Like Minded Lushes - December 2012



  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Happy birthday Kat!

    Wine tonight. Husband got a new job (at the same place) so I'm hoping he will be happier. Still horribly long 12 hour real day offs..and he's no "overtime"
    But a better fitting job doing what he likes to do. Baby steps.
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    Happy Birthday Kat!

    Sunday - 2 glasses chardonnay
    Monday - 1 vodka/diet cranberry , 1 vanilla rum/ diet orange fanta

    I put a deposit on this cute baby, he is six weeks and will be ready to take home around Christmas time.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Diana, awesome Christmas present to yourself!! Super duper cute. Name?

    Kat, sounds like you will never have to leave the bedroom.

    Syd, baby steps is right. I'm sending good vibes hubs way.

    Monday, 24 + 24 + 16 = 5.33 beers at happy hour

    There is no hope for me. I am afraid of JSN January.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thanks ladies :smile:

    Wolf- Oh my good gosh what an adorable little one!!!!!!

    SoCal- Hope your hubs is happier at the new job and better baby steps than no steps :flowerforyou:

    Nisi- If I didn't have a whole house and 6 animals to take care of/pick up after I probably wouldn't leave the bedroom haha.

    Husbands team isn't doing so well so I just ordered him some more Christmas presents :smile: and I'm just waiting to crawl into our new amazing bed, snuggle with husband and fall asleep while watching something or other :heart:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Sunday - 0
    Monday - 0

    Off to a good start! And I feel about 100% better than I did yesterday. Amazing what a couple days with no booze, eating well and a workout will do. I think another 0 tonight. Maybe one glass of wine.

    Wolf, that baby is adorable! You got/are getting him from KY? That's my state!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Happy Birthday Kat!

    Ummm wolf I am coming to steal that puppy!:wink:


    Almost had some wine last ridiculous dad and step mom both had me on the phone last night for over an hour complaining about each other. Those are two people that should have gotten a divorce forever ago! The only reason why I listen to their crap is so my 18 and 15 year old sister and brother won't have to. But, I stayed away from the wine.

    Did not sleep at all last night because of a sick pup. She seems better now, but I took a sick day from work. I think I will use the rest of my day to start cleaning and getting ready for our christmas party saturday.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Happy Belated Kat!!!

    Wolf-love the new pups!!!!

    I did not drink last night....I know I know SHOCKER :huh: That was the first 0 in quite awhile. I am not planning on anything tonight BUT its still early :smile:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    That puppy is awful cute-is that a spaniel of some kind? too cute:bigsmile:
    Sunday=0 drinks
    Monday=0 drinks
    Tuesday-shooting for 0.
    Last night I had a big plate of spaghetti and then an hour later I thought I was hungry but I think I just wanted a drink:sad:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Total Puppy cutenesss!!!

    Okay so I have a 0 for Monday. Unfreakin' beleivable. I slept well last night too.

    Syd glad hubby got a move. Hope it isn't from the frying pan into the fire like mine was.
    Chloe sorry the pup is sick
    Kate - you and I did it. a 0 woo hoo
    Kat - Happy belated b-day
    BB -hope I can have two in a row too.
    Amy - a big plate of spaghetti, I can't remember the last time I had that. I couldn't do it without red wine.
    Kim I am afraid of JSN Jan as well. I will give it a shot.

    Love to all the lushes.

    Mama Lush
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Sod not drinking during week, I've just cracked open a bottle of red. Passed my final course module with a distinction which means I've been offered my degree with first class honours, 5 years of hard work has been worth it :happy: :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    congrats, yvonne! what's your degree?
    definitely worthy of a drink! :drinker:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    BA hons humanities, I've done a mix of mainly history, archaeology, some religion, technology & music. I had a free choice of a certain number of modules as I went along so I did some science, evolution and nutrition too.

    On my 2nd glass of wine now and the cheap date phenomenon has kicked in- after a month of abstinence I'm pissed as a fart on almost no alcohol! :laugh: :drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Congrats Yvonne!! That's awesome!!!!

    Last night i had 8oz of wine and too much junk food!!!!!!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Congrats Yvonne!!!

    I ended up having wine last night....probably about 15 oz, but I didn't measure. Planning on a zero for tonight.
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    Congrats Yvonne!

    Thanks everyone for all the compliments on the pup. No name yet, want to see more of his personality first.

    I am going to try to abstain from drinking for two weeks. It's not that I am drinking a whole lot, but I am wanting it a little too much on a regular basis and I am sort of a control nut. Plus I want to lose the real pound I gained over Thanksgiving.

    Cheers :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    2 glasses of wine yesterday. I had a great day...very productive..good workout.
    Hopefully today will be the same although I currently have an adorable kitten cuddled up next to me as I sip my coffee. I have zero desire to move.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Well done Kblue on that 0!!! Can't remember the last time I had one :blushing:

    Chloe, sorry about sick pup :ohwell: never fun when one of the fur babes doesn't feel well.

    Congrats Yvonne that's awesome! :flowerforyou:

    Wine last night with our home made stir fry which was delicious. Don't know what I would do if my husband wasn't an awesome cook. Monday we had chicken breast coated in panko bread crumbs with prosciutto and a little cheese baked in the oven. Along with some delicious ravioli in a pomodoro sauce and garlic bread. Not sure about tonight.

    I also had some of the spiked egg nog we picked up over the weekend last night, yum but I like to mix my own. I've been good with food and definitely good with pacing drinks and not having too much. I haven't been working out this week though because I've been putting up the rest of the decorations and trees as well as getting other housework done. Today I'd like to squeeze in a work out but I've got a kitchen to clean and a little more laundry to do.

    I'm sure there will be drinks tonight :smile: It is the holidays after all :wink:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Congratulations Yvonne!

    No zero last night. The Vodka was calling my name *hangs head in shame* and I gave in.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    No zero last night. The Vodka was calling my name *hangs head in shame* and I gave in.

    Well atleast we got 1 day in right :laugh: