I confess- Single Peeps version



  • tangie82
    tangie82 Posts: 285 Member
    can all u awesome single peeps move to nola so I can have cool ppl to hang out with?

    I'm about 2 and a half hours from ther, but I go visit a lot. :)

    let me know next time ur in town :) i would love to meet an MFP in real life haha. i've only met one before and they were all the way in ATL :)

    I'll do that. :) I haven't met anyone from mfp.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I confess I'm probably going to see Star Trek solo :'(
    I'll join in on the Star Trek action!!! I have nobody to watch it with either :sad:
    You ladies have no one to go with? :frown:

    I haven't had a date in two years, and not for lack of trying... :sad:

    If you can't find a date to Star Trek, it's probably because you're not looking. Of course, I could be biased by being surrounded by engineers...

    I confess I ended up going by myself because the 2 friends I was going to go with, both stayed up too late the previous night and said they were too tired to go to the 10AM showing I went to.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I confess I ended up going by myself because the 2 friends I was going to go with, both stayed up too late the previous night and said they were too tired to go to the 10AM showing I went to.

    awww hope you enjoyed it! should've called one of us ladies!
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I confess I have a serious case of the Mondays. The first thing I did after turning on my computer at work was opn the file that has my schedule. I just shook my head and cursed under my breath when I saw how long I had until I could go home today.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I confess I'm probably going to see Star Trek solo :'(
    I'll join in on the Star Trek action!!! I have nobody to watch it with either :sad:
    You ladies have no one to go with? :frown:

    I haven't had a date in two years, and not for lack of trying... :sad:

    If you can't find a date to Star Trek, it's probably because you're not looking. Of course, I could be biased by being surrounded by engineers...

    I confess I ended up going by myself because the 2 friends I was going to go with, both stayed up too late the previous night and said they were too tired to go to the 10AM showing I went to.

    Was it any good?? I rented Zero Dark 30 last night and it bored me to sleep!! I also rented Django Unleased, and it was pretty good!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I confess, Im really angry at my body this week and I feel completely betrayed.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    I confess I ended up going by myself because the 2 friends I was going to go with, both stayed up too late the previous night and said they were too tired to go to the 10AM showing I went to.

    your profile pic just made me LOL! :laugh:
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    hahah just got this message from POF creator,

    "In sticking with my vision that POF is all about Relationships, I'm going to make a bunch of changes to ensure it stays a relationship-focused site.

    1. Any first contact between users that contains sexual references will not be sent. Anyone who tries to get around this rule will be deleted without warning. This rule has actually been in effect since last month and it's made the site much better.

    2. You can only contact people +/- 14 years of your age. There is no reason for a 50 year old man to contact 18 year old women. The majority of messages sent outside those age ranges are all about hookups. Anyone who tries to get around this rule will get deleted.

    3. Intimate Encounters will go away in the next few months. There are 3.3 million people who use the site every day, of those there are only 6,041 single women looking for Intimate Encounters. Of those 6,041 women, the ones with hot pictures are mostly men pretending to be women. Intimate encounters on POF can be summed up as a bunch of horny men talking to a bunch of horny men pretending to be women.

    In short the vast majority of people will not be impacted. This is because the vast majority of people are not going around spamming women saying "let's have sex tonight". I can't change POF along, I need your help to get the word out there that POF is all about relationships!"

    Bullet point 3 made me snort.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    hahah just got this message from POF creator,

    "In sticking with my vision that POF is all about Relationships, I'm going to make a bunch of changes to ensure it stays a relationship-focused site.

    1. Any first contact between users that contains sexual references will not be sent. Anyone who tries to get around this rule will be deleted without warning. This rule has actually been in effect since last month and it's made the site much better.

    2. You can only contact people +/- 14 years of your age. There is no reason for a 50 year old man to contact 18 year old women. The majority of messages sent outside those age ranges are all about hookups. Anyone who tries to get around this rule will get deleted.

    3. Intimate Encounters will go away in the next few months. There are 3.3 million people who use the site every day, of those there are only 6,041 single women looking for Intimate Encounters. Of those 6,041 women, the ones with hot pictures are mostly men pretending to be women. Intimate encounters on POF can be summed up as a bunch of horny men talking to a bunch of horny men pretending to be women.

    In short the vast majority of people will not be impacted. This is because the vast majority of people are not going around spamming women saying "let's have sex tonight". I can't change POF along, I need your help to get the word out there that POF is all about relationships!"

    Bullet point 3 made me snort.
    Wow. Quite a big change. I'm actually shocked, and not necessarily in a good way. I'm wondering if some women who didn't put "intimate encounters" still contacted men who did dare to write it black on white.
    18 y.o. "Russian brides" are probably leaving the site in flocks too.

    Bah... not that I should care. Online dating is annoying and *kitten* for a majority of men anyway. I'm shocked to say this, but I find it way easier to meet women offline than online.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    hahah just got this message from POF creator,

    "In sticking with my vision that POF is all about Relationships, I'm going to make a bunch of changes to ensure it stays a relationship-focused site.

    1. Any first contact between users that contains sexual references will not be sent. Anyone who tries to get around this rule will be deleted without warning. This rule has actually been in effect since last month and it's made the site much better.

    2. You can only contact people +/- 14 years of your age. There is no reason for a 50 year old man to contact 18 year old women. The majority of messages sent outside those age ranges are all about hookups. Anyone who tries to get around this rule will get deleted.

    3. Intimate Encounters will go away in the next few months. There are 3.3 million people who use the site every day, of those there are only 6,041 single women looking for Intimate Encounters. Of those 6,041 women, the ones with hot pictures are mostly men pretending to be women. Intimate encounters on POF can be summed up as a bunch of horny men talking to a bunch of horny men pretending to be women.

    In short the vast majority of people will not be impacted. This is because the vast majority of people are not going around spamming women saying "let's have sex tonight". I can't change POF along, I need your help to get the word out there that POF is all about relationships!"

    Bullet point 3 made me snort.

    I think he's failing to put together that many of the men on there are actually looking for Intimate Encounters, they just don't put that because 90% of the women would skip their page. Overall I don't think this will change the dynamic of POF at all. I'm kind of shocked by the 14 year age difference thing... I could see a 20 year old and a 34 year old dating. One of the best dates I had was with a 45 year old lady and that was well over 14 years.
  • Tube_socks
    Tube_socks Posts: 808 Member
    i got the message as well. crazy! i'm not sure it'll change it but i was surprised to read the message.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    I think he's failing to put together that many of the men on there are actually looking for Intimate Encounters, they just don't put that because 90% of the women would skip their page. Overall I don't think this will change the dynamic of POF at all. I'm kind of shocked by the 14 year age difference thing... I could see a 20 year old and a 34 year old dating. One of the best dates I had was with a 45 year old lady and that was well over 14 years.

    so what you're saying is you like cougars :tongue:
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511

    I think he's failing to put together that many of the men on there are actually looking for Intimate Encounters, they just don't put that because 90% of the women would skip their page. Overall I don't think this will change the dynamic of POF at all. I'm kind of shocked by the 14 year age difference thing... I could see a 20 year old and a 34 year old dating. One of the best dates I had was with a 45 year old lady and that was well over 14 years.

    so what you're saying is you like cougars :tongue:

    Well I'm taken now and she's 25. But it was a really good conversation on that date... I didn't see her again tho.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Was it any good?? I rented Zero Dark 30 last night and it bored me to sleep!! I also rented Django Unleased, and it was pretty good!

    I liked it. Plenty of action and bits of humor sprinkled through out. I know many hard core Star Trek fans don't like JJ Abrams and how he rebooted the series but I think he's doing a good job.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I confess I ended up going by myself because the 2 friends I was going to go with, both stayed up too late the previous night and said they were too tired to go to the 10AM showing I went to.

    awww hope you enjoyed it! should've called one of us ladies!

    I know. *kitten* friends bailing on me. Oh well. :ohwell:
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    The POF message made me scratch my head and wonder about the complete disregard or mention of use by homosexuals...
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    The POF message made me scratch my head and wonder about the complete disregard or mention of use by homosexuals...

    I don't know why it would bug you. They can be on their looking for a realtionship. I am sure it would be blocking them also if they sent out sexual first messages.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    The POF message made me scratch my head and wonder about the complete disregard or mention of use by homosexuals...

    what do u mean?
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    The POF message made me scratch my head and wonder about the complete disregard or mention of use by homosexuals...

    what do u mean?

    My guess would be, she get's messages from women and she's not gay??