Daily Chat Thread



  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    So THIS made my day :): I was waiting for the squat rack to do my deadlifts and this guy was taking forever with his (he was DLing 135, which is what I lift)

    So I asked him if I could work in and he looks at the bar and says, "With these??" Haha, "yes." So I do my deadlifts, then he comes back and adds on two small plates. I know he had lifted 135 for at least two sets. Could be his warmup weight, but I'd like to think I pushed him to up his # since a "girl" was doing the same weight!

    LOVE IT!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Megan that is AWESOME!
  • tekne1
    tekne1 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm in the middle of Stage 1. This group is inspiring! Definitely still feeling awkward at the gym, but less so thanks so all the great advice found here! Today I actually stood up to someone at the gym. Usually the guys are fine - they ignore me or sometimes help with form/tips/encouragement. This one guy though just wouldn't quit about high reps, low weight, lean muscle, muscle turning to fat, etc. I finally thanked him for his advice on form, but said that muscle is muscle. It's not fat, and it won't grow without some weight being lifted. He still wanted to argue, but finally gave up. Have any of you had someone randomly argue with you? Any good ways to shut it down?
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I guess I am coming back into the fold. Ahhh.
    Aside from walking and a few pole classes, I haven't been very physically active. Only 4 lifting sessions this month.

    Anyways, going to lift tomorrow and win on the protein. :)
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    tekne - How annoying. I have never had that experience. I probably wouldn't have just said with a big smile, "thanks, you have a great workout" and walked away. But if he was in my face while I was doing my exercises, I would have been a little meaner and basically told him to go away.

    funbun - welcome back!

    Can't stop eating this morning!! Completed another Stage 2 A workout. Only took me 35 minutes because I kind of powered through. Maybe it's Halloween, but I kind of stuffed my face when I got home, including my protein shake, a mini bagel with cream cheese, and a brownie from my neighbor -- and it's only 9:40am. (My neighbor brought over a halloween bag of homemade goodies the other day! I've never had such a warm welcome to a neighborhood.)

    I'm also exhausted. My husband and I moved all my mom's furniture yesterday from her house to my old house. I need one more day off -- to do absolutely nothing -- and I'll be fine.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Well, mermegan, I was never doing 16:8, I've been doing 18:6 and then, on Tuesdays, I do a fast of about 22:2. (Failed this Tuesday, though.) I'll just go back to the 18:6 because it was working pretty good for me.

    I think it is HILARIOUS that guy went to get more plates. D-o-h.

    Welcome back, funbun....there's never any better time to start than TODAY!

    Wow, only 35 minutes in Stage 2, kmsai?? That's serious movement!

    I'm really hoping I get to the gym, today. Seriously. Want to finish Phase 2 of NROL4Abs.

    And, I am finishing the protein challenge with worse stats than I had expected, actually:

    Me: 15
    NEP: 15

    Tonight, I'm totally diving into Halloween candy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I took my end-of-October photos this morning, and my measurements. I still have to hop on the scale - will do that if/when I get to the gym.

    I haven't compared pics side-by-side, but I did go down in my natural waist, my hips (over the biggest part of my bum) and my chest-under-breast measurement. So, it's a *win* for October!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Megan - that is totally Awesome!!!

    FunBun - welcome back! We all have our times of getting off track, but you just gotta keep going back to it.

    tekne - welcome!! and good for you for standing up for yourself and not letting then talk you out of what you want to be doing.

    Kathy - Good for you still getting your llifting in during your move. I can't even fathom the thought of moving. I would love to because a bigger house would be great (we have a 3 bedroom with 6 people), but we have SSSOOOO much stuff! Glad to hear you have some nice neighbors as well. It really makes a difference living in a neighborhood with friendly people.

    Beeps - we must have posting at the same time. Great job! Hope your November goes even better.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Hi everyone! I'm in the middle of Stage 1. This group is inspiring! Definitely still feeling awkward at the gym, but less so thanks so all the great advice found here! Today I actually stood up to someone at the gym. Usually the guys are fine - they ignore me or sometimes help with form/tips/encouragement. This one guy though just wouldn't quit about high reps, low weight, lean muscle, muscle turning to fat, etc. I finally thanked him for his advice on form, but said that muscle is muscle. It's not fat, and it won't grow without some weight being lifted. He still wanted to argue, but finally gave up. Have any of you had someone randomly argue with you? Any good ways to shut it down?

    Welcome Tekne. People don't talk to me because I have my headphones in and I rarely make eye contact. I probably look like a mean b*tch but I really like to get in the zone and focus. I did have one lady tell me I should watch my back on deadlifts. I just smiled and said something like "My back is fine" and kept it moving. There's no point arguing! Just brush it off girl!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Welcome, Tekne! How frustrating to have someone arguing with you while you're trying to workout! I go to a women's only gym, so no guys to try and tell me how to do it. I'm the only who ever uses the weights and the other women normally either sneer, ignore me, or sit on their equipment and stare (literally- it's very awkward). Hopefully you don't get any more "tips" at the gym.

    K, I think you deserve a little indulgence! Glad to hear your neighbors are nice. Makes the move easier knowing you chose a good place. I am doing my last minute packing right now and I feel like just trashing EVERYTHING and starting over. Where did all this crap come from????!

    Beeps, CONGRATS on the loss!!!! I bet your photos look different.

    Megan, that's awesome! I love it. I bet he was completely embarrassed.

    Got a great lifting session in this morning. Upped my DLs to 160. Now to keep this energy going so I can get lots done today!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    I don't think there's any amount of working out that can make up for the junk I'm eating today. I even went on a 18 minute (to be exact - lol) walk/run at lunchtime. After the brownie I mentioned earlier, I MIGHT have had a cupcake and some halloween candy. :blushing:

    BEEPS - I'm excited to see your stats. Sounds like you definitley prevailed in October! And yeah, 35 min? I better check my book. I feel like I missed an exercise or something.

    Jennie - the ONE good thing about the move was it was a great time to purge! I used to be packrat, but I'm really trying to do better with getting rid of stuff (I want to keep EVERYTHING for sentimental reasons normally).

    Megan - I just cannot imagine deadlifting 135 lbs!!! I actually consider myself a pretty strong person natually, but OMG. The thought of trying to lift that scares me. Maybe that'll be my long term goal for this program. I did 90 the other day and it was tough. I think it's because my upper body is stronger than my lower and deadlifts require serious lower body strength!

    What is involved with intermittent fasting? I'm curious, but afraid I might binge (hm, kind of like I'm doing TODAY).
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143

    Megan - I just cannot imagine deadlifting 135 lbs!!!

    What is involved with intermittent fasting? I'm curious, but afraid I might binge (hm, kind of like I'm doing TODAY).

    Isn't weird how we progress differently? I have a lot of trouble with my shoulders/back and single leg moves (the Bulgarian SS kills me) I feel the deadlifts in my legs, but even more so in my core.

    There are different types of IF, but I do the leangains style (leangains.com, rippedbody.jp) where I fast for 14 hours (half of this is while I'm asleep) and eat during a 10 hour window. It actually has helped with my night binging. When I eat 5-6 small meals a day I'm constantly hungry and I end up going over cals at night. With IF, you have a shorter window to eat your daily target so you naturally get to eat much larger meals. When I go to bed at night I'm really full, and I like that and I don't wake up and eat.

    So for me, I break fast at 1pm and can eat up until 11pm (I usually stop at 10 when I go to bed) I'm naturally not a morning eater so this works well for me. I also calorie/carb cycle. So on my rest days I eat 1437 calories (-30 TDEE) and workout days I eat 1847 (-10 TDEE) On rest days I eat more fat, less carbs. Training days, more carbs less fat. Protein stays the same. The idea is that the carbs you eat post workout go directly into glycogen stores for muscle building.

    So far I've been doing it 3 weeks and it's helped be bust through my plateau and drop 5 pounds. It really isn't magical, but it makes being on a cut much easier due to the shortened feeding time frame.

    Sorry, long explanation there!! The rippedbody.jp is a great site with explanations on everything.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    I'm wrapping up Stage 1 this week, and I've definitely gotten stronger! I'm pretty proud of myself, but I want to see more muscle definition! I thought I'd see more by now!
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    So THIS made my day :): I was waiting for the squat rack to do my deadlifts and this guy was taking forever with his (he was DLing 135, which is what I lift)

    So I asked him if I could work in and he looks at the bar and says, "With these??" Haha, "yes." So I do my deadlifts, then he comes back and adds on two small plates. I know he had lifted 135 for at least two sets. Could be his warmup weight, but I'd like to think I pushed him to up his # since a "girl" was doing the same weight!

    This is awesome! My DLs aren't as good as my squats. I'm squatting 115 (but will up it tonight b/c it's the last Stage 1/A workout!), but I'm only doing 95 with my DLs. Weird, I know. Most people are better with DLs.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Wow, merm, dropping 5 lbs is no joke - your IF is eerily similar to mine. Skipping breakfast has been my (new) salvation! After YEARS of being told to "eat breakfast" (which began with my last 2 pregnancies...), I am SO glad to be working more in line with my natural inclinations - which has ALWAYS been to "skip breakfast".

    Well, I am not at 155 lbs. Poop. But, I did hit 157.0 today. I am shoveling in as many potato chips, into my mouth, as I can just now!

    Photos are done. Measurements are done. Scale is done. I haven't had a single potato chip in 5 weeks and, given that there are halloween treats EVERYWHERe, I grabbed every salty/crunchy snack that existed.

    I'm in HEAVEN right now!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I know that on Sept. 23 I was 164.8 lbs....UP in weight from my January 1, 2012 start! (For me, I completely blame it on the "Eat more to weigh less" racket - which does not suit my body-type, at all....)

    Now, I am 157.0 lbs. So, that's >7lbs. down in 5 weeks? 6 weeks?

    I'll take it!

    Cut is going well. Today I celebrate. Friday is my birthday and I celebrate. Then, it's right back into "cut" land.

    I hope to get to 150 lbs by end of November. And then down to 145 lbs. by end of December. Likely these are aggressive targets. But, even if Jan/Feb/2013 roll around, as long as I'm <145 lbs by then, I'll be where I believe ALL of my muscles are showing and my body fat is in the 20% range.
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Happy Halloween folks!

    Stage 1 9A workout done today, just 3 more to go. Couldn't quite get my rhythm today and became obsessed with form so was a little frustrated not to up the weight this time around although I was tired afterwards. Must up my squat weight for the last one as I so want to lift over half my body weight!

    So the protein challenge - had a great weekend with my friends from Germany, had lots of beer so no chance to hit my targets and didn't bother tracking. Monday was a shocker both for not eating properly and not eating enough - and on a workout day! Redeemed myself yesterday and today:
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I'm wrapping up Stage 1 this week, and I've definitely gotten stronger! I'm pretty proud of myself, but I want to see more muscle definition! I thought I'd see more by now!
    Congrats! I got a little too excited about comparing pictures before and after stage 1 and was expecting to see some differences. But that's pretty unrealistic, it's just not enough time to see a major difference. I'm expecting to really SEE differences after stage 3. It was kind of funny when I put my pics from before and after stage 1 side by side and they looked exactly the same.
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    Wow Beeps, we are really similar. Are we twinsies? I weighed in at 158.8 today (at 5'8) so I'm thinking our numbers are pretty similar. What cut are you doing? I'm set to lose .88 per week. I had it set to lose 1 pound, but found that I was getting too hungry. I like that I have that higher calorie goal on the days I train.

    Like you, I'm thinking I'll be exactly where I want to be at 20% body fat. My abs are already starting to show because I hold all my fat in my hips/thighs. 145 is also my goal (and where I'd be at 20%) I was there almost 10 years ago, but I had like zero muscle, so it'll be interesting how I look this time around :)

    What's funny too, is that we had the same "woosh!" weight drop week before last, then nothing last week. Then we're dropping again.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Gee, mermegan...maybe we are pretty close twins! I'm too old, for you, but my height is just under 5'9". I'm doing a Venus-Index cut. No set lbs per week to lose. It's just done on a weekly alottment of calories. I try and keep my calories the same day-in-and-day-out because otherwise I am too prone to (bad) "binges".

    I don't even know what 20% body fat really means. I've got really skinny wrists and ankles and I'm unsure if 145 lb will be right, or whether I'll have to get to, say 140 lb.

    My abs sure as heck aren't showing! I do carry all my fat in my hips/thighs....saddlebags - ugh. I don't have a muffin-top anymore - that's good!

    I've been skinny-fat all my adult life. Last time I was at 140 was 3.5 years ago and I was skinny, for sure, but NO muscle tone, was doing 90 mins of cardio every single day, and it wasn't that great of a look, that's for sure!

    I've been stuck at 157 for 2 weeks (well, I was 157.6 2 weeks ago, 157.8 last week and today 157.0). My body LOVES being at 160 - loves, loves, LOVES being there. Wants to romance 160 all day/night long.

    So, yes, trying to get friggin' through the 150's and into the 140's is my ONLY determination for the remainder of 2012. Come hell or high-water, it's gonna happen!

    Now, you have to tell me ALL the same sorts of data that I just divulged, merme....