Ripped in 30 jan 2013 challenge!



  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Just started week 4 and I love the workout. But I've got to say my heart just isn't in it anymore. I don't know if maybe I'm just getting bored of working out in the bedroom and need to mix things up or what. Anyway gonna finish this week and then join the local gym and supplement that with a jillian dvd, rather than the dvd being the ruling workout. I dunno...just feel a bit disheartened!
  • Amanda372
    Amanda372 Posts: 17 Member
    I was away in Istanbul (not Constantinople) from Thurs-Sat and then spent Sunday catching up on sleep so haven't worked out OR been very good with food - set menu at each meal!!! Oh - I did swim on Saturday morning so that is something.

    Back to Jillian today - Week 3 - it was tough but I was able to do the table/tricep dip a bit better today strangely. The hopping - my leg just above my knee (not the whole quad) feels tired when I try to do this so end up mixing hopping on the spot to jumping on two feet. Hopefully one day my legs will have enough willpower to hop in the cross.

    Walked at lunchtime.

    Jillian again tomorrow morning.
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Day 1 of week 4. I can't wait until this week is over b/c for 1 I am kind of getting bored w/ this dvd, and for 2 I have 1 more lb to loose to be in ONEderland. I might do 30ds again, or I might try extreme shed & shred again. Haven't decided.
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    Week 4 day 2 & 3 completed! 3 more to go. I'm looking forward to moving on to one of my other Jillian DVDs. There's a thread started that's mixing up the different ones. I will try that next. next I think three days on one, then three on another. I have too many of her DVDs.

    Let's keep kicking butt!
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    2 more days and I'm done! Don't know why but I've just become really fed up of this DVD. Looking forward to getting on the treadmill next week. I Think I'm going to do 6 week 6 pack next. Might watch the dvd later and see what it is like.

    Where is the thread that combines jillian workouts? That sounds good :)
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    2 more days and I'm done! Don't know why but I've just become really fed up of this DVD. Looking forward to getting on the treadmill next week. I Think I'm going to do 6 week 6 pack next. Might watch the dvd later and see what it is like.

    Where is the thread that combines jillian workouts? That sounds good :)
    It's still in the Ultimate Jillian Michaels Challenge, but I believe it's called 30ds & 6w6p Together. I have 6 week 6 pack, No More Trouble Zones, a yoga one, and one with metabolism in it. I've never finished any of these. I even have one or two others that are still in their packaging. I have a problem buying stuff and not completing.:blushing: I can't buy another dvd until I complete all of the ones that I have.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    1 day left! wooo! I've got loads of her dvd's too and just don't know which one to start next! Definitely going to take a look at that group though, thanks :)
  • brenperez18
    brenperez18 Posts: 48 Member
    Congratulations to those who are almost done, great job!!!

    Skipped two days :( done with week3 day 5 yesterday so hopefully I can do day 6 today; ill check in later!

    Already wondering what DVD will be next. I'm thinking 6w6p abs. I would like a group though to be more accountable. If you guys know anybody who is starting a group that includes JM's DVD please let me know. I know I saw someone start a combination, but I want to go through each DVD individually then ill do some combos, anyway let me know of any groups!!!
  • Amanda372
    Amanda372 Posts: 17 Member
    Week 4 day 2 completed this morning. I definitely feel this is 'easier' than Week 3 although I can only do about two Superman moves with weights before I drop them and complete the move without them.

    I have 6 week 6 pack and only tried it once. Maybe I'll try that one next. Brenperez18 - just start a new thread in this group :-)
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    All done!! So relieved and certainly feeling it! I'm doing 6 week 6 pack next and combining it with my new membership to the gym! Going to go hard from now on :D
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    For anyone who just wants to do 6 week 6 pack I've just started a group
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    Week 4 days 4 & 5 completed! One more to go! Woo hoo!
  • KilannaFit
    Hi Ladies

    Well I am all done


    Only lost 1 pound in a month! but

    I have lost 1inch of my waist and 1inch of my hips

    Very happy with that

    My tummy is a lot flatter and i can feel hard my abs

    Plus I can now do 15 full push ups without breaking a sweat :)

    Pretty happy but 10 pounds still to lose
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    Finished Ripped in 30!!! Yippee! I don't have my stats, but I'll get it Sunday.

    @KilannaFit-Congratulations! You'll lose those 10 pounds in no time.:flowerforyou:
  • brenperez18
    brenperez18 Posts: 48 Member
    Again, forgot to check in yesterday; dobe with week 3!!!! Yay for me!! And on to week 4! Glad lizz2013 started a group for 6wk7pk, I will be definitely joining! Summer, here we come!!!
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    I need to join the 6 week 6 pack group. I'll be moving along slower than everyone else because I want to do Yoga Meltdown, too. too.
    Ripped in 30 Results: lost 1.2 lbs this week for a total of 9.6lbs, lost 2 inches from my waist, lost 1.25 inches from my hips,and 1 inch from each thigh. :happy: I'm very happy. I've never lost this much weight doing Jillian' s DVDs. I took her advice and corrected what I ate. No more hot pockets for me.
  • brenperez18
    brenperez18 Posts: 48 Member
    Finished with day 1 week 4!
  • Amanda372
    Amanda372 Posts: 17 Member
    I did my last week 4 workout this morning. I may switch to another dvd or I may go back and do Week 1 tomorrow, Week 2 Wed, Week 3 Thurs and Week 4 on Friday just to finish the week.

    I'll see what motivates me to get out of bed tomorrow morning - apart from some new Gym Shorts!
  • brenperez18
    brenperez18 Posts: 48 Member
    @Amanda372 congrats!!! So did you see results?

    Done with week 4 day 2. 2 down 4 more to go!!! Can't wait!
  • Amanda372
    Amanda372 Posts: 17 Member
    I can't report any result weight wise :-( but I definitely feel fitter and stronger.

    I did Week 1 this morning and there is a big difference in how I completed it at the beginning of the month.