Daily Chat Thread



  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Sprint training as HIIT? Are you planning on doing it on the treadmill or outside?

    I'm going to do it outside - and hopefully in addition to HIIT, but I may be getting in over my head there.
  • Bransonlee
    Bransonlee Posts: 16 Member
    I finished week one today and thought I would see what you experienced gals thought :) I was a little sore still this morning, but didn't feel any real pain during the workout. I absolutely know not to push through real pain, and never felt anything abnormal. But after, when I was stretching, my triceps felt like they were on FIRE. Like it really hurts to raise my arm and touch my back. Did I overdo it our is this normal? I am so scared of injury still, lol.

    Have a great weekend everybody!! I am definitely ready for 2 days off!!
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Damn it, typed up a whole post and it got eaten.

    Here we go again, finished work out B4 of Stage 1 today :smile: Half way through! I do find I'm getting bored with this stage though, as I did last time I did NROL4W.

    The nice thing is seeing myself getting stronger, being able to increase weights. I'm doing much better with lunges too, they are the one exercise I really struggle with.

    I'm going to take measurements this weekend, I think. My weight has been bouncing around the same 2 lbs this whole time and I wonder if anything has changed size-wise in the last 3 weeks. I do feel like I 'look' better. I feel like I'm standing taller, my gut from pregnancy is minimized, I can see the calf muscles in my legs getting that square look, and seeing a bit of muscle in my arm.

    Hope everyone else is doing well :smile: TGIF!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I really need to get off my lazy butt and do something. I've only worked out 3 times this week.

    Happy Weekend to yall. Hope yall have a good one.

    You crack me up, Mary. I'd kill for 3 times right now. :)

    Had my first day back at the Y and walked. And then I couldn't resist the pull of the weights and just did some super lift dumbbells with arms only. I still think it was too much, but I felt like it was a step just being there.

    BE VERY VERY CAREFUL. It's only been a week and half. What did the dr say? muscle strain?

    Considering I am going for fat loss right now, 3 workouts is not enough. I did go outside and walk for 20 before the hubs had to leave. Tomorrow, I will get another stage 7 workout in and hopefully it doesn't kill me like WO2 did (step ups. need I say more)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Damn it, typed up a whole post and it got eaten.

    Here we go again, finished work out B4 of Stage 1 today :smile: Half way through! I do find I'm getting bored with this stage though, as I did last time I did NROL4W.

    The nice thing is seeing myself getting stronger, being able to increase weights. I'm doing much better with lunges too, they are the one exercise I really struggle with.

    I'm going to take measurements this weekend, I think. My weight has been bouncing around the same 2 lbs this whole time and I wonder if anything has changed size-wise in the last 3 weeks. I do feel like I 'look' better. I feel like I'm standing taller, my gut from pregnancy is minimized, I can see the calf muscles in my legs getting that square look, and seeing a bit of muscle in my arm.

    Hope everyone else is doing well :smile: TGIF!
    Sounds like you're off to a great start. Those 2lbs will continue to bounce back and forth, because that's what your body naturally does. Don't sweat it and enjoy the journey as it seems you already are :)

    SUe, Wonderful lifting. I started with BW too. It's amazing how far we've all come.

    Thanks for the support ladies. All of my ducks are lining up. I have my new budget for my fiscal year, which isn't as bad as initially thought. Hubby is behaving himself...after I cleaned up his usual mess sigh. And my colleagues and friends are being overwhelmingly helpful with the transition to my new position. I've done this job before...10 years ago as a newbie, I now have faith a can do it again. Afterall, this older dog has learned quite a few tricks in the last few years lol.
  • MelodyAnn323
    MelodyAnn323 Posts: 38 Member
    I finished week 1 today with my 2nd workout A! Squatted 75 and struggled less with the step ups this time, which was encouraging. Looking forward to B2 on Monday! Thanks for being such an inspiration, ladies!
  • Digby
    Digby Posts: 27 Member
    I finished week one today too with workout B. I saw a trainer pre workout to get advice in form etc. all is good so far. I'm only squatting 45 (the bar right now), next week I will add plates. He shows me deadlifts and his form has one hand over the bar and one hand under. Anyone else do this? I'm jumping up to 75lbs for the next workout.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Holy cow....I just filled out my workout logs for Stage 2 and was reading the description of the exercises in the book. Little heavy on the lunges maybe? I can feel my legs burning already just reading about it....
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Stage 6 more than halfway done. 4 workouts left!! I upped my weights last night and used the assist machine for a chin up, got it down to 45lbs for 1 rep. Almost there!! No solid plans for today.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member

    Jessica - have you considered just moving to NROLAbs now instead of finishing NROLW? Since the Abs book is geared toward strengthening your core (including your back) it may be a better option. You can always come back to NROLW and you may have more success after building your core up. Also, have you ever done yoga? If you did it with a proper instructor, it may help your back also.

    I'm reading through the book now...literally! I've been reading it this morning, and should finish it this weekend. So, yes. I have considered it, and probably will. I haven't tried yoga. I would be willing, but it's the proper instructor thing that might be a problem. I live in a fairly small town in KY. It's hard to find proper anything here. :-/ (This is not my favorite town we've ever lived in...).

    I am liking the looks of the abs book a lot.
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Since I've been bouncing around the same two lbs for the last three weeks, I decided to check my measurements this morning.

    I've lost a half inch off my chest, 2 inches off my waist, and 1inch off my hips. All other measurements are pretty much the same or a very small change.

    More proof that it's not just about the number on the scale :wink:
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Good for you, SteAnn!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Since I've been bouncing around the same two lbs for the last three weeks, I decided to check my measurements this morning.

    I've lost a half inch off my chest, 2 inches off my waist, and 1inch off my hips. All other measurements are pretty much the same or a very small change.

    More proof that it's not just about the number on the scale :wink:
    woo hoo EXACTLY!!
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks guys :)
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Hello, thought I'd say hi, I did post on the introductions thread too. I started NROL4W around 2 weeks ago. After the 4th or 5th workout I woke up with a pain in my lower neck/shoulder area. I kinda presumed I'd just slept in a funny position but it's pretty persistant and won't go away! It's not painful enough to stop me working out. It's kind of like a persistant ache more then a searing pain if you get me? It's really quite annoying as i'm consious of it and trying to be careful but also do want to progress with my lifting as apart from this it's all going well and I am really enjoying the programme. Has anyone had anything similar? I'm wondering if it's just a muscular thing that will taper down when my body adjusts to my new routine? I'm really hoping so anyway! lol.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all,
    Sam, glad things are getting in order for you!

    SteAnn, congrats on the inches lost!

    Jesz, i just tweaked my shoulder/lower neck today...I've done it a few times before during this program (I think lat pulldowns are the culprit) and it goes away after a few days. But, obviously, don't overdo your workouts if it's painful. And welcome!

    I just finished S5, woo hoo! I didn't put it away in the blaze of glory I'd hoped for, though; I felt tired and weak today and didn't raise my weights on anything--it was a struggle just to get through. I think I've got those PMS blahs. I wish I could spend the day doing absolutely nothing, but I've got a bunch of work to do plus some exciting plans to clean out my kids' closets and get their rooms organized before school starts. Aren't you jealous?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Finished 6A4 last night and those 15 sec rests on the pull downs nearly killed me. I even used the regular bars instead of the assist fr my negs. :bigsmile: Off to work today to move into my new space. Needless to say I have A LOT of crap in my room not now has to be moved upstairs to new room. I will be spending day lifting boxes, carrying stuff and moving furniture There's my workout for the day. Them I get to top it off with a stop at the OBGYN. What fun!

    Jesz, rest up the neck and check your form or have a trainer check it for you. You don't want a little ache to become a big problem.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Okay.... I'm going to go ahead and start NROL for abs. As in, today. Lol! Read through it, and decided I may as well. I'm having to do so many mods with the other program that it doesn't even look the same. So... The only thing I'm going to have to do different in the first strength stage is the warm up. I won't do most of the dynamic movements. I'll just do a lower impact version of some, and skip the ones where I am supposed to round my back.

    I'm looking forward to it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    jesz - make sure you are S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G after your work-outs. Right now, I'd make sure you are stretching your neck, morning and night, to work on the "tenderness". Also, make sure your form is right spot on....if I tweak my neck, it's TOTALLY because I'm off on my form, somewhere.

    dandelion - congrats on finishing Stage 5! You can *officially* say "bye-bye" to the BWM!

    samntha - sounds like you are doing it well, girl! Congrats! Keep at it - can't wait to read your post when you can strike "chin-up" off your bucket list!

    Jessica - I'm going to join you in NROL4Abs. I start today, too. So, I will cheer you on and so long as you feel "warmed up" before you start the core and strength portions, I think it's fine you aren't doing (all) the dynamic movements. I am not sure how long this work-out is going to take....but, I'll try all the dynamic stuff, just for fun - it DOES seem like a LONG "warm-up", though....
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Okay... I finished the first workout. That was a lot tougher than I thought it would be! I did end up swapping the last set of RDLs for glute bridges. Someone in my back just didn't feel right, so I didn't keep pushing it. :-/

    Otherwise, I liked it. And I'm sweaty and shaky. I need some protein now.

    What did you think, Beeps?