What workout did you do today?



  • Week 2 Day 2- Pure Cardio, definitely a lot easier then the first time I did it. This is the first time I made it through the entire warm up without having to stop and catch my breath. A personal victory for myself!
  • wendyj910
    wendyj910 Posts: 58 Member
    Week 2 Day 2- Pure Cardio, definitely a lot easier then the first time I did it. This is the first time I made it through the entire warm up without having to stop and catch my breath. A personal victory for myself!

    Yes, making it an entire warm up without stopping is a wonderful feeling!
  • stupxdgxrl
    stupxdgxrl Posts: 55 Member
    Day 2 today! Plyo. Boy was that hard!

    Things I learned... I am out of shape, I have a bad right hip and my carpet is super comfy.

    Don't hurt yourself! And how did you find out your carpet was comfy? Did you fall over? LOL

    hahaha I laid down for a bit after :)
  • stupxdgxrl
    stupxdgxrl Posts: 55 Member
    Day 4 - Cardio Recovery!

    I am not sure whether I liked this video or not. The squats definitely challenged me.

  • yesterday plyo cardio circuit, today max cardio conditioning. Nothing like insanity workouts to remind me how much gravity sucks :tongue:
  • Imaan2012
    Imaan2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Day 18 - Cardio Recovery. To be perfectly honest, I would much rather do Plyo or Pure Cardio! :)

    Oh no! I think the Tania-beast in you is coming out! lol...

    You're doing a great job. Seen the huge improvements in your fittest. Very motivating!
  • I have to agree, I don't ever do the recovery workouts anymore
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I did pure cardio again last night since my neighbor/friend didn't have a chance to do it with me last week. Yo that was bananas!

    It feels so good when you are done but man it sucks while you are doing it.
  • steveinct
    steveinct Posts: 140 Member
    I am on Day 4 - Cardio Recovery. Not looking forward to it since I know there are a lot of squats and my legs feel like Jello today.
  • Imaan2012
    Imaan2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Also done Cardio Recovery today. Cannot believe how quickly the week goes. Allmost done with the first week of round 2. YESSS!
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Cardio Recovery today. I love the stretching! feels so good!!!!! Almost done month 1, week 2!
  • Did 20 min on the elliptical this morning to try and work out the kinks. I'll be skipping the extra relief, because it made my legs into a sorry state today. Did Back To Core which is a 43ish minute workout. Tomorrow is Vertical Plyo and then Saturday is rest!Woooohooo!
  • stupxdgxrl
    stupxdgxrl Posts: 55 Member
    Did Pure Cardio today, day 5!

    Does anyone else have trouble "breathing,keeping that core tight & being coordinated" allllllll at once? I think that's my biggest issue. :angry:
  • Had a stitch in my side and decided it would not be good to do a 55 minute workout. Had to take a rest day from Insanity. Instead I went for a slow walk for an hour on the treadmill. Will probably do me some good for tomorrow.
  • Did Pure Cardio today, day 5!

    Does anyone else have trouble "breathing,keeping that core tight & being coordinated" allllllll at once? I think that's my biggest issue. :angry:

    Yep . The coordination and keeping the core tight through me.We'll get there, though !
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 390 Member
    Today was week 2 day 4 Cardio Recovery I love Thursdays my body needs a break once out of the week ! The only think I dnt like is you dnt burn as many calories
  • Imaan2012
    Imaan2012 Posts: 156 Member
    Today was Pure Cardio. Sweating like crazy. During the workout I thought I might need another 4 rounds of Insanity before I am starting to get a grip on this, lol... Like the fact that I really feel that I've actually been working out!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    I did cardio recovery last night since I wasn't planning on doing anything. The stretching feels good. I also have a hard time keeping my core in. It doesn't come natural to me. My calves are still pretty sore from Wednesday night.
  • I used to be a nice person. I did Vertical Plyo and I turned into a fire breathing, red eyed, monster :mad:
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 390 Member
    Just completed week 2 day 5 -Cardio Power and Resistance ! Those vertical jumps and vertical push-ups grrr but I'm getting better
    I dnt like the tricep dips and the other part where u have to put your legs up I feel like I'm never doing them right .... I see improvement in my globe jumps and I can finally do full push -ups just not as fast lol but ill get there can't wait to see what my fit test will be like on Monday ; )