just grumpy. I had to go to the store to get some things for a party we went to last night and I bought a box of Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream pies and ate almost the whole thing before I got home. I live 2 miles away from the store. I'm really embarrassed about it but I've had worse ones. I ate the rest of the box today because it was there so I'm counting today as one too.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    July 2012

    Me: 12
    Ed: 2

    Diane :heart:

    Friday and Saturday's behavior was in check despite many not so healthy choices. I'm okay with that. Both days calorie count was good.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    July 2012

    Me: 13
    Ed: 2

    Diane :heart:

    Yesterday evening was quite challenging. I wanted ice cream. So I got some. Stopping there was the challenge. But I succeeded - and went to bed a little early.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    July 2012 - Goal not to binge more than 9 days

    Me - 13
    The Binge - 2 (7/1,7/4)

    “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon
  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    This weekend didn't include any binges. However, Sunday I didn't count points as I went over by quite a bit and was feeling a little bad about this. It wasn't a binge, no sneaking around the kitchen eating or obsessing about sweets. Just felt a lot hungrier than usual. I exercised a lot Friday and Saturday so maybe that was related. I didn't eat the exercise calories back because I wasn't hungry at the time. Maybe it caught up with me Sunday.

    Back on track today.

    As of today, July 16
    Me: 13
    Binge: 2
  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    I had to go to the store to get some things for a party we went to last night and I bought a box of Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream pies and ate almost the whole thing before I got home. I live 2 miles away from the store. I'm really embarrassed about it but I've had worse ones. I ate the rest of the box today because it was there so I'm counting today as one too.

    I've been there and done that exact thing with that exact same food. I specifically avoid the Food Lion grocery store in town because of the placement of the Little Debbie section. It's too much for me to walk past. I drive further to the other grocery stores in town specifically to avoid the trigger of the Food Lion. The other stores still carry that same food but it is in an aisle that I don't usually go down.

    Today is a new day for you. Be forgiving of yourself.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    July 16, 2012

    me: 15
    binge: 1 (7/3)
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    July 2012

    Me: 13
    Ed: 2

    Diane :heart:

    Yesterday evening was quite challenging. I wanted ice cream. So I got some. Stopping there was the challenge. But I succeeded - and went to bed a little early.

    Good for you. :)

    Today I divided a large piece of cake into 4 pieces and ate just one of them. (That's what would fit in my carb limit per meal goal.) It wasn't easy exactly, but it was a bit easier than I thought it would be. Some days I am calmer around sweets than others. :P

    I've gone to bed a little early, too, when I'm feeling restless about food and need to remove myself from temptation or a food preoccupation. It's a coping strategy for me every once in a while.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    July 2012 - Goal not to binge more than 9 days

    Me - 13
    The Binge - 2 (7/1,7/4)

    “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon

    You are well on your way to reaching your goal! :)
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    This weekend didn't include any binges. However, Sunday I didn't count points as I went over by quite a bit and was feeling a little bad about this. It wasn't a binge, no sneaking around the kitchen eating or obsessing about sweets. Just felt a lot hungrier than usual. I exercised a lot Friday and Saturday so maybe that was related. I didn't eat the exercise calories back because I wasn't hungry at the time. Maybe it caught up with me Sunday.

    Back on track today.

    As of today, July 16
    Me: 13
    Binge: 2

    Sometimes I go over my daily goal, and it's not binge related. Like you, it depends on how hungry I am on a given day. Try not to feel bad about Sunday; it was a binge-free day! It sounds like your body is keeping balanced over several days, not just one.

    Hope you have a great week!
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    I had to go to the store to get some things for a party we went to last night and I bought a box of Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream pies and ate almost the whole thing before I got home. I live 2 miles away from the store. I'm really embarrassed about it but I've had worse ones. I ate the rest of the box today because it was there so I'm counting today as one too.

    I've been there and done that exact thing with that exact same food. I specifically avoid the Food Lion grocery store in town because of the placement of the Little Debbie section. It's too much for me to walk past. I drive further to the other grocery stores in town specifically to avoid the trigger of the Food Lion. The other stores still carry that same food but it is in an aisle that I don't usually go down.

    Today is a new day for you. Be forgiving of yourself.

    Sometimes I feel like some grocery stores are hostile shopping environments. :)

    In the past, I've had to use my hands to shield my peripheral vision so I wouldn't see an unhealthy trigger food. I used to get so grumpy if I couldn't avoid a particular aisle because I needed something from it, and I knew the aisle also had all this other stuff on it I had been trying to not think about.
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    I haven't been keeping up with the thread over the weekend, but I want to say "way to go!" to all of you who limited _in any way_ a binge or completely avoided one this past weekend. Good job! OK, pat yourself on the back now. Really. Do it. :)

    Even if you weren't as successful with the challenge as you hoped to be, good for you for setting a healthy goal for yourself. Keep it up! I came across this Japanese proverb over the weekend that has helped me think about the idea of resilience: "Fall down seven times, get up eight." OK, hug yourself now. Really and truly. :)

    Hope you have a good week, everyone. Be good to yourself.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    July 2012

    Me: 14
    Ed: 2

    Diane :heart:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    Good for you. :)

    Today I divided a large piece of cake into 4 pieces and ate just one of them. (That's what would fit in my carb limit per meal goal.) It wasn't easy exactly, but it was a bit easier than I thought it would be. Some days I am calmer around sweets than others. :P

    I've gone to bed a little early, too, when I'm feeling restless about food and need to remove myself from temptation or a food preoccupation. It's a coping strategy for me every once in a while.
    @ Beatrixia
    Good job!!! I am not there yet with sweets and other snacky/crunchy junk food. I still have to buy individual size. Having the challenge did help me for sure over the weekend. Thanks for all of your encouragement today!!! It really made my day!! You keep up the good work too and thanks so much for supporting the thread!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,357 Member
    July 2012 - Goal not to binge more than 9 days

    Me - 14
    The Binge - 2 (7/1,7/4)

    “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon

    Last night I fought the Binge Monster and won! I don't know what is was but I had the urge to go back to resturant down the street and get what I had Saturday night. It was so good and I really had a taste for it but it was not on my plan and I said if I still have the urge this weekend I will have it next Sunday or Monday night. I knew if I would have had it again I would have ate it and what I had planned to eat or it could have started a binge and I was not willing to take a chance besides I used all of my extra points on the this dish Saturday, so I decided I can wait and hopefully I will not have the taste for it this weekend. Today is hard for me too because one of my favorite resturants have a $2.99 special today and the whole office orders from there on Tuesdays. But for the last year I only indulge once or twice a month. And most Tuesday's if I make sure I make my version of this favorite special I do not even miss it. Like today I do not miss it and I did not make my version of it either. I am slowly weaning myself off it to on occasion.

    Have a good week everyone and please keep checking in and sharing! Keep up the good work!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Mollie - How AWESOME!!!!! What a smart compromise. Allowing yourself to have it if you do indeed still want to at a later date - just not now. I do that too. Especially if I feel like it will set up for a binge.
  • kayakinggrrl
    kayakinggrrl Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks for sharing about your fight with the binge monster this weekend! It's so hard in that moment to feel like you can put off whatever food you want. That moment feels so desperate. When I have successfully fought off a binge and then wake up the next day, it's always so striking that the food that I seemed to need with every ounce of my being really doesn't seem that big or that important any more. I just wish I could call up that feeling instantly when a binge is lurking.

    I'm rooting for you today!

    As of July 17
    Me: 14
    Binge: 2
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    Hello, I'm new to this group but have been dealing with binge eating since I had anorexia about 4-5 years ago. I wouldn't eat for days and then allow myself a day a week to just eat whatever I wanted. Well, I think I've gotten over the not eating part, but I'm still struggling with the urge to binge. I've pin-pointed that it usually occurs on weekends where I may go over my calorie count for that day and then just keep eating. I need to figure out how to make myself stop eating when I go over my count because I've worked too hard to get where I am today. So for my July challenge, this is my score vs. Binge:

    Me: 14
    Binge: 3

    I've already counted today as a score for me :)
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