Introduce yourself!



  • Hi all! I'm Stacey, 23 and have been living in the Dayton area for a little over a year now (moved from England). I've met a lot of awesome people but haven't made a lot of friends, especially those I can hang out/work out with and who are going through the same life changing journey that I am.

    My trouble areas are finding motivation to work out (I find that I am better at motivating others than I am myself haha) and will power to say no to all those delicious bad for you foods that we all know and love. But I'm taking it one day at a time. Slow and stead wins the race as they say!

    It took 3 years to put on 100+lb and after losing 65lb then gaining 15lb of that back, I am finally ready to get rid of the final 50lb to finally reach my goal!

    Feel free to shoot me a message or add me as a friend. :)
  • Apocalypse_Meow
    Apocalypse_Meow Posts: 90 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm Katie, I live in Lakewood Ohio and I'm 24. I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist (in Rocky River, look me up!) and I love my job. I love yoga, I'm starting to love running and I love my husband, dog and two cats! I'm working on getting myself in shape so that it'sr f easier to do my job and so I can feel better about myself. Always looking for friends, feel free to add me :)
  • Sassy922
    Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
    hi! I'm alison. I'm an eastsider, also known as the best side of Cincinnati. :)
    I'm a proud University of Cincinnati Bearcat. the real bUCkeye school.

    I'm married to my high school sweetheart and we have 3 kids together. I'm beyond busy with them, work and my social life (aka Cincinnati sports teams -- Bungals season ticket holder, Bearcat enthusiast, and LOVING baseball right now with the hunt for RED October). with all of that on my plate I can easily forget to take care of myself.

    I love to run, I hate finding the time to do it. I finally did the Flying Pig Half this past May, and I'm signed up to do the Color Run in October and will be doing the Thanksgiving Day Race for the 6th year in a row in Nov.

    feel free to add me, I'm loving all of these local mfp'ers!
  • Cindy393
    Cindy393 Posts: 268 Member
    Hi! I'm Cindy, and I live in Norwalk-about 20 minutes from Cedar Point. I work for Frontier Communications and tend to have crazy hours and work shifts, but still manage to eat well and get my workouts in. I am married to an awesome man named Bill, and together we have 2 daughters and 2 sons. I have lost 18 lbs so far since I started on 6/25, and hubby decided to join this as well and is also down 18! We make a great team!!!

    We are avid Browns fans and love camping, which we do as much as we can when my schedule allows.

    Nice to meet all of you :)
  • Hi I'm Liz! I have lived in Ohio my entire life, and have recently moved from Carroll/Lancaster/Lithopolis to Columbus. I have been overweight since middle school and I want to make the changes necessary to live a better/healthier life. I'm getting married in April, sub for various school districts, and have a crazy dog named Moose.

    Thanks for creating this group! It's nice to know that I'm not alone. (Anyone) feel free to add me and we will encourage each other together!
  • fallintomyworld
    fallintomyworld Posts: 45 Member
    Hi I'm Chrissy and I'm from Ashtabula, Ohio. I was born and raised here. Its the black hole of the state, but i enjoy its simple charms. I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. My parents were more eat what I give you, not what is healthy people, and with two younger brothers, if you wanted it you ate it now or else you might not get it again for a long time. Not that its anyone's fault, I just was never taught to not over eat, or to be more active the more I eat. I've been on MFP since April. In the begining it was ok, I counted for a few days, took a break, off and on for abour a month or more. Than in May a few other of my friends started MFP and so I just started doing it. Not taking time to think about how bad I felt if i went over, just that i have logged in and 91% of the times, even if i am over a few days a week, my weekly average is usually under. It's so easy. Why have i not been doing this all along? Now I'm at 70 days logging in, 36 pounds lighter, and so much more active and goal oriented. I know i will have to count my calories for the rest of my life. and you know what i'm ok with that because i know what its like to not count calories.
  • dawnie1313
    dawnie1313 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I am Dawn born and raised in Ohio. From Lancaster originally and now reside in the great suburb of Pickerington.

    I started my weight loss journey in 2004 after losing my father very suddenly to bad health. Both my parents were/are overweight, and diabetes runs rampant in my family.

    Heath and fitness have always been my primary goal.

    Between 2004-2007 I lost and kept off 64 pounds. I did multiple 5 and 10ks per year. I started on Weight Watchers then moved to calorie counting, over time I have also weaned myself off of fast food, processed foods, and overall try to just eat normal and healthy. HUGE fan of eating and shopping local.

    I regained about 30 of those original 64 and in the last three years I have lost and gained the same 15 pounds repeatedly. I am desparately trying to break that cycle.

    My mother and sister both recently had bariatric surgery and this is a road I do NOT want to go down.

    I want to do this the right way. I have the fitness down now for I am a very very healthy fat girl. Now I need to get the weight off for good.

    Currently trying to lose about 60 more pounds and feel more committed than ever. Love having great weight loss buddies surrounding me who will motivate me when I am not feeling it, and who I can help motivate as well. Thanks!
  • Hello Buckeyes!!!! OH....IO! I too was born and raised in this great State. I never realized how much I love living here until I spent 4 years in Florida. I am in Shelby County. I work in Sidney and currently live about 15 miles north in Minster. I am looking for a great support system in the area that we can get together a couple of time a month.

    I am too, like most have been battling the bulge! Too many diets to count and tons of money on all the "toys" to help you shed the pounds. The results, I am lighter in the wallet only. My youngest daughter just went off to college so I am fighting the empty nest and trying to re-direct all that focus to me and my weight loss goals.

    I have lost to lose - based on the chart about 100 pounds, I would be glad to get 70 to 80 pounds of this off me! I am getting older so it is harder to get it off. I am sitting all day at work and also just too on a WAH job that will cause me sitting another 15 hours a week.

    I need like-minded people to help me with this journey! I can find so many other things that I would rather do then focus on this weight! Keeping each of you in my line of vision will help to keep me focused and moving forward!


    :flowerforyou: Leandra
  • aaron...just turned just outisde wooster it. feel free to hit me up.

    glad to finally find someone from around wooster, i was starting to think i was the only one
  • hi im kate im 23 i lived in jefferson ohio until i was 14 an then i moved to wooster, im engaged to a great man an we have a gorgeous little girl whos almost one
  • frj85
    frj85 Posts: 62
    Ryan, Northwest Ohio looking to stay motivated and lose a few more lbs and get back to hitting the weights. Have a desk job, so have recently joined the Y to get in some sort of shape.... Friend me if ya want to know anything else
  • elyce74
    elyce74 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all!
    I have lived in Ohio since 2007, we live in Newark! I am a Stay @ Home Mom right now with a 2 year old son. Originally from Wisconsin and have lived in MN, Upper MI, IL. I love the midwest and miss my family back home so I need support here where 'home' is at the moment.

    I have lost the baby weight and have been maintaining a steady weight now for the past year. When I moved to Ohio I had gained 30 pounds so I would really like to get back to my size 12 body, be in shape, and ready for all the running that is soon approaching as my son starts pre-school next year.

    Thanks for the encouragement! GO OHIO! :laugh:
  • stephaneb74
    stephaneb74 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everybody,
    we just moved to Ohio in Cincinnati area. My goal was to lose about 100 lbs when I started in Feb 2012... I did really good until June then life caught up and I have slowed down my progress... hawever I am still working on it trying to find a right balance.
    I would like to have local friends as well
  • Hello All!

    Currently I live in the Columbus area on the east side, but I'm originally from a small town down south along the Ohio River. I've struggled with my weight all my life, and I hope to really make a difference for myself. I hope to continue in a positive lifestyle change (I never realized how much junk I ate until I had to right it down! Crazy!) and look forward to the motivation/support of the Ohio group! Best wishes everyone!
  • AuntieLisa4
    AuntieLisa4 Posts: 74 Member
    Im Lisa I was born in Elyria. My parents and I moved to Cranberry Pa when I was 9 1/2. I currently live in Pa, but my heart will always belong in ohio. My brother and aunt live in lorain oh. I'm really trying to move back.
    Im 28, and on nov 27th 2012 i had gastric bypass. Ive struggled with my weight since i was born basically. Im a mother to one angel baby, no earth babies. thats why i got the surgery, hoping to cure my pcos. I have a fur baby Brady shes 7 and shes mommys spoiled princess.
    if you wanna know more ask
  • IreneAdler221
    IreneAdler221 Posts: 185 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm from the Dayton area and have lived here my entire life. I gained quite a bit of weight when I had my son and realized after 3 years that it wasn't going to magically disappear. I've lost most of the weight doing a ketogenic diet and taking up running. If you want to know more just ask :)
  • sirluck
    sirluck Posts: 14
    Hey Everyone. My name is Tim. I'm in Lake County. I'm tired of the beach ball I lug around daily and want this to be the year I get skinny. I think every diet fails if you don't track your food. I love this app. It's easy to use, both online or from my smart phone. I'm really hoping it makes the difference for me. I have a lot to lose, but there's no reason I can't be lean by Christmas. I hope you're all successfull and that your success rubs off on me!
  • Hi! I'm Penny. I live in Hillsboro, Highland County. That's between Cinci and Dayton. I am new here and have about 80 lbs. to lose. I tried this once before and just didn't have time to keep up with the tracking. Now that I have an iPhone and I have the app synced to my phone, I think I will find it easier to stay current. I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's tips and advice...keep me posted on what's working! It seems that the older I get, the harder it is for me to lose weight. I think I've been lacking motivation though. Hopefully, this will be the time I stick with it! I wish every one the best!!! :flowerforyou:
  • sirluck
    sirluck Posts: 14
    I agree, Penny. I think an easy to use app on the a smartphone makes all the difference in the world. It's just too hard to run to a computer all the time. Being able to post in just a few seconds is a luxury. The app from Weight Watchers was decent, but they cut you off if you don't keep paying. This one's a dream come true!
    Good luck, Stephan. I have about that much to lose too. 2 lbs a week and we're both done in less than a year!
    Jwerring, I know! It's amazing how you lie to yourself all day long about how much you're eating. Every successful diet plan out there requires a food diary because it's human nature to believe what you want to. Only cold, hard facts from a diary help.
    AuntLisa, what is pcos? My wife had gastric bypass years ago. It can give you a great headstart and improve your health, but most start regaining after the first year if they don't get disciplined. That's where my wife is at now. She's trying real hard to lose. She's been doing great over the last 6 months, but I suspect she's trying to go ultra low calorie right now and I'm afraid she'll put her body into starvation mode (she's cold all day long, that's a clear sign of calorie deficiency).
    IreneAdler, are you an epileptic? Your diet is so interesting, it deserves it's own section.
  • Hi!
    I'm Jennifer, I live in the North East, near Youngstown... Ive been a member on here for a while, but I've never really gotten "into" it other than tracking my food and weightloss. I'm a mother to 3, 2 boys and a girl... 4 if you count my boyfriend :) I've lost 80+ pounds since June 2011 when my ex husband and I decided to get a divorce. I'm hoping to lose another 40-50lbs :)