Welcome! Introduce Yourself!



  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome Donna!

    Sounds like a solid plan and off to a great start too. See ya in the daily threads. :smile:
  • rnordaas89
    rnordaas89 Posts: 11 Member
    hi my name is Rebecca. I have been on this journey since late Jan 2013. So far I have love 45lbs. I got married at the end of Jan this year and kind of kicked my good habit of logging and really watching what I eat. Even though I didn't stop working out I gained about 5 lbs on my honeymoon and got it off then gained it back. I am really trying to get back into a good groove of healthy eating habits, measuring food, portions, and incorporating new work out plans. Anything that I can do to keep myself accountable and for help and motivation I will do it!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi Rebecca! Welcome!

    We're a small group, but a friendly one. Check in every day & let us know what you're up to!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome Rebecca!

    You sound very determined and committed, and that's all it takes.

    See ya on the daily threads.
  • JagZag
    JagZag Posts: 174 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Dale, I am a 63 yr. "young" retired mother of 3, Granna to 5, and wife to a wonderful DH. I have been active all my life but being 5'2" every extra # shows up, always in the wrong place!!! Retirement to me was sitting on my butt and enjoying the "retired" life. I took full advantage and gained 50#'s. The end of Feb. this year I decided to do something about it. I ordered a Body Media Fit Link armband, joined MFP, and Curves all within a week. Since then..... I love my BMF, MFP, Curves not so much. Oh, I also bought a set of dumbbells at Walmart. 40# set. Since then I have been working out at Curves 3x a week, lifting weights at home on my days off from curves, and riding my stationary bike almost everyday. I am a firm believer of calories in-calories out, and so I don't really crunch calorie numbers that much. At the end of the day I make sure that I am at a 750 deficit before I go to bed. I am thinking about quitting curves and joining a gym close to my home so that I can seriously pursue lifting weights. I have found that the challenge to lift heavy is beckoning me and I would really like to challenge myself to see how far I can go with the lifting. I try to stay between 1350-1790 calories a day, depending on the work out time available to me. But I strive to ALWAYS have a deficit at the end of the day. I think this will be a great motivating group and it is soooooooooooooo diversified, which should make it a lot of fun as well. Looking forward to hanging out and working out with all of you.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi Dale. Really nice to meet you! I'm 5'2" as well so I know exactly what you mean about every extra pound showing up.

    I have never tried Curves, but from what I've heard it sounds like a great option for people trying to get into shape starting from nowhere, but isn't necessarily challenging enough for someone who is already in shape.

    I do lift weights, and I love it. February last year I hired a personal trainer to help me because I was horribly out of shape and I didn't even know where to start. I see him three times a week for 30 minutes. We just strength train together, and I do all of my cardio on my own. Sometimes he'll give me some strength homework to do over the weekend if we didn't get to everything during the week.

    MFP has been great for me as far as really figuring out the calories in / calories out thing. I knew how much I was eating before MFP, but I did not have any concept at all as to what I was burning.

    I wear a Fitbit - it doesn't track as much movement as the Body Media does, but I'm not willing to wear the arm band. I don't even wear jewelry, and until I bought my Garmin I hadn't worn a watch in years. I currently don't have my Fitbit linked to MFP for reasons I won't bore you with, but it's a great way to be mindful of how much I'm moving (or not moving) during the day. I also use a HRM for a lot of my cardio workouts. I eat TDEE so I don't need that data to factor in how many calories I can eat back, but I always think information is good.
  • JagZag
    JagZag Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Dale. Really nice to meet you! I'm 5'2" as well so I know exactly what you mean about every extra pound showing up.

    I have never tried Curves, but from what I've heard it sounds like a great option for people trying to get into shape starting from nowhere, but isn't necessarily challenging enough for someone who is already in shape.

    I do lift weights, and I love it. February last year I hired a personal trainer to help me because I was horribly out of shape and I didn't even know where to start. I see him three times a week for 30 minutes. We just strength train together, and I do all of my cardio on my own. Sometimes he'll give me some strength homework to do over the weekend if we didn't get to everything during the week.

    MFP has been great for me as far as really figuring out the calories in / calories out thing. I knew how much I was eating before MFP, but I did not have any concept at all as to what I was burning.

    I wear a Fitbit - it doesn't track as much movement as the Body Media does, but I'm not willing to wear the arm band. I don't even wear jewelry, and until I bought my Garmin I hadn't worn a watch in years. I currently don't have my Fitbit linked to MFP for reasons I won't bore you with, but it's a great way to be mindful of how much I'm moving (or not moving) during the day. I also use a HRM for a lot of my cardio workouts. I eat TDEE so I don't need that data to factor in how many calories I can eat back, but I always think information is good.
  • JagZag
    JagZag Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Laura, nice to meet you too! You have certainly come a long way since Feb. last year. I hope I can follow in your footsteps. I'm hoping that I will like the gym close to my home, I would really love to start out with a trainer and see how far I can go with the weights. We will see.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi Dale! Welcome! I love how you decided to do something about your fitness & health and dove in and set out to do it. That kind of commitment is so important, and all the rest (as to weights, cardio, calories) is just details. :smile:

    It's great to have you. I'll see ya on the daily threads!!
  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Diana, I'm 31 years old, married, and have 2 cats, and dog, and a bird lol. I live near Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. My current weight is 200 pounds, in December of 2012 I was 232 pounds. I am currently on Level 2 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (day 12 of 30). I have been working on 10K Trainer, I have had to repeat some weeks but I am making progress! I am scheduled to start on week 4 this week, but the weather here has been so cold I haven't been doing my runs. I have been going on my elliptical for at least 30 minutes on top of doing my JM workout. The weather is supposed to warm towards the end of the week so hopefully I'll get back to running outside again.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome Diana!

    30DS is a great program and adding 30min elliptical is a great idea.

    See you on the daily threads!
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,626 Member
    Hello! I'm Jenna. My current workout plan is to alternate between ripped in 30 and running 4 miles 6 days a week and rest 1 day a week. On those 6 days I also do 20 of each: jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, burpees, and squat jumps. This month I'm hoping to stick to my workout routine consistently! My ultimate goal is to get to 125 lbs (I'm 5'6 and currently 160). I also want to do a triathlon at some point. I did a half marathon in October.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome Jenna! I love your plan. RI30 is a tough workout, but a really great one. Running and those callisthenics are tried and true and should work great. See you in the daily threads!
  • JagZag
    JagZag Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Jenna:smile:
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    Hey all!

    My name is Ines, I'm 5'4 and currently around 167 lbs. My first weight goal is to get under 70 kg (around 154 lbs). Right now, I've got 136 lbs set as my goal weight but since I haven't been below 70 kg in years, that might still change as I go along. My primary goal is to be fit and to like what I see in the mirror.

    I workout with Fitnessblender's eight week plans, right now I'm in the second to last week of round 4. Saturday and Sunday are recovery days and usually the hardest workouts are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I have no problems sticking to my workout routine as I love it but am currently struggling a bit with diet and accountability for my calorie balance so I'm hoping to improve that here :smile:
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi Ines!! Welcome to the group!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi Ines! I love fitnessblender and used to do their videos before I joined the gym, but I never got to do one of their programs. I can't wait to hear about your results. I have had problems with calories too, but have found some good strategies for keeping it in check finally and have been doing pretty good lately.

    So, basically, we check-in everyday, so--seeya in the daily threads! :happy:

  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome :flowerforyou:

    Sherry, I'd love to hear your strategies on keeping the calories in check! I find that logging before I eat helps but am always happy to learn other tricks :bigsmile:
    I did the low impact programme before this one and made really big fitness gains. They have you do a fitness test on the first and last day and I can't wait to compare it to my new results at the end of next week :smile:
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Well, I found that I was trying to eat normally during the day and family dinner, but would inevitably nibble at night, simply because it was when my kids were in bed and I finally got to eat in *peace*. So it was suggested to me (by an mfp member, a teacher who understood about the kids), to just eat lightly or not at all at dinner and save up calories for eating my real meal after they're in bed when I can be relaxed. What I've ended up doing is just thinning out my eating throughout the day a little here and a little there, so that I had lots of calories leftover for eating after the kids go to bed. It seems so simple, but never occurred to me until I made a thread on one of the forums because I thought that I was just unable to stay under my calories. Some members really brought the real issues to surface and the solution just came forth from that. I know that my solution was really specific to me, but the "moral of the story" is to "come to terms" with what you are doing and "why" and then find the "workaround" for it, rather than trying to force you body & mind to do something it doesn't want. In my case, it's very easy for me to eat lightly (sometimes hardly at all) during the day (although I have to eat strategically, to fuel workouts and use some low-cal supplements like protein), but it's nearly impossible for me to resist nighttime eating--so rather than try to force the square peg into the round hole, I just started working with those simple facts to make it work. And yes, pre-logging, or at least "looking up" calories of something before it goes into the mouth is something that I do irregularly but find it very very helpful and I will often change my portion or selection based on that pre-logging.

    Can't wait to hear about the fitnessblender program. Don't forget to share your fitness gains in our NSV thread, if you want. Fitness and health have become a big driving factor for me, which is why I wasn't stressing when I couldn't keep my calories in check for so long....but eventually I felt like "enough is enough" without losing fat (which can help immensely with fitness goals too).
  • CrescentCityGirl
    CrescentCityGirl Posts: 123 Member

    I am a mother of a teenager (not sure how that happened, he was just a kid not very long ago or so it seems) and have been married 18 years. Most of my life I have been active in one form or another. I work out at home....Turbo Fire, Brazil Butt, yoga, and I also do cardio at the gym.

    I've slipped into an unhealthy eating pattern and am ready to lose the extra weight I've gained. Since I'm no longer in my 20's I can't really exercise it off anymore. : )

    Would definitely welcome some accountability partners!!!