Chris' cut for Thailand trip



  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Recipe for the protein pumpkin pie.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    500g pumpkin puree
    500g low fat ricotta
    500g low fat cottage cheese
    cinnamon, all spice
    50-75ml egg whites

    mix up and bake at about 150c until top is brownish. Should take over an hour. Then let it cool in fridge overnight :smile:

    15 March 2013
    BW 84kg


    All pulls were from a deficit. Was hoping for 5 reps but with a slightly average sleep last night and having the sniffles, I don't think I was at 100%. However, I did lift heavy enough that I eventually bent my bar haha. Perfect timing with new bar coming on Tuesday.

    And that is a front squat PB also. And I was just stuffing around. Got a lot more in me with form practice.


    And Keola tested out knee wraps for the first time. Old PB was 92.5kg squat. Made 100kg today and I think there is more to go. Wraps weren't done up super tight.

    And then took the poodles for a walk to Mooloolaba to see the triathlon carnival that is on this weekend. Fireworks and stuff. Great arvo/night.


    choc/coconut CC sludge with blueberries, almonds, PB & cinnamon

    choc/chilli/mango oats

    pumpkin/maple froyo

    Cals 2975
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    17 March 2013
    BW 84.9kg

    Saturday, Keola & I went to mma circuit training in the morning. (tyre flips, sled drags, sledge hammer, pullups, KB swings, battle ropes, farmers walks, weighted sprints) We then did some technique work for muay thai and then had our first sparring session haha. It was pretty fun!

    post sparring handstand. (So white! Wish the bloody sun would come out!)

    At night, we went to watch mma. Got a free upgrade to second row which was awesome. Apparently, because we looked nice "not like trouble makers" haha. Was a great night.

    Then Sunday morning, some people came over and we had our Thailand organisation meeting and Easerish breaky which was farkin' delicious. See below :)

    Then off to the pub to watch GSP vs Diaz UFC and observing lots of mega drunk people for St Patty's day. Some pretty decent fights.

    Then both of our parents came over for afternoon tea which was good.

    Then Keola and I went for a nice walk to Mooloolaba to observe more hectic drunk people :p Great weekend!

    Recent eats

    japanese beef curry

    egg, banana, pb & maple syrup on chocolate hot cross buns

    no pasta roo lasagne

    Cals about 5500 I'd say.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member


    choc/coconut CC sludge with blueberries, almonds, PB & cinnamon

    choc/chilli/mango oats

    pumpkin/maple froyo

    Cals 2975

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    choc chilli mango oats are the bomb!

    18 March 2013
    BW 84.4kg

    Quick KB circuit in the morning, then a nice relaxing 90min walk to the local kids playgrounds to practice levers, flags and stuff.


    First time back squatting for a few weeks. Form wasn't right. Too much weight on the front. So stopped there and did more front squats instead which are actually getting better.


    thai style lime/ginger/chilli roo snag stir fry

    Cals 1390
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    21 March 2013
    BW 83.5kg

    So I am heading to Thailand tomorrow so this is the end of official "cut" and I say that loosely as I have really just maintained/recomped a bit it seems. Measurements are pretty much all the same with a slightly smaller waist measurement and ab calipers measurement but not by much. Can't complain though as I did also hit a 15kg PB on the deadlift in that time. What is slightly perplexing is bicep measurements have dropped just a tad and I have no idea how that happened? I haven't done as many chins as previously because of my elbow tendonitis but have been doing fairly heavy curls to replace them. Intriguing.


    Bench was farkin' terrible. Playing around with setup again and didn't go well. Haven't done much lately though and felt very much out of the groove.

    Testing dips again on my shoulder and they feel ok although pretty bloody hard compared to what I used to do.

    I also did my Cert 4 prac exam and passed that so basically all qualified now :) The other girl doing it had to do my postural assessment which and write a program to correct me so that was helpful. Need more quad stretching, more db side bends on the right to fix lower right shoulder and also lots more rhomboid work as my scapula is very abducted. And I think this may be the reason why I feel like that my chest seems small compared to abs. When I actually put my shoulders in the correct position, it feels a lot better so I'm going to really hit those reverse flys often. (used my TRX thing and it was great for shoulders too)

    me and my new fancy bar that Keola got me. Sportskraft 29mm made in Finland. Big upgrades coming to atarashii garage gym when I get back from Thailand

    deceivingly hard exercise! Much more knee flexion than a bb squat for me. And also stretches glutes, hammies and opposite side hip flexor. Recommended :)


    protein pumpkin slice

    scrambled eggs and sriracha

    Cals 3369
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    So last day on the Sunshine Coast. Did my packing, went to the bank to sort some stuff. Stopped at the jungle gym. Taught a guy how to do muscleups and human flags. He was pretty good actually, good dude. Unfortunately, I have not achieved my goal of a horizontal human flag by my Thailand trip. I am better than I was though and can hold a 45deg one for about 5-10 seconds depending on balance issues haha.

    Then I went home and Monique and Woody were keen for a quick session. Monique hasn't trained for a while and busted *kitten* with some serious squatting which got me all inspired and stuff.

    I did:
    good mornings 50kgx10x5
    Squat 132.5kgx20 (2.5kg PB)
    And some other little random stuff.

    Now off to the Gold Coast. YEW!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    quick update

    Thailand has been awesome so far. Got lost in Bangkok first night and dropped off randomly with no phones and going to wrong hotel etc etc. Made it to Kee's friends place in the end though.

    Then off to Koh Samui for 3 nights where we stayed in a great little cabin by the beach. Had a few big nights and also did a day trip to a tiger zoo.

    Then off to Koh Phangan where we stayed in a basic place but it was just a short distance from Haad Rin beach where the full moon party is. Let's just say that was a HECTIC night. All of us 30 year olds definitely not showing our age :p Many sand rashes the following day also.

    On our last day there we did a day trip and went and rode the elephants, saw a croc show and keola went in the croc pen for a photo. (I was not game!) saw a sweet snake show and got some cool pics with some pythons. We then went trekking through the rainforest area to a waterfall, checkout out a local shrine and then did some beach snorkelling. BLOODY good day!

    During all of that time, Keola and I have been training at Yuthpan Muay Thai gym in Koh Samui. Training is intense. 2 hour sessions. Shadow boxing with 1kg weights is considered rest time etc. Got put through the toughest session yesterday and each session has had some sparring and clinch work also. Keola was just doing technique stuff yesterday as she is all set to go for her first fight tonight in the ladies boxing night at Lamai Beach.

    She had to jump on the back of a scooter with the non english speaking trainer who took her to some ghetto area. Knocks on the door and 2 thai ladies in there who were her possible opponents. Neither of them wanted to fight her. Pointing at her arms and abs haha. (so proud :P) However, the trainer persuaded one of them by saying "nit noi muay thai & full moon party injury" which was meaning no experience and she had a bit of injected foot from sand rash! (sorry! if that was me)

    Now Muzz is out and about drinking as usual. We are resting up. Not that I'm doing much, just cornering but still will be hard to watch. I'm sure she'll do very well though. Will film and upload sometime.

    Nutrition wise, not a single cal/macro counted. No IFing as most places have breakfast included and I'm not turning down a free buffet :p Been eating 90% thai food as I freaking love it and it's cheap as chippies. Everything is super spicy too. We tried out the market street food yesterday which was awesome and will probably try that again sometime soon. Post fight vodka buckets are going to be on the list I think :) Although we do have to be up early for an 8am flight to Phuket tomorrow morning where we will meet up with 2 other friends.
  • Sounds like you're having a blast. Still planning to try carb backloading? Enjoy the rest of your trip!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Hadn't even thought about it hey. Definitely not doing any restrictive dieting here ! Food is awesome. Although thinking about it now,i don't think it would be hard to implement here. No rice until post workout and just eat lots of stir fries. Haven't done any weights yet but I'll find a gym in patong as a week of is plenty for me. Strongman comp in 3 weeks!
  • sweet. Are you excited for the competition?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    certainly am! But haven't done any resistance training until this morning. I think I should be able to retain most of my strength over the holidays though with the amount of muay thai I've been doing. Got my first session in today with hotel gym with limited stuff as expected. Made do though and feel great now! Details next post.

    So Keola's fight didn't go exactly to plan. The first 2 girls she got to pick pulled out and she had a choice between 2 other girls and they were being very vague. We found out that one had 9 fights and the other 10. She ended up just picking the one that had 10 although she initially thought it was a boy haha. The whole process was great to watch with all the negotiations in thai and getting wrapped up, greased up and then doing the traditional opening.

    She came out pretty hard which is not typical thai style and did get her with a nice right hook. There was some clinching which seemed to be the other girls tactic and she was sort of behind Kee so the ref was about to break them up but she didn't know and got her with a nice back elbow.

    Then the other girl moved in with a leg kick and clinch again and kee was quite inexperienced in this area and she got her with a knee to the guts that winder her. Ref was giving Kee the count and asking if she was ok and she was saying yes but the ref waved it off. Was quite weird. Nevertheless, I am extremely proud of her for having the guts to get up in there against a much more experienced girl in front of 100's of spectators! And she was happy to tick it off her bucket list.
    That night we had the choice of staying up for an early flight or not. Decided to do an all nighter :P Hit the bars with Muzz and a few peeps he met. Keola's fight didn't happen until midnightish anyway so it wasn't "too" long. Lots of drinks and lots of dancing at some club. We had fun :)

    Woke Muzz up 10min before taxi at 6am but he wasn't responding. We waited and waited but nothing. We waited as long as we could but had to catch a taxi to the airport without him. He eventually arrived at the airport about 45mins later and with 5mins to spare but without his passport! LUCKILY they let him on the plane without it. It turns out that he was just retarded and misplaced it in his bag.

    We went straight to the hospital while Muzz went to the hotel. Kee was going in for surgery that day. I went through the whole interview process with her and everything like that and we were waiting in her hospital bed by 1pm. She left then and I was planning on heading to hotel and coming back the next day but I found out I was allowed to stay! So I patiently waited for her to return. She came back at about 6pm looking very groggy and was in some serious pain despite the painkillers but I was very glad to see her and she was to see me also.

    I spent the night with her doing half the nurses duties I think which was quite fun actually. I ended up staying up for 47hrs I believe but it was definitely worth it :)

    We left the hospital the next day about midday and went to the hotel and she has been recovering well. I headed out that arvo to find my old muay thai gym from last time called Andaman Boxing gym. I had some directions from a FB friend but I really had no idea as they had moved. I went where they used to be and was getting directions all over the place when I did finally make it to a gym but it was the wrong one. I had been trying to call Lop the trainer and perfectly timed, he returned my call and said he would come and pick me up (which was lucky as it was about a 10min scooter ride away).

    First day training there and it is on another level to Yuthpan on intensity I think. There is about 15-20 people there and most of them are French it seems and really friendly people but they are seriously fit! A typical session starts at 5pm with 10mins of skipping. Then wrap up and commence 3min rounds with 1min rest. Either on the pads in the ring with a trainer, on the heavy bag or on the wall things which are mainly for punches and elbows. COntinue this for 90mins until about 6:45pm and then do as many core exercises as you can until you can't get up! Muay Thai camps in Thailand, where 10% BF is large!

    Nick and Jasmine arrived that day too and I only got to catch up with them briefly but apparently they all got a bit hectic on Bangla Rd with Muzz that night. I was happy to skip the ping pong show haha.

    Next day we moved hotel to a quieter and much cheaper place near the dolphin bar end of town and this place is awesome for the price. Has everything we need in room and a gym, rooftop pool and sauna! For the pricely sum of 650B a night which is about $22 :)

    Over the last few days, we've had a minor money issue as we transferred money to the travel card on Good Friday. The next working day is the following Wednesday! So for the last few days we have been a bit more resourceful with the cash (and no where really takes cards around here). Luckily, we were able to survive on the cash from Kee's fight and then got a refund for an overcharge on our room. Both nights we were down to our last 100B ($3AU)! It's good to live like this from time to time I think as it really makes you think about what is a "want" and what is a "need".

    And that brings us to today which is 3rd of April. Planning on hitting the gym this morning and then a massage. Then meeting up with Nick & Jasmine to book a trip to Phi Phi Island.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Would rep if possible.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    How to make do with a hotel gym that only has up to 25kg dbs. I initially thought they were kg haha. Didn't do too much leg stuff as my hip flexors are DAMN tight from all the muay thai and my calves are on fire. Getting a massage today.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Would rep if possible.

    :laugh: thanks buddy!

    yesterday did
    SOHP 25kg 10,9,8
    DB rows 25kg x lots
    inverted bw rows x10x3

    Then bb complex
    clean & press
    good morning
    bent row

    10 reps of each. 3 rounds. Last round decided to do 55 squats instead of 20 in the previous rounds as it was only 40kg. Then burnt a metric $hitload of cals dancing up a storm at some club at Bangla Rd.

    More muay thai training today. Doing 1 2hr session a day and learning heaps. Loving it!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    4th April we were all looking for somewhere to eat for dinner and picked this random restaurant. Walked in, chatted etc and our typical conversations tend to be a bit crude especially Muzz :p We were in there for about 10mins or so when we started realising some things. Coloured rainbow lighting on the bar, a few "out there" paintings, waiters mannerisms etc. So yeah, we had arrived at a lovely little gay restaurant...not that there is anything wrong with that :P Anyway, meals were great and we just had to watch our language a bit which I think is a good thing anyway.

    So we sorted out our trip to Phi Phi & Krabi Island and had an excellent day out there. The boat was great and held about 40 people and was a speedboat not a big ferry thing. Water was nice and smooth too. We went to Maya Bay for a swim, snorkelled in 2 spots and the visibility was great, fed monkeys at monkey beach and then
    chilled out on this tiny little island in the afternoon. The weather was just a tad overcast which was great as it was pretty damn hot anyway.

    Hit hotel gym after that as I was late for muay thai training and met some French boxers that were pretty cool too.

    6th of April we all had our scooters and were ready to go and explore. Muzz & Jasmin were a bit dead from previous night so Barnesy, Keola & I headed off to Karon beach. Checked that out for a bit and then headed to Kata beach which is only about 10mins from there. Muzz & Jasmin met us there and had some lunch and then headed off in our trek to Big Buddha. Muzz got a bit lost after scooting ahead and missing the turn off but eventually made it back. On the way up to Big Buddha there was an elephant trekking place that we stopped at. They had a baby elephant named Lucy out the front. We each got a solid hicky from her! Fed her some bananas and then I got picked up by her trunk and plonked on her head. It was an amazing experience!

    Made it to the Big Buddha and some of us got blessed by a monk there, even Muzz. Buddhism must be very forgiving :P Took some piccys etc Interestingly, they are still upgrading it and they were doing that 2 years ago. Workers are on Thai time over here for sure.

    7th of April was a pretty chilled out Sunday for the majority. Keola and I had scooted down to Kamala Beach for a bit of a getaway from the hecticness that is Patong. It's only about 15mins away and is a great ride there with lots of twisties and less traffic too. Was very nice to get away from everything for a little while!
    That night, I had planned to watch moto gp at some bar in Bangla Rd and I was just going to have a drink or 2. I thought the GP started at 11pm but that was moto 3 so we were in for a big night again. Short story is, many buckets consumed, too much tequila a bit of pole dancing and some other crazy stuff. Really was a hectic night in Bangla Rd! Against doctor's advice Keola did have a little go on the pole at one of the bars too and was all good. I was unable to perform my horizontal human flag but I did a nice 45deg one and a pretty good shoulder mount hold (for a drunk dude :P).

    8th of April was a total rest/recovery day. We Were in slow motion walking the streets :P Muzz did make his plane at 8am which I must admit I was a bit surprised about! Keola and I did our thai cooking class which was so much fun! Just a group of 4 of us with 2 Euro girls. We both got to select 2 dishes we wanted to make so we did Tom Yun Goong, Chicken cashew stirfry, pad thai & green curry. Turns out we can cook! Bought a great little recipe book too which will get lots of use back home.

    9th of April and Nick & Jasmin are heading out later this arvo. We are off tomorrow morning so it is all about to come to an end. We just found out that Muzz made the mistake of going through customs at Singapore when he wanted to stay in the transit hotel. Silly kid! I had my final muay thai training session at Andaman Boxing Gym and said my goodbyes (after getting beaten up haha). Also just had to do a few things for packing and stuff and make use of the laundry system which is cheap as. Get home with no washing to do!

    We spent a day in Singapore for transit and did a tour of the city which was great and very informative. Would like to go back there some time but I don't know how I'd go with the no chewing gum rule. Apparently, people caught selling it get an $80,000 fine and 3 years in jail!

    Absolutely epic Thailand holiday to celebrate multiple birthdays. Ticked everything off my list that I wanted to do. Had the best times with the best people!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Forgot to say. Customs dude at the airport asked if we had been in contact with any elephants while on holiday. "definitely not sir" :P

    Saturday morning I weighed in at 78.5kg which was my first weigh in since getting back. Down about 4kg in 3 weeks! After seeing this number I had to try a one arm chinup. BOOM! Can do them again, just one though. In the morning, I did an mma seminar that was run by Brandon Vera. It was predominantly up against the cage wrestling, head control, take down defence and then some boxing stuff. I was happy about this seeing as how I'd just been doing all striking for a while now.


    Saturday night was mates 30th. **** got hectic. Drunken one arm chins and hannibal pullups YEW! Lots of drinks, dancing and a broken coffee table. Was great to catch up with all my friends who couldn't come to Thailand.

    BW 77.6kg (dehydrated)

    First real session. I was using a bent bar to deadlift so that didn't help but have lost a bit of strength which is probably natural with the amount of weight loss. I'd put a fair portion of it down to technique also. All deadlifts are from a deficit. Push pressing was all good. Last set, bent another bar. I'll be trolling ebay/gumtree for an olympic setup ASAP so that I can use my new wicked bar that I will never bend!



    Then Keola and I used our newly acquired Thai cooking skills to whip up a feast for the parents.

    table layout (red one is Tom Yum Goong which I forgot to take a pic of)

    green curry with chicken

    tofu/cashew stirfry (for the vego's)

    half/half tofu/prawn pad thai


    mango with sticky coconut rice

    Cals = farkin ****loads :)