CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    @ Rosie and Raynn.....:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    yup, that's me today. TOM needs to be shot, the scale needs to be set under a post pounder for demolition, and water retention can just go screw itself.

    That's all I have to say today.

    Fully agree.. I hate TOM

    :heart: thanks to all of you for the kind words:heart:

    I actually feel guilty writing about it here and being a downer, but it seems that ALL of us needed to get it out this week:blushing:

    For the record, TOM and I have been "over" for about 10 years now and when I read your posts I say "TOM, COME BACK!! I promise, I'll never say a bad word about you again!!":laugh: :laugh:

    So, last night I was visiting family and was actually quite pleased with how I looked, which totally pissed off THAT girl (you know, the one in my head that gets me down) and made her go crying home to her mommy!!:bigsmile:

    So THERE, you mean girl!:smokin: .
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    @ Rosie and Raynn.....:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    yup, that's me today. TOM needs to be shot, the scale needs to be set under a post pounder for demolition, and water retention can just go screw itself.

    That's all I have to say today.

    Fully agree.. I hate TOM

    :heart: thanks to all of you for the kind words:heart:

    I actually feel guilty writing about it here and being a downer, but it seems that ALL of us needed to get it out this week:blushing:

    For the record, TOM and I have been "over" for about 10 years now and when I read your posts I say "TOM, COME BACK!! I promise, I'll never say a bad word about you again!!":laugh: :laugh:

    So, last night I was visiting family and was actually quite pleased with how I looked, which totally pissed off THAT girl (you know, the one in my head that gets me down) and made her go crying home to her mommy!!:bigsmile:

    So THERE, you mean girl!:smokin: .

    good job Rosie:) Sometimes it feels even better to silence THAT girl :)
    Im working on silencing her myself.. Right now she is reminding me that I have a bridesmaid dress to fit in next week and I will probably look like a fat cow.. Working hard to stick my tongue out at her..
  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    hey ladies...checking in! Some of you saw my post on the boards saying "i'm on the verge" a few days ago...I was having a terrible day and was totally on the verge of saying screw it and slashing cals. OBVIOUSLY I'm not going to do that....just wanted to give you all a head's's my post from today in that thread....

    You guys are seriously all so great! Thanks for the encouragement, the tips and then relating to me! It seriously helps! I think what I've decided to do is change my activity level to moderate 3-5hrs per wk (on scooby) instead of the level of 5-6hrs strenuous that I originally had it at and then do a 15% cut which for me is 1950cals per day. I work out 5-6 days a week for usually about 50 minutes total. I do a combination of heavy lifting and then short cardio sessions (20 minutes on either the bike eliptical or treadmil). I have been doing about 1900ish since Monday (so really only a few days) but I already feel better and the scale this morning showed a .2 pound loss. I know that's really nothing but honestly that's THE first time it's even THOUGHT about going down since I started my reset and then cut process over 3 months ago. Maybe 1950 (about 15% cut) is my sweet spot? We'll see in another few weeks!
    I will never...ever. EVER go below 1800-1900 (and even THAT is pushing it) again!!! I know far too well the effects of not eating enough...been there.done.that.not going back! I am really only maybe 10 pounds from my goal weight an honestly don't care much about scale weight anyway so I just need to find that sweet spot were the fat starts to melt and I can see more tone/muscle/definition and less fat. I will NEVER stop lifting and I will definitely never starve myself again! I have one pair of size 6 jeans in my closet that I use more as a gauge than anything else. I'm terrible at measuring bc I can never seem to get it in the right spot every time and I HATE the scale so those jeans are my "goal". I know I'll get there....someday. Thanks everyone! =)
  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    Hi everyone! Checking in here....weighed myself this morning and the scale says I've DROPPED 1.4 POUNDS! I couldn't believe it. I am in week 5 of my cut and have weighed 157 on the dot for the entire 5 weeks of cut, nothing has budged even a tiny bit (I weighed about 153 before my 8wk reset) and today the scale said 155.6!!! hallelujiah! TOM is coming in a few days too so I truly believe that this is real weight loss!! I was doing a 10% cut but really felt like maybe I was still eating too much or that maybe I had my activity level wrong so this week I worked with my numbers a bit and went to a 15% cut and like magic......I'm down 1.4 pounds! And that's with eating 1950cals per day all week (as opposed to 2150 for the first 4 weeks of my cut). Let's hope things keep progressing! I'm honestly not too worried about scale weight, I'd like to weigh MORE so I can eat MORE in the long run! I'm most excited that my clothes are starting to feel loose again and I "feel" slimmer, trimmer and just all around "smaller" this week than I did last week! Happy Friday everyone! =)
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    that is great news to finally see a drop! awesome on the loose clothes too, feels so good when things start moving in the right direction after waiting so long. Good work!! ...and Happy Friday!!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    @seobstar, that is awesome! Glad to hear you found a sweet spot. I bet you may see more after TOM too.

    I have had one whole good week eating at cut and coming pretty close to my macros, still a little low on the protein side, but doing what I feel comfortable with. My goal now is to make it through this weekend without blowing my cut. I am going to take a two day rest from weights, but hopefully get in maybe a HIIT session this weekend. I think I am falling into a M-W-F lift routine.
    After dropping a few pounds right after TOM, my weight is hovering again, so I will see how it goes the next couple weeks. I had originally lowered my calories/cut to reflect between lightly active and moderately active (split the difference), but now it seems like I am doing a little more so I may have to bump back up to moderate-I'll see what this week looks like once the kids are back in school. Not a lot of calorie difference, around a hundred, but as we all know, sometimes that is the difference between holding on and letting go.
    Oh, and I also switched from doing two upper and one lower body workout per week to doing three full body workouts and I like it much better. I don't seem to get as sore as I did before. I think it still ends up being the same amount of exercise per body part. Anyone have opinions about that? Just curious.
    Hope all is well with my fellow cutters and hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and find some time to relax a little.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I soooooooooooo hate water retention.... I love how you can instantly bounce up 2+ pounds when the retention hits, but that coming off, it goes in .2 increments... Grrrrrr

    Congrats on finally seeing a loss seobstar!!

    TOM is starting to leave so Im hoping in the next day or two the retention will leave in more than .2 increments. I have two more workouts in stage 4 and then Im on a bit of a rest break for my friend's wedding next week.

    Ive completed a week using my fitbit, and I wish I could say I have a better idea of where I am, but I cant yet.. the stupid thing has a bug in it, with the sync to MFP and its giving out double activity readings.. so I have a few days where it has me burning double what I actually did.
    However even with that, the average for the week has my TDEE around 2700, which is about 100 less than the scooby site. Im not overly concerned since its still giving me a 300 cal deficit for my cut.. Ill wait and give it another week with fitbit and see what next weeks cals average out at and then see what are my options. Not too concerned as 100 cals isnt a huge deal..

    I was debating taking my measurements today, but Im not sure it would be worth it since im still bloated. might wait until im on my rest break next week and see what it shows.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    Still have lost nothing. My ticker should be updated, just can`t bring myself to do it. 5 months on MFP and nothing. 3 months after reset and nothing. 4 months of strength training and no weight lost.

    Now for the good news. I did throw out my scale. Waited two weeks to weight and have gained 2 kg in the two weeks. How? I quit drinking? _?? My measurements are down if only infintesimally, like .2 cm some places. and I really don`t care what the scale says. How can I care, it never says what I want it to. Will be on a weekly weigh in schedule from now. And that number has no power over me. Ok just a little, fleetingly.

    I gained definition in my chest, good. Stomach is still just as fat and jiggly as ever. Thighs still rub, it might be my imagination but they rub a little tiny bit less than before.

    I`m going to trust my good feelings because it has been a rough five months.

    Have a good body builder diet going on, lots of energy, and a little less reaction to stress than before. I am intuitive eating now for two weeks. I was so sick of counting calories and not losing anything.

    All told feel pretty good, don`t look too much better but oh well. Too bad my goal was to look better. I guess I`ll have to change my goal to living better.

  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Still have lost nothing. My ticker should be updated, just can`t bring myself to do it. 5 months on MFP and nothing. 3 months after reset and nothing. 4 months of strength training and no weight lost.

    Now for the good news. I did throw out my scale. Waited two weeks to weight and have gained 2 kg in the two weeks. How? I quit drinking? _?? My measurements are down if only infintesimally, like .2 cm some places. and I really don`t care what the scale says. How can I care, it never says what I want it to. Will be on a weekly weigh in schedule from now. And that number has no power over me. Ok just a little, fleetingly.

    I gained definition in my chest, good. Stomach is still just as fat and jiggly as ever. Thighs still rub, it might be my imagination but they rub a little tiny bit less than before.

    I`m going to trust my good feelings because it has been a rough five months.

    Have a good body builder diet going on, lots of energy, and a little less reaction to stress than before. I am intuitive eating now for two weeks. I was so sick of counting calories and not losing anything.

    All told feel pretty good, don`t look too much better but oh well. Too bad my goal was to look better. I guess I`ll have to change my goal to living better.


    This was so uplifting to read. I love your mentality. I know it's hard when you seem to be doing everything right but yet your body just will not respond the way you expect it to. I am going through much the same sort of thing. My body is freaking out and I've been gaining on what SHOULD be a weight loss amount. I can't make sense of it and stress only magnifies the negative hormonal state that contributes to weight gain. ((Sigh)) I guess we change our goals, be patient, or some combination of the two. Best of luck to you.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Hi everyone! Checking in here....weighed myself this morning and the scale says I've DROPPED 1.4 POUNDS! I couldn't believe it. I am in week 5 of my cut and have weighed 157 on the dot for the entire 5 weeks of cut, nothing has budged even a tiny bit (I weighed about 153 before my 8wk reset) and today the scale said 155.6!!! hallelujiah! TOM is coming in a few days too so I truly believe that this is real weight loss!! I was doing a 10% cut but really felt like maybe I was still eating too much or that maybe I had my activity level wrong so this week I worked with my numbers a bit and went to a 15% cut and like magic......I'm down 1.4 pounds! And that's with eating 1950cals per day all week (as opposed to 2150 for the first 4 weeks of my cut). Let's hope things keep progressing! I'm honestly not too worried about scale weight, I'd like to weigh MORE so I can eat MORE in the long run! I'm most excited that my clothes are starting to feel loose again and I "feel" slimmer, trimmer and just all around "smaller" this week than I did last week! Happy Friday everyone! =)

    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: to YOU and JESS:heart::drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    OK~ 2 :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: posts to kick off the weekend~ let's keep this thing rollin' girls!!:flowerforyou:

    :bigsmile: I ROCKED my NROL4W workout today which included bulgarian squats and lunges~ I am freakin' FINALLY getting the form down!!:bigsmile:

    OK~ who else????
  • opalmel
    opalmel Posts: 147 Member
    Well, after 6 weeks of cut I'm finally on a losing trend. I lost another whole pound since last week. I'm going to take a rest week starting tomorrow and eat my TDEE all week (without exercise factored in). My clothes still fit the same and I have not measured yet and I'm a bit afraid to. Don't want to do anything to mess with my good feeling right now.:laugh:
    I hope to see another loss next week!
    Hugs to those of you who are struggling with the mental game. Hang in there!
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    tom is a gift and a curse. i hate to get it because i gain but i like to get it because once its over i lose a couple pounds more than i gained.

    anywho, congrats to u all who are losing
  • HealthyEllie98
    Hey everyone... like I said I would, I'm reporting in with my results from my 2nd week of cut :)
    Also, like I said I would, I did EVERY little bit of exercise I planned on doing and ate incredibly healthily, exactly at my calorie goal almost exactly ALL week... and I'm down about .2 of a kg. (I think about half a pound)
    yay!!!!! I know it's only a tiny bit of progress... but l'm happy :)

    A little NSV: About a month or two ago I watched an advertisement for the 'brazilian butt-lift' workout DVD... and the ad includes this thing called 'the pencil test' where you stand up straight and place a pencil under the crease in your bum. If it gets stuck under your skin/fat and stays there it shows that you have little muscle and a lot of fat in your butt. If it falls down, it proves that you have strong butt muscles, and a 'lifted' butt. Out of curiosity I tried this, and was disappointed to find that the pencil got stuck there under a big hunk of flab, proving I had a saggy bottom :( (sorry if this is TMI haha!!)

    Today, after a month or two of doing many intense Jillian Michaels workouts, all through my metabolism reset and after, (which include many leg and butt exercises, squatting, lunging etc) I tried the pencil test again... and guess what, it fell down!! I couldn't believe it at first, so I re-did the test a few times, but the pencil just would not stay. I'm so happy!! My arms are also getting quite muscular, from all the push ups and plank exercises I've been doing too. This is the first bit of physical progress I've seen in ages, and it obviously shows that I'm building muscle. Next weekend I'm gonna take my measurements and see if I've changed in any other places.

    I'm happy with my progress, even though it's only a little- it means a lot :) Keep going everyone, it's all worth it in the end. I've struggled so hard for so long, and now it's just starting to pay off. :smile:
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Im trying to envision that test, and I just cant quite picture it.. but congrats on a falling pencil!!:)

    Im super peeved this morning.. I was finally seeing the bloat vanish and yesterday it was .8 away from where I was prior to TOM... so I was expecting to see another drop today since I had a rest day yesterday and sodium was in check and everything else looked good... And I have an unexplained 1.6 pound gain....


    I feel like I am never getting out of this cycle and I am never going to see results.. 6 weeks in.. this is getting ridiculous!
  • nannabannana
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    Congrats on passing the butt test. I admit that it gave me a much needed chuckle!

    Raynn - you're doing so well and staying so strong though all of this!

    I have nothing much to report. Scale weight is up slightly. I'm not sure what that's due to. I didn't log Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. I decided I HAD to start logging again today. I really don't think I overate during the weekend, but it could be sodium-based water retention. I'm just not sure. I continue to struggle to have any energy whatsoever. I'm now on an antibiotic for a double middle ear infection, so maybe the infection is responsible in part for some of my lethargy. I'm really anxious for my dr.'s office to open this week so that I can find out about my lab results.

    On a positive note I signed up for an adult dance class that starts in roughly two weeks. Cabaret/jazz . I've always loved dance - it's been years since I've taken a class, but it will be a good way for me to be active and have some fun!

    I am hoping that this energy stuff gets figured out soon. I want to start NROLFW with my energy intact so that I can really pour myself into it when I start. Yawning a I type this. I need to do laundry, but I may just go take a nap with my baby since I'm off work today.
  • sophiathedss
    sophiathedss Posts: 97 Member
    This is the update thread...ok....TOM is over...almost 2 months into this (EM2WL) ....same 2 pounds lost and gained. I am being patience but this SUCKS!!! Just needed to vent and wish everyone a happy labor day :)

    At this rate It will take 10 years to lose my last 30 pounds...feeling discouraged but hopeful at the same time! :)

  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    It's a frustrating process and I can't count the number of messages and wall posts I have exchanged with other EM2WL members who go through the same thing.

    My deal is: I have never felt so good and the progress is coming. I can do things now I never DREAMED of doing before. So in the end sure the scale isn't moving and I'd rather see an 8 pack of abs and look like a lean cut Ryan Reynolds. Fact of the matter is I feel superb and I'm happy. So that's all that matters. The rest will come!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Crystal - I hope the test results give you some insight this week.

    I am still hanging in. I just finished Stage 4 of NROL and I am now on a rest week. And perfect timing since we are involved in our friends wedding this weekend, and have lots of time needed for that.. So I will give it a few days or so, then take my measurements and weight and see where the real number is..
    Im still super pissed at the unexplained bloat again.. but trying to just go with it and hope a Whooosh is upon me soon.

    Its definitely not the Cut progress I was expecting and I would be lying if I said this wasnt killing me to have basically no results 6 weeks in. But I know somewhere the other shoe has to drop, right?
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Raynn:heart::heart: :heart:

    (waiting over here too:ohwell: )