Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    o0o glad to find this group! I am fan of online PC games. I truly SUCK with the whole analog stick thing so I stay away from the more popular consoles :)

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE Counter Strike: Source. I used to play a LOT more. I really need to get back into it. I also liked Left 4 Dead. NFSMW was cool too (again, all on the PC). I currently have four computers in my house, lol. Two of which were custom built. One's my gaming machine and one is hooked up to my flat screen as a media center, in a PINK case :love:

    Anyways....if any of you people are on Steam..feel free to add me on here and we can exchange info. I'd love to shoot you sometime :bigsmile:
  • Ajasper83
    Ajasper83 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm Andi, 29 and I am a huge RPG/boardgame/Magic the Gathering player. Mostly old World of Darkness games, Shadowrun and Scion. Also play tested some games including Mutants and Masterminds. I play a lot of Arkham Horror (HUGE H.P Lovecraft fan), MTG and Ascension. I have never LARPed and don't plan on it :p But I am nerdy enough that I do have dice in my purse at any given moment. You never know when a random game might appear ^_^ One of my Xmas presents to myself will be a shiny, new XBOX 360!

    I have lost 7 of the 70 I plan on losing and my final goal will put me at 135. I do couch to 5k and have a 5k coming up in almost a month!
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    I'm Jess, I'm 26 and pretty sure I'm a girl ;-). I play games in my spare time which is NEVER, and lately it's been more fitness related games again, though I LOVE the old NES/SNES, Legend of Zelda, Mario, etc. I suck at all of them, to be blunt, but I have fun trying. I've always played Guild Wars, WoW, loved them both and became a zombie crackhead for each. I also have my guilty pleasure in the Sims games - must be a power thing. So far I am REstarting this journey because I fell off the wagon, and life let me fall back into nasty habits, so I am starting all over again. Hoping to drop around 40 pounds, though my main goal is to just be healthy. And a walk on the beach is dandy, though I'd rather a hike in the desert ;-)
  • Hey all, Im adrian 20 year old male.
    Im 198 i plan on going to 170
    I do a lot of gaming of every type on my spare time. Right now im in love with dayz borderlands 2 resident evil 6 and garys mod. I play pc abox and ps3 though mostly pc and xbox.
  • TheKatatron
    TheKatatron Posts: 43 Member
    Hey hey! I'm Katie! ^_^ I'm a 22 year old female. I play tons of different games, but am mainly playing WoW. Have been on and off of it since the beginning. I'm mostly a PC and 360 gamer, but I also like board games and such as well. Really like FPS and RPG. The Half Life games, Doom 3, Fallout 3, and The Elder Scrolls are some of my favorites!

    I weigh 179lbs, and my goal weight is 130lbs!
  • melisj5
    melisj5 Posts: 23 Member
    HI! My name is Melissa and I'm a 27 year old female. I really enjoy playing RP and MMORPG games. My goal is to get back down to 130lbs and so far I have lost 13.
  • Kisuke30
    Kisuke30 Posts: 668 Member
    Hey there, I'm Hunter and I'm a 30 year old male. I've done some RP story boards in the past, but don't really actively do it anymore. I used to be a competitive fps player, have shoutcasted, adminned, and organized lan events for CoD on the PC. Now I stick mostly to WoW. I play some skyrim from time to time, I'm a huge Civilization/cod/bf3 fan, and will play sports, ghostbusters, and whatever else on my ps3. I'll play almost any and every FPS game i can get ahold of on the PC. I love the Final Fantasy Series, with my favorites being 8, 10, and 7, in that order. I'm also a giant star trek and ghostbusters fan.

    I'm currently 195 and would like to get down to 170-175. I fluctuate depending on how active I am, which lately hasn't been a lot. I started insanity back in may and dropped from 210 to 180. I've started it again and hope to have similar success.
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member

    I am Heather (gamer and stage name: Anex). I'm a 27 year old American living in France. I am from San Antonio, Texas. I always get asked why I am living in France (usually by French guys who then stop talking to me when I answer them), so I am in France because I am married to a French guy. We met in 2002 on EverQuest (I know, I know! xD).

    So as I said, I am a misplaced American who loves video games, but I also love metal. I was singing in a Melodic Death Metal band for a while and am now looking for a new band :/ (musical differences.. -sigh-)

    I first started wanting to lose weight because I have a hard time finding clothes here in France. The girls are shorter (I'm 5'7") and generally very thin with the figure of a pencil (no butt, no hips). I am half-hispanic and cursed with the lower body of one. -_-
    Not finding clothes in my size is a constant downer and the sizes at the store stop at 42 (US size 10). I am usually 44.. (about a 12). I'm currently 172 lbs (ugh) and want to get down to 140 lbs (or less).

    While singing in a band I also wanted to lose weight to feel less embarrassed when on stage and having people take pictures and stuff.. I picked up Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 and it helped a bit, but this summer I fell off the wagon and have to start ALL OVER again >.<

    As for video games, I am a member of PMS clan (I know some of the girls are on this site, they are why I joined) and mostly play MMORPGs and music games, though an occasional FPS.

    Right now I am mostly playing Skyrim (working on all achievements for xbox 360) and Rocksmith (I want to learn guitar, plus there are 2 in my house so why not?) with the occasional Rock Band because I post youtube videos of my singing in the game.

    There's my blog link for more info ;)
  • Juliawiatr
    Juliawiatr Posts: 24 Member

    I'm Julia, 25 and in Chicago. I've been into video games since I was little: I had a Sega Genesis and then a Gamegear and then traded both in for a PS1 for Final Fantasy 8. Now, I have a PS3 (I barely play it, though. Sad.) an Xbox (Fav!) and a DSLite.
    I've always been into fantasy/RPG games, but in college I started working at GameStop and my friends got me into Halo. Now, I'm super obsessed with Borderlands 2 and Battlefield 3, but I LOVE the Halo series and Dragon Age.
    Final Fantasy 8 is still my favorite game ever, though.

    I used to play WoW but finally weaned myself off of it about two years ago. Console only for me. :)

    My goals? I started at 188 (though I was once a little over 200, eep!) and have now plateau'd out at about 153 for the past few months. I want to get down to 140. I've been running and training for 5ks and want to eventually do a 10k (maaaybe a half marathon one day) and have been weight training. And I started this because I was sick of clothes not fitting me right. I'm super shy, so that plus lack of confidence was really sucky.

    Sooo yeah. Hello! :)
  • Hi all!

    I'm Sil, 31 from the UK. I've played video games when I was 8 and started with an Atari and half a dozen games I didn't even understand what the goal of them was (ski-hunter; I didn't realise I could shout things so just skied into them >.<).

    Now I own a DSlite, Nintento Wii (only being used for bbciplayer lately), PS3 and my beloved PC.
    I love fantasy/RPG games, horror games and mmo's. I guess I'm a sucker for anything Blizzard an Bioware makes, though I do run around in The Secret World and Guildwars 2 now. I also want to get back into playing more games on my PS3, but I haven't found a game yet that I'm over the moon for. So any suggestion is welcome ^^

    My goal is to get back to weighing 145 lbs and be a bit more active (so not constantly vegging with my games) and to wear a Psylocke outfit for Halloween 2014.

    Also always looking for friends on this journey! Especially gamers, so feel free to add me!! :D
  • Hello! :)
    I'm Krissy, I'm nineteen, female!
    Most of my nerding time is split between my xbox 360 (Skyrim, Fable 3, Sims 3, and Grand Theft Auto IV) and my nintendo 64 (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time <3) :D I used to own a ps2 in which I beasted out in Crash Bandicoot, GTA: Vice City, Spyro the Dragon (ps1 and 2), Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1 & 2 and possibly my very favorite PS2 game series, Kingdom Hearts! :D
    Current weight: 188
    Goal weight: 160
    Lost so far: 2 pounds!
    Why I wanna lose weight: To join the Navy! <3
    Walks on the beach: of courseeee <3

    ~Fair Seas and Following Winds <3
  • Hello, I am Mary :flowerforyou: 34
    I game a little bit bit not as much as I use to I have played WoW and Combat Armes and facebook sucks the time right out of me hehe :laugh:
    I would like to tone more then anything but I do have some weight I need to drop most of it in my belly I use the fact that I have had 3 children but youngest is 11yrs old so can't really say that anymore.
    I love to sit and chat with friends and because of games like WoW most of my friends do not live anywhere near me soo I stay in a lot lol
    OK I think that will do it if there is anything else you would like to know just ask :happy:
  • Hey there errybody!

    My name's Joe, just joined the site and still getting used to tracking my food intake, think I'm catching on so far though! So in response to that very first post of this thread...

    Who are you! Joe of course!

    Age? 26

    Female or male? Male

    RP? Hell yea! I like playing all sorts of games, but I honestly gotta have SOME kind of story while playing, I lurvs stories lol

    LARP? Kind of a newer guy at it, only done 1 LARP for about 2 years, hardly a vet. But damn if it isn't some intense exercise! (fear burns calories :P )

    What are your weightloss goals?! Weeell I started a desk job about a year ago, and jeeze did the pounds pile on! I wanna get back to the 160 ish range, maybe then focus on putting on some extra muscle. I'm floating around 185ish now, so i've got a bit to do!

    How many pounds have you lost? Idk, my weight fluxuates like crazy, I'll start the day at 186 and end at 182 then be up to 188 the next morning lol! I kinda go by averages at this point

    Walk on the Beach? Nah, I like to stand in the water and fight waves ;P
  • I'm Debbie, just rejoined after a few years' absence.

    43, female. About 7 years ago I lost 50 pounds over 10 months. I need to now re-lose 25 of it, so that's why I'm here. I've started running again, and lifting, and need to keep it up/do more.

    I used to play pen-and-paper DnD a lot, but the last few years have been mostly WoW and some SWTOR thrown in out of boredom. My husband and I have just migrated back to a guild with friends from a previous guild, so MoP is fun for us right now.
  • I'm Debbie, just rejoined after a few years' absence.

    43, female. About 7 years ago I lost 50 pounds over 10 months. I need to now re-lose 25 of it, so that's why I'm here. I've started running again, and lifting, and need to keep it up/do more. My photo is of the pre-25 me.

    I used to play pen-and-paper DnD a lot, but the last few years have been mostly WoW and some SWTOR thrown in out of boredom. My husband and I have just migrated back to a guild with friends from a previous guild, so MoP is fun for us right now.
  • ChickieAmbar
    ChickieAmbar Posts: 3 Member
    Who are you! - Ambar or Chickie

    Age? - 32

    Female or male? 100% Female

    What are your weight loss goals?! 20 lbs to go!

    How many pounds have you lost? 5 lbs

    Walk on the Beach? Sure.. Love the beach since I live by it :D

    Games: I was an avid World of Warcraft Raider for about 5 years.. In between expansions, I played LOTRO, Warhammer, Conan online, and a few not worth mentioning, and then back to Wow. I also love Borderlands, Dead Island, and Assassin's Creed. BUT currently I am addicted to Guild wars 2. So that is me in a nut shell.. Im an Accounting chick near L.A. that loves to eat, and play video games lol Although Eating has changed a bit, my game playing won't lol. I noticed someone mentioned board games, and so I'll chime in. : Settlers of Cataan, and Munchkin Adventure are my FAVS :)
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    Hi, I'm Leslie. I'm a 24 year old female. I want to lose 90lbs and so far have lost 7 (my ticker shows otherwise because I'd lost two pounds before I came to MFP, but my "official" starting weight was 240.) I am a web developer and I have a bachelor's degree in information technology and a minor in art.

    I love online roleplaying. I started doing it on forums when I was in high school and later graduated to RP servers on some MMOs like WoW and now I RP on Second Life. I've also played D&D a couple times with friends when I was in college. I'm semi-active in the SCA (haven't done it since college unless you count a few fighter practices), I have my own medieval longbow and self-made arrows, and I'm going to my very first comic con this weekend!

    When not roleplaying I'm playing other video games like Starfox, Pokemon, Skyrim, and Mass Effect. ;)
  • gmad87
    gmad87 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello all,

    My name's Gordon. I'm a 25 year old male student (currently on break, will resume in the spring).

    I'm currently ~178 lbs. Last November I was about 265+ lbs and reached a point where I was ready to change my eating and exercise habits and lost approximately 78 lbs so far. Currently I do a mixture of weight lifting, cardio, and roller hockey for exercise and do my best to stay within my daily calorie goals. :)

    As for gaming--I've pretty much been playing games my whole life. For consoles I've previously owned an NES, SNES, N64, PS2, XBOX and XBOX360. Also played plenty of computer games in my time--spanning many genres, from FPS to RTS, RPGS, MMOs, Flight Sims, Racing, etc.. Spent many hours in MMO's like 10six, Shattered Galaxy, SWG, POTBS, WOW, and many more.

    Current gaming fixations are Minecraft, Faster than Light, (soon) Natural Selection 2, APB, Guild Wars 2, and every once in a while L4D2.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • I'm Kevin from St. George Utah. I've been a gamer since I could hold a controller. I'm 21 and have started to see the beginnings of a beer gut. I want to stop that in it's tracks and get back in shape.

    I play D&D with a group about every other weekend or so when I have a Saturday off. I haven't ever gotten into any LARPing, but my brother and I used to bash each other with wooden swords back when I was a kid. Closest I get these days is playing Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.

    I'm looking to consistently lose two pounds a week for a while and turn a lot of this fat into muscle. I just barely started so I haven't kept track of my losses yet, but I've stayed steady at 6'4" and 215 pounds for a while. I'll post my gamertag and steam id over in the other thread I saw. Good to meet you all and I can't wait to get on track with this.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    Andy, 28 year old male from UK
    6'1, 256lbs now (started at 295 before MFP and i've lost about 15lb since being here)
    I love FPS games mainly. Battlefield or COD, some Halo. I have 2 young kids so i dont get so much time for Xbox anymore.
    Also an Xbox Ambassador so I can help with any of your Xbox related tech or community questions. my Gamertag is the same as my username here.

    Secret lover of Magic the Gathering too ;-)

    edit: i tipped the post onto the next thread. woohoo!