Introduce yourself - again

findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
edited August 2017 in Social Groups
We have a lot of members in the group now, but who is still here? Stop in, say hello, and tell us about yourself!


  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Hello, My name is Katie. Im 31 and live in the suburbs of Chicago. Ive been on MFP a year now, losing then gaining, then losing. But Im still here! I keep trying, thats what counts right?

    Welcome to the group, join our challenges, post often. Feel free to friend me!
  • KittenKittyKitteh
    KittenKittyKitteh Posts: 52 Member
    Hello new friend :o)

    I joined MFP a while back but I just got serious about 2 weeks ago. I'm down 11lbs already! I love the idea of having friends who understand 100% what we're going through. Especially, and I doubt I'm alone here, since I've always been the chubbiest in my life. I look forward to being part of this for the long haul.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Hi my name is Christina. I'm 22, I live in Whatcom County.
    I joined MFP in late June and I love it, its something I feel I can really stick to.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • katies2boys
    katies2boys Posts: 69 Member
    Hello! My name is Katie, and I joined MFP last week. I'm really loving how easy is is to navigate the site, and the app on my phone is great too. I'm 32, and I live in Southern California. I'm a single mom, with two boys ages 12 and 10.
  • milleyea
    milleyea Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! I'm new here and I'm hoping to gain some new friends who will incourage me!
  • michelle0suzann
    michelle0suzann Posts: 43 Member
    Hey y'all!!

    My name is Michelle and I am 28. I love the color pink and can't bring myself to leave the house without a headband!

    Currently a nurse in an ICU working on my doctorate in acute care nursing. I've been heavy most of my life.. Lost about 140lbs when I got married and then put it all back on over the last three years! I need to get my confidence back!! Also, I'm sure I don't have much influence when I'm telling patients if they don't change their ways they may die -- I need to take my own advice!!!

    Looking for some new friends and support resources!!

  • lstillwell1128
    lstillwell1128 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi my name is Jo. I am a 28 year old office assistant at a wonderful 100 year old company here in SoWeGA. I have a great, loving husband and a cuddly little furbaby name Libby. I have been a member of MFP for a while but just started my life for real on June 12th. So far I have lost 39 lbs. and have a goal to lose 200 lbs. I reached my peak weight of 305 lbs on June 11th and decided "That's it!" it was time for me to do something for myself instead of always doing for everyone else. I have had three miscarriages (a single at 2 months, a single at 3.5 months, and a set of twin boys at 5 months.) since that time I have gotten into a really deep depression and eaten myself out of 10 years of my life. I have always been fat, not just heavy but, fat! Even at 8 years old i was 140 lbs. and 4'2" tall. (Needless to say I was a circle lol). Right now I am 5'1" tall and weigh in at 264 lbs. I am a paranormal investigator, avid reader, and love to cook, craft, and sing.

    Feel free to add me if you like, you can never have too many supportive friends in a fight like we have ahead of ourselves :)
  • samandlucysmum
    Hi, My name is Mel, I am a 35 yr old married mum of 6, 2 girls, 4 boys, I am a SAHM.
    I have gained weight since my teens, and reached my highest weight of 351lb at the beginning of this year. My mum recommended MFP, and I have stuck with it since then.
    ~I have lost 22 lb since Jan, some weeks I have gained. I would like to have lost more, but I am slowly getting into it more, cutting my days off from 3 to 1.
    I would like to get down to 150lb, asap.
    I welcome friends of a similar weight, with similar goals, females only.
    Hello :) My name is Lisa. I'm a stay at home mom of 4 (Ashley 10, Tyler 5, Justin 3, Abigayle 16 months) I've been using MFP for a little over a month now. I've lost 11 lbs. Me & the Hubby both are doing this. I want to feel good again mentally and physically. I know I have a long road ahead of me but I'll get there. So far I've cut out the pop and I'm watching my serving sizes also trying to make better choices. Feel free to add me as a friend. I honestly could use words of encouragement and support as well.
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    Hi my name is Georgie. 23 year old SAHM of 2 (2 1/2 and almost 4 years). My husband just enlisted in the Army, so over the next year our lives will drastically change. Currently live in a small town in IN. I have at least 180 to lose, but trying to focus on 15lbs at a time. Feel free to add me :)
  • SavageFeast
    SavageFeast Posts: 325 Member
    I'm here, trucking along and enjoying my MFP friends' successes right along with mine :flowerforyou:
  • kathyanne07
    kathyanne07 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! My name is Kathleen. I have two daughters 23 and 13. I have been overweight for many years now. I have used food to comfort the horrible things that have happened in my life. I am trying to overcome this and get healthy for my daughters. I want to see them both get married and I want to be able to enjoy my future grandchildren. Thanks for the encouragement and support!! Feel free to add me - you can never have enough friends!! We can do it!!
  • milleyea
    milleyea Posts: 95 Member
    Hi! I'm new here and I'm hoping to gain some new friends who will incourage me!


    Just testing out my ticker! :blushing:
  • Choanni64
    Choanni64 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this group. I joned MFP in May 2012. I started this journey in March 2012 at 325 lbs, a weight I have maintained for the past 25 years. I am 47 years old and have Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. But in March I found out that I had moderate diabetic retinopathy (the largest cause of new blindness) and I was scared! I cut out sugar immediately and started walking around my neighborhood. At the end of May I started a 1200 calorie food plan and cut out caffeine and diet soda and joined a gym! I have always hated exercise, but I have grown to really love the way it makes me feel.

    So, it's almost two months later and I have lost 37 pounds! I am off the night-time insulin and lowered my sugar and bp meds significantly! I haven't been this weight since the mid -1990s and am excited to be on this journey with all of you! Please feel free to add me.
  • kdaughertyfp
    kdaughertyfp Posts: 49 Member
    Hi.. My name is Kim I am 54 and have been heavey all of my life. I have tried different diets over the years had success and then lost focus and gained the weight back plus more.

    This is my 2nd month on this journey to change my life. Motivating me to make this change is that i am looking towards the future and retirement. As I looked at retirement I dont want to be sitting at home not able to do the things I want because of my weight. Part of that includes getting my knees replaced, but I cant do that until I loose weight to make that process easier.

    MFP has helped me see the amount of calories and carbs that I was consuming and thinking I was not doing that bad. I am approachig this as a life style change and not a diet. I am doing this for me, I probably will have days that I faulter but I am determined to make decisions that will make for a healthier life.
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Missy. I'm 32. I'm married to my best friend, we have 7 kids and 6 grandbabies and one more on the way. I am currently working on week 3 of my journey. I have been battling the weight for about 14 years.....and have never been so happy about it until now. I think I'm just at that point where it's do or die. So far I am really enjoying MFP and feel very accountable because of it. I have roughly 200 pounds that I would love to just fall off but I know in reality it's going to take alot of work on my part. I look forward to connecting with some great people.
  • thebrianmo
    thebrianmo Posts: 108
    Hi, I'm Brian, I'm 36, from Ohio, but definitely NOT a Buckeyes or Browns fan. Steelers and WVU all the way! :D

    I began my weight loss journey at 430 pounds and thus far have lost 42 pounds. My goal weight is 285 and I will get there eventually. :happy:
  • rawfull
    rawfull Posts: 178
    Hello Everyone! My name is Chuck. When I first started I weighed over 400, I'm not sure exactly. I manage to loose down to 387 pounds when I first started on MFP. on May 29th, I'm now 342.4, thats 44.6 pounds in 61 days... :smile:

    I made my goal to eat only healthy foods that nourishes me, and not eat what harms me...
  • addiemsu
    addiemsu Posts: 4
    Hi, I'm Addie. 32, West Michigan. Started really tracking a couple weeks ago, so far so good. Thankful that MFP makes it so easy because I haven't been a fan of tracking in the past. Obviously what I've done in the past wasn't too helpful though. ;) As far as workouts I've been doing the Chalean Extreme circuit videos (just the main ones, not the full program) and walking 30-40 minutes 6x a week.

    Love reading, Netflix, video games and Michigan State football. :)
  • syllables
    syllables Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Malory, and I'm relatively new to MFP. (Don't let the account age fool you, I made it and then never used it...) I was using SparkPeople for a long, long time, but decided to switch to this site instead. I started at 451 and am now down to 416. I do not have a goal weight in mind, but I do have goal activities in mind (canoeing, going on roller coasters, going to the water park, running a 5k for a charity that is near and dear to me, etc).

    One thing that has really helped me with My Fitness Pal is I can plan for the day ahead - instead of logging what I ate today, I can log what I will eat -tomorrow-. This keeps me on track and less time standing in front of the fridge because random fridge eating is not on my plan for tomorrow!

    Anyway, I love reading, art, cooking, design, and dogs. Feel free to add me, I could use some friends on here!