Introduce yourself - again



  • tkay72
    tkay72 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi my name is Stacey and i have used mfp off and on. But have been consistent the last three months. Started in December at 328. Now 300 lbs. Still have over a 100 to go but will get there. I have always been large,, but want to change that not to skinny but to healthier. Feel free to add me as a friend.:wink:
  • Hello. My name is Rashema. I just joined MFP yesterday. A co-worker convinced me to join. I am currently on a weight loss program that will be coming to an end very soon. Although I am pleased with my 39 lbd loss so far, I am very nervous about how to continue to loose after I am done with the program. I am open to any advice, I'm sure I will need it! My goal is to loose 150, and even though I know I'm going in the right direction, my goal seems so far away.
  • suz827
    suz827 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi my name is Suz and I'm new to MFP and this group! Twelve years ago, I was at my highest weight ever - 346 and I joined a hospital weight loss program. I did very well and lost 180 pounds!! I kept it off for a few years, but slowly it has crept back as I let go of my good eating habits. This summer I found myself 25 pounds short of regaining the whole 180 and I decided it was time to get back on track.

    I'm trying to feel confident and positive that I can do this - AGAIN, but admit I am concerned about being able to lose such a large amount for the second time. I'd like to lose from 150-170 pounds.

    Has anyone ever lost a lot of weight more than once? I'm looking for friends and support during this journey.
  • Hello everyone. Im Stacey and live just outside Myrtle Beach SC. Im 43 yr old single mother of 2 teenagers and now really putting my health and weightloss first! I am affraid I wont be around to see my kids grow into adults. I just joined MFP a few days ago. I have started and failed so many times to try and lose weight, but im making a commitment to stay focused, strong and DETERMINED to stay on track. i have even started a vlog of my progress on youtube. Is there anyone else who is documenting their weighloss journey this way?
  • lmgc1985
    lmgc1985 Posts: 29
    Ello :) 26 years old, male, started almost 2 weeks ago on this journey at 306.75lbs, currently at 300.25lbs so almost out of the 300's........ This is me saying Hi :D
  • Hi!

    My name is Cassie. I am new to this group, not new to MFP or weight loss though. :)

    A little about me:

    I am 24 years old (25 in 2 weeks). I have two children. My son, Kaiden, is 4 years old & my daughter, my Lily is 16 months. I work FT and go to school FT. I am always on the go and never have time to relax. Which is why I have gained so much weight. I felt I didn't have to eat right or work out. But I am making time.
    I actually just got back on the horse this week. Last Wednesday, I weight in at the most I have ever weighed.. 302.4lbs.

    I really need the support and motivation. I am currently doing P90X as well.

    Add me :)
  • georgeinthecord
    georgeinthecord Posts: 84 Member
    Hey all! George here.

    I'm 31 and, although I am now under 300lbs (FINALLY), I've spent most of my life over 300. Probably since high school. At my last weigh-in, I was 290.8. I know how hard it is to be over 300 and I know how difficult it is to shop, go out and do things, and just the total embarrassment that comes with doing... well, pretty much anything.

    Feel free to add me! I look forward to hearing from whoever and I look forward to offering whatever support I can! :)

    Good luck and I look forward to all the success we will have together!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this group. I joned MFP in May 2012. I started this journey in March 2012 at 325 lbs, a weight I have maintained for the past 25 years. I am 47 years old and have Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. But in March I found out that I had moderate diabetic retinopathy (the largest cause of new blindness) and I was scared! I cut out sugar immediately and started walking around my neighborhood. At the end of May I started a 1200 calorie food plan and cut out caffeine and diet soda and joined a gym! I have always hated exercise, but I have grown to really love the way it makes me feel.

    So, it's almost two months later and I have lost 37 pounds! I am off the night-time insulin and lowered my sugar and bp meds significantly! I haven't been this weight since the mid -1990s and am excited to be on this journey with all of you! Please feel free to add me.

  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Hi - only been a part of this group for a couple months.

    I'm a 33 yr old family man and amateur strength athlete - I joined here late May 2012 to get ready for when the season ended in June. I've been "playing around" in competitions for the last 4-5 years, and am looking to get a little healthier and a little stronger while I'm at it.

    I'm at about 350 right now, and my goal is 300 to 320. Not because I'm thinking "oh, I can't lose this much weight", but more along the lines of "I've only got 40 lbs of bodyfat to lose". I'm 24% bodyfat right now, and my goal is about 15%. I'm nowhere near skinny by any means, but I'm not going to chase after an unhealthy goal just because people think over 300 equals bad.

    Good luck to everyone here!
  • brian51uk
    brian51uk Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all Brian here from the UK

    I joined MFP 6days ago and this group today

    About me I am 61yrs old (shhhhhhhh dont tell anyone lol)
    live in the UK am a widower have 2 children 15 & 27

    have lyphoedema in both legs that restricts my mobility at times

    I weighed in at 314 lbs and a BMI of 45 i want to lose at least 100 lbs and i have
    given myself a year to try and do it.

    this is just to introduce myself and say hi to everyone

    anyone wants to be a friend feel free to add me

    good luck to everyone and hope you all achieve your goals
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Ok I've been considering what to put here since I noticed topic thread this weekend.

    Hi I'm Kalyn. I'm 38 yrs old. I started MFP in Feb 2012 at the advice and encouragement of my good friend Hoss (Hylos). I had some very serious heart and kidney problems I could have corrected over 3 yrs ago had I just listened to the heart specialist and cut the sodium out of my diet to a reasonable level.

    I'm stubborn. And hard headed. And have to understand the WHY's of things before I can commit to at least trying them. I think I come by that naturally from my parents.

    Today I have off from work. I think I have finally discovered my path in life. I want to work at something that I enjoy and love so much that I'm so good at that people will pay me for it and I can live comfortably. My current job was not letting me do that AT ALL and I cant be doing the same thing five years from now or I will be dead or near it or wish I was.

    Its that simple. For me. It would be nice if I could keep my job and benefits until I finish school (I am going back for BS degree).

    Today I know that even with the economy, if worst came to worst, I could somehow not lose my home with help from my family or the government or through loans, sell my car and get something cheaper, SOMETHING to get me by. I have to focus on my happiness to be healthy - to me today - those two things and with some help from a Higher source is what I know. I could even get a job at McDonalds or go back to Target and stock shelves or work there like I did in college. I'll be OK. I'll eventually be out of debt some way some how, living a life I love I hope - and maybe one day find a man that loves me exactly how I am warts and all. :)

    I wasnt going to add pictures but why not - and sorry they are a big larger but I dont feel like spending the time to fool with that today I have better things to do with my day off LOL

    Thats me at my moms wedding 3 yrs ago

    This is me yesterday

    This is what I made for breakfast today.

    **i'm pretty sure something is making my lense cloudy on camera..THAT I will fix today LOL
  • healthygirltx
    healthygirltx Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone - my name is Stacey and I am a 38 yr old from Texas. I have a Master's degree and work in the medical field. I have struggled with weight issues on and off for most of my life. I have been on MFP for awhile and found it helpful, but I keep falling back into bad habits. My highest weight was 320 and I am at 317 now. I have many reasons to lose weight - health, my husband, starting a family and being able to live a more adventurous life - one in which my weight doesn't hold me back from doing what I want to do! Glad to be here and would love to offer support and be supported in return.
  • Hello, my name is Mariel (30). I am from Minneapolis, MN. I am 300 plus lbs and am looking into gastoric bypass surgery. I have a husband and a son who is 6. I want to be a good role model for my son but thats hard when he asks why I am fat. That was a reality check. I have a dietician that I go to once a month and soon will be seeing a bariatric doctor. I am just exhausted all of the time. I get headaches from stressing over it and im on the brink of diabetes. I need as much support as possible. I will do my best to support you.
  • mishelerenee
    mishelerenee Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I am Mishele, a 35 y/o female from Wisconsin. I joined on Monday, July 30th 2013, after being inspired by the Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss edition that aired on Sunday, July 29th. My goal is an ambition one, 178lbs, but I know that I can do it with a lot of hard work and dedication. I am phasing my goals. Phase I: I'd like to lose 50lbs by 10/22/12 (12 weeks), or better yet sooner :). When I hit that goal, I intend to go to NC. I've never been, but would like to. Phase II: lose an additional 50lbs (100 total by 1/14/13) . For my 100lbs milestone, I will treat myself to a trip back to Europe. I am sure I'll enjoy the winding roads and hiking uphill a lot more at 248, than I did in the past (360lbs) when I huffed and puffed the whole way. I am starting slowly, walking everyday a minimum of 1.5 miles and aspiring to do 3 miles total per day. I am also eating a LOT better and logging on to Pal day for inspiration and to stay motivated. I wish everyone much luck, happiness and good health.

  • mishelerenee
    mishelerenee Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck! I am/was considering biatric surgery as well. I decided to give it my best effort for the next three months, before making that decision. I think I'll try to follow a dietican/nutritionalist each month too. I did that once before with decent results. I wish you the best in your weight loss journey.

  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Brandy. Not new to MFP or this group, just took forever to actually post here.
    I'm 27, not married, no kiddos. I'm a metalhead and would love to spend every day of my life at a concert if I could.
    I've been on my current weight loss journey since February of this year and have lost 26 pounds so far, putting myself under 300lbs. for the first time in about 6 years. I would still like to lose about 100 more.
    Feel free to add me, I love new friends! :)
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    Hello, Everyone. My name is Kim. I live in Mississippi with my wonderful husband and our 3 daughters.

    My current weight is 326. I started using MFP a year and a half ago, but never came into the forums. I only used the calorie counter, and that only about 5% of the time (if that) Going from 350 - 326 was more a matter of luck and coincidence than any effort on my part.

    This past week I decided to get real and came over to see what the forums were all about. I love it! I know I can do this as long as I stick to it. Motivation from other people on the same journey helps, which is why I joined this group.
  • eris1981
    eris1981 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm Tonya, from Mississippi . . . I started using MFP in early May and have lost 33 pounds so far. My high was about 405 and I hope to reach 175 eventually (I'm 6' tall and have a large frame . . .)

    Hmmm, what else . . . I'm 31 years old and married to an amazing man, I'm a PhD student in education . . . I hope to become healthy enough to some day soon have children and live to see them grow up.

    I've started having a *little* trouble keeping my motivation, so friends are welcomed!
  • neverlost
    neverlost Posts: 121 Member
    Hello hello. I am known on here as neverlost. I live in FL and have a husband and 3 kids (one grown kid and two little kids). I started here in mid January 2012 at 341 lbs and this week, I made it into the 250s (the high 250s but the 250s nonetheless).

    I am so glad I found this site and was able to use the motivation and the tools to change my life. I still have a loooong way to go but I'm confident that I will get there and then learn to maintain.

    Good luck to everyone. We can do this. Feel free to add me if you need some support.
  • Hi everyone! Semi new to MFP. I've used it before, but it would only last a day or so. I held off on introducing myself because I wanted to see how long I would last giving calorie counting a try again. It's only been 1 week, but I feel this time is different.

    My starting weight this time around was 321 (highest being ~333). I've lost 7.2lbs so far, and I'm so happy. I'm 28 years old, and I would really like to reach my goal or close to it by the time I'm 30. My main goal is to be within a healthy BMI, and my dream goal is to be 125. I've been obese pretty much all my life, so it's hard to tell how I'll look at any weight below 200lbs, so I'm going to keep an open mind. I just want to be healthy and love the woman in the mirror.

    I'm in North Carolina. If anyone wants to be friends, let me know! :)