Daily Check In Thread



  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    I did W3D2 this morning with some pretty sore knees.
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    started week 3, day 1 today... it felt good. at the finish of my c25k today i was able to jog 17 minutes without stopping. what a great nsv to gain mid week... #feeling accomplished
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    Ran week 5 day 2 yesterday. This is getting hard.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    GingerSka wrote: »
    Ran week 5 day 2 yesterday. This is getting hard.

    Slow down, it doesn't need to be hard, that's your head messing with you!!
  • mrsjatty
    mrsjatty Posts: 95 Member
    W6*D3 done.... Woo hoo. I was slow but comfortable, now I know I can comfortably do 25 mins I will work on picking up my pace.
  • miadollerina
    miadollerina Posts: 3 Member
    Finished W1D3 today. Feeling good & excited about next week. :)
  • ChelleBelle2708
    ChelleBelle2708 Posts: 131 Member
    Me and my friend at work Completed Week 8 Day 1 & 2 this week... we are so pleased and amazed we actually managed to keep running (although a little slow at times) for 28 minutes!!!
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    waving goodbye to week three. i probably would have really enjoyed this week had i not been running with sore knees. i definitely was shocked when the program prompted me to do the brisk walks, i didn't want to stop running! i can't wait for week four, hope my knees stop complaining.
  • onehappypickle
    onehappypickle Posts: 74 Member
    I just finished slaying week 4! Nervous about next week, but am excited, too. Getting better and stronger with my endurance and mental control. Mind over matter! I think my body's catching up to me, though. Am about to go out and pick up a foam roller for my poor legs!
  • SuperMelanie
    SuperMelanie Posts: 70 Member
    edited May 2015
    Delighted that today I somehow managed to complete W2D3!

    This was despite being almost doubled over with period pain, hormonal, irritable and tired from having to get up stupid early to get daughter to her *crucial* chemistry exams.

    Did I mention that it was raining so hard that I couldn't see with my glasses on?!!
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    finished week 3, day 2 today... really enjoying this week. was able to jog 24 mins after workout without stopping, a total of 1.92 miles. i'm finding i look forward to my jogs every other day so... if i watch my heartrate would it be better to try jogging the 3 miles on my own now or finishing the program as structured? thanks in advance for any info you can share...
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited May 2015
    I damaged both of my legs and ankles in separate accidents when I was younger-breaking bones, tendons, ligaments etc, the whole shebang!
    Reading advice on various running sites, I made the decision to visit a proper shop for running equipment in order to have my running style and gait analysed and get fitted for a decent pair of running trainers. The size and style I needed wasn't in stock and had to be ordered.
    I collected them this morning and they feel and look AMAZING! They weren't cheap, when compared with high street "fashion" trainers, but they make such a difference :)
    I've got W1D3 tonight and I'm quite looking forward to it now!
    I'll let you know how I get on later.
    Fingers crossed X

    I could see the Smile on Your Face as I was reading your Post.
    Congratulations, Professionally fitted shoes that fit and match your gait are the only absolutely 100 percent requirement for happy running, and one of the greatest Investments you can make. Everything else is subjective. So did you get some Wicking socks, Wicking running shorts and Wicking tops?
    Properly fitted running shoes are the only essential. The rest, you either discover very quickly (oh hey, I need a more supportive bra), or develop preferences through experience.

    Moisture wicking socks are an inexpensive and wonderful thing to get, though. Cotton socks will make most runners get blisters.

    Some runners prefer capris, some prefer running tights, some prefer shorts, or skirts. My decisions were based on this - if what I was wearing was causing me discomfort, I looked for something that solved that particular issue.
    airangel59 wrote: »
    And with C25K if you are just starting, RUN slow, SLOWER than slow. Puking is not a good thing.

    If it hurts/chaffs replace it.
    Happy Feet = Happy Body = Happy Soul.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    maggiekat7 wrote: »
    .....had i not been running with sore knees.

    You've now mentioned this several times, so it should be a concern. There are a number of potential causes of knee pain, and it really depends on whether you're talking about aching or pain, and whether the pain persists after you stop.

    Assuming that you've got appropriate shoes then the next thing I'd consider would be your gait. You should be aiming for short, quick steps. Your front foot should be hitting the ground only just in front of, or under, your centre of mass.

    Your other possible source is core strength. A weaker core can propagate down the body, and exhibit in the knees or ankles. Are you doing any strength training at all?
  • mjohnson1twenty
    mjohnson1twenty Posts: 932 Member
    finished week 3, day 3 today... awesome week. after workout i jogged 37 mins without stopping, a total of 3.06 miles...
  • SuperMelanie
    SuperMelanie Posts: 70 Member
    I've got W3D1 tomorrow and I'm dreading it.
    I don't think I can manage 3 minutes :(
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I've got W3D1 tomorrow and I'm dreading it.
    I don't think I can manage 3 minutes :(

    Trust in the program! and slow down if you have to.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,834 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    Hmpff.. I did manage week6D3, but just about. I think I've reached a point where it's getting too hot. Last night it was 33C (91F) and rather humid. Maybe I've reached the point where I cannot go on for now.
    Sounds terrible! Can you run inside? I am not a fan of a treadmill, but choosing between 33C and the treadmill is a no-brainer :)

    Nope, I can't. But it doesn't matter. I still manage around 5km, sometimes with more sometimes with less walking. That's pretty much the maximum distance at the moment. Yesterday it was 36 degrees after sunset. So I guess I'll be graduating from this programme in autumn when it gets cooler again. But hey, if I can keep up about 5km with some walking inbetween then I'm happy.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    I've got W3D1 tomorrow and I'm dreading it.
    I don't think I can manage 3 minutes :(

    Trust in the program! and slow down if you have to.

    +1 for slowing down, if you can't hold a conversation while doing c25k you are running too fast. It is not a race, it is about getting your body to get used to being up on your feet running without freaking out your mind. Your mind which gets overwhelmed with signals it is not used to. Trust the programme and go slower, even if you think you can't, you can!! Good luck

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    Hmpff.. I did manage week6D3, but just about. I think I've reached a point where it's getting too hot. Last night it was 33C (91F) and rather humid. Maybe I've reached the point where I cannot go on for now.
    Sounds terrible! Can you run inside? I am not a fan of a treadmill, but choosing between 33C and the treadmill is a no-brainer :)

    Nope, I can't. But it doesn't matter. I still manage around 5km, sometimes with more sometimes with less walking. That's pretty much the maximum distance at the moment. Yesterday it was 36 degrees after sunset. So I guess I'll be graduating from this programme in autumn when it gets cooler again. But hey, if I can keep up about 5km with some walking inbetween then I'm happy.

    Just keep plugging away, if you're runner slower than 6min/km you'll be able get your 30min in without going past your 5k.
    Running in the heat sucks, but if you stick it out, when the weather cools you'll go further and faster with the same amount of effort.
  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    I did W4D1 yesterday. It had rained pretty hard all night so I was late getting out to run. I did the 3/5/3 minute runs fine, but on the last 5 minute interval my leg had been burning all run and I was going up a slight incline and 3 minutes in I bonked and paused the app. I walked the incline to get to the top, which is a bridge, and stretched about 20 seconds then restarted the app. I ran 1.4 of the 2 minutes because that put me at the end of the trail back at the parking lot. So, the good part is I am now running more distance and need to go further before turning around on the trail. I know next run wont be as mental and I will be able to do it all.

    Everyone talks about going slow. I never ever could run and found going super slow I can. I am 60 lbs overweight. I call my run walking in cursive :) I am so slow that my neighbor passed me while he was walking and I was running. My kids tease me. I think I walk faster in my recovery than my actual run speed. I say all that so anyone starting knows NONE OF IT MATTERS!I am getting out there. I see my progress from dying through the 1 minute intervals to doing 5 minute intervals. Every week I move up and go farther and recover quicker. I wear an abdominal strap heart rate monitor and in my 5 minute run I was up to 170 so I know I am pushing. Dont give up. I figure speed will come after I gain some endurance.