March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Meh workout last night. Finally hit 120 on squats, but only 5554. Then decided to screw it because I'm sick of 5 x 5 and am only going to do 3 x 5 hereinafter. Now I feel better. :angry:

    I support you with this decision. :flowerforyou:

    I can at this point only dream of ever hitting 120 on squats. Jeebers!

    Also, my personal equinox challenge is to be at the end of cycle 3 of my AllPro's routine (I'm not exactly known to stick with any sort of working out for all that long, so that will definitely be a milestone!). Here's to hoping! :drinker:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    <snippy snip snip: challenge ideas and experiences>

    I more or less quit challenges when I started really lifting - I tried for a few weeks but its just IMPOSSIBLE, especially when they want you do to stuff like bodyweight squats, lunges, pushups, etc, and your muscles are like "NO **** YOU I AM TIRED"

    If you guys wnat to do a challenge I think the best way to structure it is to do something like
    Goals met/goals achieved

    and I recommend doing number of times you did the thing rather than progress (because progress can be discouraging).

    So you'd do like:

    3x/week stronglifts
    2x/week any cardio
    (and people can make their own)
    and then every week people would post how many out of how many, so like, I completed 4/5 this week!

    and then at the end you just tally up to see who had the highest completion percentage.

    We tend to post personal goals at the beginning of each monthly thread and also use it one to report on progress, plus chat. :) So maybe a separated "$month goals" thread so it's easier to see the goals/challenges, and keep check-ins/progress through the month here, and post final statuses on the "$month goals" thread?

    Or am I making this too complicated?
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @xidia - I think that is a great idea...I know my March goals are somewhere buried in the first few pages of the first part of this thread, LOL...I probably need to go find them and write them down, because I'll be danged if I remember what they are.

    Tonite is workout A for me. I had been trying to lift every other day with a couple of rest days thrown in here and there, but I am kinda thinking that maybe a Sun-Tues-Thurs thing might work better. I always lift better on weekends, obviously, because I am not all tired and stressed out about work, so I figure Friday and Saturday would make good rest days.

    I deload to 50 on rows tonight, given my past three attempts at them at 65 were pretty epic fails, LOL...going to increase by five on the squats and OHP. It feels pretty cool to think that I'll be squatting more than half my body weight this evening. :laugh: I'm turning into a lifting dork!

    Well, off to do some work, I guess. I am just ridiculously happy that it's finally FRIDAY! :drinker:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    @xidia - I think that is a great idea...I know my March goals are somewhere buried in the first few pages of the first part of this thread, LOL...I probably need to go find them and write them down, because I'll be danged if I remember what they are.

    Tonite is workout A for me. I had been trying to lift every other day with a couple of rest days thrown in here and there, but I am kinda thinking that maybe a Sun-Tues-Thurs thing might work better. I always lift better on weekends, obviously, because I am not all tired and stressed out about work, so I figure Friday and Saturday would make good rest days.

    I deload to 50 on rows tonight, given my past three attempts at them at 65 were pretty epic fails, LOL...going to increase by five on the squats and OHP. It feels pretty cool to think that I'll be squatting more than half my body weight this evening. :laugh: I'm turning into a lifting dork!

    Well, off to do some work, I guess. I am just ridiculously happy that it's finally FRIDAY! :drinker:
    I love my Sun-Tues-Thurs schedule. I end up doing cardio Friday and Saturday and take Monday and Wednesday as true rest days. Also works with pub trivia on Tuesday nights.

    Feeling good today, and gym wasn't too bad. Did some LIT (lazy interval training for those not reading the HIIT thread). My hamies are feeling rather tight, so I think I'm going to need to get a foam roller :grumble: I did yoga last night and some extra stretching to try and alleviate some of my knee pain (yes it's back, but I'm thinking it's from the tightness). Legs felt tighter than ever this morning, so I'm thinking the roller is the next step to try and work that out. I'm kind of afraid...

    But, "running" in the park tomorrow and then brewery tour for a friend's birthday! I am running with my WW friend, but she's been slacking on eating and the gym for about a month; thinking she might actually slow me down. <--- Never, ever thought I would say that.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    LMAO @ my March Goals... I dont remember what they are but I guarantee you Im no where near meeting them....I'll be traveling 1 week and 2 weekends of April so that isnt looking great either.... maybe I need to go back into serious weightloss mode... Ive seen to have lost my bucket of giveadamn.....
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ha, I had to go back and look at the other thread we rolled, which is back on page four (a separate goal thread might be useful), and my first thought was I was delusional with my goals, but I will probably hit most of them.

    Squats - 95 (will barely get there only because Sunday is the last day of the month)
    Bench - 95 (no way in hell)
    Rows - 85 (maybe)
    OHP - 57.5 (already there!!)
    Deads - 170 (already there!!)
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member

    We tend to post personal goals at the beginning of each monthly thread and also use it one to report on progress, plus chat. :) So maybe a separated "$month goals" thread so it's easier to see the goals/challenges, and keep check-ins/progress through the month here, and post final statuses on the "$month goals" thread?

    Or am I making this too complicated?

    Oh Thanks, I'm so new that I didn't know that. Having a monthly goal to focus on is all I really need, and if I put it in this thread or another one is fine with me. I do know that I do better when I have *something* to keep my attention (because I get bored and forget my purpose so easily!).

    Anyways, I did a workout yesterday. I went to a different gym. It was nice and empty, which was good, no waiting for the power rack. It doesn't have the plastic plates so I would have to stack my bar on plates for my rows, but that's not really a big deal. But the recumbent bikes are older models, which sux -- no fan!! I really need a fan after I lift LOLOLOL But, it was still nice to check out a new place. I could not believe how empty the free weight section was, almost everyone was over doing cardio, cardio, cardio :sick: blech

    Squats @ 70 lb., still no problems and just minding my form. Some sets felt awesome, others I was overthinking all the little form things grrr Deadlift at 135 (big girl plates yay!) and starting to feel heavy, for the first time it was harder to maintain form.

    OHP, I felt my first glimmers of frustration with it. I've been at 45 lb. for 5 workouts. I've been adding reps, adding reps, adding reps. I figured it was time to try 50 pounds. Only managed one set before I had to drop back. I hope those fractionals get here soon.

    I love reading here. You all are so motivational for me. I love knowing that you are out there doing it just like I am, with the same joys and struggles.

    And that's all I have today.
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    @xidia I agree, I really like the idea of a goals/results thread, keeping this one a chit-chat thread. I don't know how well this would work but I know some forums have "journals" where each member has a thread where they can post goals and pictures and whatever about themselves and others can comment. It keeps all the stuff from that user in one place.
    Is it possible to have private groups on here? I'd be interested in a private journals group where each member has their own thread.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Ahhhh the tape measure finally moved this morning! Whoop! The scale went up again but the inches finally moved. Slow and not a huge difference....0.75# in 3 weeks but it's something! (I'm not sure how many of you have seen my rants and stress over this issue!). I will be taking another set of photo's in 3 weeks so hopefully I will see more changes there!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ahhhh the tape measure finally moved this morning! Whoop! The scale went up again but the inches finally moved. Slow and not a huge difference....0.75# in 3 weeks but it's something! (I'm not sure how many of you have seen my rants and stress over this issue!). I will be taking another set of photo's in 3 weeks so hopefully I will see more changes there!

    Yay for progress!! And you love the new program, so win/win. :laugh:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I like that idea too Xidia - I'm going to do it for April.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Okay, I took a week off--between Vegas and the end of the quarter, I just couldn't do it. I'm hitting the gym soon and I'll probably just do a redux of my last Workout B...goblets at 55, ohp at 70, and deads at 160.

    eta: I just went back and found my goals for the month. Here they are:
    Squat: 120
    Bench: 3x5 90
    Row: 3x5 85
    Goblets: 3x5 60
    OHP: 65 (70 is my "ultimate" goal, so I'll take a 5 pound increase this month)
    Deadlifts: 170--which will be 35 lbs over body weight

    So, I've hit these goals: squat, row, ohp (beat it) and I'm almost there on bench. My last bench day I did 90 lbs for 5-4-4, so I'm close!!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @extra - I aspire to do your deadlifts!

    @Vegas - way to go, girl!!!!!

    RE: Goals...Mine are almost laughable -

    Squat - 110 (at 95 tonight, this may be possible)
    Bench- 70 (this is iffy.)
    OHP - 75 (About the same as a snowball's chance in h3ll.)
    Row - 90 (In all honesty I started out increasing by 5 lb increments, but three fails and tonight's deload?)
    DL - 140 (I thought I would get there, but I am struggling with 115, sooooooo...)
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    So I weighed in this morning! Lost 13.4 since January! Body fat % was lower than I thought though...only a loss of 3%. I'm not convinced that's accurate, but it should be consistent anyway, since it was the same scale as last time. I'll find out tonight if I win my hundred bucks!

    No gym tonight , but I'll go tomorrow. Need another lifting day this week!
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    HOLY COW, hofo! 13 pounds since January is BADASS. And 3% loss of BF is certainly nothing to sneeze at. I'm on my way out of the office and to a bar to watch some basketball. I'll drink to you! :drinker:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Hofo congrats on the awesome loss!!

    Vegas congratulations on your tape measure loss!!

    Squats: 125 lb
    OHP: 67 lb tried 70 again but so such luck
    DL: 145 lb (I'm pleased about this one because although I don't weigh 145 now I do remember weighing 145 at some point! So it's kind of like lifting my weight! LOL! The mind games we play!)
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Back to the gym today after my rest week! I also did a 10% deload "just because". It was nice getting 5x5 on all my lifts for once :)

    I also did some negative chins (It finally dawned on me that pull-ups & chin-ups are the BEST use of the Smith machine since the actual pull-up bar is so high I need to climb on a bench just to reach it.)

    I got 3 good compliments today and 1 inappropriate one. I was chatting with a girl during my rest time between sets and she asked how long I've been coming to the gym. I explained that it's been a year and a half but I left during my pregnancy and have been back for 3 months. She said I look good for 4 months PP and she wouldn't have guessed! A guy I'm friends with was there too and he agreed with her and said he can tell that I've been losing weight since I came back. Another guy I'm friends with said "well done on the bench! You've improved your form!"
    And then a creepy guy started telling me how hot i am while I was in the jacuzzi (along with 4 other people). I told him that it was inappropriate. Ugh. I told him a good test to tell if a compliment is appropriate is "would you compliment another guy in the same way under the same circumstances? No? Are you dating the girl? No? Then keep it to yourself!" I talked to another girl later about it and she agrees with me that the guy is really creepy.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    And then a creepy guy started telling me how hot i am while I was in the jacuzzi (along with 4 other people).

    Well, to be fair to the dude, I bet you such creepy comments work really well with the female crowd with horrible self-esteem issues who will latch on to any "complement" they can. Dude just wan't prepared to encounter a lady who has no such issues. Good for you. I hope he paid attention. :smile:

    I'm about to go pick things up and put them down again ... woop woop!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    @hofo - Outstanding!!!! So excited for you! :)

    @lex- WTG on form that gets compliments! Not so much on the creepy guy, tho. Ewwww….It’s like that hog of a man at work that thinks it’s ok to make boobie comments to me since I’ve lost everywhere BUT there. He’s a pig and his “stuff” doesn’t work (his confession, not my observation) and it’s also ewwww that he even felt the need to share. WAY TMI, no?

    I think that THIS group of women are bad@$$ enough to not “need" to hear creepy comments to validate that we rock the house. I like the comments guidelines…I am totally going to remember that and use on the aforementioned piggy.

    Well, after bailing on the lift last night, I’m feeling much more bad@$$ today so am about to start picking up heavy things and put them down, now, too. :bigsmile:

    Happy Saturday, yo!
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    @julie ewww at that guy...