Daily Check In Thread



  • blantonjm197
    blantonjm197 Posts: 22 Member
    I just finished W5D3. The run was pretty tough but I powered through it and then walked for 45 minutes so my legs recovered fine. I enjoy the longer runs and I'm anxious to get back to running the whole thing.
  • ChelleBelle2708
    ChelleBelle2708 Posts: 131 Member
    I completed Week 7 day 1 yesterday. I had a little 15 second pause after 12mins running, but I managed to do the rest without stopping. Hoping Thursday (Day 2) will be a better day. My main issue is breathing, but think i may need to slow down
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    W2D2 done! I am inspired reading the updates from the people ahead in weeks and feel motivated to get to those spots.
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    Yesterday I finished week 3 day 1. I felt good and I finished before it started to rain. Looking forward to tomorrow. Hope it's not raining to bad tomorrow..
  • mrsjatty
    mrsjatty Posts: 95 Member
    W5D2 done!! Next run is the big W5D3 20 minutes run. Mind/Matter. I am trying not to let the number intimidate me. The first 5 mins I will probably be convincing myself I can do this but I know once I relax in to it, hit my stride, I will be able to do it. See, talking myself in to it already and it is only Wednesday lol
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I did MY w5d1. I had some issues with my app and did day 3 first, and today I made up day 1...it was a 2.5 mile run. I MADE IT! I feel fantabulous! For those reading this, going, "what in the.....," yeah, I have an 8-week program, and it's different than everyone else's, apparently. Tomorrow is my next rest day, then, since I swapped my 1st two runs of the week around, I will have another 2.5 mile run. I decided to try this one on the treadmill, and was a bit intimidated because of what everyone else was saying about how hard it is. I found it easier! I had the incline up to 1-2, and changed the speed between 5.0&5.4. I think the biggest help was the tv distractions. The biggest bonus was I got a LOT less bugs in my eyes and sucked into my throat! Lol. My running track is around a "lake." Its a man-made track around a man-made lake at the park. Its a nice little track, but there sure are a lot of giant gnat clusters flying around there in the evenings!
    Anyways...I did it! Half way through week 5 and I'm running 2.5 miles! I am so unbelievably excited right now!
    PLUS...I signed up for my 1st 5K that will be on the 16th...another week and a half! My goal is to run the entire race, regardless of speed. I know I can, I know I can, I know I can!
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    just started this program again this morning...


  • paleo_zoe
    paleo_zoe Posts: 2 Member
    W1D2 completed, it's going great so far.
  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    Brans34 wrote: »
    I did MY w5d1. I had some issues with my app and did day 3 first, and today I made up day 1...it was a 2.5 mile run. I MADE IT! I feel fantabulous! For those reading this, going, "what in the.....," yeah, I have an 8-week program, and it's different than everyone else's, apparently. Tomorrow is my next rest day, then, since I swapped my 1st two runs of the week around, I will have another 2.5 mile run. I decided to try this one on the treadmill, and was a bit intimidated because of what everyone else was saying about how hard it is. I found it easier! I had the incline up to 1-2, and changed the speed between 5.0&5.4. I think the biggest help was the tv distractions. The biggest bonus was I got a LOT less bugs in my eyes and sucked into my throat! Lol. My running track is around a "lake." Its a man-made track around a man-made lake at the park. Its a nice little track, but there sure are a lot of giant gnat clusters flying around there in the evenings!
    Anyways...I did it! Half way through week 5 and I'm running 2.5 miles! I am so unbelievably excited right now!
    PLUS...I signed up for my 1st 5K that will be on the 16th...another week and a half! My goal is to run the entire race, regardless of speed. I know I can, I know I can, I know I can!

    That's so exciting! Congrats! You'll do fine, and probably impress even yourself!
  • matillian
    matillian Posts: 23 Member
    Completed W8 day 1! But it has been hard, since W7 it has been so hard to finish the workout.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    matillian wrote: »
    Completed W8 day 1! But it has been hard, since W7 it has been so hard to finish the workout.

    Slow down if you need to! Great job on making it this far!
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks, deannaaaaaaaaa!
  • HannahsMother2012
    HannahsMother2012 Posts: 47 Member
    Completed W8D3 today. Can hardly believe it!! Completed the program! From here I think I will start the 10k training :)
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,834 Member
    Yiha, after doing something similar to W6D2 for the past few runs I feel that the easy running is finally back. I'll try to do W6D3 today. It doesn't matter that I did this already and return at a lower week level as I was before my vacation. Lets go!
  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    So I definitely need to repeat w5d2 as I only managed ten minutes of running instead of the required twenty. My head was just not in it. Maybe I will get out there again later. Or tomorrow.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Completed W8D3 today. Can hardly believe it!! Completed the program! From here I think I will start the 10k training :)
    There's a Bridge to 10k Group with a daily check in thread that is pretty active, supportive, etc.
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    So I definitely need to repeat w5d2 as I only managed ten minutes of running instead of the required twenty. My head was just not in it. Maybe I will get out there again later. Or tomorrow.
    It is pretty much a head game from here on out- your body convincing your mind that it's ready to keep going. Don't forget to slow down if you need to. You can do this!

  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    I've ran my last day of week two! Bring on week three!
  • mrsjatty
    mrsjatty Posts: 95 Member
    The other day I was walking to work and saw a guy running, all of a sudden outside a building he threw his arms in the air and pumped the air a little, I realised he must be home and had made his run. I smiled and thought, way to go. I then decided that as my next run was W5D3, 20 min run, if I made it, I was going to raise my arms in victory too. So today I could be seen down the road with my arms in the air!! I'm slow but by golly I'm a runner..
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    mrsjatty wrote: »
    The other day I was walking to work and saw a guy running, all of a sudden outside a building he threw his arms in the air and pumped the air a little, I realised he must be home and had made his run. I smiled and thought, way to go. I then decided that as my next run was W5D3, 20 min run, if I made it, I was going to raise my arms in victory too. So today I could be seen down the road with my arms in the air!! I'm slow but by golly I'm a runner..

    It's a great feeling when you hit a goal!
    I've had runs where I've gone out with a target, be it time or distance and if I've hit that target then the arms are thrown up in the air, there may have even been a quiet (shouted) "Yes!" or similar too if it's something I've been aiming at for a while.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,834 Member
    Hmpff.. I did manage week6D3, but just about. I think I've reached a point where it's getting too hot. Last night it was 33C (91F) and rather humid. Maybe I've reached the point where I cannot go on for now.