March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • Amazing1985RSD
    Maybe I should stop wearing underwear to the gym too. Better yet, why not just replace my whole outfit with one of these!

  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member

    This is what I'm feeling like today lol.

    Really feeling my workout from last night in my abs today. This is a good thing, no?

    @vash. Hope you didn't hurt yourself. I know that I have to have something in the tank when I lift and strangely enough the only exercise I can actually do with food in the tank. Cardio, forget it, I'll spew everywhere.

    I love the me vs me concept. While I stand in awe of all you heavy lifting chicks, I know I can't do it right now, but someday!

    I'm a wedgie picker but at least I have the privacy of my home and only the hubby and dogs have to watch.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Maybe I should stop wearing underwear to the gym too. Better yet, why not just replace my whole outfit with one of these!


    Pretty sure that would clear the power rack area!
  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    Woah nelly warn a girl before you post a bright green zentai suit. :noway: :laugh:

    It was more of an O****INTROUBLE feeling right after I started trying to push up out of the squat. But then I remembered the safety bar and just crawled out from under. Oops. :blushing:

    @Soos--The best measuring stick is against yourself, yeah. We are not being payed enough to lift to have any other standards. :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Sore abs are always a good feeling!
  • Amazing1985RSD
    Hmmm I was actually going for humor with that. Perhaps the green ranger would be less intimidating?
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Maybe I should stop wearing underwear to the gym too. Better yet, why not just replace my whole outfit with one of these!


    vote yes!!1 full of you wouldn't have to wait for the squat rack..they'd see all that green and run..:wink:
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Hmmm I was actually going for humor with that. Perhaps the green ranger would be less intimidating?

    fixed it for ya!! and yes, the green ranger is ALWAYS the cute one!

    edit: well crap, it didn't fix...oh well! :ohwell:

    HEY!!! that doesn't count!!! he just dropped it after he picked it up....doesn't it count as a fail if you don't set it back down???? WTF?
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I know that I have to have something in the tank when I lift

    Amen sista! I tried lifting today with just my iced coffee in my system (I even added protein powder to it!) and it wasn't happening. I had to actually eat real food, and then I could lift.

    I'm dinking around with a new program I found on Basically you do all 5 moves (plus curls and calf raises) each session for 2 work reps of 8 to start with, start heavy at the beginning of a week and deload 10% with each consecutive session. The next week you increase your rep (not weight) for each set by 1. You do that for 5 weeks, then increase the weight by 10% for all lifts across the board and rinse, repeat for 5 more weeks. Etc.

    I did a mish mash of that and my 3x5 sets and it was very interesting. Took about an hour, so not too bad, and actually got through all the lifts. Until I hit the biceps curls that I thought I could do with my oly bar, and got put in my place real quick, so had to grab dumbbells and curl with those. :laugh:

    I took a vid of my DL that I'ma have to post for y'all to have a look-see. I tried sumo style and couldn't even get my head around it so just went back to the regular way.

    No PRs today of course cause I did 7 different lifts rather than 3 so ... yea. Mazeltov. :drinker:
    @Dani: I love your posts. You help me screen out all the negative stuff and keep focused. Thank you. (And all you ladies, I love this group!)

    Thanks, that means a lot. I love this group too. It's fun to hang out and talk shop with other gals who understand and who are supportive. Much hearts. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    so... I was just horsing around with my girls, both on my back while on all fours and then carried them up the stairs (one piggy back one on my front), with a combined total of about 38kg.. that's gotta be worth something right?! ;)
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    so... I was just horsing around with my girls, both on my back while on all fours and then carried them up the stairs (one piggy back one on my front), with a combined total of about 38kg.. that's gotta be worth something right?! ;)

    Who needs barbells just start squatting kids, :)
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I know that I have to have something in the tank when I lift

    Amen sista! I tried lifting today with just my iced coffee in my system (I even added protein powder to it!) and it wasn't happening. I had to actually eat real food, and then I could lift.

    I'm dinking around with a new program I found on Basically you do all 5 moves (plus curls and calf raises) each session for 2 work reps of 8 to start with, start heavy at the beginning of a week and deload 10% with each consecutive session. The next week you increase your rep (not weight) for each set by 1. You do that for 5 weeks, then increase the weight by 10% for all lifts across the board and rinse, repeat for 5 more weeks. Etc.

    I did a mish mash of that and my 3x5 sets and it was very interesting. Took about an hour, so not too bad, and actually got through all the lifts. Until I hit the biceps curls that I thought I could do with my oly bar, and got put in my place real quick, so had to grab dumbbells and curl with those. :laugh:

    I took a vid of my DL that I'ma have to post for y'all to have a look-see. I tried sumo style and couldn't even get my head around it so just went back to the regular way.

    No PRs today of course cause I did 7 different lifts rather than 3 so ... yea. Mazeltov. :drinker:
    @Dani: I love your posts. You help me screen out all the negative stuff and keep focused. Thank you. (And all you ladies, I love this group!)

    Thanks, that means a lot. I love this group too. It's fun to hang out and talk shop with other gals who understand and who are supportive. Much hearts. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Is that All-Pro's beginner routine? I'll be really curious to see how you like it because I've definitely looked at it a few times!
  • Amazing1985RSD
    Hmmm I was actually going for humor with that. Perhaps the green ranger would be less intimidating?

    fixed it for ya!! and yes, the green ranger is ALWAYS the cute one!

    edit: well crap, it didn't fix...oh well! :ohwell:

    HEY!!! that doesn't count!!! he just dropped it after he picked it up....doesn't it count as a fail if you don't set it back down???? WTF?

    Good question, but I think that would be similar to bringing the bar back down to your chest after your last rep of a set of bench pressing.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Is that All-Pro's beginner routine? I'll be really curious to see how you like it because I've definitely looked at it a few times!

    Yes ma'am. It really appealed to me so I think I'ma give it a whirl for at least 1 cycle and see what happens. I love the simplicity of it. Do the math beforehand and then it all becomes about reps, not weight. Making the switch from 3x5 to 2x8 is 1 rep difference (woo?) and I won't have to worry about figuring out deloading because it's built in already. I've got my fractionals so doing 10% and 20% deloads should be no problem at all, ever.

    That means I can take a couple hours and put one spreadsheet together, put that sucker on a clipboard and start picking up heavy things and putting them down again without having to rack my brain during a workout about how much I need to load/deload this time and what the heck did I bench press last time anyway, and am I even progressing OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!ELEVENTYONE!!! :explode:


    SS and SL look simple in theory but once you get into it and you start to stall and then you have to figure out how to deal with that, it really does become quite technical, and I always feel like I'm not doing it properly and that I'm just muddling around. :blushing:

    I'll keep you posted. I'm seriously considering it though. I really enjoyed doing all of the lifts today at lighter weights while still getting a very solid workout in, so it's probably much better suited for me than the other programs, truth be told. It's a proven program that delivers solid results, and at this point I'm really just looking for something simple that I can stick with for the long term. :smile:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    You ladies (and guys) keep me entertained.

    Vash: sorry about the squats. String cheese is my go-to when I need a little something before a workout. I've been compiling a list of foods that are no good because burping them up later is yucky.

    I wear underwear to the gym. Pants or underwear will end up in my crack, regardless so... I do the leg kick butt wiggle thing to get them out. :wink:

    Dani: I agree with whoever said they like your posts. You're always so calm and informative. I love it.

    5th grade me always thought the Red Power Ranger was a hottie.

    Annnnnnnnnnd the workout: I did A today

    125 on squats (repeat of last time)
    90 on bench (PR!) but only managed 4 reps of sets 4&5. I probably could have cranked them out, but rep 4 was a mother and I didn't have a spot to try the last one. The gym was surprisingly empty when I was there
    95 on rows (another PR!) I actually felt these in my back/shoulders so I must have been doing something right.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Hmmm I was actually going for humor with that. Perhaps the green ranger would be less intimidating?

    fixed it for ya!! and yes, the green ranger is ALWAYS the cute one!

    edit: well crap, it didn't fix...oh well! :ohwell:

    HEY!!! that doesn't count!!! he just dropped it after he picked it up....doesn't it count as a fail if you don't set it back down???? WTF?

    Good question, but I think that would be similar to bringing the bar back down to your chest after your last rep of a set of bench pressing.

    Nope Julie, a "complete" rep is to pull it up. Setting it down is optional - but unless you've got a gym with bumper plates and special floors or a deadlifting platform, SET IT DOWN or they will not be happy with you!

    Also setting it down is good for building your strength so I would recommend you do it anyway, but a powerlifter doing a max rep will usually drop it - he's got the right equipment and by the time he gets it up there, he's wiped. During training they will sometimes do it as well, because setting it back down IS strenuous and its like doing double the work per rep.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Maybe I should stop wearing underwear to the gym too. Better yet, why not just replace my whole outfit with one of these!


    Ok…I had to :heart: this picture…come here, wearing that, I’ll put you on the green screen and make you freaking invisible.

    I’m sorry…that was the first thing I thought of when I saw that, LMAO!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Maybe I should stop wearing underwear to the gym too. Better yet, why not just replace my whole outfit with one of these!


    So, when we went to see Animals as Leaders and Messhuga two weeks ago, there were 3 guys wearing these - a pink one, a white one, and a green one (pretty sure it was for animals as leaders) and we were like ".............did we this a new thing people do? Are we old? ARE WE OUT OF TOUCH?!"

    Um, are we though? Because that was a new one for us.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member

    So, when we went to see Animals as Leaders and Messhuga two weeks ago, there were 3 guys wearing these - a pink one, a white one, and a green one (pretty sure it was for animals as leaders) and we were like ".............did we this a new thing people do? Are we old? ARE WE OUT OF TOUCH?!"

    Um, are we though? Because that was a new one for us.

    I know people wear them to sporting events so I guess it's not a big stretch to say they wear them to concerts. It seems like more hassle than it's worth. I mean, trying to pee? Forget it.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Is that All-Pro's beginner routine? I'll be really curious to see how you like it because I've definitely looked at it a few times!

    Yes ma'am. It really appealed to me so I think I'ma give it a whirl for at least 1 cycle and see what happens. I love the simplicity of it. Do the math beforehand and then it all becomes about reps, not weight. Making the switch from 3x5 to 2x8 is 1 rep difference (woo?) and I won't have to worry about figuring out deloading because it's built in already. I've got my fractionals so doing 10% and 20% deloads should be no problem at all, ever.

    That means I can take a couple hours and put one spreadsheet together, put that sucker on a clipboard and start picking up heavy things and putting them down again without having to rack my brain during a workout about how much I need to load/deload this time and what the heck did I bench press last time anyway, and am I even progressing OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!ELEVENTYONE!!! :explode:


    SS and SL look simple in theory but once you get into it and you start to stall and then you have to figure out how to deal with that, it really does become quite technical, and I always feel like I'm not doing it properly and that I'm just muddling around. :blushing:

    I'll keep you posted. I'm seriously considering it though. I really enjoyed doing all of the lifts today at lighter weights while still getting a very solid workout in, so it's probably much better suited for me than the other programs, truth be told. It's a proven program that delivers solid results, and at this point I'm really just looking for something simple that I can stick with for the long term. :smile:

    I use the SL app so I've never had an issue with keeping track, but I do like the style of All-Pro's routine....the fact that the deloads are built in is nice and yeah, it absolutely delivers solid results....i've heard great things! I'll totally be waiting to hear your feedback and progress :happy:
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    175 squat today. Ohhhhhh yeeeeeaaah.

    Holy crap! Way to go!!