CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I think I must be doing something wrong.
    Wrapping up a 10 week cut and lost nothing!! Well ok, 2 lbs. But nothing comparable.

    Wondering if I cut too low. I've been eating 1600-1700 most days of the week.

    I have lost some inches (my smaller pants fit) but zilch on the scale.

    I think a 1600-1700 cut is quite a bit less than is recommended--I would have thought 1700-1800 minimum (10-15% cut for a 2000 calorie maintenance). I think you likely maintain on at least 2100-2200 so youre eating at a ~23% deficit. I'd consider another reset for 2-4 weeks and try again. You don't have much to lose
  • yecatsml
    yecatsml Posts: 180 Member
    Bump for reading later this morning!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Be back later, but for now sending a lil' love to everyone struggling:

    :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :drinker: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :drinker: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :drinker: :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :drinker:
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Hey Everybody!! I love hearing all of your successes....:heart: Congrats to all of you who are starting to lose with cut...That is so great to hear!! I am sorry to the ones who are having troubles with it right now but I know if each of us just hangs in there we WILL see a positive change. Some of you who have been at cut for a few weeks and are still not losing, think about taking a week or two off & eat at TDEE and even give your body a rest with exercise - That may help your body not be so used to the cut amount and thinking that is your new maintenance number...Shake it up a bit but just for a couple of weeks & see if that gets things rolling again. Also, to ALL of us - Remember to recalculate your numbers for EVERY 5lbs lost or gained - that is a biggie for sure!!! It may only be a small amount of calories difference but that can add up so don't forget that part of it.

    For me - I FINALLY have an update - I got my Depo shot and am not having the over a month long TOM as of right now...YAY!!! So happy about that. :happy: Also, I was getting discouraged b/c I was seeing no loss (and a little gain) after cut but FINALLY after my 4th week I started losing a little at a time...I am not back to my initial weight before reset but getting there. :smile: In the past 2wks I have lost 2lbs and holding steady...I have not been lifting b/c I couldn't get a scheduled routine but my son will be starting pre-school on the 20th so I am hoping to get back into that routine once again...Right now I am walking at least 5 days a week which I love - Pretty much ALL of my friends know this b/c I cannot stop singing the praises of Leslie Sansones Dvd's. :blushing:

    I am just happy to report a loss...I am slowly but steadily getting my numbers in a downward trend - I have not measured in a while but plan to very soon. I am going to go back to TDEE after my 6th week of cut for a week or maybe two - I can't wait to eat MORE FOOD...YAY!! :bigsmile:

    I will keep you updated on any new progress & PLEASE everyone keep posting your successes and the not so good parts as well - We are ALL in this TOGETHER and can learn from one another with both ups & downs, so keep 'em coming!!

    Just remember - WE CAN DO THIS!!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    That's awesome autumnk921!

    I'm slowly trying to read through the forums and catch up on everything here after 2 weeks away, but I wanted to quickly pop in and let you know where I'm at after my vacation.

    I started cut 3 weeks ago (tommorrow will start my 4th week). 1 week after starting cut I went on vacation. (which for me meant no lifting, low protein, high sodium and basically macros sucked because we were camping) However, I did some hiking and running in. The hiking kept my lower body strong because everything was either up or down...nothing flat in the mountains of course and it helped with cardio. Some wood chopping helped with my upper body, but there wasn't nearly enough of that to keep me up to par so I expect my lifting tomorrow to reflect that and I'll need to regain a bit of ground.

    As of today I have lost 3 lbs (basically 1lb per week). I'm not sure how accurately this number reflects things though because I am coming off a high sodium diet, I'm smack dab in the middle of TOM and I may have lost a bit of upper body muscle. I haven't measured because I already know that TOM will mess that up anyways! lol. I expect that my weight will bounce around a bit over the next week as I get back into regular routine, but whatever the case, it's nice to see a dowward trend again after so long!

    That's about it for now! Now.....I guess I better get something done today! :flowerforyou:
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    ijska - Sounds like you were very active on your vacay. Great progress while being on vacation!

    Autumn - Awesome that you've seen a loss. I'm curious to hear how your measurements go. You might find that there's been more movement in that area!

    I'm doing alright - could be better. I did my long run yesterday and ate and ate all day so that I wouldn't end up under BMR like I did last Saturday after my long run. Well I ate so much and then hubby said "Let's have a movie night with snacks and popcorn." So I ate an entire little container of Haagen-Dazs *hanging head in shame* AND popcorn. So it was close to a 4000 calorie day. Grrr - well, at least I made it over BMR! Anyways, so that's not going to help my progress any.

    I am up about 2 pounds right now. I had my drop in week 1 and I'm up 2 pounds from that. My weight has just been bouncing around ever since week one. If I could refrain from binges such as yesterday's I might see more progress. That being said, I'm still happy with where I've come thus far. I measured this morning and I'm down 1/2 inch in my chest, 1/2 inch in my waist (both at natural and at belly button), 3/4 inch in hips, and up 1/2 inch in calf (I think that could be water retention from my run yesterday). Losses in some great places. Woot! Also, I was standing there thinking my jeans feel really loose. I wonder if I could slide them down without unbuttoning them. I tried - sure enough they slid on down. I don't think I'm quite ready for the next size down (too much muffin top), but I'm getting closer!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Autumn - so glad to hear you are finally seeing some results! I know you were really struggling to see something happening, and Im glad the shot is finally doing its job and you arent having TOM anymore. Hopefully now the rest of the weight will follow.

    jyska - glad to hear you had a good vacation away and still managed to stay at cut, even if it werent the greatest choices. Congrats on the losses so far!

    Crystal - glad you had a good run:) I can understand the need to fill the cals after, especially with so many to have to take in. Are you open to protein shakes? I couldnt remember if you were ok with supplements or not, but they might be a good way to help boost your protein in and use up some much needed cals, especially after a run.

    AFM - Sigh... I recorded a loss yesterday, which felt great. I had basically lost the weight from vacation and was where I was the day I left for vacation (although still 2 pounds up due to TOM at the time)... And then this morning the scale shot up 3 pounds again on me... Seems my saturday night drinking decided to show up a day later... Just when I finally start to see losses and get happy about what is going on, the damn water retention hits me again.. Grrrrrr....I can only assume that at least the scale showed a lower number, that it would be accurate, rather than the constant high ones.. So at least there is a trend down, but bloody hell IM getting tired of water weight!!!

    I havent measured myself yet since I seem to constantly be bloated anyways... I will measure at the end of the month and see where I am at then..

    Currently plugging along with stage 4 of NROL and feeling the "pain" of taking almost 2 weeks off from lifting.. its taken a few extra days for my legs to stop feeling tender!! I have two weeks until I run a 10k race with a friend. We are very lax about this one and are just looking forward to the morning out running, and because we arent actually in any training for a full 10k, we know it will be a walk/run race for us. OUr goal is to at least finish it in 90 minutes:)... other then that I am swamped with crap all week. I am throwing my GF a bridal shower this weekend, so I am in preparation for that, and then I have an order of cupcakes for a baby shower the day after... Plus some dummy cakes to create for my classroom displays... So its a very busy week for me and I hope I have some time to still get in some workouts and enjoy time with my kids!
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    I'm not sure if this has been posted here - but I'm going to ask again any way. I had the same problem when I was trying to reset. How consistent do I need to be during cut? Just as consistent as with the rest? I tried to be within 100 calories of my TDEE each day, should I be doing the same thing during cut too?

    I'm trying to figure out what my TDEE - 10% actually is using a Bodymedia Fit. My plan it to take the average daily burn of the last 3 weeks and subtract the 10% and go from there. I've been using my scooby number of 2020 but been rather inconsistent. Some days I'm a over (but always manage to stay below my calorie burn on BMF), some days I've only been at 1800 or 1900. My weight loss has been all over the place. Up/down/the same - I've only lost a total of 0.4 since starting cut 3 weeks ago when all is said and done. I ate like a pig yesterday, went way over (but was still 10% before my total burn for the day) and the scale says I lost half a pound. I think I need to figure out that average - after yesterday I wonder if I'm not eating enough. My official weigh in day is Wednesday - so I'm hoping it sticks.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    @sweatpantsrebellion: the bouncing around in the weight sucks, but have you been using the Hackers Diet graph ( to track trends? Weight loss and gain is rarely straight up or down...but the trend can show using the graph. Even so, the loss in inches is soooooo much better than the loss in scale weight! that is awesome!

    @Raynn1-I find that if I drink anything more than a half glass of red wine on the odd occasion it ALWAYS shows up on the scale about 2 days later. For that reason alone I have reduced my alchohol intake (which wasn't much to start with) to almost nil. Couldn't stand seeing that jump! Hang in there, you'll see that rockin' body emerge with patience and determination. Just keep at it!

    @terrigrace: consistency is important, however people do choose different ways to handle their cut. For me, I'm currently doing the 15% of my BMF weekly average which is the recommended option strictly due to it's consistency and ease of application, however some people prefer to cut from their daily BMF totals (eat 300 cals less than what they burn that day). The second option is a bit harder because you don't really know what your burn will be by midnight, but it is possible to guestimate pretty close (especially with a BMF because it gives you a pretty good estimate if you check it around 8 or 9pm.)
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Hi all!

    Cut is going well for me so far. I am eating based on sedinary activity, plus any activity calories. I've just been too inconsistent with my workouts to factor them in daily. I'm still at more than 1700 cals, which is nice. 2 weeks in, I am down 3 pounds. Pretty excited! I think the gains that came on during reset won't stick around terribly long afterall!
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    Terri, do what's easiest to stick with for you for the cut.

    For me since I have a similar workout schedule weekly, I pick a static number to cut to rather than daily BMF data, but some like it better the other way.

    Whatever works!
  • HealthyEllie98
    Hi everyone! I'll be joining you all over here on the cut thread, as I am starting my cut TOMORROW. :D
    So... I've done a 7 week reset, and I've gained about 4-5lbs... I've basically gained an inch on every part of my body, except for my thighs, where I have gained about 2. :/ I was fine in the first 4 weeks, and in about week 5 the fatigue hit me, I was near TOM and my hormones just went nuts... so I had a pretty rough week or so after that. I really started to see the gain when I noticed that I don't fit into my favorite pair of jeans anymore. That was a pretty hard blow.
    But, I feel completely ready to cut now: my weight has stabilized, I can eat like a pig and not feel overly bloated and the fatigue has left me. The last few days I have been absolutely mindless about what I eat... I guess I keep thinking that "I'm starting cut soon, I'm gonna eat whatever I want while I still can!!" lol. Not sure if this is the best way to think... Anyway, I've decided to sort of slide into my cut... I'm gonna do a 5-7% cut for the next few days, and on Sunday I'll start eating 1900 calories per day: a 300 calorie deficit from my TDEE of 2200, which should put me somewhere between the 10% & 15% cut.
    I'll weigh myself not this weekend but the weekend after, and then post my results here.
    Hope you're all going well! :)
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    So happy to read many of you are having success! This road is a bumpy one with lots of ups and downs....just like our weight:ohwell:

    @HealthyEllie, the same thing happened with me during reset. I was doing so well then TOM came and it screwed me all up and by the end of cut I had gained 10lbs! Then around 7wks I had it in my head that I might as well enjoy the extra calories while I can! I knew it wasn't the best way to think but at the same time....I also then eased into my cut and it really helped. I didn't even notice the lowered calories much. Then TOM came and screwed with my cut and over a wk later I am still struggling with feeling bloated and just plain fat :grumble:

    I have decided to wait 4 wks and not weigh/measure until I jump up to TDEE for a week. I liked seeing the small changes and wanted to see what my "trend" is but after last week and still feeling awful this week, I don't want to see those numbers right now. I did measure around my belly button and I was slightly up and I am hoping its more of a sodium/bloated thing but that was enough for me. Maybe its just best I measure once per month!

    I have had a break from running/HIIT but feel like I am ready to add HIIT back to my routine, 2x a week. Basically this will put me at about 6 1/2hrs of exercise per week. 1 1/2 hrs lifting, 4 hrs walking, 1 hr HIIT. Would this put me into strenuous? I know hour wise it does, but my walks are more about just getting out of the house since I work from home and my 3yr old comes along, the first half hour she usually walks so you can imagine the pace.....opposite of strenuous. But so worth it because every time she passes out in the stroller and stays out :bigsmile:

    I would love the extra calories, it puts me at just over 2400 which is very comfortable for me, but my goal is to see a loss so I don't want to convince myself the high cals is the right answer just because I miss having that extra room to play with.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated. Right now I am thinking of replacing two of my walks with 30min HIIT but keep my cals the same and see how that works first.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    TripleJ- I take walks with my daycare kiddos on a regular basis as well as my own kiddo. I've never counted them. Honestly, I know what you mean by pace. I think I can get a better workout just by taking a shower or loading my dishwasher. :P Ultimately you'll have to decide what seems right. That being said, I have taken a walk with my four year old riding his bike and then I was able to walk faster - that's a walk I would count. But if he's walking, forget it!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hi all!

    Still not weighing/measuring, but my imagination is telling me that my clothes are getting looser! Watch out September, here I come!!!

    @ TripleJ3, I walk my dog at least once a day for about 20 minutes (2x day for 4 days). He makes MANY stops for pee mail, but I continue to walk in place when he does. I'm currently using Moderate activity (also do NROLFW 3x25 min week) total of 5-6 hrs/wk. I have a BM core, and it's very close to the Scooby numbers (50-75 cals).
    So, maybe don't count the part that your daughter walks with you, but do count when she's out in the stroller, pushing should give you a little extra burn!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Sigh.. I honestly feel like Im taking one step forward and two steps back. Just when things finally start going the right way, I get hit somehow and the scale jumps back up. I am actually heavier now than I was when I ended my reset over three weeks ago! I was down 4 pounds within the first week of Cut, and since then between a week vacation and then getting back on track, the scale went down a bit and then climbed right back up again!! How the hell is that possible???

    Im really struggling. Ive been doing really well, or so I thought and was very honestly expecting to be at least DOWN by this point.. and Im UP! Its taking everything in me right now not to slash my cals. I didnt do a frigging reset for 8 weeks just to be in no better position than I was 4 months ago. This is ridiculous!

    /end rant
  • AngelDog1
    Hi all! It's been about 6 weeks since I last checked-in to this thread. Since then I have been on vacation and when I got back I was focused on hitting my cut. I haven't lost any weight. I haven't lost any inches either. I was feeling really down.:sad: :sad: BUT.... and this is a huge ego booster for me, I went shopping this past weekend and was able to fit into clothes that were 2 sizes smaller than I thought I was... like what the heck????? No weight loss, no inches loss, yet a smaller clothes size??? I am absolutely thrilled though!!! I haven't been able to fit into that size since I was in high school and training everyday with the swim team (which **cough cough** i won't say how long ago that was-hahaah:wink: ). I have no idea the reasoning, but I'll take it! :bigsmile:
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Sigh.. I honestly feel like Im taking one step forward and two steps back. Just when things finally start going the right way, I get hit somehow and the scale jumps back up. I am actually heavier now than I was when I ended my reset over three weeks ago! I was down 4 pounds within the first week of Cut, and since then between a week vacation and then getting back on track, the scale went down a bit and then climbed right back up again!! How the hell is that possible???

    Im really struggling. Ive been doing really well, or so I thought and was very honestly expecting to be at least DOWN by this point.. and Im UP! Its taking everything in me right now not to slash my cals. I didnt do a frigging reset for 8 weeks just to be in no better position than I was 4 months ago. This is ridiculous!

    /end rant

    I soooooo feel your pain. My reset dragged out to about 10 weeks, due to vacation thrown in. I'm up about 10-13 pounds since starting EM2WL about 5 months ago. It is beyond frustrating that a couple dresses I bought in spring to wear at summer weddings can't even be zipped up! UGHHHHH! What happened to just maintaining my losss??? Instead I'm now that much further from my goal, because of this stupid program. I can't really support it's theory, since I know it takes just as long to take off the weight that I regained. So, basically I'm back to where I was last winter, and have to re-lose the 10ish pounds, plus then lose the additional weight I still wanted to lose. I'm off to an out of town wedding this weekend, and I'm not stressing about tracking, so I figure I'll be at or above TDEE through Sunday. I will re-start cut next Monday, and hopefully get back on track w/ my exercise routine, too. After kids get back to school, I'm starting NROLFW. That better work, darn it!

    Note: I was never VLC to begin with, I ate around 1400-1500, plus ate exercise calories back, so I was basically eating what my cut is now, so the whole EM2WL is seemingly NOT working for me.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Sigh.. I honestly feel like Im taking one step forward and two steps back. Just when things finally start going the right way, I get hit somehow and the scale jumps back up. I am actually heavier now than I was when I ended my reset over three weeks ago! I was down 4 pounds within the first week of Cut, and since then between a week vacation and then getting back on track, the scale went down a bit and then climbed right back up again!! How the hell is that possible???

    Im really struggling. Ive been doing really well, or so I thought and was very honestly expecting to be at least DOWN by this point.. and Im UP! Its taking everything in me right now not to slash my cals. I didnt do a frigging reset for 8 weeks just to be in no better position than I was 4 months ago. This is ridiculous!

    /end rant

    I sooooo feel for you....dammmm. Is it possible you're not eating enough? Sounds like your body is just totally confused. I'm no expert by any means. Just trying to give some thoughts. Stay strong!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You CAN do this!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Raynn - Hang in there! Easier said than done though. You are likely retaining a lot of water from your weight training. But I completely get what you said - I think in the other forum - about not caring what the scale says on one hand, but knowing that the amount of weight you're carrying is hard on your body and unhealthy. I completely get that sentiment. I don't have an easy answer for you at all, but I know you're doing everything right and your body will respond.

    Terrigrace - Was it you that suggested the hackersdiet software for tracking trends? I'm too lazy to look back in the thread right now. :P Anyways, I already use it to track my trend. I LOVE it!

    My pattern is to bounce around while trending down, but the last two weeks had me either flatlined or trending up. That being said, the last two days I might be heading back into a downward trend. I'm really really hoping for a drop soon. I also know that I have not been as consistent with my workouts. I've been getting my long run in on the weekends, but weekday runs have been hit or miss. I've decided to switch back to running in the evenings. I really tried to do 5:00am runs and they seemed to work for awhile, but I just can't get out of bed at all lately. I try to go to bed early and that is really hard for me a lot of the time. Either I'm not tired enough or my 1 year old decides it's time to giggle and play while I'm putting him down for the night! Truth be told, I'm going to have to switch to evenings when I start strength training in October anyways because of the hours of our gym. So might as well get used to it. I just prefer early morning because it doesn't cut into making dinner and kiddos bedtime routines. But we may just have to go back to dinner being late and getting to bed late on my run nights. *sigh*

    Anyways, I'm really hoping that the next drop happens within a few days. I think it might if I can just keep my head in the game and not blow off my runs this week.