Daily Check In Thread



  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    edited September 2016
    another 30' with the dog today.she understood from the beginning what we were doing ,and behaved well most of the time. next week i will up my running time by 5' ,because this second week that i've been doing the 30 minutes, i've been getting faster and faster. so an extra 5' and i will slow down again.
    Nancy, i've been thinking of doing the same as you. first finish the 0 to 10k app and then start c25k, only focusing on speed instead of distance.i can imagine the 10k must be very time consuming. an hour and a half for me probably.
  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    My allergies and chest congestion is taking a toll on me :-( I may need to repeat week 5 because my last run wasn't as strong and I missed my run this morning. I'll try to read what my body is feeling and work from there. Back at it as soon as possible.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Taking a little break from running and doing daily zumba with my mom for a few days :) She cant get out and run so its nice to get some exercise inside with her instead once in awhile.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    My son and I finished week 1 today. I started this with him to help get him more active. I already work out daily but realized at age 13 he is going to head down a path of lethargy if I don't get him moving. We did awesome this week and are starting week 2 tomorrow.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    My son and I finished W2D1 this morning. Because of his school schedule we can't run on set days so we kinda have to pick and choose our days each week. We figure as long as we can get three days in somewhere between Sunday and Saturday we are making progress.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    C25k Run/Jog W1D2. The GPS was acting up, so I'm not 100% confident about the stats, but the distance seems about right. I was a tiny bit faster today, so went a little farther up the hill and then on the last "walk" interval I continued jogging uphill for a little bit before turning around and treating myself to a minute or so of running downhill.

    Stats for today: 1.60 miles in 20:00 for a pace of 12:29. Elevation gain 256 feet.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited September 2016
    NancyN795 wrote: »
    I've been trying to figure out what to do now that I've completed both C25k and rundouble's 5K to 10K program. I didn't want to continue running 10K - it's just too time consuming for me and I never adapted to running up so many hills.

    I find I need a program to follow to keep me running and motivated. -something I can fit into my day . I want to learn to run up those darn hills, but in small increments.

    So, today I restarted C25k, but instead of jogging and walking, I'm pushing myself when it says to run and jogging more slowly when it says to walk. I'm hoping this approach will keep me motivated, help my speed, and help me adjust to the steeper hills more gradually.

    @NancyN795 Sounds like you have a pretty solid plan in place.
    To change it up maybe consider adding in a Pyramid Rotation.
    Where in one running rotation ( 1-2 weeks ) you slowly increase then decrease your distance. ie 3, 4, 5, 4, 3 miles and then do the plan you have listed above.
    In the next Pyramid Rotation increase the distance on the start of the cycle: 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 4, 3. This way your are increasing your mileage slightly when you are fresh during the early stages of the cycle and you get the benefits of slightly longer distances but not overwhelming.
    Just an idea that really is just an extension of the C25K/B210K plans based purely on distance - not time - so run as slow as you want - just run.

    The Local Run Club that I am part of Traditionally we do our long runs Saturday Morning ( maximizes available time ) and Shortest-Recovery-Leisure run on Sunday Morning - then time for coffee and serious jaw flapping.
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    33' today, 3.7k (excluding warm up and cool down times) at a pace of 8.53 .i'm definitely getting faster, i can feel it and very happy with my progress. i think i can reach the 5k in about a month with a time of 45' or close to that.
  • MelissaCV
    MelissaCV Posts: 24 Member
    I did Week 6/Day 2 today...the blimey phone ran out of battery during cool down and I could not log it! Grrr. :s

    I am now starting to find my rhythm and timing my breathing with me steps. There is a little hill now that I used to walk up during cool down. Now, because of the new jog times, I am jogging it uphill! Phew! When I reach the top I feel like I've climbed Mt Everest (even though the inclination is really not a big deal, lol!)! :D
  • Lovemybody75
    Lovemybody75 Posts: 44 Member
    I finished the c25k then a few weeks later went on to the 10k. I felt like I needed a program to keep me on track. Finished week 9 day 2 yesterday. 3.5 miles. Pretty slow but I'm 4'9"..is my excuse. I'm not really losing any weight though. Anyone had success with losing weight?
  • rickc74
    rickc74 Posts: 416 Member
    I'm losing at about the same rate as before, maybe a bit slower. There are a couple factors involved, though. One is that I'm down 63lbs so far, and probably only have another 15-20 to go, so I think it is natural for loss to slow down at this point. The other is the fact that I'm taking advantage of the extra calorie burn to eat some things I haven't had much of lately. Running lets me enjoy more food, and still lose a pound or two a week. I'll take it:)
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    I finished the c25k then a few weeks later went on to the 10k. I felt like I needed a program to keep me on track. Finished week 9 day 2 yesterday. 3.5 miles. Pretty slow but I'm 4'9"..is my excuse. I'm not really losing any weight though. Anyone had success with losing weight?

    just by running?nah i only earn about 200 calories with each run, which i don't eat back. i'm 4'8'' so i'm pretty slow too don't worry.if you want to lose weight you have to watch your food intake, the exercise is there to give you a better body and assist with the weight loss.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    I finished the c25k then a few weeks later went on to the 10k. I felt like I needed a program to keep me on track. Finished week 9 day 2 yesterday. 3.5 miles. Pretty slow but I'm 4'9"..is my excuse. I'm not really losing any weight though. Anyone had success with losing weight?

    just by running?nah i only earn about 200 calories with each run, which i don't eat back. i'm 4'8'' so i'm pretty slow too don't worry.if you want to lose weight you have to watch your food intake, the exercise is there to give you a better body and assist with the weight loss.

    @jennypapaje and @Lovemybody75 The best saying/comment I have heard is
    "Your body is made in the kitchen ; Tuned up in the Gym, Pool, Track etc "
    Running allows me to indulge in a few treats that would normally put me over my average weekly calorie goal.
    Ironically three of the fastest runners I know are similar to your height. As one of my friends said - they are like a whirling dervish. B)
  • Lovemybody75
    Lovemybody75 Posts: 44 Member
    I have another 7 lbs to lose. I net in 1200 to 1300 calories a day. I think I need to start lifting and increase protein.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    C25k Run/Jog W1D3. It seemed harder today. I may have tried to run faster at the beginning. By the second half of the run, there's no difference in my pace between the run segments and the jog segments. The hill is getting pretty steep at that point and I'm getting pretty tired. There are only 3 short, slightly downhill sections for the whole run (except for when I turn around during the last interval and give myself the treat of running downhill for a minute). Today I gave in and walked briefly a couple of times, but my average pace was close to the same.

    @juliet3455 : Thanks for the advice, but I think longer runs are out of the question for the time being. I can't run any farther up that hill. I know I did when working on the 10K distance, but I also started hated running because of that hill (and the ones that follow it) and usually ended up walking up a good part of it. When we started walking up the hill, we did it in stages and would stop to rest. I still can't walk up it without gasping for breath (maybe I could if we strolled, but we try to keep the pace up). Running to the top of the hill will mean about another .2 miles and another 100 feet of elevation gain. Then, there's about a half mile before the next killer hill.

    Stats for today: 1.60 miles in 20:02 for a pace of 12:32. I can't figure out how to get a consistent elevation gain number so I'm just going to say that I turned around (during the final "walk" interval) a little higher on the hill than last time.
  • PermissionGranted
    PermissionGranted Posts: 203 Member
    Good morning my fellow warriors! So I had to take a week off because of strep throat, night shift work schedule and sick lungs (phlem and the nasties :-( ) I'm doing a bit better so I'm going to try to do my last run from last week to see if I can still continue or if I should review a week. Any thoughts?
  • MelissaCV
    MelissaCV Posts: 24 Member
    Hello, I completed Week 6 Day 3 this morning and ran 22min straight! Can't believe I did that! I was supposed to run yesterday but I did it today because I've noticed I run better when I am fasting and it is my fasting day today (Mondays and Thursdays). I feel so happy. :) I can't believe only 3 weeks left to finish the program!
  • jennypapage
    jennypapage Posts: 489 Member
    Good morning my fellow warriors! So I had to take a week off because of strep throat, night shift work schedule and sick lungs (phlem and the nasties :-( ) I'm doing a bit better so I'm going to try to do my last run from last week to see if I can still continue or if I should review a week. Any thoughts?
    go for it.you won't know unless you try.

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited September 2016
    @PermissionGranted I agree with @jennypapaje Go for it. One week off should not put you back, 2-3 weeks off would set you back a bit.
    Time or distance doesn't matter just get out there and burn up some shoe rubber!
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    W2D2 complete. Now my daughter has joined my son and I! She did amazing.