Daily Check In Thread



  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    W4D2 completed! I feel something is wrong when the runs go without any problems. I am sweating bucket loads but otherwise it seems to be a breeze. Wondering if I should challenge myself and try to run faster? I don't use any tracking devices, but my running(!) speed is slower than my walking...lol...
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    @samra338 keep going, the aim at the moment is to run, regardless of speed. Keep going as you are, speed will come later, trust the programme. Good luck on your journey
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    samra338 wrote: »
    W4D2 completed! I feel something is wrong when the runs go without any problems. I am sweating bucket loads but otherwise it seems to be a breeze. Wondering if I should challenge myself and try to run faster? I don't use any tracking devices, but my running(!) speed is slower than my walking...lol...

    That means you're doing the program perfectly and not letting speed be an issue. Finish the program then worry about challenging yourself :)
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    @maggiekat7 wk is going better than expected. Day 2 was a mental challenge. I'm trying not to psych myself out of day 3. Take it easy on those knees
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    @maggiekat7 wk 5is going better than expected. Day 2 was a mental challenge. I'm trying not to psych myself out of day 3. Take it easy on those knees.

  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    W5d2 done today. It wasn't as bad as I thought. The hardest part was staying focused on the run and not the distance. I found myself wanting to increase my speed but I stayed at my comfortable pace so that I could go the distance. I have mixed feelings about day3.
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    @fit4life_73 - you're going to rock day three of week five!
  • maggiekat7
    maggiekat7 Posts: 122 Member
    Week 4 day 2 (v.2.0) was my worst run, EVER. I kept thinking "I am doing the wrong week. I have accidentally skipped up into week five, instead of repeating week four, cause this is hellish!"

    I usually run at the butt crack of dawn, but I had to switch up and do an after dinner jaunt. No biggie, I thought. Pffft. Don't think I'll do that again. Heat? Fatigue from a full day of work and caring for my kids? Performance anxiety? A combination of it all?

    I ran my slowest ever today from utter desperation to complete. Wow, I got handed my *kitten* tonight! Dust off my ego and complete round two of week four day three bright and EARLY Friday morning.

  • JaneyClark1
    JaneyClark1 Posts: 12 Member
    Wk 1 Day 2 completed. I am feeling great this evening, but this morning I had an issue that I was not prepared for that I wanted to run past you all to see if anyone has experienced this. I have been making sure that I have been hydrating before, during and afterwards. After my cool down, I left the gym feeling really good! I was not sore, (been sore all week). By the time I got to my car I started feeling nauseous, and well off. I decided to make hubby drive so we switched places, and found my legs were a bit jelly. This morning was a nice warm day, but I began to get chills, by the time we drove the 10 minutes home, I had goosebumps, my teeth were chattering, and I was shivering. My hands were freezing cold! It took a little over an hour under blankets for me to get somewhat warm and for my shivering to stop. Now, several hours later I feel GREAT! I am not stiff and sore, and I am not freezing. I am thirsty, I have drank so much today my eye balls are floating.. (like more than 19 cups to this point) Anyone experience this? I googled it, and found instances but well, I thought I would check here and see how you all handle it? And does it go away, or will I see this each time I try to jog? (I need to mention, my jogging is NOT very fast at all right now.) Thank you!!!
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thank you for your feedback @ftrobbie and @taelisyn
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    @JaneyClark1 I haven't experienced anything like this. Just wanted to wish you luck...I am sure someone more experienced will be along shortly to advise you. Take care.
  • JSC145
    JSC145 Posts: 79 Member
    Week 4, day 1 done! That last 5 min jaunt was torture and I found myself walking after just 3 min. I was so mad at myself that I ran an extra 3 min after catching my breath. Planning to slow down slightly on day 2 so I can run (jog?) that last 5 min consistently.

    P.s. @JaneyClark1 if u keep getting the same symptoms, go see a doctor, please...
  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »
    @samhennings slow down, if you can't hold a conversation then you are going too fast. Slowing down during the run phase is the missing piece of the puzzle for most people. If that does not help, then report back with some specifics of why you are struggling.

    Good luck

    Ive slowed and slowed and slowed some more. Any slower and Ill be stopping!

    I think its a combination of breathing rhythm and a total lack of cardio/lung power.

    I can march a walk at 4mph+ EASILY. I can walk faster than anyone I know, and keep it up for hours.

    The second I go into a jog Im huffing and puffing and on a countdown to tapping out.

    I went slower today than ever, W3D1, managed the 90 sec, 3 min and 90 sec, just, but only 2 minutes of the last 3 min run. Im coming to the conclusion I am just that out of shape, and its going to take time to build it up.

  • KRPolo
    KRPolo Posts: 56 Member
    First time posting here. I just finished week 5 day 2 this morning and am looking for advice on day 3. Up until today, it hasn't been easy, but has been very doable. Today was the first day I let the "head trash" sneak in and almost quit in the first few minutes. I ate junk last night and just feel crappy this morning so it felt like things were off from the start with my breathing, knee discomfort, etc. I kept going though, and completed day 2, so this is officially as far as I have made it in C25K on several attempts.

    Two questions for all of you:
    1. How do you cut through the mind games? I know that my body is ready, but am already worried about the twenty minute run on Saturday. Any suggestions are appreciated.
    2. What do you runners eat on the night before a bigger run? I want to make sure I don't eat anything Friday that will negatively impact Saturday.

    Thanks for your replies. I have really enjoyed reading all of the advice on this group and am ready to be a more active participant.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member

    I think its a combination of breathing rhythm and a total lack of cardio/lung power.

    I can march a walk at 4mph+ EASILY. I can walk faster than anyone I know, and keep it up for hours.

    The second I go into a jog I'm huffing and puffing and on a countdown to tapping out.

    I went slower today than ever, W3D1, managed the 90 sec, 3 min and 90 sec, just, but only 2 minutes of the last 3 min run. I'm coming to the conclusion I am just that out of shape, and its going to take time to build it up.

    My emphasis, the two highlighted passages do not hold true. One or other is false. I would encourage you to walk as fast as you can and then go a touch faster, this should put you into a running gait, ie both feet of the floor at some point in the running cycle. Once you have broken into the running gait, you may or may not be able to back off slightly and still maintain the running gait. Try running the run intervals at this pace, cardio wise you should kill this "I can march a walk at 4mph+ EASILY. I can walk faster than anyone I know, and keep it up for hours.". My theory is that your brain is processing this unusual activity and urging you to stop. You know that you can cope with it, this is about training your brain, that this is normal and ok. Our bodies have been designed to keep us safe, you need to let it know that this is safe. Have a read up on "Central Governor" theory, it may explain the circumstances you are encountering. Good luck
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    KRPolo wrote: »
    First time posting here. I just finished week 5 day 2 this morning and am looking for advice on day 3. Up until today, it hasn't been easy, but has been very doable. Today was the first day I let the "head trash" sneak in and almost quit in the first few minutes. I ate junk last night and just feel crappy this morning so it felt like things were off from the start with my breathing, knee discomfort, etc. I kept going though, and completed day 2, so this is officially as far as I have made it in C25K on several attempts.

    Two questions for all of you:
    1. How do you cut through the mind games? I know that my body is ready, but am already worried about the twenty minute run on Saturday. Any suggestions are appreciated.
    2. What do you runners eat on the night before a bigger run? I want to make sure I don't eat anything Friday that will negatively impact Saturday.

    Thanks for your replies. I have really enjoyed reading all of the advice on this group and am ready to be a more active participant.


    I was losing weight at the time, so ate "normally" nothing special, 20 mins in not going to require any special fuelling. So don't worry about that. Mind games, this is what the programme is really about, convincing yourself that this is safe. My advice is slow down a bit and than a bit more if required. The whole point is to last 20 mins in a running gait, regardless of speed. Almost everyone I know has had the same issue, they don't trust themselves to do W5D3, yet almost everyone does it. I can't supply any magical words of wisdom, it is not how I am wired, mine was simply go slower than my W5D2 run and I would be ok. Good luck, don't let you mind bully your body.

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Wk 1 Day 2 completed. I am feeling great this evening, but this morning I had an issue that I was not prepared for that I wanted to run past you all to see if anyone has experienced this. I have been making sure that I have been hydrating before, during and afterwards. After my cool down, I left the gym feeling really good! I was not sore, (been sore all week). By the time I got to my car I started feeling nauseous, and well off. I decided to make hubby drive so we switched places, and found my legs were a bit jelly. This morning was a nice warm day, but I began to get chills, by the time we drove the 10 minutes home, I had goosebumps, my teeth were chattering, and I was shivering. My hands were freezing cold! It took a little over an hour under blankets for me to get somewhat warm and for my shivering to stop. Now, several hours later I feel GREAT! I am not stiff and sore, and I am not freezing. I am thirsty, I have drank so much today my eye balls are floating.. (like more than 19 cups to this point) Anyone experience this? I googled it, and found instances but well, I thought I would check here and see how you all handle it? And does it go away, or will I see this each time I try to jog? (I need to mention, my jogging is NOT very fast at all right now.) Thank you!!!

    Go get some medical advice, treating symptoms based on your write up on an internet forum is never going to be the most reliable solution. I know what I would do, but could never recommend experimenting with someone else's health and safety. Get checked out by someone qualified and follow their advice. Good luck and safe heath

  • JaneyClark1
    JaneyClark1 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for your advice. Of course, I have a call into the dr. While I am waiting, I have looked into other peoples experiences, it appears this is not that uncommon amongst runners.
  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    ftrobbie wrote: »

    I think its a combination of breathing rhythm and a total lack of cardio/lung power.

    I can march a walk at 4mph+ EASILY. I can walk faster than anyone I know, and keep it up for hours.

    The second I go into a jog I'm huffing and puffing and on a countdown to tapping out.

    I went slower today than ever, W3D1, managed the 90 sec, 3 min and 90 sec, just, but only 2 minutes of the last 3 min run. I'm coming to the conclusion I am just that out of shape, and its going to take time to build it up.

    My emphasis, the two highlighted passages do not hold true. One or other is false. I would encourage you to walk as fast as you can and then go a touch faster, this should put you into a running gait, ie both feet of the floor at some point in the running cycle. Once you have broken into the running gait, you may or may not be able to back off slightly and still maintain the running gait. Try running the run intervals at this pace, cardio wise you should kill this "I can march a walk at 4mph+ EASILY. I can walk faster than anyone I know, and keep it up for hours.". My theory is that your brain is processing this unusual activity and urging you to stop. You know that you can cope with it, this is about training your brain, that this is normal and ok. Our bodies have been designed to keep us safe, you need to let it know that this is safe. Have a read up on "Central Governor" theory, it may explain the circumstances you are encountering. Good luck

    Looks like an interesting theory, Ill read up on it later.
    Not sure why it would explain my lack of lung power, but it may well be valid.
    I know when Im walking I tend to breath quite shallow and although fast, its a comfortable pace for me.
    When jogging Im puffing like mad in no time, I cant seem to regulate my breathing/find a rhythm at all.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    ... it appears this is not that uncommon amongst runners.

    I would suggest that the severity that you describe is very unusual. I'd almost assess that you may be overhydrating as the symptoms have a resemblance to hyponatremia.

    To be honest, the level of symptom that you describe is something I would have suggested hospital attendance for, rather than calling your GP.

    Whereabouts have you asked the question that you're getting people claiming similar symptoms?