Daily Check In Thread



  • hollyelise68
    hollyelise68 Posts: 96 Member
    I did W4D1 yesterday. It had rained pretty hard all night so I was late getting out to run. I did the 3/5/3 minute runs fine, but on the last 5 minute interval my leg had been burning all run and I was going up a slight incline and 3 minutes in I bonked and paused the app. I walked the incline to get to the top, which is a bridge, and stretched about 20 seconds then restarted the app. I ran 1.4 of the 2 minutes because that put me at the end of the trail back at the parking lot. So, the good part is I am now running more distance and need to go further before turning around on the trail. I know next run wont be as mental and I will be able to do it all.

    Everyone talks about going slow. I never ever could run and found going super slow I can. I am 60 lbs overweight. I call my run walking in cursive :) I am so slow that my neighbor passed me while he was walking and I was running. My kids tease me. I think I walk faster in my recovery than my actual run speed. I say all that so anyone starting knows NONE OF IT MATTERS!I am getting out there. I see my progress from dying through the 1 minute intervals to doing 5 minute intervals. Every week I move up and go farther and recover quicker. I wear an abdominal strap heart rate monitor and in my 5 minute run I was up to 170 so I know I am pushing. Dont give up. I figure speed will come after I gain some endurance.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    I figure speed will come after I gain some endurance.

    Spot on, running at whatever speed will improve your running ability. Well done and keep at it

  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    I just completed my first official 5K race with a finish time of 32:22!!!!! I must have been filled with adrenaline because my fastest practice run was right around 40 minutes. To go from not running at all just a few months ago to this is unbelievable - I'm so proud and looking forward to my next race!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    lngrunert wrote: »
    I just completed my first official 5K race with a finish time of 32:22!!!!! I must have been filled with adrenaline because my fastest practice run was right around 40 minutes. To go from not running at all just a few months ago to this is unbelievable - I'm so proud and looking forward to my next race!

    Fantastic news, well done, further proof that C25k works. Please carry on and enjoy running :)

  • SuperMelanie
    SuperMelanie Posts: 70 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    I've got W3D1 tomorrow and I'm dreading it.
    I don't think I can manage 3 minutes :(

    Trust in the program! and slow down if you have to.

    Thanks for that! I slowed down to a speed I can only describe as " embarrassingly slow " and managed to complete W3D1 this evening.

    *loud cheers and round of applause from the cat*

    I can't believe I'm doing it!!! :smiley:

  • SuperMelanie
    SuperMelanie Posts: 70 Member
    edited May 2015
  • SuperMelanie
    SuperMelanie Posts: 70 Member
    edited May 2015
    Everyone talks about going slow. I never ever could run and found going super slow I can. I am 60 lbs overweight. I am so slow that my neighbor passed me while he was walking and I was running. My kids tease me. I think I walk faster in my recovery than my actual run speed.

    I know exactly what you mean *gets overtaken by small girl on pink Barbie bike. With stabilisers :(
    I say all that so anyone starting knows NONE OF IT MATTERS!I am getting out there. I see my progress from dying through the 1 minute intervals to doing 5 minute intervals. Every week I move up and go farther and recover quicker. Dont give up.

    YEAH!!! WE CAN DO THIS :smiley:
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,515 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »

    Nope, I can't. But it doesn't matter. I still manage around 5km, sometimes with more sometimes with less walking. That's pretty much the maximum distance at the moment. Yesterday it was 36 degrees after sunset. So I guess I'll be graduating from this programme in autumn when it gets cooler again. But hey, if I can keep up about 5km with some walking inbetween then I'm happy.

    Just keep plugging away, if you're runner slower than 6min/km you'll be able get your 30min in without going past your 5k.
    Running in the heat sucks, but if you stick it out, when the weather cools you'll go further and faster with the same amount of effort.

    Yes, I'm pretty slow. I need about 40-45 minutes for my 5km. But at least I get there :) And despite the heat I'm trying to get a little bit further each month. (Bloody tracking website that I'm using has a badge reward system *sigh*)
  • MrsLong1980
    MrsLong1980 Posts: 181 Member
    Jumping in here - I've done couch to 5k in the past but now just sort of running! In the last month I have been running regularly 3 times a week, rather than doing C25K again I've just gone with running until I feel I can't any more and I do a combination of treadmill running and road running. I did a slower test run on the treadmill last week and realised I have been running 'too fast' so not being able to run as much as I had wanted and wanted to second others who have said to slow down the pace. You're learning to build up stamina, upping distance rather than working on speed ... in the beginning at least. Yesterday I ran 2 miles (road run) at a reasonable 4.4 miles per hour ... tomorrow when I'm on the treadmill I'll be keeping it at 4 mph and see how I do!
    I also have this t-shirt :)
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    edited May 2015
    maggiekat7 wrote: »
    .....had i not been running with sore knees.

    really depends on whether you're talking about aching or pain, and whether the pain persists after you stop.

    It is an ache, and it is definitely worse while I'm running (and walking, going up and down stairs, etc). Happily, it is okay when I wake up in the morning. I ice my knees after each run now, hoping that will help.
    Assuming that you've got appropriate shoes then the next thing I'd consider would be your gait. You should be aiming for short, quick steps. Your front foot should be hitting the ground only just in front of, or under, your centre of mass.

    I upgraded my shoes at the onset of pain to a pair recommended by a friend who is both a triathlete and a podiatrist. :) I *do* think my gait needs work. I switched from long strides to quick, short steps while walking, so I think I've got that one covered. I've been mindful of heelstrike and notice that I'm often running on the balls of my feet. I will watch to see where I'm hitting the ground next.
    Your other possible source is core strength. A weaker core can propagate down the body, and exhibit in the knees or ankles. Are you doing any strength training at all?

    I was doing some circuit training on alternate days, but stopped as I thought the knees flared up after squatting exercises.

    I was really hopeful that the ache/pain was part of the "breaking-in" process as I moved from sedentary, to walking, to fitness walking, to jogging . . . but as time goes on I am considering the reality that I've got an issue that needs addressing.

    I really appreciate your feedback, thanks!

    Aaaaaaand . . . completed first day of week 4 today. I quite enjoyed the challenge of more running time!
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    W3D1 completed. Thought it would be hard, but just when I started thinking, 'I will run until the end of this path and stop', the running interval finished!
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    I breezed through W5D3 which shocked me. I'm really starting to believe I can do this! :D
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    samra338 wrote: »
    W3D1 completed. Thought it would be hard, but just when I started thinking, 'I will run until the end of this path and stop', the running interval finished!

    It's a great feeling isn't it, remember it and well done.
    GingerSka wrote: »
    I breezed through W5D3 which shocked me. I'm really starting to believe I can do this! :D

    After the first few weeks, your body is capable of completing the course, the issue is your mind. I believe you have broken the link. I know you can now complete the programme. Well done and I look forward to reading about your graduation.

  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    maggiekat7 wrote: »
    It is an ache, and it is definitely worse while I'm running (and walking, going up and down stairs, etc). Happily, it is okay when I wake up in the morning. I ice my knees after each run now, hoping that will help.

    You shouldn't have to ice anything at this stage of your journey, let alone regularly. I hope it is nothing, but it might be worth getting it checked out.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    taeliesyn wrote: »
    maggiekat7 wrote: »
    It is an ache, and it is definitely worse while I'm running (and walking, going up and down stairs, etc). Happily, it is okay when I wake up in the morning. I ice my knees after each run now, hoping that will help.

    You shouldn't have to ice anything at this stage of your journey, let alone regularly. I hope it is nothing, but it might be worth getting it checked out.

    I agree. I'm limping around tonight, irritable because I hurt after my walk/jog this morning. Time to see my doctor, and sadly, put this journey on hold I think. I'm SO SAD! :'(
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    I just completed Day 1 Week 4. Feeling good, so far no issues. I had to run in the rain but it was nice. I had a hawk watching over me while I ran through his park path. :)
  • lddfsu
    lddfsu Posts: 38 Member
    I started week 5 today. I was still a little sore from a long hike on Saturday, but once I got going I felt great.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    @maggiekat I think you are being sensible, sort this out before it leaves you with too many bad memories. It is supposed to be fun, although sometimes we push ourselves too hard and forget that.

    @grizzlegriz, a hawk, cool. I can put up with rain if it starts while out, but it needs to be special to get me out on a training run if it is raining before I leave the house.

    @iddfsu, soreness I can relate to that. If it is stiffness then great that it is only stiffness, if it is more serious and it doesn't sound like it was, give it a couple of days. In your programme at the moment a couple of extra days rest, will not make a difference but it will allow you to enjoy the journey and the accomplishment.

    Have fun all
  • happydrummingmonkey
    happydrummingmonkey Posts: 9 Member
    I did W8D1 yesterday and I jogged 4.8k but only because I also jogged the 5min cool down at the end. I am very slow and the weather is pretty hot in Greece. I hope I will do the 5k before the summer is here for good :)
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    edited May 2015
    thought i'd post an update here, just in case some people were curious due to their own knee complaints . . .

    the doctor feels that my knees are structurally sound and well stabilized. she does feel i have some joint abnormalities (my knees naturally turn in to each other) and my feet over pronate. she encouraged me to continue with the program, but to perhaps go back over last week and take it all a little slower. i guess i can use the time to work on my running style and focus on better form!