March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    Am I reading this correctly that you lifted 2 on your first set, and finished with 5s?

    If so it just sounds like you need to warm up more.

    I did 4 warmup sets and I think the problem was I didn't really rest after the last one and I didn't really want to push it on sets 2 & 3. If I had, I might have gotten all 5.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Felt like crap today. Just noooo energy and no appetite. Gonna be way under on cals today. Did get the house cleaned and laundry done.
    Went ahead and did my workout anyway, surprisingly no fails.

    Squats 75lbs
    Bench 60lbs
    Rows 80 lbs

    Been having this weird little vibration in my left thigh. Probably a muscle spasm even though its not painful just really irritating. More yoga for me tonight, my flexibility is starting to suck.

    Hope everyone is having a great week.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    "Official" first day of All Pro's went well. Bought a clock for the garage and made myself rest the full 60 seconds between sets, which helped.

    Decided to probably scale the deadlifts down some from 3x5 to maybe 1x5 since I lost form after the first set and that's a no-no for Yours Truly OCD Queen Form Nazi. :bigsmile: Besides, 3x5 deadlifts felt like a lot even at low weight.

    My left shoulder was a bit creaky during the OHP so I'm going to have to keep an eye on it. If it ain't one thing, it's another, seems like. 'nother body part heard from. :huh: I only did 1 set of warm-ups for bench so maybe I'll scale that up to 2 next time to make sure the arms are properly warmed up. Then again my neck has been tight from sleeping weird for the last day or 2, so who knows?

    Starting to get the hang of things though ... woop woop!

    Also, my pants were being super droopy yesterday but the scale hasn't really budged much (circulates around the same couple three pounds with a sloooooooow trend downward) and the tape measure isn't moving.

    Gremlins, I tell ya! Gremlins! :bigsmile:

    Other than that I'm quite happy with it. Took a lot less time now that I'm getting the hang of the lift sequence and how to switch the plates and bar(s) around. It's a lot easier when you have a schedule posted that you can just blindly follow without thinking much about it.

    Happy lifting!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hi everyone...

    I was on vacation the past week, but still managed to get in modified SL work. The gym on the cruise didn't have any bars so I had to use the leg press for squats and then dumbbells for the other lifts, but I still made it work.

    First SL day after vacation and put up some good numbers:

    Squat: 110
    Bench and Row: 90

    I had been holding at 100 on squats for a few weeks just to work on form, but I think flexibility was more of a factor. Today I was able to get deeper and not have wobbly knees and I think it was because I did an actual warm-up of half mile on the treadmill and some good stretching before. So I will keep that up and see how things progress. I'm getting excited to be getting closer to tripple digits for all lifts except for OHP. 60 was a challenge on OHP so I know I will probably hit the wall on that here in the next few rounds of B.

    Soosannah - I sometimes get muscle twitches that just feel like vibrations. I notice it after lifting and when my potassium intake has been down. They can be very annoying.

    Dani - I agree that Gremlins are in everyone's scales!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    So, I just want to quickly report in. I last did a Stronglifts workout on Friday. On Sunday I did a workout with my TRX and had good fun with it. I plan to use it when we are camping on our motorcycles this season, so I want to get familiar with it. My plan is to swap it in to the rotation once every two weeks. Monday my abs were screaming so I decided to do just to a bit of direct core work after each TRX session.

    I came into some extra money recently and I splurged and ordered a set of fractional weights from E-Bay. I figure I am going to be needing them on every exercise including squats and deads pretty soon, and the linear thinker in me wants to keep adding *something* every session.

    Yesterday I did:

    Squat 65 lb. 5X5 I felt like I was way more in the groove than I have been before. Less wobbles and teeters, more overall strength, better tightening up and (therefore) better power up out of the squat.

    Bench 65 lb. 5X5 I wrote a note to myself that I need to repeat this weight because my form kept breaking down. Unless my fractionals arrive before then.

    Row 75 lb. 5X5 I love the bumper plates because they let me have the bar at the right height! These went well. They're starting to be challenging.

    Then I did some crunches, skipped the cardio, and scooted on home to see my partner who had been out of town for 2 1/2 weeks!

    I caught myself fantasizing about doing power cleans someday, LOL. I have only seen two people doing them at my gym. It would be so cool to master them. I don't want to screw up my knees though!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Dang! You girls are gettin' it! :bigsmile:

    I woke up this morning thinking that my back was all better. Got ready for work, moved about the house, got in the car and half way across the parking lot before I could feel it again. I may skip lifting tonight, or maybe just not do the deadlift. I imagine I will see how it's feeling by the end of the work day.

    It's going to be a doozie of a day, I think. My boss came in feeling bad, so she's in one of those moods, have an appointment this morning, then another this afternoon (doctors and lawyers...I guess I don't go cheap, huh?), so will probably be all grades of frazzled by the time I get home.

    I did find some good lower back yoga stretches last night and they felt pretty amazing, so maybe I will try some of them on the office floor today.

    At any rate, happy Hump Day!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    You ladies are bringing it! Congrats to everyone on their awesomeness.

    I have a quick NSV to share. I tried on a pair of jeans last night that were a size smaller than I thought I needed. And woo hoo--they were TOO BIG! The scale isn't moving, but clearly the fat is. Happy dance.:laugh:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    I completed my second 3x5 workout this morning and I'm still super happy I made the switch! I am still really struggling with my BP @ 66# though so I have come to the conclusion that this could be my first real stall :ohwell: I will try it again next workout and then deload if required.

    Have a great day!
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    Grrrr upward scale movement. Trying not to let it get to me. Also done with the trainer who tried to talk me out of the SL again.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Grrrr upward scale movement. Trying not to let it get to me. Also done with the trainer who tried to talk me out of the SL again.

    Tell me about it. I'm currently 2 pounds up, although this past weekend was TOM and I've been eating fairly crappily. Ugh. Need to get back on track...
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hang in there ladies.....the changes in your bodies will come even if the scale doesn't move!

    That's what I keep telling myself anyway....:laugh:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Great workout today!! No fails! Very happy!! Have i mentioned I love lifting!!!

    Squat 120 lb
    Bench 85 lb
    Row 85 lb

    My little foray into the 1200 calories plus exercise calories didn't work for me. We will have to find another way to save money because I have to eat!!! I am not interested in that binging that was going on. I have upped my cals to 1400 plus exercise cals again. (I think that is TDEE as if I were sedentary) I am still finding it difficult to keep it down to that but I think it is just my body rebelling against that 1200 crap!

    So yes I feel your pain related to those scale gremlins! I'm hovering but at least I'm not feeling like I'm starving all the time! I'm just going to trust that in time changes will happen!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Ladies (and guys, if you are so inclined),

    Have y’all seen these? I am SOOOOO ordering a pair!

  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Great workout today!! No fails! Very happy!! Have i mentioned I love lifting!!!

    Squat 120 lb
    Bench 85 lb
    Row 85 lb

    My little foray into the 1200 calories plus exercise calories didn't work for me. We will have to find another way to save money because I have to eat!!! I am not interested in that binging that was going on. I have upped my cals to 1400 plus exercise cals again. (I think that is TDEE as if I were sedentary) I am still finding it difficult to keep it down to that but I think it is just my body rebelling against that 1200 crap!

    So yes I feel your pain related to those scale gremlins! I'm hovering but at least I'm not feeling like I'm starving all the time! I'm just going to trust that in time changes will happen!

    WTG on your lifts. Im jealous of your bench!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Ladies (and guys, if you are so inclined),

    Have y’all seen these? I am SOOOOO ordering a pair!


    Where can I order the *kitten* and legs?? I would like to trade mine in.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Great workout today!! No fails! Very happy!! Have i mentioned I love lifting!!!

    Squat 120 lb
    Bench 85 lb
    Row 85 lb

    My little foray into the 1200 calories plus exercise calories didn't work for me. We will have to find another way to save money because I have to eat!!! I am not interested in that binging that was going on. I have upped my cals to 1400 plus exercise cals again. (I think that is TDEE as if I were sedentary) I am still finding it difficult to keep it down to that but I think it is just my body rebelling against that 1200 crap!

    So yes I feel your pain related to those scale gremlins! I'm hovering but at least I'm not feeling like I'm starving all the time! I'm just going to trust that in time changes will happen!

    WTG on your lifts. Im jealous of your bench!

    No worries! You are doing great Soosannah! We'll all get where we want to be if we just persevere! I had to start over when I hurt my back so it feels great to finally be moving up a little!! I think the 85 on the bench may actually be a PR! I also wanted to say I love your sharpei!

    Chunkmunk Congratulations!! To hell with those scale gremlins when you fit into tiny jeans who cares!!!

    Hofosho great job getting rid of the naysayer trainer!!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Lmao @ Soos. I want to trade mine in, too, and hug you for the needed giggle.

    I am still having issues with the left side of my lower back/hips/@$$ so I skipped my deadlift tonite, which really pisses me off, as it's one of my favorites.

    That said, however, I went up 5 lbs each on squats and OHP, 90 and 50, respectively.

    I think my bar and plates is the BEST ever investment in myself.

    The hubs is thrilled that I actually love myself enough to give a chit enough to take care of myself. This has made a major improvement in the state of our marriage, which was on the skids last summer.

    So I am sitting here soaking my errant left side in a tub of hot water with bubbles. I need sleep soon. I am SOOO tired, but, dayum! It's a good tired, though, and I will sleep well tonight.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Lmao @ Soos. I want to trade mine in, too, and hug you for the needed giggle.

    I am still having issues with the left side of my lower back/hips/@$$ so I skipped my deadlift tonite, which really pisses me off, as it's one of my favorites.

    That said, however, I went up 5 lbs each on squats and OHP, 90 and 50, respectively.

    I think my bar and plates is the BEST ever investment in myself.

    The hubs is thrilled that I actually love myself enough to give a chit enough to take care of myself. This has made a major improvement in the state of our marriage, which was on the skids last summer.

    So I am sitting here soaking my errant left side in a tub of hot water with bubbles. I need sleep soon. I am SOOO tired, but, dayum! It's a good tired, though, and I will sleep well tonight.

    Boo on missing deadlifts. I have decided its my favorite, that and the bench press. OHP still sucks! But WTG on hitting 50lbs.

    Best decision I ever made was moving the weight stuff to the dining room from the creepy basement. It also comes in handy for laundry days on no lift days. Bench to put the folded and a nice bar for the hanging stuff lol.

    Hope your back gets to feeling better, but I think you are doing right in nursing it and not trying to overdo it. There's always next week for deadlifts!
  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    Back from Boston, onwards to SF. Waaaay to much scrunched siting for my back. But went out to lift after class final this morning!

    Squat 135 5x5
    Deadlifts 145 5x1
    OHP 55 (failed on last set, but felt pretty boss as I had to power clean them all)

    Not really sure what I'm going to do for the next week and a half--only gym nearby has $150 first join-up fee and looks to be mostly aerobic classes stuff. May try some bodyweight tutorials on youtube, or just take puppy jogging. :heart:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    The hubs is thrilled that I actually love myself enough to give a chit enough to take care of myself. This has made a major improvement in the state of our marriage, which was on the skids last summer.

    And that is what it's about, not superficial things like weight loss or what some tape measure says or whatever. Glad to hear it!