March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    My favorite meatheads were there today...along with about a schmillion hs boys. I walked in and must have had a WTF face on (the gym is NEVER that crowded at 3:15!) and one of the MH's saw me and started laughing. Another one said, "I know, we all had the same look!" I love those guys--they work hard, notice when I'm waiting for something and let me know when they're done, and they'll come find me if I've moved to something else.

    OHP 70 for 3x5--this was my "ultimate" goal, so I guess I'll have to reset it!!
    Deads 160 for 1...yes, 1. :laugh: My back's been bugging, me so I need to get it sorted and try again.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    My favorite meatheads were there today...along with about a schmillion hs boys. I walked in and must have had a WTF face on (the gym is NEVER that crowded at 3:15!) and one of the MH's saw me and started laughing. Another one said, "I know, we all had the same look!" I love those guys--they work hard, notice when I'm waiting for something and let me know when they're done, and they'll come find me if I've moved to something else.

    OHP 70 for 3x5--this was my "ultimate" goal, so I guess I'll have to reset it!!
    Deads 160 for 1...yes, 1. :laugh: My back's been bugging, me so I need to get it sorted and try again.

    This is why I would love to go to the gym.....I could be on Meathead patrol and find me a bf......or maybe that's why I'm going to become a trainer :laugh:

    ETA: those #'s are reserved for BAMF's only :wink: good work chick!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Soos: I'm doing something like that with squats. I stick with one weight a little longer, to make sure my form is really good. I'm so weak on them, reason being. Every other lift I progress as recommended. Unless I get all my reps but suspect my form was slipping or something.

    ^This exactly. Every week for squats. Try to progress each time on all the other lifts. (Of course, that never works for OHP...)

    And Vegas, you may not be finding any bfs at the gym. At least not mine. They all have bad form, and who would want to date someone with bad form?! :laugh:
  • fishlover888

    And Vegas, you may not be finding any bfs at the gym. At least not mine. They all have bad form, and who would want to date someone with bad form?! :laugh:

    THIS is probably the reason I've yet to pick a guy up at the gym!

    Or that fact that I stroll in with a take no prisoner's attitude and am not afraid to pick my post-squat wedgie in front of a zillion mirrors.:laugh:

    Anyway, the guys at my gym are pretty nice if they do talk to me. Tho they generally have terrible form. Usually I'm the one hogging the squat rack or whatever and they are waiting for me or nicely asking if I'm done when I'm on my way to something else.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    175 squat today. Ohhhhhh yeeeeeaaah.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Options're totally right actually...I have already found that it's next to impossible for me to date a "bro" lol I actually went out with a guy around Christmas that was so clueless I actually ended the date :laugh: He "made up" his own routine from "watching guys at the gym" omg lmfao and his routine took him 2+ hours to do :laugh: One time he was through the moon distraught because his gym was closed and he had already drank his "pre-workout energy shake" :noway: Then there was the most recent man friend who told me that squatting parallel is a "great way to ruin my knees" Sweet Jesus. Maybe I'll have to date someone that just doesn't work out :laugh:

  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    Tameko you're a major badass :love: :laugh:

    Or that fact that I stroll in with a take no prisoner's attitude and am not afraid to pick my post-squat wedgie in front of a zillion mirrors.:laugh:

    I wish I were brave enough to do that! Have been doing the trytowalknormal-shuffle-hop of shame to a secluded corner or bathroom. :laugh:

    And, sadly, I am too old for most of the guys at my gym. :cry: :sad: Need to find a better hunting ground.
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    @vegas...i'm laughing so hard right now

    I made myself do my 3.5 miles today even though I really would have rather lifted. I wish I could just lift every day!! I'm hating running more and more and can't wait til the race is over and I can give it up!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Seriously considering not adding weight every workout. Just add weight at beginning of week and use those all week. Anyone else do this?


    (That's Rippetoe speak for "I'm not doing the program")

    I go up as I am comfortable, with good form. If I find myself wobble around or having a really hard time, I stay where I'm at or deload. Ain't nobody paying me to bench press my bodyweight by summertime, or for any other lifting I'm doing. I do push for progress though because my goal is to build muscle, and you can't do that unless you give your muscles something to stress over on a regular basis.

    I'm kinda hoping all that muscle is going to eventually eat the extra fat ... somehow, even though I'm not lifting at a surplus but a small-ish deficit. If I had started lifting years ago when I was randomly stuffing my face and gaining weight, I'd probably be really ripped by now. Hahaha. Oopsie. :laugh:

    Having said that, in 5 weeks my squats have gone from 45 to 65, OHP from 20 to 50, benches from 45 to 56, Pendlays from 50 to 61 and DLs from 90 to 115.

    And that's starting from zero, technically speaking cause it's my first time lifting heavy, ever.

    I'm good, in my own humble estimation, even though INDTP. :laugh:

    If you start today and increase your squat by a pound every week, then a year from now you will be squatting 52 pounds more than when you started. Just to keep it in perspective. Most of us will go up by a lot more than that; just saying that even incremental progress really makes a difference over the long term, which is why I don't sweat going up 5 lbs overmuch. In Starting Strength you're supposed to go up every week I think, rather than every workout (which is why that appeals to me a lot more than SL). Every self-respecting decent lifting program I've looked at will have you go up in some way, over time, including NROLFW and others.

    /end philosophizing
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Oh hello friends! Holy Crapballs you *****es are lifting a lot!!!!!! Love it, love it love it. :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :love:

    I think I need to take my break earlier than expected. So I'm going to take friday off,and deload next week. I figure if I post it in here I cant come in friday night bragging about my workout, and I'll actually take the day off. For those of you watching at home, I'm In the middle of my 10th week of workouts, and I haven't had to deload yet due to failure. (a couple from injury) Probably why I feel like I got hit by a mack truck constantly. :laugh:

    I did have a great workout today though:

    Squats: 130 5x5 knee hurt afterwards :sad: Big motivation for deload.
    OHP: 76!!!!!!! 5x5
    Deadlift: 180 1x5 with a few breaths/reset between reps.
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163

    The chart for OHP isn't shown here, but it's just slightly better than the bench press, relatively speaking.
    This is from

    The strange thing is I keep failing at bench and OHP at these sub-novice lift levels, but I'm still making progress each & every time on squats & deadlifts.

    Do you think my upper-body strength really is lagging way behind or do you think the strength standards website could use some tweaking? Do you ladies have the same "issue"?
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member

    I don't think it's just you at all. My bench and OHP are lagging way behind even though I have a much harder time with them than the Deadlift and Squat.

    I did play around with the numbers a bit and it seems like pound for pound the more you add to OHP and Bench will increase your percentage towards the next level faster than the Deadlift or Squat. At what point that actually changes to that I don't know. My math skills are seriously lacking since highschool.

    Maybe a few of the ladies can give you a more concrete answer on the math portion than I can.

    All I can really say is that it's nice to have a yardstick to measure ourselves against sometimes, but in the end its all about what we do compared to ourselves and not anyone else.

    ETA: I agree with Tree you ladies are lifting a ton awesome job!

    And Tree you are too! But yea I think we're both starting to realize that when we feel like we're being run over by a semi it's time to slow down for a while.

    Also talked to my brother who is a physical therapist today and he suggested I try out glucosamine. Which admittedly I had been thinking about trying anyways. I have used it the past but honestly I probably wasnt working out hard enough for it really to make any difference. So going to try that again I think and see if it helps. Hoping so.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    @Tameko - you are a goddess. That squat is amazing.

    @Tree - so jealous of your OHP!!!

    Dude, this mornings workout was pretty awesome. Squats are still a little difficult @80. I don't think there's anything wrong, I'm just getting (finally) to more challenging weights. OHP 5x5 @55. BOOM. No problem. They weren't quite easy, but I didn't really struggle on any of them. It's so strange because I was stuck at 52.5 FOREVER. Now, I get to move up next time! Deads, I still don't think I did a "clean set" since it was more 1x3 and 1x2 @165. But that's better than before, and I felt it was my grip causing problems, not that I couldn't lift the weight. I'm going to need to ask at the front desk if they have rules against chalk.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Hey, y'all...Happy Friday Eve!

    Dani, I'm with you on the increasing as you feel comfortable. I think my ability to breeze through the first couple of weeks with a five lb. increase per lift was as easy as it was, because, having NEVER picked up any piece of fitness equipment heavier than that hideous 6.6 lb dumbbell at the house, I was scared and felt like starting uber small was probably the smart thing.

    The hubs was kind enough to move some stuff around in the former studio and now there is a full length mirror in plain view when I do my squats and OHP's. And yes, I am seeing that I am starting to wobble at the top of my OHP's, so it's time to NOT move on and work on form until I get it right, without the increase.

    I love the me vs. me concept, altho, I do hang my head just a little bit when I see BAMF numbers from everyone. :embarassed: And then I kick myself in the @$$ and tell myself that I'm not you guys, I'm me, and what I'm doing now is WAY better than what I was doing in December, which was plate to mouth curls. Just sayin'.

    Dooz and Lex - OHP and Bench are the two I struggle the most with, as well. The lower body stuff is my b!tch, but those two? *sigh* I came into this knowing that I had zero upper body strength (read: girly pushups were a problem), so any increase in weight is good in my own eyes... :smile:

    Ok, time to get to work. I act like they pay me to MFP for 8 hours, LOL...
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    @tameko: Damn. Just Damn. 175 is amazing.

    @Dani: I love your posts. You help me screen out all the negative stuff and keep focused. Thank you. (And all you ladies, I love this group!)

    NSV for me today: I'm naked getting dressed this morning. Hubby walks by and says "Wow, hon, changes are starting to happen in your body." I'm on a cloud today becaue frankly I'm just not seeing it--but he is! (And since aside from me he spends the most time with this body, I value his opinon, you know?)

    Also: Hit all PRS last night. Squat 117, OHP 63, Dead 165. RAWR!!!!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    You guys are really killing the weights, nice job all!
    I love the me vs. me concept, altho, I do hang my head just a little bit when I see BAMF numbers from everyone. :embarassed: And then I kick myself in the @$$ and tell myself that I'm not you guys, I'm me, and what I'm doing now is WAY better than what I was doing in December, which was plate to mouth curls. Just sayin'.

    Julie, I had to come to terms with this part a while ago, when I got fibromyalgia. Before that I had been so strong and active, and then suddenly I couldn't do diddly in the gym anymore. It's good to thoroughly realize that you're only competing against yourself, or else the Universe will throw you a curve ball that will REALLY show you that you are only competing against yourself :devil:

    I am doing great this week but I don't know what next week will bring. If I do try too hard today, though, I could be unable to work next week -- and that would suck.

    That's my philosophy now at least!

  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    BAMF!!! you guys got it!

    I was oggling my guns in the mirror at work this morning...sheet! I've got a tank on under my sweater and it was just all hanging out...

    @the wedgie pickers...ladies...this is why I don't WEAR panties to the gym...or frankly anywhere except work. Its is liberating...I can squat til sasquatch comes home and there would be no picking...

    Second session tonight at the gym...I'm really hoping I can have the squat rack back....puhlease boys? or I'm going to start Joey-ing them..."hey, how YOU doing?" can I have the rack man?
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    BAMF!!! you guys got it!

    I was oggling my guns in the mirror at work this morning...sheet! I've got a tank on under my sweater and it was just all hanging out...

    @the wedgie pickers...ladies...this is why I don't WEAR panties to the gym...or frankly anywhere except work. Its is liberating...I can squat til sasquatch comes home and there would be no picking...

    Second session tonight at the gym...I'm really hoping I can have the squat rack back....puhlease boys? or I'm going to start Joey-ing them..."hey, how YOU doing?" can I have the rack man?

    Yes. To all of this.
  • vashnic
    vashnic Posts: 93
    Did not feel like a BAMF today.

    Went early (well, 7am ish) for me and skipped breakfast for time before class. No energy! Went to squat 130 lbs, got through 3 sets like pro, 4th set collapsed like a wet noodle and couldn't do any more. :sad: Good thing I was in that squat rack!

    Did get through all OHP at 50 lbs! :drinker:

    Stayed at 135 for DL to work on form, going to be sore bottomed/backed tonight. :embarassed:
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    @ vashnic...oh NO!!!! I hope you didn't seriously hurt yourself...that sounds horrible.