Did you do your workout today?



  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    L2 D 3 last night. So on to D4

  • Day 1 Level 1 done. Will do day 2 when I get home. My legs are very sore. For me it wasn't that bad but I did have to stop a few time to catch my breath. I will continue walking on my lunch breaks. Hopefully this will ease some of the leg pain. Any suggestions on how to keep your chest from moving so much while doing juming jacks? As for as measurements, do you measure the largest part of your waist, arms, etc?
  • Meshay21
    Meshay21 Posts: 17 Member
    i will be doing day 3 level 1 when i get home tonight!
  • Day 5 level 1 DONE :)
  • katanasnk
    katanasnk Posts: 52 Member
    You can try doubling your sports bras for extra support (some of us busty girls need to). For measurements... the part of the waist is generally your "natural waist" that's supposed to be within an inch of your belly button (usually, your belly button is below your waist). arms-middle of the upper arm. Thighs-widest point. Hips-I use the tops of my hip bones as guides. Chest-no clue. I've heard nipple height a lot, but around the ribcage too (just under the breasts). Keep the tape parallel to the floor and snug against the skin and do your best to be consistent!
    Day 1 Level 1 done. Will do day 2 when I get home. My legs are very sore. For me it wasn't that bad but I did have to stop a few time to catch my breath. I will continue walking on my lunch breaks. Hopefully this will ease some of the leg pain. Any suggestions on how to keep your chest from moving so much while doing juming jacks? As for as measurements, do you measure the largest part of your waist, arms, etc?
  • jsprangel
    jsprangel Posts: 14 Member
    Day three of level one - not easy, but I did it and I did not stop or give up one second. My bed was so warm and I slept so soundly. I even fell back into a full deep sleep for my 10 minute snooze button - that's not like me. So, if nothing eles, this workout is helping me to sleep well:)) My eating habits are getting better too. I just need to stay motivated. The weekend is coming so I must stay strong and focused. Wish you all the best!!

    I'm going to keep it up and I hope you all do too and keep checking in - accountability and sharing ideas - what a great way to find your way to an even better you!
  • stehmari
    stehmari Posts: 110 Member
    Yes! And I'm so impressed with myself and my increasing endurance. Are yall doing 30 push ups? I'm doing the modified version and doing ~ 12. Didn't know if I should be mad about that.
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    I did level 1 today, but did a day 11 so my daughter could catch up to me and we can start level 2 at the same time. It has gotten easier and I was able to push myself harder each time. That being said, it was still a challenge. Woo Hoo!! Onto level 2.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Yes! And I'm so impressed with myself and my increasing endurance. Are yall doing 30 push ups? I'm doing the modified version and doing ~ 12. Didn't know if I should be mad about that.

    Don't be! Be very proud pretty soon you'll be able to do 30 regular push ups! Never be upset with the little accomplishments because they lead to big ones! =]
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I did level 1 today, but did a day 11 so my daughter could catch up to me and we can start level 2 at the same time. It has gotten easier and I was able to push myself harder each time. That being said, it was still a challenge. Woo Hoo!! Onto level 2.

    Wohooo that's amazing!! I bet your daughter loves working out with you! That's one thing I wish my mom did with me when I was younger!!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Just finished day3 and I pushed myself harder today then I ever had before. Feels great!

    That is amazing!!!!
    Keep it up!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Day three of level one - not easy, but I did it and I did not stop or give up one second. My bed was so warm and I slept so soundly. I even fell back into a full deep sleep for my 10 minute snooze button - that's not like me. So, if nothing eles, this workout is helping me to sleep well:)) My eating habits are getting better too. I just need to stay motivated. The weekend is coming so I must stay strong and focused. Wish you all the best!!

    I'm going to keep it up and I hope you all do too and keep checking in - accountability and sharing ideas - what a great way to find your way to an even better you!

    Great job!
    It does help you sleep I'm sure. I know it helps me I was in bed by 9 last night and up at 530. It felt amazing to be able to get up that early again!!
    Can you see an improvement? =]
  • diannehague
    diannehague Posts: 8 Member
    D5L1 done...almost skipped it, so glad I got it done! Today I was able to do two full sets of jumping jacks! I am so darn excited, oh, and all the bicycle crunches at the end!!!
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Yes I did. Level 1 complete. Results afterwards (10 consecutive days) 4.4lbs lost and 5.5" lost. Yeah me!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Yes I did. Level 1 complete. Results afterwards (10 consecutive days) 4.4lbs lost and 5.5" lost. Yeah me!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    I wish they had a dance smiley on here!! =)

    I'm so happy for you!!!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I really did NOT want to do my workout today and to be honest with Ya'll I almost didn't!! =/
    But I sucked it up and did it anyways and i'm SOOO Glad I did!!

    I'm doing alot better this time, I still have a hard time with the side lunges and arm raises ( my arms get soo tired) but this time I was able to do one whole set without putting the weights down and the 2nd set I only missed 2!! =)
    The jumping jacks and jump roping are getting easier.

    I'm only on day 3 can't wait to see my results on day 10.
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Thank you ladyJ. Believe me it gets easier. I can't believe how far I have come since day one. The one thing I always notice is that when I do the jj and jr I can't make it all the way through the jr b/c my calves are killing me. The only reason I think that is happening is b/c I do my workout in the am and I only do her warm ups. I think i need additional warm ups on my legs. I am so proud of you for sucking it up and doing it. I have had those days before and I am very thankful I did it. Keep up the good work.
  • katanasnk
    katanasnk Posts: 52 Member
    Day 12 is done! (L2D2)
  • katanasnk
    katanasnk Posts: 52 Member
    I really did NOT want to do my workout today and to be honest with Ya'll I almost didn't!! =/
    But I sucked it up and did it anyways and i'm SOOO Glad I did!!

    I'm doing alot better this time, I still have a hard time with the side lunges and arm raises ( my arms get soo tired) but this time I was able to do one whole set without putting the weights down and the 2nd set I only missed 2!! =)
    The jumping jacks and jump roping are getting easier.

    I'm only on day 3 can't wait to see my results on day 10.
    GOOD FOR YOU! Those are the tough days. I keep telling myself it's just 20 minutes... the side lunges & arm raises were the worst for me too. I had to decrease my weight for that (mine are 5 lbs each, but that's what I had at home). What I did was either use one weight (with a hand on each end) or switch hands on each lunge. It was difficult but at least I could DO it.

    I love her comment during the last jump rope--"You should be floating off the ground! Because you're STRONG! This is EASY for you!" Oddly, I think it subliminally works on me!!:happy:
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    Just finished, I didn't want to today but I pushed myself to do it and now that I'm done I'm happy I did