Daily Chat Thread



  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    I think the thing to remember is that other people dont see you as a frozen moment in time (ie: a photo) - they see you moving and smiling and looking great and radiating warmth and joy - a true 360 degree view of you - not just one glimpse of an unflattering pose that sticks in their brain forever.

    Don't get hung up on pics, we all have bad ones, even some of the models I've used in photoshoots before now have bad angles and things they hate about their bodies.

    PS: Sam and JHN - lovely pics
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    here, here jojojo. Great philosophy!! and thank you too.

    Looks like I'm missing the gym today, and I'm VERY hungry. Not to worry, I will burn crazy cals tomorrow at both the gym and the water park. those damn stairs!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    If anyone is doing stage 6, please join me in the stage 6 thread :)
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    JHN and Sam - lovely new pics. You both look fantastic!

    Mary - I rarely get a picture taken of me that I consider flattering! I hate having my picture taken. period.

    Sam - I'll be in stage 6, but not until next week and you'll probably be gone by then.

    So my co-workers and I went on a rafting trip on Friday and, of course, I get thrown overboard. This picture is freaking hilarious so I had to share it. I'm getting a hard copy, but can't get a digital copy so here is a link for you to see. http://www.montanariverphoto.com/p1020125190/h9fac85c#h9fac85c

    There was a nasty bug going around my house this last week, thankfully I was only down for a day, but that meant I missed my workout on Saturday. :( Was going to start again tomorrow, but think I will get it in today so I don't have to try to get my last one in on Saturday when my 9 yo has a soccer tournament.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    JHN and Sam - lovely new pics. You both look fantastic!

    Mary - I rarely get a picture taken of me that I consider flattering! I hate having my picture taken. period.

    Sam - I'll be in stage 6, but not until next week and you'll probably be gone by then.

    So my co-workers and I went on a rafting trip on Friday and, of course, I get thrown overboard. This picture is freaking hilarious so I had to share it. I'm getting a hard copy, but can't get a digital copy so here is a link for you to see. http://www.montanariverphoto.com/p1020125190/h9fac85c#h9fac85c

    There was a nasty bug going around my house this last week, thankfully I was only down for a day, but that meant I missed my workout on Saturday. :( Was going to start again tomorrow, but think I will get it in today so I don't have to try to get my last one in on Saturday when my 9 yo has a soccer tournament.

    Hahahahahaha! That picture is AMAZING OMG!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    What are everyone's thoughts about crossfit?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    JHN and Sam - lovely new pics. You both look fantastic!

    Mary - I rarely get a picture taken of me that I consider flattering! I hate having my picture taken. period.

    Sam - I'll be in stage 6, but not until next week and you'll probably be gone by then.

    So my co-workers and I went on a rafting trip on Friday and, of course, I get thrown overboard. This picture is freaking hilarious so I had to share it. I'm getting a hard copy, but can't get a digital copy so here is a link for you to see. http://www.montanariverphoto.com/p1020125190/h9fac85c#h9fac85c

    There was a nasty bug going around my house this last week, thankfully I was only down for a day, but that meant I missed my workout on Saturday. :( Was going to start again tomorrow, but think I will get it in today so I don't have to try to get my last one in on Saturday when my 9 yo has a soccer tournament.

    I hate to laugh at others' misfortunes, but that picture IS crazy hilarious! I hope you enjoyed it in spite of getting dumped.

    Jojojo, you're very right. I just hate not being able to see in photo what I *think* I see in the mirror.

    JNH, the ortho surgeon I work with feels very strongly against Crossfit. He's a complete fitness buff himself, but says it's is too competitive and people injure themselves quite regularly doing more than they're actually capable of. I personally have no experience with it other than knowing some people that have had great results with it. Apparently the orientation part is very important to avoid injury. I've actually wanted to try it myself, but after hearing what he had to say about it, I was rather hesitant as I am very competitive and tend to push myself 10 times harder when other people are around. :ohwell:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    So my co-workers and I went on a rafting trip on Friday and, of course, I get thrown overboard. This picture is freaking hilarious so I had to share it. I'm getting a hard copy, but can't get a digital copy so here is a link for you to see. http://www.montanariverphoto.com/p1020125190/h9fac85c#h9fac85c

    Hilarious! I'd love to try rafting. Your legs look in good shape, so that's good!

    I am done with my 2nd round of stage 7, and I'm now getting out of the sandpit for a few weeks, heading home to UK for a much needed break. When i return in Sept I will attempt either stage 6, or Stronglifts, we'll see. And my homemade power rack should be ready by then too!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    JHN and Sam - lovely new pics. You both look fantastic!

    Mary - I rarely get a picture taken of me that I consider flattering! I hate having my picture taken. period.

    Sam - I'll be in stage 6, but not until next week and you'll probably be gone by then.

    So my co-workers and I went on a rafting trip on Friday and, of course, I get thrown overboard. This picture is freaking hilarious so I had to share it. I'm getting a hard copy, but can't get a digital copy so here is a link for you to see. http://www.montanariverphoto.com/p1020125190/h9fac85c#h9fac85c

    There was a nasty bug going around my house this last week, thankfully I was only down for a day, but that meant I missed my workout on Saturday. :( Was going to start again tomorrow, but think I will get it in today so I don't have to try to get my last one in on Saturday when my 9 yo has a soccer tournament.

    I hate to laugh at others' misfortunes, but that picture IS crazy hilarious! I hope you enjoyed it in spite of getting dumped.

    Jojojo, you're very right. I just hate not being able to see in photo what I *think* I see in the mirror.

    JNH, the ortho surgeon I work with feels very strongly against Crossfit. He's a complete fitness buff himself, but says it's is too competitive and people injure themselves quite regularly doing more than they're actually capable of. I personally have no experience with it other than knowing some people that have had great results with it. Apparently the orientation part is very important to avoid injury. I've actually wanted to try it myself, but after hearing what he had to say about it, I was rather hesitant as I am very competitive and tend to push myself 10 times harder when other people are around. :ohwell:

    It's not really an option for me because I HAVE to workout at lunch so if there isn't a class -- it's a no-can-do. But I have wanted to try it for a while. I have read that you can easily get a bad trainer or whatever and the quality goes down very quickly.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Great picture! Lol!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    What are everyone's thoughts about crossfit?

    I like the thought of cross fit, but yeah.. I'd be the first to get rhabdo. I'm big into that feeling of cult-y togetherness, so I just know I would be too gung ho and end up breaking myself in half. They have free classes at my gym (military) so I could go, but I genuinely fear getting addicted to it. Everyone who I know who does crossfit is bat**** crazy for it, and they're not even people I would describe as addiction-prone.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Oh. Confession.

    I have .. not been doing the body weight matrix. I am in love with the Cosgrove Evil 8. :(
    I did it for my last BWM - and I did it for my HIIT today. Next time, I'm definitely going to do the BWM, though... probably only because I'm confessing here.

    OH. And my macros have sucked SO BAD LATELY. We had this guy (childhood friend of my husbands) come to live with us for a month, and I think I stress ate and underate, and stress carbohydr-ate myself into a hole of macro terribleness. He was the worst house guest ever. He's gone, and this is the first day I'll come close to hitting my goals.

    I also added a set of DL to my the beginning of my workout (I'm sick, I know) and got a new PR. Yayyyyy. 175 DL.
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    Tomorrow I'm supposed to start Stage 2. I will, but with some modifications. I'm thinking of combining NR with Stronglifts.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Oh. Confession.

    I have .. not been doing the body weight matrix. I am in love with the Cosgrove Evil 8. :(
    I did it for my last BWM - and I did it for my HIIT today. Next time, I'm definitely going to do the BWM, though... probably only because I'm confessing here.

    OH. And my macros have sucked SO BAD LATELY. We had this guy (childhood friend of my husbands) come to live with us for a month, and I think I stress ate and underate, and stress carbohydr-ate myself into a hole of macro terribleness. He was the worst house guest ever. He's gone, and this is the first day I'll come close to hitting my goals.

    I also added a set of DL to my the beginning of my workout (I'm sick, I know) and got a new PR. Yayyyyy. 175 DL.

    Wow, that is some serious weight!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Jennie, Awesome picture! What a great shot. Almost worth falling overboard for! And yeah, your legs do look great! Glad the stomach bug is gone.

    FunBun...wow, 175 on the DL. I'm so impressed! What's the Cosgrove Evil 8? Is it from her book?

    Jen--have a great trip home!

    Manic, and everyone else...camera angles really make a huge difference, though it's hard to remember. This weekend I was taking pictures of my husband and some other musicians at a performance of his/theirs, and the shots I took made them all look huge! And they weren't at all! The last professional picture I had taken of myself made me look much bigger than I am. So don't worry too much: The camera really does add 10 lbs. At least.

    I tested my chin up ability on a set of monkey bars yesterday and just as I thought I'm nowhere near being able to do even 1 unassisted. That bums me out.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Haha, I'm nearly a giantess, so 175 really isn't impressive, but it's getting there! I still have a ways to go before it's even body weight. But thanks, y'all.

    I got referred to the Cosgrove Evil 8, but it's an Alwyn complex even worse than the bodyweight matrix.

    so, you use your push press weight for a terrible amount of reps (the bar, for me)

    then you do
    6 reps of each, no rest or setting the bar down
    rom deadlift
    bent over row
    power clean
    front squat
    push press
    rear squat
    good morning

    Then you rest 90 seconds.. do 5 reps of each. Rest 90 seconds.. do 4 reps of each.. etc.

    I've been doing mine starting from 8 reps, since I want it to be eights all around, but it's a bad idea. I walk out of the gym with my legs shaking and trying to fail underneath me.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Tomorrow I'm supposed to start Stage 2. I will, but with some modifications. I'm thinking of combining NR with Stronglifts.

    How are you going to be combining them, if you don't mind my curiosity?
    I tested my chin up ability on a set of monkey bars yesterday and just as I thought I'm nowhere near being able to do even 1 unassisted. That bums me out.

    I bet you'll be there in no time. Bodyweight exercises like that seem to shape up pretty fast, especially when you're at a decent weight in the first place!

    And Jennie, that photo is wonderful. I hope you frame it and put it somewhere visible, I bet it will make you smile everytime you pass by it!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Tomorrow I'm supposed to start Stage 2. I will, but with some modifications. I'm thinking of combining NR with Stronglifts.

    I was thinking of doing the same thing once I'm completely done with New Rules. I really like the compound lifts of Stronglifts, but still like some of the smaller moves in New Rules.

    Thanks everyone for the comments on my picture. It was a really fun day and I didn't have plans to fall out of the raft, but I don't think that photographer could have gotten a better picture. I laugh every time I see it. I did order a copy for myself.
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi ladies, Im curious if anyone has added any addition ab exercises to thier routines. im only in stage 1 but wondering because the pikes and weighted ball crunches dont seem all that hard to me.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    NSV - still have 4 or so workouts left in stage 1, I'm noticing muscle definition on my arms that wasn't there before! Granted there's still quite a bit of fat over it, but I can see the difference! :D