March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    BTW this is an awesome response on OHP -

    "OHP is a tough lift to progress. Also, the more advanced you get with a particular lift is, the harder it is to progress it.

    At your body weight, 5 reps at 70 is far into intermediate territory, coming very close to advanced. Even at 60 lbs, it's intermediate. When we get into the intermediate level it's time to move on from the novice 5x5 and 3x5 programs into something more advanced that includes periodization. The gains will happen slower from now on, but they will come steadily.

    It's sort of a nice problem to have. You are having trouble progressing because of how far you've come.

    My recommendation is Wendler's 5/3/1 as a logical next step.. I have also heard good things about The Texas Method.
    Edited by taso42 on Wed 03/13/13 07:05 PM "

    and it's by a man and I have no issues with it. just sayin'
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Grrr. Workout sucked today. Squats went good, am up to 60 lbs on the first day of the 2nd week. I am still REALLY struggling on OHP, I complete it, but can tell my form is not good. Should I scale down to a lighter bar? And I aimed too high with deadlifts; completed the 95 lbs after misreading the "directions" last workout, but again, form was not spot on, so back down on that, too. But, it was still fun to be in the "big boy section"......even if it was with my a PT gym.....filled with mostly 60 yr plus heart patients :embarassed:

    Overhead presses are tough. Do you think your form was not so good because the weight was heavy? If so then you may want to lower the weight a bit.

    but honestly - with the influx of men lately I don't feel comfortable posting in here anymore because of 1. Some women's reaction to the men in here 2. I don't feel like talking about how my boobs get in the way of some lifts sometimes because there are men in here. cause what advice is a man going to give me about my boobs being in the way of my rows sometimes. "hey strap em down sweetie pie! Maybe it'll work then!" Or maybe "Oh do you think your form is suffering cause it's too heavy???""" really??? Come on.

    I'm tired of men thinking that our lifts can't be awesome and maybe we're lifting too heavy - dude. So there. end of rant. if that was a rant. I tried to be nice.

    Peacing out. Never wanted to make anyone uncomfortable by being here. But it seems to be going down that road so I will just step out. You ladies are awesome and have a nice day.

  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Tee hee I found a picture of my original deadlift/row setup when I started last month:


    Yes those are recycling crates. :laugh:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Tee hee I found a picture of my original deadlift/row setup when I started last month:


    Yes those are recycling crates. :laugh:

    That's a pretty nice set up!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    That's awesome! I used a total of 6 big Rubbermaid organizers, 3 stacked on each side for my "squat rack" and 2 chairs from my daughter's little Ikea chair and table set for my DL/Row setup until I got my power rack! This shows how dedicated we are :bigsmile:
  • Amazing1985RSD
    Grrr. Workout sucked today. Squats went good, am up to 60 lbs on the first day of the 2nd week. I am still REALLY struggling on OHP, I complete it, but can tell my form is not good. Should I scale down to a lighter bar? And I aimed too high with deadlifts; completed the 95 lbs after misreading the "directions" last workout, but again, form was not spot on, so back down on that, too. But, it was still fun to be in the "big boy section"......even if it was with my a PT gym.....filled with mostly 60 yr plus heart patients :embarassed:

    Overhead presses are tough. Do you think your form was not so good because the weight was heavy? If so then you may want to lower the weight a bit.

    yes - overhead presses are tough, and women historically struggle with them. I don't know any ladies here that do not struggle with them. But overall the goal is to lift heavy things and put them down. I guess I don't get how your comment was constructive or informative? How about asking her how much she has been lifting and for how long? How many attempts she has made at the OHP first and then discuss a strategy from there. Instead of saying "hey honey, that's too heavy....why don't you put that heavy weight down". I don't get it - first women have a lot of self esteem issues when it comes to going to the gym anyway, especially in the weights section. I think I can speak for the majority of us that it is a hard move to even go into the weights section especially since it's so testosterone filled - plus having a guy in a women's discussion (which I typically do not mind, honestly) unless you have something that actually contributes to our overall goals and doesn't make women question why they are posting in a WOMENS forum anyway.

    When form is not so good because the weight is too heavy is called, "form break down". It happens. I was just trying to see if this could be the issue which is why I asked if she thought the weight was too heavy. (legitimate question) She even asked herself if she should scale down to a lighter bar. And the reason why I didn't ask how long she's been lifting is because she had already said that she was on her 2nd week.

  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    That's awesome! I used a total of 6 big Rubbermaid organizers, 3 stacked on each side for my "squat rack" and 2 chairs from my daughter's little Ikea chair and table set for my DL/Row setup until I got my power rack! This shows how dedicated we are :bigsmile:


    Or crazy.

    Either way, it's fun! :bigsmile:
  • fishlover888
    Grrr. Workout sucked today. Squats went good, am up to 60 lbs on the first day of the 2nd week. I am still REALLY struggling on OHP, I complete it, but can tell my form is not good. Should I scale down to a lighter bar? And I aimed too high with deadlifts; completed the 95 lbs after misreading the "directions" last workout, but again, form was not spot on, so back down on that, too. But, it was still fun to be in the "big boy section"......even if it was with my a PT gym.....filled with mostly 60 yr plus heart patients :embarassed:

    OK just focusing on your question here... Remind me what weight bar you are using? Personally if it was me I would stay at that same weight for your next workout and see if there is improvement - I would expect there to be some. Then when you are comfortable with your form you can up the weights. Another idea is to practice form with something like a cane/broomstick in addition to doing your weights so you & your muscles have a good idea of what to do, as far as I know this is fairly common practice for weightlifters.

    It's your body so you are really the only one who can decide, but for me that struggle is when I feel like I'm really pushing myself and getting stronger.

    Science wise (teehee) being in your second week the strength gains you see will be mainly due to improved neurological input (what people call muscle memory), not true hypertrophy. And brains are pretty awesome at figuring stuff out so I think you will find yourself improving quickly!

    And also CONGRATS on starting week 2! You probably really impressed the patients there :flowerforyou:
  • Amazing1985RSD
    One thing I learned not too long ago is that barbells come in different amount of weight. I didn't realize until a barbell felt light and I walked it over to a scale to weigh it!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Peacing out. Never wanted to make anyone uncomfortable by being here. But it seems to be going down that road so I will just step out. You ladies are awesome and have a nice day.


    You've never made me uncomfortable; in fact, you've been a perfect gentleman and I appreciate it. We did agree that you could stay when you asked ... but we all have different comfort levels I suppose.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Reporting in on my workout today... I was going to try to FOCUS on FOLLOWING STRONGLIFT DIRECTIONS -- obviously not my strong suit :laugh:
    Squats 2 warmup sets with the empty bar and 60 5X5. Awesome right? Well, somewhere in there I fell backwards DOH. Needless to say I was glad I was in the good rack, in the other one the bar would have just rolled right out off the safety bars. I laughed at myself -- the weight wasn't heavy, it was just me trying to get my neurological communication working. I've done worse things, believe me. So after my heart stopped racing from shock & embarrassment I kept on squatting.

    OHP 45 6X5 no warmup. My form was much better, i.e. the weight was much more manageable today than last time. I talked to the manager at my gym, no fractional weights will be forthcoming from them. So I will go get something to carry back and forth with me. In the meantime, I guess I just muddle through with the bar and increasing reps. It won't take me long to get my washers or whatever I decide on.

    DL 130 1X5 This is still easy. I am just going to keep going up 5 lb. at a time though. I'm not in a race here. And I know that when deadlifts get hard they REALLY get hard!

    A couple of you talked about how working out on crap food or no food sucks, and I know that's true for me too. In fact, I have experimented enough to know that I do my best workout in the midafternoon. My theory is that afternoon is when I have the most carbo energy floating around in my system! A long time ago I used to do very low carbs and I used to work out on an empty stomach when I woke up :noway: I don't know how I did it back then!! I know there are lots of peeps on MFP who do that today, but it does NOT work for me any more.

  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    So, well…

    I got my Oly set today. Only three months before my birthday. We were maxing out my little standard bar. It was kinda too short to put weights on and still fit within the supports on my rack. That’s how I knew it was time.

    I thought I was really a beast until I picked up the bar at the store. Thought, “What the hell, it’s only 45 lbs, and the only lift I can’t do 45 lbs on is (omg, I’m sorry…) my OHP, but I’m almost there."

    So we get it home, and it’s in four containers - the bar and clamps in a tube, and three boxes with plates in them - 90, 50, and 40 lbs respectively. And I carried them all from the truck, up the few stairs and into the studio. :bigsmile: Cuz you know I’m sorta bada$$ that way, LOL…

    Of course, my lift day isn’t until tomorrow, but y’all gotta know I had to ops-check it, so I did a set of squats with just the bar, a couple of 5 lb weights, empty bar OHP, and ONE (yes…a whopping one) deadlift @ 115. :love: The fact that the bar is about two feet longer than my little baby 10 lb standard bar is going to create a learning curve, so I might do well to kinda deload and start from empty bar and press (pardon the pun) on so that I can work on form with a longer bar.

    We’ve now got plate storage rack in here, too, so all my Oly plates and some of my most frequently used standard plates are up off the floor (keeping the standard bar and plates for my son, who is 110 lbs soaking wet at 5’6).

    I was more excited about this set than a new handbag or shoes (now THAT is something, right there).

    So y’all’s thoughts on starting over with just the bar, given its unfamiliar length and circumference?


    Squat @ 70#
    Bench press @ 50#
    Rows @ 65#
    OHP @ 40# (I tried the bar today, and handled it fairly well and due for that 5# increase tomorrow, anyway)
    Deadlift @ 110#
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    So y’all’s thoughts on starting over with just the bar, given its unfamiliar length and circumference?

    I'd do some warm-up sets and if those are comfortable ... lift on!

    I always do at least one warm-up set with just the bar anyway. Doesn't everyone?

    Try the OHP on the oly bar and if you can do it with good form, then just go for it.

    I know what you mean. I saw a power rack today at Sports Authority, and I swear I never drooled over a piece of clothing or a purse like I stood there oohing and aahing over that rack today, wishing I had the $700 to walk out with it and take it home. I'm pretty sure I said out loud (to myself) "now that's sexy!"

  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    So y’all’s thoughts on starting over with just the bar, given its unfamiliar length and circumference?

    I'd do some warm-up sets and if those are comfortable ... lift on!

    I always do at least one warm-up set with just the bar anyway. Doesn't everyone?

    Try the OHP on the oly bar and if you can do it with good form, then just go for it.

    I know what you mean. I saw a power rack today at Sports Authority, and I swear I never drooled over a piece of clothing or a purse like I stood there oohing and aahing over that rack today, wishing I had the $700 to walk out with it and take it home. I'm pretty sure I said out loud (to myself) "now that's sexy!"


    I got excited over my big *kitten* washers lol
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member

    I was more excited about this set than a new handbag or shoes (now THAT is something, right there).

    So y’all’s thoughts on starting over with just the bar, given its unfamiliar length and circumference?


    Squat @ 70#
    Bench press @ 50#
    Rows @ 65#
    OHP @ 40# (I tried the bar today, and handled it fairly well and due for that 5# increase tomorrow, anyway)
    Deadlift @ 110#

    I'd definitely be more exited about that kit than a, new bag or shoes. Of course, that's like saying Mount Everest is more tall than a molehill ;)

    I've done two bench sets with the empty bar instead of a teeny studio bar and the balance is coming. Rows weren't too bad, but my form sucked anyway when I switched up to the Oly. I'd say experiment and if you feel good, go for it.
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Yay Julie I'd be really excited too! If I had room for a home gym, I would get one in a heartbeat (but noooooo... I had to get a stupid elliptical a few years ago and DH doesn't want to get rid of it, he's the only one who uses it though).
    I do think a small deload is a good idea just to get used to the bar.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    So y’all’s thoughts on starting over with just the bar, given its unfamiliar length and circumference?

    I'd do some warm-up sets and if those are comfortable ... lift on!

    I always do at least one warm-up set with just the bar anyway. Doesn't everyone?

    Try the OHP on the oly bar and if you can do it with good form, then just go for it.

    I know what you mean. I saw a power rack today at Sports Authority, and I swear I never drooled over a piece of clothing or a purse like I stood there oohing and aahing over that rack today, wishing I had the $700 to walk out with it and take it home. I'm pretty sure I said out loud (to myself) "now that's sexy!"


    I got excited over my big *kitten* washers lol

    Totally get it! I'd be feeling the very same way!
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    I feel like a BAMF today!

    Squats 50 kg 5x5! (110 lbs)
    OHP 22 kg 5x3 (48 lbs) I don't even feel bad about not hitting 5x5 here because I wasn't expecting to!
    Deadlift 52 kg 1x5 (115 lbs)

    Then I did an hourlong spinning class.

    I also walked to & from the gym since the bus is so infrequent on Saturdays.

    I don't know if that was all such a good idea but wow it was FUN!

    So that was workout #B9.
    Next week I'm taking a rest week, then I'm deloading. I really feel like it's time for me to do that. Hesitating between a 10% and a 20% deload.

    I've noticed something odd at my gym during spin class & during zumba. They censor out the swear words in songs. It doesn't make any sense, not even a little. WHY WHY WHY would anyone need to censor out s*it-faced in "I've got a hangover" by Taio Cruz? Not a huge fan of the song, but seriously. My gym is all 18+, no minors allowed. In France. And the subject matter. I mean, clearly, it's a song about binge drinking. Swear-words are the tiniest problem that song has. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does. I can get on board with some songs having "clean" versions if the words aren't just bleeped out but the singer actually makes a "clean" version, and if it's a song with appropriate subject matter for children but with a few swear words that are removed (a perfect example of this is P!nk's F*ckin' Perfect). But why censor a song like Tik Tok? I don't get it. Am I the only one bothered by this?

    One last thing - I saw another girl in the gym today (I went earlier than I normally do) and it looked to me like she was doing stronglifts (or something very similar), too. She is lifting 45 lbs heavier than me but she's also much taller (she puts the bar 2 notches higher than I do on the power rack for squats). It was nice to not be the only girl in there today using the free weights.

    OK, last, last thing! I got a blood blister by pinching my finger between 2 plates when loading my bar! Ouchie! This was also a factor in my decision to take my rest week now. It's super painful.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    You gals are AMAZING! Stop wigging yourselves out over a 5 or 10 pound difference when y'all are lifting small horses already. My kid weighs 42 lbs and I'm happy that any of you could heave him out of a window in case of a fire. Keep it in perspective, yo. :smile:

    Just saw this, and you know, you are right, a lot of us are lifting some heavy shizz and being down because we are lifting a little lighter seems a bit um diva-ish (well it would be in other contexts not so sure about here!) I am doing well for being in about 400 or so cals deficit. Yep, mini celebration time would be in order. BUT sometimes the other negative stuff in life gets in the way and it seems like one more negative, instead of being a really big positive, because despite the deficit, the tiredness, the freaking *kitten* cold that will not go...lifting goes on!

    : )

    Have a great weekend heavy lifting session for me is tomorrow as is weigh-in day (uh oh!) Stay strong ladies.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Julie--I'd test out the bar and get a feel for and then decide if you want to add weights. You might surprise yourself with what you can do. I'm jealous of your set up!

    Lex-- That's a crazy workout! Weights, spinning, and the walk home. Made me tired just reading it. And I agree about the bleeped out swear words in songs. It's annoyingly distracting.

    I did workout b today

    Squats: 130!!
    OHP 65 again
    Deads 150 again--My grip is getting a little better so I'm excited

    Hit submit before I was done. There was a lady doing squats in the Smith machine while I was finishing OHP in the rack. She had a "trainer" helping her out. She was standing straight up and down and then when she went to squat, she pushed her hips forward and kind of dropped down so her butt rested on a bench. I honestly have no idea how she did it because it looked awkward as hell. So, I mentioned that she should try the rack instead and suggested ways to improve her form. She kept glancing at her trainer (like I'm the crazy person) and just said "ok thanks". I apologized later for butting in to her workout. I wanted to say something to the trainer but he wasn't around when I left. Maybe I'll get a copy of Starting Strength and put it on his desk. I realize it's probably a minimum wage position and he doesn't give any ****s, but he's going to let someone get hurt. /rant.