March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    I made the mistake of going to the gym right after work yesterday... couldnt get near a squat rack... did a few leg presses on the machine then squats & rows on the smith machine.... all in all I feel like I wasted my time.... I'll stick with my post 8pm workouts from now on....
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I made the mistake of going to the gym right after work yesterday... couldnt get near a squat rack... did a few leg presses on the machine then squats & rows on the smith machine.... all in all I feel like I wasted my time.... I'll stick with my post 8pm workouts from now on....

    ugh I feel your pain, later in the week is better!
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    I can't keep up with you guys (part 3 already!), but thanks for the great info discussed daily!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I lowered my weight on the rows today (to 85 pounds) and had more success in doing them right. I actually really felt my abdominal and back muscles engage, so I hope that's the idea. That exercise confuses me.

    Other than that, I'm up to 85 on my bench press and still holding at 140 for my squats, but it felt easy today. Stretching before and after lifting seems to help with range of motion, quite a bit.

    I took last week off and it was a good thing. I'm over whatever bug I had and am actually feeling like I'm making progress.

    Didn't get online to read as much as I usually do and missed the end of the last thread, but I hope everyone is doing well!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ok, I don't have much to say, mostly just tagging the new thread. And holy crap nex, your numbers are amazing!!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Just lurking!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Not a lifting day for me so just hanging out for no reason. :drinker:

    @glwerth -- those are some impressive numbers, way to go!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Giggle Giggle! I'm so excited!!!

    Squats: 130 lb 5x5 I think I'll stay here all week. I have a sore glute but I'm just going to do it anyway and I am very pleased to be here.

    OHP: 70 lb 5x5 !!!!! Can you believe it!! I got the 70 lbs!!! Ok, I had 5 min breaks but I'm ok with that because that seems to be the norm now. Maybe next week I'll be able to do it with three min. breaks! My breaks are also real breaks. I used to do laundry and stretch. Now I just sit on the bench and picture myself pushing up the last rep.

    DL: 150 lb !!! I'm going to have to get the 45s for my birthday because I'm running out of plates!!! tee hee hee!

    Glwerth, glad you are feeling better! Awesome job on the 140 squats!! That is so great that they are easy!!! Very cool that you are feeling your abs and back doing rows! I felt my back too, one of those unpleasant localized pains between my shoulder blades. lol! I hope yours is just general soreness. Congratulations on the Bench!! Great work!
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    I read another thread on doing Deadlifts and squats the same day. Do any of you ladies deadlift before squats? I am thinking that I will try it tonight and see if that helps me. I do have a grip strength problem and I am working on that but I thought that maybe I am just too tired after doing squats to do my deadlifting properly. Any thoughts?
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    @gelwerth - wow! That's some serious weight!

    @fisherlassie - I am in awe. Total and complete awe. Way to go!

    I got to switch to big girl plates for my deadlifts today - 115! I was pretty pumped. I boinked on my last rep of the OHP, but I wasn't sure I was going to get any in at 55#, so all but one - I'll take it! I think next time I'll repeat at 55# and pick up some washers so I can step up more gradually. But all in all - not a bad way to celebrate turning 39!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I read another thread on doing Deadlifts and squats the same day. Do any of you ladies deadlift before squats? I am thinking that I will try it tonight and see if that helps me. I do have a grip strength problem and I am working on that but I thought that maybe I am just too tired after doing squats to do my deadlifting properly. Any thoughts?

    If you're going to start with deadlifts, then make sure you're warmed up properly.

    Or, maybe do some squats without weights and then with the empty bar and then with some low weights. Then do your deadlifts. Then go back to squats and do your work sets on those.

    There's always a way around everything. :smile:

    I actually do deadlifts in the middle of my current workout program and have no trouble with that. It's perfectly fine to adapt and switch things around as long as you put some thought into it and do it safely and so that it makes sense.

    I always do squats and benches before deadlifts but I don't see where any of that is set in stone. Some do deadlifts towards the beginning of their session because they try to get the harder lifts out of the way first (am kinda doing that now and works fine for me), others do deadlifts last because they have no energy for everything else afterwards (did that for a while and it works too). It really all depends. Mind you I don't follow Stronglifts, so after deadlifting I also do rows, OHP, curls and calf raises in case you were wondering. :smile:
  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Giggle Giggle! I'm so excited!!!

    Squats: 130 lb 5x5 I think I'll stay here all week. I have a sore glute but I'm just going to do it anyway and I am very pleased to be here.

    OHP: 70 lb 5x5 !!!!! Can you believe it!! I got the 70 lbs!!! Ok, I had 5 min breaks but I'm ok with that because that seems to be the norm now. Maybe next week I'll be able to do it with three min. breaks! My breaks are also real breaks. I used to do laundry and stretch. Now I just sit on the bench and picture myself pushing up the last rep.

    DL: 150 lb !!! I'm going to have to get the 45s for my birthday because I'm running out of plates!!! tee hee hee!

    Fisher, you are awesome! Great numbers, and congrats on the OHP.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    There again some great numbers going up - big girl plates and little plates!

    Today I have no idea what the heck I was doing. We're in the final stages of buying a house and my mind is all over the place.

    Squat 35kg (77lb) - slight deload while I figure out my squiffy scoliotic form. Back up to 37.5kg next time
    Bench 22.5kg (50lb) - same as last time when I realised an increase to 55lb just wasn't happening after 10 days off from benching
    DL 60kg (130lb) - March goal met!

    Rows...erm...yeah. Remembered on the way home that the DL was supposed to be a bonus, and I was still supposed to have done rows.

    Oh well. I've got one more lifting session in March to nail that 60lb row target! Personally, I'm just impressed I managed to load up the same weights on each side of the bar today.

    Also, three guys doing DLs near me while I was benching, with actual form and discussions pointers and everything. That's an unusual sight in either of my gyms - one guy doing DLs, let alone 3.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    @gelwerth - wow! That's some serious weight!

    @fisherlassie - I am in awe. Total and complete awe. Way to go!

    I got to switch to big girl plates for my deadlifts today - 115! I was pretty pumped. I boinked on my last rep of the OHP, but I wasn't sure I was going to get any in at 55#, so all but one - I'll take it! I think next time I'll repeat at 55# and pick up some washers so I can step up more gradually. But all in all - not a bad way to celebrate turning 39!

    Thanks Kirabob! And congratulations on using your big plates!! All but one on the OHP is fantastic!!! I was reminding myself about that as well today! I almost didn't try the higher weight. Next time you'll get it! Happy Birthday! It is great you are getting started on this athletic thing so early! ; )

    thanks chunkmunk!

    xidia Congratulations on meeting your DL goal for March!! Awesome! One down and one to go! Those Rows haven't got a chance!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Fisher: 70 OHP is great! That one is SO hard for me, I know. Good luck with those big new plates (that you get for your b-day!).

    Kira: You're moving right along, aren't you? I may have to get myself some of those washers too, so many swear by them.

    Xidia: Sorry, had to laugh about forgetting rows due to house buying, because I've been there a time or two. First the buying and getting all organized, then the moving...I wish you luck and happiness. I always love the new house part, HATE the actually moving part! GOAL MET is a wonderful thing to be able to say! Well done!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I read another thread on doing Deadlifts and squats the same day. Do any of you ladies deadlift before squats? I am thinking that I will try it tonight and see if that helps me. I do have a grip strength problem and I am working on that but I thought that maybe I am just too tired after doing squats to do my deadlifting properly. Any thoughts?

    I do squats and deadlifts on the same day. I've been doing deadlifts first lately because the rack is generally taken. I haven't had a problem, so far, but maybe as the weights get heavier, it might become a problem. I'm completely wiped out afterwards though. Good thing I have "do nothing" job so I can rest. :wink:

    fisherlassie: Those are awesome numbers!
    xidia: Moving is the worst. I hope you make it through with all of your sanity still intact.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I read another thread on doing Deadlifts and squats the same day. Do any of you ladies deadlift before squats? I am thinking that I will try it tonight and see if that helps me. I do have a grip strength problem and I am working on that but I thought that maybe I am just too tired after doing squats to do my deadlifting properly. Any thoughts?

    I do squats and deadlifts on the same day. I've been doing deadlifts first lately because the rack is generally taken. I haven't had a problem, so far, but maybe as the weights get heavier, it might become a problem. I'm completely wiped out afterwards though. Good thing I have "do nothing" job so I can rest. :wink:

    fisherlassie: Those are awesome numbers!
    xidia: Moving is the worst. I hope you make it through with all of your sanity still intact.

    It was pointed out in the other thread the stronglifts bypasses the problem by only doing one working set of deads. There isn't a "full" number of working sets because it's too taxing and tiring (I think those were the consensus reasons for why you don't do them on the same day).
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ok guys. 5 days. Roll it again. I dare you!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ok guys. 5 days. Roll it again. I dare you!
    Watch it, we might take you up on that.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ok guys. 5 days. Roll it again. I dare you!
    Watch it, we might take you up on that.