Did you do your workout today?



  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Thanks for the welcome. :)

    Day 9 of Level 1 done today! Just one more day of Level 1...
  • Day 1 of level 2 DONE! It was very challenging but i pushed through. When the cooldown came i said "Is that it, lol". Was expecting the worse.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Day 10 level 1 complete and day 1 level 2 complete and I'm honestly very excited for level 2. I think I'll see more progress with this level!!!
    I haven't really weighed myself this week because when I stepped on the scale I had gained 4+ lbs from the last time I weighed, and I had my TOM but normally that doesn't play a huge roll but I think a combination of that and water weight was my problem. I'm back up to drinking my 6+ glasses a day and I'm starting to see the numbers drop back down and I don't feel so crummy!!!
  • jsprangel
    jsprangel Posts: 14 Member
    Well, I did day 3 of Level 2 this morning. It kicks my butt and I think I like it! It took a lot to get me motivated to do it this morning, becuase it really pushes me, but I can actually do the exercises. That feels good! Yes, it's difficult, and I won't lie, I had to take a breather twice. Once during the push-up/plank/jumping jacks and once during the 2nd double jump rope. I got a side ache that wouldn't let up during 3rd circuit cardio. It about killed me. Poor breathing patterns. I'll have to pay closer attention to my breathing while doing cardio going forward.

    One thing I have noticed for me is that level 2 exercises have bothered my lower back. Not like it is injured, but like my back is too tight during the workout and then sore all day. So, this morning, during warm-up, I did those hip circles that she did in level 1 that she did not continue for level 2 warm-ups. It seemed to help during the workout, and I don't feel sore right now, so I hope it did the trick. I'm going to try it again tomorrow.

    I'm down 6 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks, so that is progress in the right direction. Haven't taken my measurements, but I will soon and hope to see some results there as well. I definitely feel stronger, especially in my core and my arms and I feel much tighter and my clothes aren't as uncomfortable.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day today and you are all pressing onward and upward!
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Well level 2 is now complete. I didn't lose much weight this past week, nor inches, but I will weigh in again in the morning for my original weigh in day. But I did take more pictures and I can see a differance from the first day I started 30ds until now. I haven't decided if I want to post them yet or not.
    I hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Day 10 of Level 1 done, guess I will move on to Lvl 2 tomorrow

    OK, have to share... I usually exercise in a pair of XL track pants. I love them for the treadmill but they are kind of in the way for the 30DS. I like Jillian's no-nonsense sweats so I looked for a pair at the thrift store (I am pretty broke). I found some that looked new, kind of like the style she wears. I thought I would go for the "L" instead of XL and when I tried them on... I'll be honest - they do not look great but they fit. Sweats should be loose and these are a bit clingy. I got them anyway because they are comfy and I do the 30DS behind closed doors so no one will see me. Point of the story: When I got them home I looked at the tag again and they are a MEDIUM! OK, they don't look good yet but they are wearable and I don't know when I have said that about an M. I mean, I know they are sweatpants but I am still pretty stoked and I will be wearing them for all my 30DS workouts until they look good enough to jog around the block in. :)
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Congrats to those moving u a level.

    I comleted L3 D4 right now.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Well level 2 is now complete. I didn't lose much weight this past week, nor inches, but I will weigh in again in the morning for my original weigh in day. But I did take more pictures and I can see a differance from the first day I started 30ds until now. I haven't decided if I want to post them yet or not.
    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Whoohoo thats great you finished level 2!!!
    You might not see anymore weight loss in 30ds but you will deff see some changes in your body and that is just as amazing if not more than the numbers on the scale!!!

    I hope you have an amazing day with your daughters.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Day 10 of Level 1 done, guess I will move on to Lvl 2 tomorrow

    OK, have to share... I usually exercise in a pair of XL track pants. I love them for the treadmill but they are kind of in the way for the 30DS. I like Jillian's no-nonsense sweats so I looked for a pair at the thrift store (I am pretty broke). I found some that looked new, kind of like the style she wears. I thought I would go for the "L" instead of XL and when I tried them on... I'll be honest - they do not look great but they fit. Sweats should be loose and these are a bit clingy. I got them anyway because they are comfy and I do the 30DS behind closed doors so no one will see me. Point of the story: When I got them home I looked at the tag again and they are a MEDIUM! OK, they don't look good yet but they are wearable and I don't know when I have said that about an M. I mean, I know they are sweatpants but I am still pretty stoked and I will be wearing them for all my 30DS workouts until they look good enough to jog around the block in. :)

    It is always awesome to buy clothes in a smaller size!!!!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Congrats to those moving u a level.

    I comleted L3 D4 right now.

    That is amazing!!!! your almost done!!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    It's 830 pm and I just finished day 2 of level 2 and I feel amazing!!!!
    Now to just get my workouts in this weekend and for the next 2 weeks Since my husband is off.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Completed Level 2 Day 1 today... more or less. I got a bit confused and felt she didn't give very thorough instruction for the leg lift things where she was saying, "up and over." I stopped and watched more closely and I still couldn't figure out exactly what the move was. I don't have quite enough room for the skate steps - have to rearrange some things or turn sideways. Didn't try with weights for the first workout at this level so I could learn what to do.

    Like everyone, I saw the news this morning and I was crying but I decided I needed to do the work out.
  • dschinaa
    dschinaa Posts: 20 Member
    Just finished level 2 day 5! :) And it's really getting easier. But I couldn't do the walk out push-ups cause my right elbow hurt soo bad today. Hope everyone is doing well.:)
  • katanasnk
    katanasnk Posts: 52 Member
    I'm on D26 today. I haven't missed a day yet. I have gotten stronger and I'm seeing a 6-pack forming (under layers of subcutaneous fat, but that will melt away in time). I'm so SHOCKED because I've never HAD those kinds of muscles before... seriously happy I've done this. The scale hasn't moved anywhere near as much as I would like but the results are totally visible. I won't say "shredded" because, well, that was never possible from where I started from (in 30 days), but a massive improvement.

    I still stink at anything "plyometric" but I try to do as much as I can before I have to switch to the "beginner" mods. Hang in there, guys! I see a lot of you suffering lack of motivation right about now and I'm so totally with you on that--I dread going home and doing it--but I keep telling myself it's just 20 minutes (shhh, I don't care if i'm lying to myself). Stay with it! Finish out this year strong and toast to your success on New Year's Eve!!
  • jenniekw
    jenniekw Posts: 104
    Cjascto I was saying the samething when I first did them. I think she go to the side then middle then the othe side. I agree it's hard to tell.
  • jenniekw
    jenniekw Posts: 104
    Question since doing 30 DS has it messed with your TOM, I'm 5 days late. I've been late before but not this late, I think 3 days is the most.
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Question since doing 30 DS has it messed with your TOM, I'm 5 days late. I've been late before but not this late, I think 3 days is the most.

    Have you been doing any other weight training?

    Any type of workout can mess with your cycle, esp if it's been awhile since you've started working out!
    Your body is changing so your cycle is changing as well!
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Question since doing 30 DS has it messed with your TOM, I'm 5 days late. I've been late before but not this late, I think 3 days is the most.

    Have you been doing any other weight training?

    Any type of workout can mess with your cycle, esp if it's been awhile since you've started working out!
    Your body is changing so your cycle is changing as well!

    Are you eating enough?
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Level 2, Day 2 completed!

    I had to tell my houseguest I needed to lock myself in my room for a half hour. :)

    Problems with all the plank moves - my feet keep slipping (wood floors). It's very frustrating.
  • jenniekw
    jenniekw Posts: 104
    I was using the BowFlex before I started 30DS but stpped that and just do the 30DS. Yes I am eating 1800 calories.