Bulletproof Coffee



  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
  • EricCowperthwaite
    sounds like this is your ticket!

    I enjoy bulletproof coffe, I call it "Supergirl coffee" I make mine with decaf though wink , heavy cream and coconut oil....and yes I need a little sweetener......being a girl....'cause we are sweet!

    Thanks for posting your process with this. bullet proof coffee is a terrific energy source (even decaf!)

    Yes, this is a huge plus for me. "Supergirl coffee" ... yes, totally agree ... I have so much more energy through the morning with this ... weight loss is going again, too. Changed my morning workout as of today from either running or Army Daily Dozen calisthenics to Tony Horton's Power 90 .... that's a darn good workout .... and still the Bulletproof coffee and grapefruit is just the ticket.

    I'll keep posting about it if I notice other things worth saying.
  • chylo1
    chylo1 Posts: 41 Member
    bump for later...thanks
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Thank you for this I have done it for the last two days and love it!

    You're welcome! It's great, isn't it? I "treat" myself on the weekends with eggs and protein. Plus I don't want the chickens to get grumpy. We keep chickens and they provide me with fresh eggs, hate to have 'em think I don't like their eggs anymore ;-)
  • stl_nana
    stl_nana Posts: 99 Member
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    Anyone else have good results?
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Yes, I think so. Been doing this since Sunday. My husband and I actually make double this, and split it. Here's what we make for the single portion.

    12 oz Coffee (we use regular K-Cups)
    1 1/2 TBSP unsalted butter from Grassfed cows
    1/2 TBSP Unsweetened Cocoa
    1 TBSP Coconut Oil
    Sweetener to taste

    Macro specs with this are F93-P3-C4 [This is deceptive -- Carbs are 3 with 2 fiber -- so only 1 net carb]

    I've seen other recipes without the cocoa, which would reduce those carbs.. I like the cocoa - makes it very mocha-like.
    The first day we made it we did a small portion, just to see if we'd drink it. We used the blender - some leakage issues in blending it.
    The next day we did a full portion (double what's above). We were careful to keep the blender lid pushed down to ensure no leakage. My husband and I both held down the lid - which sucked when the spray of coffee was about a 3 foot radius. My husband getting the worst of it. NOT HAPPY.
    The last two days I busted out my "Cocoa Latte" machine, that has a frother on it and it has worked great.

    I am not hungry in the morning after drinking this. I'm barely hungry at lunch.

    I'm down about a pound since Saturday, so I'm happy with the results. I find that it makes the rest of the day much easier for my food, since my fat levels are so high with this.

    It's a little more trouble to make than just coffee and cream, but we are going to stick with it for a bit.
  • NClala05
    Bump, sounds good!
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    Sounds really good. Thanks for the update.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Sounds really good. Thanks for the update.
    So, I have been travelling for work for two days now and not able to make bulletproof coffee in the morning. My mornings have been much more difficult and it has been much harder to stay full until lunchtime. Won't know what my weight, etc. looks like until tomorrow AM when I weigh in at home. That said, I much prefer my bulletproof coffee to breakfast as it is.
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    I do this all the time. I don't however use sweetener or cocoa, and I use MCT oil, which is a more concentrated version of the good fats found in coconut oil. I also often replace the butter with ghee if I'm avoiding dairy (ghee is clarified butter with the milk solids removed). When I have bulletproof coffee, like I had this morning, I find it easy to have my coffee around 7a and not be hungry until 1p. I also occasionally add coconut milk... So good!
  • EricCowperthwaite
    With business travel on Tuesday and Wednesday, I wasn't able to do my bulletproof coffee routine. I had to be on a 6 AM flight Tuesday, was in a hotel on Wednesday. I did workout both days. But I gotta tell you, I noticed the difference. Not nearly as full and energetic both mornings eating a "regular" breakfast. In fact, on Tues I really got very little breakfast, just a bit of chicken leftovers I grabbed out of the fridge on my way out the door.

    This morning I was back to my "home breakfast" of a grapefruit, bulletproof coffee and Powerade zero. Yay, can tell the difference in energy levels, etc.

    The travel thing is tough .... I spend between 2 and 4 days on business travel, more or less every other week. This time around it's back to back, was in Portland this week, will be in Boston next week. Trying to get the workouts and nutrition right in hotel rooms, conference centers and restaurants is a pain in the butt!

    Anybody figure out how to get bulletproof coffee while traveling?
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    You might try carrying coconut oil with you and just add it to your coffee. Or, there are lots of "fat bomb" recipes floating around MFP that you could make ahead of time and use a portion of that in place of the bullet proof coffee. Just make sure it's one that doesn't need refrigerated.

    This morning I had my homemade chocolate (made with coconut oil), coffee with a teaspoon of coconut oil and some almond milk for breakfast. It held me well until lunchtime. After eating tuna salad and half an avocado for lunch I am stuffed.
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    I did it! I just made my first cup of bulletproof coffee. I used 2 tbsp of the organic unsalted butter and 2 tbsp of coconut oil (organic, extra virgin, etc) with 12 oz of coffee. I forgot to get the unsweetened cocoa so I just added a little stevia. I really did not need the stevia because as someone who drinks coffee and tea "plain" I think the coconut oil would have added enough sweetness. I had someone working on the house that arrived earlier than expected today so did not get the coffee done until about 9am. I would have liked to have started it earlier to get the fat burning going but I think I am ok. I will report back my hunger updates as the day goes on. I was sooooooo hungry yesterday. Not sure why. I was way over on sodium, over on fat and calories but not too bad. I am hoping this helps me keep the hunger under control today.

    I am finally back at my "pre-christmas" weight which is a plateau weight for me. I hope this can kick start some extra weight loss. I am only about 1/2 way to goal and it is starting to look so impossible to get to. I also travel for my job so will only be able to do this about 4 days a week.
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    I just realized I used TWICE the dose of coconut oil!! Argh!! My calories are like 450!! I hope it keeps me full - it tool up almost 1/3 of what I eat. Yikes!!
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    We picked up a "Aerolatte" from Amazon. It's a small, battery operated device with a little whipper at the end, that you can froth milk and other liquids with. It works awesome! In 20 seconds, its little tornado action gets everything mixed and a little frothy. And you can mix it right in the mug, so you don't have to dirty anything else (just make sure the cup isn't too full - it needs a little room in there for the frothing action). I think it was $20 for one without a stand, and $30 for the unit with the stand.

    gmansmom2 - Let us know how your appetite was. my first day doing the coffee, just having a cup of soup seemed like a huge amount of food to consume at lunch.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    I am finally back at my "pre-christmas" weight which is a plateau weight for me. I hope this can kick start some extra weight loss. I am only about 1/2 way to goal and it is starting to look so impossible to get to. I also travel for my job so will only be able to do this about 4 days a week.
    I sympathize .... I goofed over the holidays, too much wine, ate cookies (not all that many) and potatoes on thanksgiving and christmas. And gained 5 lbs .... Finally got rid of that and a bit more. A bit over halfway to goal and my unicorn appears to be getting under 190 lbs. :-(

    Work travel does make the whole thing a bit challenging. Work outs, food, etc. Someone always wants to have dinner with me, and that leads to wine .... argh. Need lots of discipline when I'm not at home.

    The bulletproof coffee certainly appears to have helped me tune my nutrients, etc. We'll find out, but it will be a little while. I just started Power90 and I'm only weighing and measuring every 30 days while I do it. Commitment to myself to not stress over the numbers, to focus on the process of good food, sleep and exercise.
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    Well, I think today has gone great. I had my coffee at 9am and did not even think about eating until 1:30pm but I was not really hungry. I did have a small snack at 2:30pm and think I will be fine until dinner at 6:30pm. I have had a lot of energy today. I also feel like I am not retaining as much water. All good so far.
  • gmansmom2
    gmansmom2 Posts: 201 Member
    Update: So I actually did this yesterday as well and followed the correct measurements this time. Same results - great energy, not hungry until 1:30pm'ish - only really had an afternoon "snack" - big dinner again (with alcohol) due to a fundraiser we attended so I still was at my normal calorie range but had lost a 1/2 lb when I got up this morning. I do think it is the coffee which is helping me keep my carbs down and keeping me full. I also like the fact that I weigh the same thing at night as in the morning.

    I am hoping to see more results the next couple of days as I stay on my normal diet and ditch the alcohol.

    I did order the Aerolatte mixer/foamer as suggested by Kiramaniac. Hoping that will help. I am melting and "whisking" everything together now.

    This is my lowest weight since I started last fall. So good to see the scale moving again.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    On day 4, going really really well. Especially now that I've got all the right ingredients -- super yummy! And such a great appetite and snack-craving suppressant.