March Check-in&Chat - Green beer to fuel your lifts!



  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Just popping in to say hi and tagging the thread! I'm on a break week and it is making me deliriously happy. I think that means I was definitely due for a break. Will be back next week to talk about workouts and numbers.

    You are all badasses!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Tameko, I'm dreaming of squatting 165. But . . . . I finally feel like I might at some point attain that dream, as I've gotten over my 115 plateau and not only hit 120, but nailed 125 3 x 5 last night. Progress feels SO GOOD!

    Also eased through bench at 80, 3 x 5, and rows at 75, 3 x 5. In short, it was an awesome workout.

    So question for all you ladies (and lurker gents): I moved to 3 x 5 partially because my body got tired and partially because I was mentally bored waiting in between all those sets. But I'm finding I would not mind doing 5 x 5 on everything except squats. Would it be ok to do 3 x 5 squats but 5 x 5 everything else? (except deads, of course, which would still be 1 x 5). Any thoughts?

    From what I understand of how SL was "designed", you move to 3x5 on different lifts independently based on your progress and failures. So, I'd say it's fine since a lot of people are probably doing some 3x5 and some 5x5.

    Yep this - when you feel like its time to drop to 3x5, drop. Its not going to harm your progress.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Ever just wake up not feeling it? That was today. Got a short night of sleep in so that might have been why.

    I lifted anyway but just kinda got through it. No bada$$ery or enthusiasm to speak of.

    Is this normal?

    Do I need to skip Saturday and just take a longer break? I didn't feel it Tuesday either, to be honest. Maybe my body is trying to tell me something. Is 6 weeks into heavy lifting about right to break for a few days? I don't want to push to burnout or anything like that. Or maybe AllPro isn't working for me because of too much per session and I need to go back to some sort of A/B switcharoo and be happy there.

  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ever just wake up not feeling it? That was today. Got a short night of sleep in so that might have been why.

    I lifted anyway but just kinda got through it. No bada$$ery or enthusiasm to speak of.

    Is this normal?

    Do I need to skip Saturday and just take a longer break? I didn't feel it Tuesday either, to be honest. Maybe my body is trying to tell me something. Is 6 weeks into heavy lifting about right to break for a few days? I don't want to push to burnout or anything like that. Or maybe AllPro isn't working for me because of too much per session and I need to go back to some sort of A/B switcharoo and be happy there.


    A couple days is normal, but I'd also take a moment and review the possibilities of lack of sleep, not enough food, not enough nutrition (skipped a vitamin? less nutrient dense food than usual?), hydration, etc.

    I have bad weeks or months sometimes due to whatever causes my fatigue issues. I usually find a deload works well.

    Allpro should be fine for a beginner/intermediate lifter (under 2 years), unless you're doing a LOT of other exercise elsewhere I wouldn't think you'd be risking burnout at this point.

    Oh the other possibility to consider is that you might be eating a huge deficit and not realizing it - how are your general energy levels? When was your last dietary maintenance break? I do VERY poorly eating at a deficit for more than a few weeks. I just lose all strength.

    Ugh I should summarize all this:
    1) a couple of 'meh' days are normal' if you don't have a better day in the next few sessions then I'd agree something is wrong
    2) doesn't hurt to look at your intake and sleep first for root causes, and for me personally prolonged dieting will slowly drag my strength workouts down into the dirt, so catch that before you let it get too far or you will spend an entire year trying to replicate your deadlift PR. OR whatever it ends up being for you.
    3) wouldn't hurt to just do a deload rather than taking time completely off. A deload is still pretty restful. Make it an aggressive deload even.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Oh the other possibility to consider is that you might be eating a huge deficit and not realizing it - how are your general energy levels? When was your last dietary maintenance break? I do VERY poorly eating at a deficit for more than a few weeks. I just lose all strength.

    That might just be the problem. My goal is set in between my GW cals for light/moderate per fat2fitradio. I left myself a cushion to allow for going over, but over a week's time I'm usually right around goal anyway even with overages and not being a stickler when it comes to measuring/weighing.

    I eat pretty healthy 80-90% of the time so I doubt there's a nutritional deficit happening, and I'm pretty good about my protein intake. Definitely not dehydration cause I'm pretty good about my fluid intake.

    I may need to take a maintenance break. I've never lifted heavy on a calorie deficit before. Heck, I've never even counted calories before now, so this is all new to me. I've been eating at a deficit since I signed up in January (60 days today!).

    Maybe I'll take the holiday weekend off from counting and just eat whatever I feel like and allow myself some higher calorie foods and a bit more alcohol than just a glass or so a week anymore (OMG!) while I continue lifting.

    Deloading isn't really an option since I'm doing low weight/high reps and I'm currently on 2x9 with many of my lifts with the empty bar on deload days. I also pretty much cut out all cardio/other exercising since starting AllPro because it's plenty enough for me.

    When you're always focused on not eating too much, it never occurs to you that you might just be eating too little ... jeez. That's new. Nice problem to have though I guess. :bigsmile:

    Thank you ma'am! Helpful as always! :flowerforyou:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Thanks for all the big ups gals. I have been lifting heavy on and off since I was 19. My PR for bench press back then was 60 kg (132 lbs) and I was doing full sets of 10 pull ups at a go...damn to be young again! I started stronglifts July-ish last year, I think and did a full 12 week programme with madcow to support my upper body stalls. I then progressed to Wendler's 5/3/1 at the suggestion of the fitness manager (who I had done some personal training sessions with previously so he knew what I was up to) and passed the stalls and increased all my lifts. Did that for almost 3 cycles. Have been doing 3 full body strength workout sessions per week since about January or February along with hill sprints and triathlon training. Those are all 5 lifts done for 3 sets of 5. I do pull ups, push ups (the horrible clapping explosive ones), heavy one arm rows and bodyweight tricep dips as acessory lifts.

    I was feeling just this Wednesday that I might just have topped out on my lifts for the moment. Not sure yet. Got a free pair of lifting gloves (no matter how many times I told the geezer I use chalk he still insisted I have them?!) from the new gym owner/manager. Was doing my barbell rows and he was watching, smiled and said that he had a pressie for me. Um...wha? I did not hear what he said at first, so politely went over and asked him to repeat what he said...oh! I was feeling puzzled, flattered and wary all at the same time.

    Feeling bushed this week. Cannot wait for the weekend! Happy lifting all! : )
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member

    I may need to take a maintenance break. I've never lifted heavy on a calorie deficit before. Heck, I've never even counted calories before now, so this is all new to me. I've been eating at a deficit since I signed up in January (60 days today!).

    Maybe I'll take the holiday weekend off from counting and just eat whatever I feel like and allow myself some higher calorie foods and a bit more alcohol than just a glass or so a week anymore (OMG!) while I continue lifting.

    Hey, we can be maintenance twins! :drinker:
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member

    I had crap sleep last night too (poor toddler had 3 nightmares), and this morning I had nothing, just nothing. Still don't have anything - I'm finding that eating at a deficit + lifting + less than 8 hours sleep = KiraZombie. Just wanted you to know you are not alone!

    I'm going to make myself go to bed early tonight in hopes I can make up some of that lost time. I've also been thinking I should take a week or two at maintenance - but I'll let you ladies be the guinea pigs. :smile:
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Sounds like some of you need strict bedtimes! :wink:

    Tameko, you're a badass!

    chunkmunk, congrats on your numbers!

    I've been toying with dropping squats to 3x5, but today felt so easy for some reason so I just went with the 5x5.
    Squats-140lbs (Current PR) I made it this far with my first attempt of SL so I'm looking forward to seeing how far I can go. Vegasbaby posted a thread with a video/article about hip hinges, and my new favorite thing is testing my form. I found out that I can squat all the way down so I've been doing it a lot since yesterday. I think it really helped my squats today since pulling my *kitten* up is more work than sqautting 140lbs. :laugh:
    Bench-90lbs finally hit 5x5. I may do one more workout at this weight before moving up.
    Rows- 100lbs. I did one set of 95 instead of 100 because addition is hard for some people.

    The rack was taken when I got started so did benches first. Same guy was dinging around when I finished so I walked over to ask if he was going to use it. I had just opened my mouth and he asked if I was going to do squats and offered the rack. Was nice since I have a limited time frame before heading back to work. :smile:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hey, we can be maintenance twins! :drinker:

    Sounds fabulous! I'm going to just forget tracking all my fewd this weekend, and maybe all of next week also. I *think* I have a pretty good idea now what I should and shouldn't be doing, so might as well put it to the test and see what happens to mah lifts. :smile:

    I had crap sleep last night too (poor toddler had 3 nightmares), and this morning I had nothing, just nothing. Still don't have anything - I'm finding that eating at a deficit + lifting + less than 8 hours sleep = KiraZombie. Just wanted you to know you are not alone!

    Oh you have a little one! That's a workout right there! I just lost track of time farting around on the interwebs (*cough*MFP*cough*). Wednesdays are a tad rough for me cause that's the first night of hubs going on night shift for 4 nights, so for some reason I delay going to sleep. That hasn't been a problem with lifting in past weeks though. I think it's just time to eat more, rest more, enjoy the holiday weekend and if need be reach for the curly bar next week rather than the oly bar.

    And take a fricken vacation one of these days. :sad: But, that's another thread. Come on May! :bigsmile:
    Rows- 100lbs. I did one set of 95 instead of 100 because addition is hard for some people.

    It sure is. I couldn't count worth a crap on Tuesday. Dur. Great numbers though!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Sounds like a mix of awesome lifting and being worn out for everyone.

    I got hit with a head cold myself so I've been doing what I can with the lifts. Tuesday was A and today was B. I was able to hit:

    A -
    Squats: 115
    Bench: 90
    Row: 95

    B -
    Squats: 120
    OHP: 1x4 @ 70 then 4x5 @65
    Deadlift: 135

    OHP was my first fail point so far in the program, but I was expecting it soon. I may get it next time if I can kick this cold and get some good rest in over the weekend.

    Dani - I have a hard time lifting on a bigger deficit also. By the end of the week I feel like crap if I haven't eaten enough the earlier days.
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    I decided to shake things up a little for this workout because frankly I'm bored. I wanted to lift but doing the same old thing over and over greatly affects my ADD or something. I deloaded most of my weights, went to 3x8, and added some accessory lifts and did cleans instead of rows. Sooooo today looked like this:

    10mins exercise bike warmup
    Squats 60lbs 3x8, warmup BW 1x8, 45lbs 1x8, 50lbs 1x8. I can go all the way butt to the ground with BW and empty bar now.
    Bench 50lbs 3x8, warmup 45lbs 1x8
    Power cleans 50lbs 3x8 I love these things
    Biceps curls 32.5lbs ez curl bar 3x8
    Skull crushers 32.5 2x8. Couldn't get that last set out, did some triceps extensions with just curl bar to finish up. By far I have found that my triceps are my weakest muscle.

    I am really feeling that workout. Usually not immediately sore afterwards, but my arms are talking to me tonight. Don't know if it is right or wrong, but I enjoyed it!

    Got some mats today to go under bench, rack and for my deadlift area. Sears had them on sale. Wanna go back and get some more to cover my whole gym area.

    Hope everyone is having a great week.
  • hofosho1020
    hofosho1020 Posts: 179
    So, I have been on spring break all week home with my kids and unable to go to the gym. Crap! Also been eating and drinking in excess!! I'm hoping to get my act together after the holiday. Grrrr. I need my bada$$ back!
  • fishlover888
    Hi everyone!

    Sounds like a mix of awesome lifting and being worn out for everyone.

    I'm with the worn out unfortunately... Moved furniture out of my old apartment this afternoon and either that or my failure to eat good food lately is getting me.

    B today
    Squat: 105 lbs - felt super easy last time, super hard today. weird.
    OP: 55 lbs - thought I was gonna die barely squeaking out 3 reps of 60 so I lowered... for safety of my head
    DL: 110 lbs - so hard! but so awesome!

    @Soos I do other random stuff, too. Today I practiced some cleans for a while and then did the accessory stuff, some self-rehab for my back, triceps pull down, and basically whatever looked fun and entertaining to me for about a half hour. Hehe. So at least your ADD was productive!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Squats 60lbs 3x8, warmup BW 1x8, 45lbs 1x8, 50lbs 1x8. I can go all the way butt to the ground with BW and empty bar now.
    Bench 50lbs 3x8, warmup 45lbs 1x8
    Power cleans 50lbs 3x8 I love these things
    Biceps curls 32.5lbs ez curl bar 3x8
    Skull crushers 32.5 2x8. Couldn't get that last set out, did some triceps extensions with just curl bar to finish up. By far I have found that my triceps are my weakest muscle.

    That looks like such fun. That's what I love about AllPro's: Plenty to do and no boredom. I'm having a hard time choosing between high weight/low reps and low weight/high reps because I like both of them and don't see why one can't go back and forth in cycles or something as long as overall progression is being made.

    My left triceps and shoulder are my weak spots, plus some bits around my core (boat pose in yoga still KILLS me and my upper abs shake every time).

    I will have to make the jump and replace rows with power cleans here soon myself. I really enjoy them, and rows are kinda ... meh. Effective, but meh. I'm always concerned that some sort of lifting police is going to show up and tell me I can't do this or that. BUT I've preached plenty to others that there is no such police, and I need to really listen to my own advice. :laugh:
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member
    Squats 60lbs 3x8, warmup BW 1x8, 45lbs 1x8, 50lbs 1x8. I can go all the way butt to the ground with BW and empty bar now.
    Bench 50lbs 3x8, warmup 45lbs 1x8
    Power cleans 50lbs 3x8 I love these things
    Biceps curls 32.5lbs ez curl bar 3x8
    Skull crushers 32.5 2x8. Couldn't get that last set out, did some triceps extensions with just curl bar to finish up. By far I have found that my triceps are my weakest muscle.

    That looks like such fun. That's what I love about AllPro's: Plenty to do and no boredom. I'm having a hard time choosing between high weight/low reps and low weight/high reps because I like both of them and don't see why one can't go back and forth in cycles or something as long as overall progression is being made.

    My left triceps and shoulder are my weak spots, plus some bits around my core (boat pose in yoga still KILLS me and my upper abs shake every time).

    I will have to make the jump and replace rows with power cleans here soon myself. I really enjoy them, and rows are kinda ... meh. Effective, but meh. I'm always concerned that some sort of lifting police is going to show up and tell me I can't do this or that. BUT I've preached plenty to others that there is no such police, and I need to really listen to my own advice. :laugh:

    My progression is that I am actually exercising 3 times a week consistently except for the day I skipped because of my twonky trap muscle hurting. That was my only day missed in a whole month. My arms are looking trimmer and more defined sometimes I think my *kitten* is lol. But I am being consistent which I'm really proud of. I can lift more than I could a month ago, I actually know what power cleans, deadlifts, skull crushers are now AND how to do them. I don't have to make myself lift I actually want to do it, unlike cardio which I detest the more I lift. I used to have to talk myself into doing cardio. But I am considering starting intervals on my nonlift days.

    My skull crushers actually almost became a skull crusher tonight. Darn weak triceps. Thankfully hubby was spotting. It really was a fun workout though.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hey that all sounds like my progression too!

    Hubby was just commenting tonight that this lifting business is the longest I've stuck to anything exercise-like consistently, ever that he's noticed (it's true! ... except for horseback riding as a teenager, I loved it so I went consistently, regardless).

    I went "easy" today (see a few posts above) cause I wasn't feeling it, which to me meant skipping yoga and 2 warm-up sets, but not lifting altogether. Haha. Once I got in the garage and around my weight set ... whatever magical force happens that makes you pick stuff up and put it down again in some semblance of order, I dunno. Even being tired and burned out, I still did it and that's saying something. Cause the non-lift me would have just grabbed the X-box controller and called it a day.

    I mean really, I'm willing to eat more and let the scale be damned so I can keep lifting, and what's up with that, anyway? That's not normal for me. :laugh:

    I need help. :huh: :drinker:

    I'm going to go look up skull crushers now cause I have no idea what those are. :smile:
  • Soosannah
    Soosannah Posts: 270 Member

    I'm going to go look up skull crushers now cause I have no idea what those are. :smile:

    At least you did a little something. I think that's what I like best. Even though I don't want to some days, once I get around the weights I'm on it!

    I'm amazed I have stopped jumping on the scale every day.

    We making progress!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    I'm going to go look up skull crushers now cause I have no idea what those are. :smile:

    At least you did a little something. I think that's what I like best. Even though I don't want to some days, once I get around the weights I'm on it!

    I'm amazed I have stopped jumping on the scale every day.

    We making progress!

    And now I understand the name... And congrats on staying off the scale. I still weigh twice a day. I know, but I like to see how the crap affects me; it's incentive to not indulge in salty food or to drink more water, etc.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Don't worry auddii you're in good company, I weigh every day, usually twice a day as well. But then I drop it in a spreadsheet, calculate a 7-day average, and let it be. Generally speaking, my 7 day average never goes up, it either stays steady or goes down, and I like looking at things that way.

    [Then I do a graph of my 7-day moving average weight and calories... Oh :blushing: probably more than anyone here wants to know. I'm a geek. IRL I am a tax accountant, does it show? :bigsmile: ]

    Anyways, I agree that weights are addictive like that, they are a lot more fun than cardio. Although, I love to sit down and read a book for half an hour, and I have no problem at all doing that at the gym on a recumbent bike

    My fractional's came yesterday :love: I am completely excited, because I am doing OHP/DL today (repeating them because I did two BP/PR days by accident) and I can't wait to pop them on and actually finish a set of 5X5 OHP with something other than the empty bar. I promise not to mention how pathetic it will look to have an empty bar and two teensy fractional weights on it ROFL

    (edited for spelling)