Chris' cut for Thailand trip



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    5 March 2013
    BW 83.1kg (LOL, 2.1kg water weight loss in a day)


    Good little depletion session today. Also did a fair bit of band work for back and hanging from chinup bars. Was the first time trying those band chest press which I was told about at the bench/squat seminar a few weeks ago. Standing and practicing keeping shoulders retracted while pressing. Felt really good on my shoulders too, will continue.

    Recent Eats

    spaghetti & meat sauce

    roast lamb & pumpkin

    choc peanut fluff

    hoisin chicken stirfry

    Cals 1447
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    edit yesterday

    Cals 2368
    (decided to eat some carbs before bed because of sleep issues. Think I'm CBL now :p)
  • CBL is cool too. have you ever committed to it?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    nope, haven't read the book so don't know the specifics but I typically have majority of carbs at night anyway because I sleep better that way.
  • Basically--you eat very low carbs, workout in the evening, then eat your carbs after that. Dirty carbs are allowed. Just keep insulin low all day until about 6pm or so. Apparently insulin sensitivity is elevated in the morning and staying low carb preferentially mobilizes fat for fuel--or something to that effect.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Basically--you eat very low carbs, workout in the evening, then eat your carbs after that. Dirty carbs are allowed. Just keep insulin low all day until about 6pm or so. Apparently insulin sensitivity is elevated in the morning and staying low carb preferentially mobilizes fat for fuel--or something to that effect.

    Hmm, that is pretty much what I've done for ages anyway. Only difference would be moving my oats from "breakfast" to "pre bed" which I like anyway as Carbs close to bed time (except pop tarts) make me sleep very well. SOLID 9hrs last night. AWWWWW YEAH!!!

    And I just got the book today, I'll have a quick read but I do know Alan Aragon wrote some stuff about it as well so I may be able to skim the book and read the pro's opinion :smile:
  • Let me know what you learn. I like the "science" behind it but even "science" can be applied/interpreted in a way that makes the theory seem logical...I guess only through DOING IT would you really know whether or not its effective at cutting fat. It makes sense on the surface--you basically shed fat in the day and you go anabolic at night. Or something to that effect.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Let me know what you learn. I like the "science" behind it but even "science" can be applied/interpreted in a way that makes the theory seem logical...I guess only through DOING IT would you really know whether or not its effective at cutting fat. It makes sense on the surface--you basically shed fat in the day and you go anabolic at night. Or something to that effect.

    skimming through now. Sounds good in theory but as we know you can't beat the laws of thermodynamics just by macro timing. You may be able to alter things slightly but as you say the real test is doing it.

    Just reading the post workout stuff now and he seems big on the biggest insulin spike possible for some reason. All the stuff I've read from Alan Aragon has actually said that MPS is not directly correlational to amount of insulin spike ie. only an elevated amount (can't remember the number) is required to stimulate MPS and prevent muscle protein breakdown. So I'm unsure why he says to "specifically avoid low gi carbs".
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    how timely!

    Aragon AA. Reserving carbs for night time: breakthrough diet solution or reverse dogma?

    Latest research review. Will read later :smile:
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    how timely!

    Aragon AA. Reserving carbs for night time: breakthrough diet solution or reverse dogma?

    Latest research review. Will read later :smile:

    Sounds like a good read - interesting topic. I'll look forward to your summary of AA's summary. :bigsmile:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    summary of AA's summary

    Only one study has shown positive weight loss and FFM retention with higher carb intake at night. Limitations were much lower than "normal" athletic population protein intake, self reported food intake and non athletic population used.

    Adherence to any given protocol is the most crucial determinant of it's success.

    Heirarchy of importance for CHO timing.
    1. total for the day
    2. doses maximise and do not hinder performance (non training days suit personally preferred pattern)
    3. option to experiment with hypothetical optimisation techniques currently under scientific investigation

    In saying that, I'm willing to give it a go mainly because it's not far off what I currently do anyway :)
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Thanks, predictably conservative view from Alan (not at all surprising as the body of evidence for protocols like CBL will always be low, and more anecdotal).

    I'll stop hijacking your thread... and now back to pics of oats and handstands!
  • Awesome. I can't wait to read about your progress as a result of this. How long will you try it?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Wouldn't be until at least when I get back from Thailand as I don't want to experiment too much in a time when I actually need to make weight for my comp. Probably try it after the comp actually in late April.

    6 March 2013
    BW 83.2kg

    Rest day

    Cals 3621

    7 March 2013


    So interesting experiment this week. Same weights on DL as last week but with a good carb load the day before. Last week I got 2 sets of 8 and was pretty tough. I reckon I could have got about 13-14 on second set today.

    Also, push press was a lot easier as was front squats. Not overly surprising but it really was a massive difference. As I said in notes, all TGU's done with 20kg vest on and holding 8kg KB. Was teaching a client and my Mum.

    22hr fast today also. Bit busy.

    Recent Eats

    chicken schnitzel

    chilli/garlic chicken & veggie stack

    choc/peanut protein froyo with banana & sf maple syrup

    Cals 2057
  • good thinking. that's always wise--don't want to blow a weigh in cause you're fooling around with new techniques!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    9 March 2013

    Birthday today! Started the morning off with a series of clues that Keola had done for me. I had to work it all out and write it down on this big piece of paper to work out what she had got me (as it was still coming through customs). Will arrive next week, a Sportskraft 29mm powerbar made in Finland. Apparently, the same sort they use in the 2012 world champs :) YEW!

    Then off to PTC for some training. Keola was testing maxes and I was doing my mock strongman comp. Did everything that I have do do in the comp.
    Got 180kg deadlift x14 in 90secs
    70kg log C&P x8 in 90 secs
    75kg atlas stone over 1.3m yoke x9 in 90secs
    then did 160kg farmers walks x40m x2 (only 20m in comp)
    220kg tyre flip x11 x5 sets. (just have to do 20m in comp)

    Keola also flipped the 220kg tyre for the first time. And then got it again a few mins later. Failed this one about a month ago.

    Then off to the unit in Brisbane, had some lunch and then had a massage. Chilled for a bit and then we were heading to our old favourite Korean restaurant. Walked in and looking for a table for 2 and I was gobsmacked. Heaps of my friends and family had made the trip to Brisbane to surprise me! Totally speechless and absolutely clueless haha Really was a great surprise. Had a delicious dinner and then went out after. Lots of tequila was consumed and danced up a storm. Massive night and my first drink since Jan 25th (australia day). And I even pulled up ok the next morning :)

    Keola and my Mum even got together and made some of my protein brownies so there were diabetic friendly options. (a few of my family are diabetic). I received a total of close to 1.5kg of peanut butter in pressies :P My friends know me well haha. Best day!

    Keola and the mega oreo cupcake




    Me, Mum & cupcakes


    protein pumpkin slice and raspberry sauce

    chicken pho

    spicy chicken Korean style

    Roo steak/roast beef & various salads

    oreo cupcakes

    Cals LOL
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (BELATED!!) Looks like you had yummies. That's awesome..Keola is looking radiant as usual.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Thanks a lot :smile: LOTS of yummies hehe

    11 March 2013
    BW 84.1kg

    Did the mantathlon with Woody today. He was 60kg and I was 85kg.
    There are five events performed:

    Bodyweight Bench Press for Reps
    Bodyweight Chin-ups for Reps
    Half-Bodyweight Overhead Press for Reps
    1.25 Bodyweight Dips for Reps
    Half-Bodyweight Barbell Curl for Reps
    in 20mins

    Bench 85x6
    Chins x17
    SOHP 42.5x20
    Dips +21.25 x5 (first time in over a year and felt something in shoulder so stopped)
    Curls 42.5x20 (need to check this weight actually, seems wrong)

    Total of 68. Woody got 74. Good fun :)

    Then KB circuit with 16kg (everything for 10 reps except TGU's x5)
    swings R
    swings L
    C&P R
    C&P L
    snatch R
    snatch L
    TGU R
    TGU L

    Good cardio :)

    Then some bag work for about 20mins.


    choc/peanut proats with almonds,banana & choc pb

    mexican roo chilli

    vanilla ffgy sludge with frozen mango, blueberries & PB

    Cals 2298
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    13 March 2013
    BW 85.5kg

    Wasn't feeling 100% today but just had a sore throat.


    Equal PB on SOHP 5rm. Deficit lunges are a farkin' killer. My knee was a little bit achey yesterday after standing all day so no squats. Tried these instead and as well as being hard muscular wise, it seriously gets me huffing and puffing. I believe that is a PB for RDL's too, not that I do them that often.

    Weird thing for me was that doing CGBP, I got some SERIOUS chest activation as well as triceps at lockout obviously. I must be able to flare my elbows a little more with the lighter weight and had no issues with the shoulder. I was looking for something heavyish that I could supplement with my resistance band flys.

    Also, got some new toys. 2 pairs of different resistance bands that will be used for speed bench, squats and DL. Hanging ab sling (for the peeps who have grip and lat issues) and a variant of the TRX handles. These will come in handy for beginners who can't do pullups also.

    Recent Eats

    egg/tofu & pumpkin salad with ACV, soy & maple sauce

    vanilla ffgy sludge with crumbled up choc/pb protein muffin, blueberries & PB

    slow cooked chicken curry and veggies

    protein pumpkin pie (based off NY style cheesecake)

    Cals 2680
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    14 March 2013
    BW 84.6kg

    Sort of rest day but not really.

    Hit the jungle gym for some bar stuff because the sun was finally out! (pullups, muscle ups, assisted one arm chins, levers, straight bar dips, L sit dips, leg raises etc.) Then I trained a client and did a little bit of heavy bag work and finished with a tabata set of 20kg x2 KB swings. Got 12 for 6 rounds and 10 for 2. Glutes on fire haha.

    Cals 1449