March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Was gonna wait until after the gym to post this so I could do my weights too but I'm too excited...

    I wasn't gonna measure for another week but I just decided to go for it. 1/2 inch off waist, 2 fricken inches off of belly button, and a 1/2 inch off muffin top! Yay! Either I can't measure or I'm doing awesome!

    my vote is you are AWESOME!!!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Was gonna wait until after the gym to post this so I could do my weights too but I'm too excited...

    I wasn't gonna measure for another week but I just decided to go for it. 1/2 inch off waist, 2 fricken inches off of belly button, and a 1/2 inch off muffin top! Yay! Either I can't measure or I'm doing awesome!

    I'm voting awesome!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Was gonna wait until after the gym to post this so I could do my weights too but I'm too excited...

    I wasn't gonna measure for another week but I just decided to go for it. 1/2 inch off waist, 2 fricken inches off of belly button, and a 1/2 inch off muffin top! Yay! Either I can't measure or I'm doing awesome!

    I'm voting awesome!

    ^^^me too!!!
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Was gonna wait until after the gym to post this so I could do my weights too but I'm too excited...

    I wasn't gonna measure for another week but I just decided to go for it. 1/2 inch off waist, 2 fricken inches off of belly button, and a 1/2 inch off muffin top! Yay! Either I can't measure or I'm doing awesome!

    I'm voting awesome!

    ^^^me too!!!

    Thats awesome. . .I love the results I;ve been getting do this too. . .Congratulations!!!
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Was gonna wait until after the gym to post this so I could do my weights too but I'm too excited...

    I wasn't gonna measure for another week but I just decided to go for it. 1/2 inch off waist, 2 fricken inches off of belly button, and a 1/2 inch off muffin top! Yay! Either I can't measure or I'm doing awesome!

    WTG and it is awesome
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I wasn't gonna measure for another week but I just decided to go for it. 1/2 inch off waist, 2 fricken inches off of belly button, and a 1/2 inch off muffin top! Yay! Either I can't measure or I'm doing awesome!

    Most excellently done! :drinker:
  • fishlover888
    Thank you everyone! :D Excited to see how the rest of the 12 weeks will go.
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    Thank you everyone! :D Excited to see how the rest of the 12 weeks will go.

    Congrats ! That is so exciting. How many weeks are you in?
  • Angellaree
    Angellaree Posts: 71 Member
    Grrr. Workout sucked today. Squats went good, am up to 60 lbs on the first day of the 2nd week. I am still REALLY struggling on OHP, I complete it, but can tell my form is not good. Should I scale down to a lighter bar? And I aimed too high with deadlifts; completed the 95 lbs after misreading the "directions" last workout, but again, form was not spot on, so back down on that, too. But, it was still fun to be in the "big boy section"......even if it was with my a PT gym.....filled with mostly 60 yr plus heart patients :embarassed:

    Overhead presses are tough. Do you think your form was not so good because the weight was heavy? If so then you may want to lower the weight a bit.

    but honestly - with the influx of men lately I don't feel comfortable posting in here anymore because of 1. Some women's reaction to the men in here 2. I don't feel like talking about how my boobs get in the way of some lifts sometimes because there are men in here. cause what advice is a man going to give me about my boobs being in the way of my rows sometimes. "hey strap em down sweetie pie! Maybe it'll work then!" Or maybe "Oh do you think your form is suffering cause it's too heavy???""" really??? Come on.

    I'm tired of men thinking that our lifts can't be awesome and maybe we're lifting too heavy - dude. So there. end of rant. if that was a rant. I tried to be nice.

    Peacing out. Never wanted to make anyone uncomfortable by being here. But it seems to be going down that road so I will just step out. You ladies are awesome and have a nice day.


    Sorry! I got really busy and forgot to reply. I didn't read anything or thought anything in anyone's responses was offensive. I was looking for feedback and got it, so thank you, all of you!

    @ Vince. Yes! My form was off because the weight was too heavy. I don't know if I said in my original post but I was only doing the bar on the OHP. I was arching my back and def felt it the next day. So the only lighter bar I have, since I lift at home normally, is one of those bent barbells, not sure the correct name. So I was going to scale back to that until I find the right weight. Does that sound like a good plan?
  • Angellaree
    Angellaree Posts: 71 Member
    Was gonna wait until after the gym to post this so I could do my weights too but I'm too excited...

    I wasn't gonna measure for another week but I just decided to go for it. 1/2 inch off waist, 2 fricken inches off of belly button, and a 1/2 inch off muffin top! Yay! Either I can't measure or I'm doing awesome!

    Way to go!!!:drinker:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Grrr. Workout sucked today. Squats went good, am up to 60 lbs on the first day of the 2nd week. I am still REALLY struggling on OHP, I complete it, but can tell my form is not good. Should I scale down to a lighter bar? And I aimed too high with deadlifts; completed the 95 lbs after misreading the "directions" last workout, but again, form was not spot on, so back down on that, too. But, it was still fun to be in the "big boy section"......even if it was with my a PT gym.....filled with mostly 60 yr plus heart patients :embarassed:

    Overhead presses are tough. Do you think your form was not so good because the weight was heavy? If so then you may want to lower the weight a bit.

    but honestly - with the influx of men lately I don't feel comfortable posting in here anymore because of 1. Some women's reaction to the men in here 2. I don't feel like talking about how my boobs get in the way of some lifts sometimes because there are men in here. cause what advice is a man going to give me about my boobs being in the way of my rows sometimes. "hey strap em down sweetie pie! Maybe it'll work then!" Or maybe "Oh do you think your form is suffering cause it's too heavy???""" really??? Come on.

    I'm tired of men thinking that our lifts can't be awesome and maybe we're lifting too heavy - dude. So there. end of rant. if that was a rant. I tried to be nice.

    Peacing out. Never wanted to make anyone uncomfortable by being here. But it seems to be going down that road so I will just step out. You ladies are awesome and have a nice day.


    Sorry! I got really busy and forgot to reply. I didn't read anything or thought anything in anyone's responses was offensive. I was looking for feedback and got it, so thank you, all of you!

    @ Vince. Yes! My form was off because the weight was too heavy. I don't know if I said in my original post but I was only doing the bar on the OHP. I was arching my back and def felt it the next day. So the only lighter bar I have, since I lift at home normally, is one of those bent barbells, not sure the correct name. So I was going to scale back to that until I find the right weight. Does that sound like a good plan?

    I think those are EZ bars, and yes, sounds like the right thing to do.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Workout this morning was kind of meh.

    I'm starting to really feel the squats, and they hurt. Not that I've injured myself, but I think my lack of flexibility is starting to bite me in the *kitten* now that the weight is increasing. Managed 5x5 at 85 again without too many problems though.

    OHP was not too bad considering I just went up in weight. I did 5,5,4,4,4 at 57.5. Could have been worse.

    Deads were a little problematic. My legs were still tired from squats. Even my warm up at 115 felt a little rough. Ugh. I did manage 170lbs, which is an increase and did it more 2,1,2. Not horrible long rests in between, but longer than just adjusting grip in between (which I've actually started doing). Think I'll repeat that one on Sunday.

    And for those who haven't seen my wall, rounded out the lovely workout by leaving my towel at home. Awkward... Today will be better; there is beer tonight or maybe even barley wine if I'm feeling spendy.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    About to do Workout B, first workout of this week - but I have a sore heel. I don't know how I did it, there wasn't a moment when I remember it starting hurting per say but it was agony on Sunday so I didn't walk anywhere, and yesterday and today it's been a bit better but I can still feel it. I hope my workout doesn't make it worse - i'll stop if I feel it does. Just frustrating cos I want to workout and I have a light weekend because of it... If all else fails I get I can do push-ups and swim!!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I think those are EZ bars, and yes, sounds like the right thing to do.

    I'm currently doing the OHP on the super-curl bar and if you hold it properly, it works just fine. I reset mine to 35 pounds and am going from there. In no hurry ...
  • fishlover888
    Thank you everyone! :D Excited to see how the rest of the 12 weeks will go.

    Congrats ! That is so exciting. How many weeks are you in?

    Just finished week 3. :) Long ways to go!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Workout A for the Chubbster today. All repeat weights:

    130 squats
    90 bench- 2-4-4-5-5 ----boooo
    95 rows

    I got to do my first Roll of Shame today. I got 2 reps of my first set of benches and my arms decided they didn't like what was going on. The bar landed on my HRM transmitter (yowchie) and I'm fully expecting at least one small bruise from the experience. I'm trying for 90 again next time and I'm guessing that I might need to deload.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member

    I got to do my first Roll of Shame today. I got 2 reps of my first set of benches and my arms decided they didn't like what was going on. The bar landed on my HRM transmitter (yowchie) and I'm fully expecting at least one small bruise from the experience.

    Aww, I am sorry that you had to do the roll, and that your HRM got in the way!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Thanks Tameko for the intermediate writeups!!! Not that I need them. I know I suck at lifts, but I don't think I could tell you right now where I need improvement (and what accessory lifts would help with that). So, I guess I'm still sitting pretty at a beginner level, and I'm fine with that. :laugh: Hoping to power through until I go to Scotland, and then that will be my diet and exercise break. Then maybe a lighter deload week back, and then back to the grind. It's the plan, but we'll see how it actually goes...

    When are you going? Where are you going? I have only been once but I love Scotland!! My husband is a piper and back in 95 we were there for a month going around to the folk fests and Scottish small pipe gatherings. It was awesome!

    I'm actually going on a "tour" with two pipe and drum bands, one Scotish, and one from California (together on the same trip). I'm leaving at the end of April, and we're going to the Isle of Mull, Loch Lemond, Oban, Sterling, Rosslyn Chapel, Glenkinchie distillery and Edinburgh. Should be a lot of fun. There will be several private concerts, a ceilidh, and a whole lot of drinking. Even though it's more expensive, I thinking about sticking with whisky for the trip because I drink it so much slower than beer. Beer could lead to problems (like 6 a night problems). Especially since my tummy tends to hate excessive amounts of beer and I'm going to have a random roommate...

    End of April! How glorious! We were there for the month of April, leaving at the end and I was so sad because the blossoms were coming out on the trees and I wanted to experience that next phase!! I'm so excited for you!!!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Workout A for the Chubbster today. All repeat weights:

    130 squats
    90 bench- 2-4-4-5-5 ----boooo
    95 rows

    I got to do my first Roll of Shame today. I got 2 reps of my first set of benches and my arms decided they didn't like what was going on. The bar landed on my HRM transmitter (yowchie) and I'm fully expecting at least one small bruise from the experience. I'm trying for 90 again next time and I'm guessing that I might need to deload.

    Am I reading this correctly that you lifted 2 on your first set, and finished with 5s?

    If so it just sounds like you need to warm up more.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Hi everyone! Still breaking rules here, and doing all the lifts in one day. I just feel better about the workout when I get them all in. Is that wrong??

    Nope, that's what I'm doing. Starting at 2x8 and working up to 2x12 which is just one short of 5x5.

    You're doing SL deadlifts which tax the CNS a lot less than regular DLs so you should be fine. If you were doing regular DLs I'd caution you against (I do regular DLs so I'm scaling them down to every other workout and am dropping the weight by a lot), but I don't see an issue, really.

    Watch for signs of overtraining though, and pay attention to your body. But, we should all do that anyway. :smile:

    OH gosh, what is a regular dead lift compared to a SL dead lift? I have no idea what I'm doing?

    Thanks Tameko. I'm doing the clean style dead lifts.