CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • I am with Raynn. I did a 6 week reset and gained 5 lbs, now have done 4 weeks on a 12% cut and have lost no inches and no weight. I exercise in the moderate range ( I strength train 3 days a week for upper body and 2 days for lower) and about 1-2 hours of cardio. My eating is mostly clean and macros pretty much meet with protein. I am at a loss and am about to call it quits.

    don't give up. so much strength training can cause your body to retain water and mask a loss. can you take 3-5 days off of strength training to let the water weight dissipate--chug water and weigh yourself after 5ish days?
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    y dont u guys cut back on the strength training? it might help
  • jenniekw
    jenniekw Posts: 104
    Love I am gonna try that, starting tomorrow I am taking a diet break for a week, no exercise. Sat and Sun I'm not even worrying about what I eat bc it's our anniversary weekend but the 5 days after that I will eat at TDEE. I am waiting to get a fitbit next month, I have a feeling my TDEE might be higher then what Scooby is saying also. Thank to you both for the replies, it helped. :flowerforyou:
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    y dont u guys cut back on the strength training? it might help

    It will not help. Strength training makes you lose fat, while it might cause a temporary gain on the scale due to water, the difference in inches lost is WELL worth it!!!
  • Love I am gonna try that, starting tomorrow I am taking a diet break for a week, no exercise. Sat and Sun I'm not even worrying about what I eat bc it's our anniversary weekend but the 5 days after that I will eat at TDEE. I am waiting to get a fitbit next month, I have a feeling my TDEE might be higher then what Scooby is saying also. Thank to you both for the replies, it helped. :flowerforyou:

    :) glad to help. The problem you might run into though is that you'll likely retain some water if you eat foods high in sodium on sat/sun. I'd recommend taking a few days off completely--then eat at TDEE - 15% and still exercise but not weights . If you want to take it easy on the exercise just adjust your intake to your sedentary TDEE. Do that for a week then weigh in.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    y dont u guys cut back on the strength training? it might help

    It will not help. Strength training makes you lose fat, while it might cause a temporary gain on the scale due to water, the difference in inches lost is WELL worth it!!!

  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    FINALLY finished 8 week reset. Yayyyyyyy!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Been easing into a 10% calorie cut over the past 2 days. Gonna cut 10% for a week or so, but after that I may settle on a 100 cal cut and burn an extra 100 cal per day exercise cause i've been dying to do more exercise. Not sure yet. I'm gonna be tweaking stuff a bit till I get the right mix. :drinker: :
  • FINALLY finished 8 week reset. Yayyyyyyy!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Been easing into a 10% calorie cut over the past 2 days. Gonna cut 10% for a week or so, but after that I may settle on a 100 cal cut and burn an extra 100 cal per day exercise cause i've been dying to do more exercise. Not sure yet. I'm gonna be tweaking stuff a bit till I get the right mix. :drinker: :

    Congrats. That's awesome.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    FINALLY finished 8 week reset. Yayyyyyyy!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Been easing into a 10% calorie cut over the past 2 days. Gonna cut 10% for a week or so, but after that I may settle on a 100 cal cut and burn an extra 100 cal per day exercise cause i've been dying to do more exercise. Not sure yet. I'm gonna be tweaking stuff a bit till I get the right mix. :drinker: :

    GOOD FOR YOU PINK!! :love: :flowerforyou: :smooched: :heart: :drinker:

    I am so proud of you for sticking it out and your plan for your cut is a good, healthy one!!!

    Congrats doll and welcome to Cut~ YOU MADE IT!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    I have two more weeks to go before joining you. :bigsmile:
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    @ Ryann and Jenny, read Bradthemedic's recent post. He's been battling through not losing anything for weeks on end, now all kinds of changes!
    Hang in there, it will happen when your body is ready!

    @ MeDoula, enjoy your last two weeks!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Been so busy this weekend Ive barely been on!!!

    Some of you might have seen my status a few days ago.. a few GF's pitched in for my birthday and bought me a Fitbit, which should be arriving tomorrow. I am beyond touched and so shocked by their generosity and I cannot wait to see what it says. Then yesterday evening, we went out to dinner with friends to celebrate my birthday, and my GF hands me a birthday card and says "I had a gift for you all picked out, ordered and ready to give you, and then I found out last night that you just got one from the girls."
    My GF had ALSO bought me a fitbit! She was soo excited and apparently had gotten in about a week ago, and had no idea my other GFs pooled together. She was soo upset when she found out and couldnt believe the odds!
    I was absolutely floored to have even had one of them, let alone two!! My poor GF.. I felt so terrible for her since I knew how expensive it was and also since we havent "done" birthday gifts in years, it really meant a lot to her to give this to me, only to have the others basically take that away from her.. Sigh... sooo wonderful and thoughtful and then so frustrating for her, I can imagine.

    Anyways... tomorrow I should be getting my fitbit in the mail and I cant wait to try it out. Im very curious to see what it has to say..
    On the weekend front, I had a swamped weekend, constantly on the run. I hosted my GFs bridal shower (same GF who bought me the lovely gift).. then dinner with friends... then today worked in the morning and had a baby shower in the after and dinner with family. After three nights out eating out, I am definitely DONE!!!
    This morning I checked the scale and I was down about .2 pounds from the day before, but I have a feeling tomorrow will probably have everything catch up from the weekend. I certainly didnt make bad choices overall and was generally eating where I should be, but of course high sodium and a few drinks will reflect soon.. Sigh..
    Back on track... I have a 10k race on Sunday next week and I am gearing down for that now.
    Happy Sunday all
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    4th day of far doing good. I'm starving this morning though, which sux. But the scale has been down every morning. I took measurements of everything I could possibly measure yesterday lol Had Swiss Chalet and was totally expecting a 3 lb salt gain, but notta. Just got back from a week away, so getting back into routine a bit more every day. Weights yesterday and a long walk also. So all is well in cutting land here....
  • aprilcharris
    aprilcharris Posts: 10 Member
    I started my 4th week of cut yesterday and I have been very frustrated. I had posted on Raynn's thread on the other site that after an initial drop at the very beginning of cut the scale was going up nearly everyday. I knew that it wasn't real fat gain but it was so discouraging. I was really struggling with wanting to cut my calories even further though I knew I shouldn't.

    I made a few small shifts. I incorporated more healthy fats even though this put my fat macro a little over and my carb macro a little under. I kept my protein on target. I also know that for me it really makes a difference for me to not eat after dinner. Adding in the healthy fats helped me to have met my calorie goal by dinner rather than needing to add in calories in the late evening in order to meet my goal. On Friday I noticed that I was having to pee a lot even though I wasn't drinking huge amounts of water that day. On Saturday morning I was down 3 lbs. Sunday I was up .2 and today I was down .5 more. I'm still up about 6 lbs from before the reset but I am confident it will come off and I am headed in the right direction.:bigsmile:
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    This is week 6 of my CUT. Nothing has changed...well my weight has gone up again but I don't care about that. I care about inches and how my clothes fit. My measurements have not changed and the jeans I put on yesterday are just as tight and uncomfortable as they were in April!!!!!

    I have tried the 15% CUT(for 12 weeks) -nothing.
    I then tried the Reset for 6 weeks.
    Now back to the 15% CUT and nothing.

    I eat well, hit my macros and do NROL4W.

    Frustrated and disgusted beyond belief!!! How is it possible to bust my butt for 5 months and everything appear the same?!?!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    This is week 6 of my CUT. Nothing has changed...well my weight has gone up again but I don't care about that. I care about inches and how my clothes fit. My measurements have not changed and the jeans I put on yesterday are just as tight and uncomfortable as they were in April!!!!!

    I have tried the 15% CUT(for 12 weeks) -nothing.
    I then tried the Reset for 6 weeks.
    Now back to the 15% CUT and nothing.

    I eat well, hit my macros and do NROL4W.

    Frustrated and disgusted beyond belief!!! How is it possible to bust my butt for 5 months and everything appear the same?!?!

    Believe me, I know the frustration.. it sucks big time, especially when we do everything "they" say to and things still dont move..
    So you need to ask yourself and be honest, are you eating at the right activity level? Should you be higher or lower than what you think you are? Are you working out to the correct level?
    Are your macros looking pretty good regularily?
    Are you getting in your water and cutting back on sodium?
    Have you taken a week off from working out and had a complete rest week?
    Have you had a diet break recently? gone back up to TDEE for a week?

    I wish I could tell you more but Im in the same boat. Im optimistic in time things will happen. As someone said earlier, did you read bradthemedic's recent post about finaly seeing results?
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    This is week 6 of my CUT. Nothing has changed...well my weight has gone up again but I don't care about that. I care about inches and how my clothes fit. My measurements have not changed and the jeans I put on yesterday are just as tight and uncomfortable as they were in April!!!!!

    I have tried the 15% CUT(for 12 weeks) -nothing.
    I then tried the Reset for 6 weeks.
    Now back to the 15% CUT and nothing.

    I eat well, hit my macros and do NROL4W.

    Frustrated and disgusted beyond belief!!! How is it possible to bust my butt for 5 months and everything appear the same?!?!

    Believe me, I know the frustration.. it sucks big time, especially when we do everything "they" say to and things still dont move..
    So you need to ask yourself and be honest, are you eating at the right activity level? Should you be higher or lower than what you think you are? Are you working out to the correct level?
    Are your macros looking pretty good regularily?
    Are you getting in your water and cutting back on sodium?
    Have you taken a week off from working out and had a complete rest week?
    Have you had a diet break recently? gone back up to TDEE for a week?

    I wish I could tell you more but Im in the same boat. Im optimistic in time things will happen. As someone said earlier, did you read bradthemedic's recent post about finaly seeing results?

    1-I use Scooby and am eating at moderate exercise 3-5 hours a week
    2-I have been doing NROL4W and worked my butt off (I am going to start trying to add in extra cardio 1-2x a week (HIIT for one of them)
    3-Macros look good regularly -just started watching carbs more closely, eat less on nonlift days
    4-water intake is great, I normally drink more than I log...I lose count, sodium is great most days
    5-yes on the rest weeks from workouts
    6-I am going to finish out this week at CUT and then do TDEE for a week

    I am going to be honest here...I am going to start eating at a 25% CUT after my TDEE week and see if that helps some. I just don't know what else to do at this point. (sidebar, my "weight" is more than fine but I have fat that needs to go)
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    This is week 6 of my CUT. Nothing has changed...well my weight has gone up again but I don't care about that. I care about inches and how my clothes fit. My measurements have not changed and the jeans I put on yesterday are just as tight and uncomfortable as they were in April!!!!!

    I have tried the 15% CUT(for 12 weeks) -nothing.
    I then tried the Reset for 6 weeks.
    Now back to the 15% CUT and nothing.

    I eat well, hit my macros and do NROL4W.

    Frustrated and disgusted beyond belief!!! How is it possible to bust my butt for 5 months and everything appear the same?!?!

    Believe me, I know the frustration.. it sucks big time, especially when we do everything "they" say to and things still dont move..
    So you need to ask yourself and be honest, are you eating at the right activity level? Should you be higher or lower than what you think you are? Are you working out to the correct level?
    Are your macros looking pretty good regularily?
    Are you getting in your water and cutting back on sodium?
    Have you taken a week off from working out and had a complete rest week?
    Have you had a diet break recently? gone back up to TDEE for a week?

    I wish I could tell you more but Im in the same boat. Im optimistic in time things will happen. As someone said earlier, did you read bradthemedic's recent post about finaly seeing results?

    1-I use Scooby and am eating at moderate exercise 3-5 hours a week
    2-I have been doing NROL4W and worked my butt off (I am going to start trying to add in extra cardio 1-2x a week (HIIT for one of them)
    3-Macros look good regularly -just started watching carbs more closely, eat less on nonlift days
    4-water intake is great, I normally drink more than I log...I lose count, sodium is great most days
    5-yes on the rest weeks from workouts
    6-I am going to finish out this week at CUT and then do TDEE for a week

    I am going to be honest here...I am going to start eating at a 25% CUT after my TDEE week and see if that helps some. I just don't know what else to do at this point. (sidebar, my "weight" is more than fine but I have fat that needs to go)

    How long have you been doing NROL?
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    I have been doing NROL4W since March. I have one workout left. Then I think I am going to move on to Stronglifts.

    After further thought I am not sure if I want to do a 25% CUT or IF....