3rd Trimester



  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Erica - I've been having breathing problems for a while now, mostly at night when I lay down. I noticed last night that it wasn't too comfortable reclining in my chair either. And, it doesn't help that hubby thinks it's funny!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Why is it that the men always thinks its hilarious when you have any kind of issue? This morning no clue what was wrong with me but for ome reason I could not for the life of me remember how to turn our shower faucet off (not like its hard its only two handles). I just could not remember which way the handles turn and ended up scalding myself (not serious just hurt). My husband thought it was hilarious then proceeded to give me instructions on how to lock the door when I left and to start the car. He thought he was a comedian. Then he called me at work to make sure I figured out how to get here. He is so lucky he is 17 miles away because I seriously considered punching him if he had been in the same room
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I have found a new workout...... Getting out of the couch. We have one of those couches that kinda swallows you up, now that my belly is getting bigger and i cant really lean forward i seem to have a hard time getting out of our couch!!! Its actually quite comical. It takes me at least 2-3 minutes to get out of the couch. Luckily if my boyfiriend is around he is strong and can just pull me out of the couch...anyone else have an issue getting up from a chair or couch??lol
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I have found a new workout...... Getting out of the couch. We have one of those couches that kinda swallows you up, now that my belly is getting bigger and i cant really lean forward i seem to have a hard time getting out of our couch!!! Its actually quite comical. It takes me at least 2-3 minutes to get out of the couch. Luckily if my boyfiriend is around he is strong and can just pull me out of the couch...anyone else have an issue getting up from a chair or couch??lol

    Wait till you can't tie your own shoes anymore. With my son that happened at around month 8 and I did not want to tell my husband so I wore these slip ons till they were falling apart until one day I had to just come clean and let him know the shoes were really bad.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I have found a new workout...... Getting out of the couch. We have one of those couches that kinda swallows you up, now that my belly is getting bigger and i cant really lean forward i seem to have a hard time getting out of our couch!!! Its actually quite comical. It takes me at least 2-3 minutes to get out of the couch. Luckily if my boyfiriend is around he is strong and can just pull me out of the couch...anyone else have an issue getting up from a chair or couch??lol

    Yes, especially if it's squishy or leans back. I'm fortunate most of my shoes I dont have to tie and have still been wearing flip flops for the most part. Luckily I can still get the shoes on pre-tied, but I don't know how long that will last, it's going to be really bad at the end!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I have found a new workout...... Getting out of the couch. We have one of those couches that kinda swallows you up, now that my belly is getting bigger and i cant really lean forward i seem to have a hard time getting out of our couch!!! Its actually quite comical. It takes me at least 2-3 minutes to get out of the couch. Luckily if my boyfiriend is around he is strong and can just pull me out of the couch...anyone else have an issue getting up from a chair or couch??lol

    Wait till you can't tie your own shoes anymore. With my son that happened at around month 8 and I did not want to tell my husband so I wore these slip ons till they were falling apart until one day I had to just come clean and let him know the shoes were really bad.

    I got stuck trying to roll over on the couch one night a while back. Luckily DH was there to help me! I think half the reason I couldn't do it myself, though, was because I was laughing so hard. I felt like a turtle stuck on its back. :laugh:

    I can still tie my gym sneakers if I'm sitting down and prop my foot up on the opposite knee. It's a challenge, but I can still do it! I did get DH to untie them after a walk one night last week, though. I was pooped and just didn't have the energy to bend over. Aside from that pair, all of my shoes are slip on.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I have found a new workout...... Getting out of the couch. We have one of those couches that kinda swallows you up, now that my belly is getting bigger and i cant really lean forward i seem to have a hard time getting out of our couch!!! Its actually quite comical. It takes me at least 2-3 minutes to get out of the couch. Luckily if my boyfiriend is around he is strong and can just pull me out of the couch...anyone else have an issue getting up from a chair or couch??lol

    Oh yes! We have a luv sac (huge squishy chair thing) at home, and I haven't been able to use it for weeks because it takes too long to get out of. Just when I get comfortable, I have to get up to pee, and it's too much effort! Also rolling over at night in bed is quite a production....

    And tying shoes??? Hmmm, I haven't attempted that one in a while....all of my work shoes slip on or I wear flip-flops!! I do have to sit on the floor to put my socks on though.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I have found a new workout...... Getting out of the couch. We have one of those couches that kinda swallows you up, now that my belly is getting bigger and i cant really lean forward i seem to have a hard time getting out of our couch!!! Its actually quite comical. It takes me at least 2-3 minutes to get out of the couch. Luckily if my boyfiriend is around he is strong and can just pull me out of the couch...anyone else have an issue getting up from a chair or couch??lol

    Yep!! The hubs helps me up a lot lol he laughs at me when he sees me trying to get up bc i grunt and don't realize it LOL
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I was actually just laughing at myself yesterday because I make sound effects for almost every movement. Getting up off the couch is super fun (or really just getting up period). Rolling over in bed is a job... not only is the rolling part hard but then I have to readjust all of my pillows! Getting in and out of the car isn't exactly fun anymore either. I'm an outside sales rep so I'm in and out all the time!

    I can still get my own shoes on but it's a job. I wear heals to work every day and luckily they're all slip ons. My gym shoes- poor gym shoes- I curse them every time I have to tie them!

    36 weeks 4 days- up about 34 lbs and feeling very yucky lately. I swear every time I look in the mirror my face has gotten fatter... not a fun feeling. I'll be going for a nice long walk tonight but that just makes me swollen. Not a whole lot of winning going on here lately.

    On a brighter note, my childbirth classes end with a "comfort techniques" segment. I basically get my back rubbed for 30 minutes because the instructor tells my husband it's necessary. I love it!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member

    On a brighter note, my childbirth classes end with a "comfort techniques" segment. I basically get my back rubbed for 30 minutes because the instructor tells my husband it's necessary. I love it!

    Somehow i have my boyfriend convinced to give me a backrub everynite, if momma is uncomfortable the baby is uncomfortable. seems to work for me!

    Has anyone been suffering from heartburn?? I had my first night of it and OH BOY was it painful. I finally had to sleep sitting up just to get some relief
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member

    On a brighter note, my childbirth classes end with a "comfort techniques" segment. I basically get my back rubbed for 30 minutes because the instructor tells my husband it's necessary. I love it!

    Somehow i have my boyfriend convinced to give me a backrub everynite, if momma is uncomfortable the baby is uncomfortable. seems to work for me!

    Has anyone been suffering from heartburn?? I had my first night of it and OH BOY was it painful. I finally had to sleep sitting up just to get some relief

    I need to use that with my husband! I personally haven't had heartburn, but my mom did badly when she was pregnant with me. Her midwife told her to take papaya enzymes, much better for you and baby than tums!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member

    On a brighter note, my childbirth classes end with a "comfort techniques" segment. I basically get my back rubbed for 30 minutes because the instructor tells my husband it's necessary. I love it!

    Somehow i have my boyfriend convinced to give me a backrub everynite, if momma is uncomfortable the baby is uncomfortable. seems to work for me!

    Has anyone been suffering from heartburn?? I had my first night of it and OH BOY was it painful. I finally had to sleep sitting up just to get some relief

    I had it bad with my first but only the last month I had to sleep sitting up the last 4 weeks I was pregnant. What helped mine was milk, yogurt and ice cream. If that didn't work or it got too bad I went for the tums.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    The only thing that helped with my heartburn was milk. I drank a few glasses of milk with every meal that had too much acid in it. I carry Tums around with me all the time- those are great.

    I've also tried not to eat too close to bedtime because reclining or laying down always amplified the burn. Good luck- I hope you find something that works!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    How's everyone progressing?? I'm 37 weeks 2 days today, and have been feeling lots of inconsistent contractions over the last couple of days...don't remember feeling this many with my daughter. Have my appointment tomorrow so I guess I'll find out then if I've progressed at all.

    Can't believe we are almost there! Scary and exciting all at once. I made the mistake of watching "The Business of Being Born" yesterday...made me nervous/excited. Prolly shouldn't have waited til this late in the game to watch it, but ah well!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    How's everyone progressing?? I'm 37 weeks 2 days today, and have been feeling lots of inconsistent contractions over the last couple of days...don't remember feeling this many with my daughter. Have my appointment tomorrow so I guess I'll find out then if I've progressed at all.

    Can't believe we are almost there! Scary and exciting all at once. I made the mistake of watching "The Business of Being Born" yesterday...made me nervous/excited. Prolly shouldn't have waited til this late in the game to watch it, but ah well!

    I'm doing as well as a pregnant lady can, I'm 34w4d. I'm really starting to get uncomfortable and have trouble sleeping but luckily no signs of labor yet, hopefully he holds off for at least 4 more weeks.

    I also watched the business of being born, I thought it was very interesting!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    How's everyone progressing?? I'm 37 weeks 2 days today, and have been feeling lots of inconsistent contractions over the last couple of days...don't remember feeling this many with my daughter. Have my appointment tomorrow so I guess I'll find out then if I've progressed at all.

    Can't believe we are almost there! Scary and exciting all at once. I made the mistake of watching "The Business of Being Born" yesterday...made me nervous/excited. Prolly shouldn't have waited til this late in the game to watch it, but ah well!

    Well I am only 30 weeks 3 days today and already cannot sleep so I have been really grumpy. With my son I watched almost every birth show there was. I scared myself about having an epidural which wasn't so bad I found out. My son is an October baby so I know how you are feeling. Good luck.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    question for you ladies. For awhile now I have been having pain in my lower abdomen especially after walking for awhile. If I am working out or even something as simple as shopping. If I lay down or sit for awhile it goes away. I have asked my doctor about and he just tells me it is my uterus stretching. I would think it is big enough by now. I know it has nothing to do with my fall since I had it before I did that. Didn't have it with my first pregnancy and wondering if any of you have experienced this.

    I'm 22 weeks, and I get it all the time. It's called round ligament pain, and it sucks.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Had my baby appt. today. Looks like I will be going every 2 weeks till the end. Had my NST today and found it really hard to sit still even for the 20 min. With my son they used to leave me hooked up to it for 2-3hrs.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    How's everyone progressing?? I'm 37 weeks 2 days today, and have been feeling lots of inconsistent contractions over the last couple of days...don't remember feeling this many with my daughter. Have my appointment tomorrow so I guess I'll find out then if I've progressed at all.

    Can't believe we are almost there! Scary and exciting all at once. I made the mistake of watching "The Business of Being Born" yesterday...made me nervous/excited. Prolly shouldn't have waited til this late in the game to watch it, but ah well!

    31 weeks 3 days and feeling great!! Every now and then I'll get uncomfortable but it's not bad yet. Been nesting like crazy and about to start making easy freezer meals for the first few weeks after baby gets here :) oh and childbirth classes start in 3 weeks! I'm so excited :):)

    i cant believe i have just over 2 months left!! AHHHHHH!! haha Hope you ladies are doing well!!!
  • smte
    smte Posts: 95 Member
    31 weeks 3 days and feeling great!! Every now and then I'll get uncomfortable but it's not bad yet. Been nesting like crazy and about to start making easy freezer meals for the first few weeks after baby gets here :) oh and childbirth classes start in 3 weeks! I'm so excited :):)

    i cant believe i have just over 2 months left!! AHHHHHH!! haha Hope you ladies are doing well!!!

    I really want to try getting together some freezer meals, but have never done it before! Got any tips? Good receipes/meals? Websites you use? I have 8 wks &6 days left and have sooo much to do. Freezer meals is def. something I want done! Thanks!