Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA. Crazy week at work and home. Went to the gym three times this week but my friday WO was crap I eliminated one set and still took an hour to complete. I raised weight on Wednesday and I think I over used my shoulder or something because I could barely get the bar over my head when I can usually lift 60 or more over head. My form definitely sucked probably from being so tired to start. My neck back and arm all hurt in the right hand side and I pulled a tendon in my right hand. No lifting this coming week. On the bright side I'll get to take the aerobics classes I never have time for. Don't want to get out of routine too much already. (damn my hand hurts just typing. I have to keep my pinky up like I'm drinking tea lol)

    Welcome Leanne and Teely. Beeps, I hope you're having fun in Mexico. Mary and Sue thanks for always being there.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Going to do my first workout this afternoon - eeeeek! Wish me luck!
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks Sue and CowGirl - Baby girl is all better. Thank God she can go back to school tomorrow, cuz Mommy was about to lose her mind. I have not been in the zone with my eating and exercising. This week was a wash with running. At least I got to the gym twice last week to lift. I have been so tired from doing the mom and wife thing. Just gotta remember to carve out time for myself.

    mcbellnz - Hope your workout went great. I think you're going to love it.

    Livingdeadgirl - It's intimidating at first, but give it a few more workouts and you will totally zone the meatheads out. Soon you'll be a familiar face and it'll be no big whoop. I promise!

    Sam - Ack, sorry about your hand. Bummer!
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    Boom! And workout Stage 1 A1 is done! Jeez, it was tough - got a good sweat up! (I posted my experience in the "Stage 1" thread).

    Any advice on an option for the shoulder press in workout B? I had a shoulder injury last year, and although I haven't tested it this year, trying to push any weight above my left shoulder caused great pain (I think I did it with poor kettlebell form on the clean and press). I am not sure if I will be able to push much weight....are there any different exercises I can do instead? Not sure if this is the best place to post this question, but hope someone can help.
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Kmsairam I know your pain. It is so hard to remember we are individuals as well as all the other hats we wear: wife mother worker cleaner cook driver teacher nurse....

    Anyway I am here to brag - yup victories man - they taste so much better than pasta and processed sugar.

    In one week I have lost 2 inches off my waist, 2 from my bottom, half from each calf and added an inch to my biceps!
    So Stage 4B2 this afternoon, I hope it is better than A which I hated on friday but after that success with the tape measure I am feeling really motivated. Paleo rocks!
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member

    Anyway I am here to brag - yup victories man - they taste so much better than pasta and processed sugar.

    In one week I have lost 2 inches off my waist, 2 from my bottom, half from each calf and added an inch to my biceps!
    So Stage 4B2 this afternoon, I hope it is better than A which I hated on friday but after that success with the tape measure I am feeling really motivated. Paleo rocks!

    All I can say is wow! Seriously, in one week? Can I ask if you have much excess fat to release? (I am new here, sorry). I would love to see even half that kind of progress (although it is only day one for me). Congrats!
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Today is the second B workout. I was a lot less sore after the second A workout and I am planning on upping my weights for the 3rd workout. My form is pretty good. My husband is pretty big into weight lifting so I use him as a "trainer" if I have a question about form.

    How has everyone been following some of the suggested nutrition advice? I'm always good during the week and sort of slack on the weekends. I'm hoping this doesn't bite me in the *kitten* down the line.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Sam - welcome back and sorry about your injury. Hope it heals quickly!

    Livlov - WOW! congrats on the inches lost! That's amazing

    Teely and mcbell - welcome!!

    LB - I always do great during the week and slack on the weekends. I don't watch what I eat nearly as much as I should, but I still try to keep it within my calorie range. You can totally sabotage yourself in those 2 days, so try to not let it get away from you.

    Sue - I didn't care for stages 2&4 either, but I'm sure you'll see improvement when you get to stage 4.

    Kathy - I hope you find time for yourself this week.

    I am finally feeling better, but was up late with a kiddo so was too tired to get up this morning. Will do some intervals and yoga over lunch, then get back into my routine starting tomorrow. I've come the realization that if I'm not following the plan that I have set out for myself, then I will forego all exercie because of it. I've decided that the most important thing is that I'm moving and lifting. So, while I have specific goals for myself this year, I really just need to keep moving and lifting no matter if I'm following a program or not and stop getting in my own way.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I FINALLY started stage 3 today! woohoo! I did manage to hit myself in the face with the cable while doing the reverse woodchop, but that is ok! Generally I liked it! As for the BWM: I can't do the jump squats and jump lunges because of shin splints, so i just do the regular ones twice!

    Question for the group: I want to start a cut cycle Feb. 1. How much do you all cut your calories by and for how long?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Kmsairam I know your pain. It is so hard to remember we are individuals as well as all the other hats we wear: wife mother worker cleaner cook driver teacher nurse....

    Anyway I am here to brag - yup victories man - they taste so much better than pasta and processed sugar.

    In one week I have lost 2 inches off my waist, 2 from my bottom, half from each calf and added an inch to my biceps!
    So Stage 4B2 this afternoon, I hope it is better than A which I hated on friday but after that success with the tape measure I am feeling really motivated. Paleo rocks!
    woo hoo you go girl!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Morning everyone!

    I FINALLY started stage 3 today! woohoo! I did manage to hit myself in the face with the cable while doing the reverse woodchop, but that is ok! Generally I liked it! As for the BWM: I can't do the jump squats and jump lunges because of shin splints, so i just do the regular ones twice!

    Question for the group: I want to start a cut cycle Feb. 1. How much do you all cut your calories by and for how long?
    I have no experience with this, but I'd look on line for body building cut cycles. I know it involves changing your rations, not necessarily too many calories, but don't quote me on that.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Livlivora, that's awesome! Those are the things that keep ya going. Congrats!

    LB, I second what Jennie said. I went through a spell of about a month where I thought I *should* have been losing weight, but wasn't. Turns out my slacking on the weekends was undoing everything that I was working so hard to accomplish during the week. You're probably not going as crazy as I was, but just something to keep in mind if you find you're not getting the results you want.

    Jennie, I hope you got some type of workout in. I came to the same realization in December. I was having trouble getting to the gym to lift, but was sabotaging myself by not doing ANYTHING. Hope you can get back into a routine.

    Emgel, glad you liked Stage 3. That BWM is no joke- I am sure you'll still feel it even just doing regular squats and lunges. I am trying to lose fat doing NROL4W and so far the sweet spot for me seems to be 300-500 cal deficit. But your goals may be totally different than mine (lose weight while maintaining muscle mass).

    Hoping to lift tomorrow, but not holding my breath. I got plenty of exercise today doing housework, farm work, etc., but I miss lifting when I don't get to do it 3 time/week.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Did my B2 workout of Stage 1 yesterday. Last time the lunges killed me and I was super sore for a couple days afterwards. The lunges sucked while doing them but I am barely sore today! I'm sure I will be on the next couple of workouts since I will be slowly increasing the weight. Also, small victory is that a pair of pants that I was having issues buttoning finally buttoned easily today!
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Hi everyone, I am relatively new at this.

    I just finished stage 1 B3 last night and so far am really liking the program. I work out at home, with dumbbells, barbell, bench, step and swiss ball. But as I don't have a squat rack I have had to transition to just doing dumbbell squats. I found I couldn't get more than 30 lbs on the barbell on my shoulders without assistance (my barbell is weird/non-olympic and only 10 lbs just to clarify), but at my last time of doing squats had 25 lbs on each dumbbell so figured it was worth it to add the weight rather than trying to keep doing barbell squats (for now).

    It almost feels like not enough, I am hoping that changes once I get a little further in and am doing 3 sets. 2 just doesn't feel like enough. I was pretty sore the first day after each new workout but now haven't been very sore next day. And yet, I'm doing the most weight I can on each of the exercises. I guess to my brain that is used to doing endless low-weight reps it just doesn't like a lot. Especially the better I understand each workout, the less time it takes me to go through it all. I may decide to repeat a couple weeks at the end of stage 1 just so I can feel confident I've made the most of stage 1. It probably didn't help the first couple workouts my weights were way too light, but now I feel I've got the hang of it.

    In addition to NROLW, I am also running (though I'm a very slow runner). Usually between 3 and 5 days a week depending. I've made sure to keep all of my runs "easy" since starting though as sometimes run days fall on lift days. I know that's not recommended, but I'd rather keep running as it's something I enjoy (most of the time).

    Anyways, nice to meet you all I'll be checking in again later to chat with everyone. If anyone wants to add me as a friend feel free, I don't think I have any NROLW friends yet! Nice to meet you all!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Question for the group: I want to start a cut cycle Feb. 1. How much do you all cut your calories by and for how long?

    I'm interested in this number too. Based on the book, I don't have much room to cut cals on non workout dats. I could potentially cut 150-200 off my workout days and certainly could cut that on strenuous workout days. Cowgirl, do you cut on all days? My nonworkout days are at 1500, not sure I want to cut any cals there at all.

    My trainer is prepping for a competition and is cutting. He does his with his metrics. One day only protein, the next only carbs, the third high protein/low carb. He had a whole plan which he says is designed to shock your body into losing weight. Not sure how many cals he cuts, if any. I think I'll talk to him about a food plan for me. And, congrats on starting Stage 3. I think I liked that Stage best of all so far, though I still don't lift as heavy as I did doing back squats and regular deadlifts.

    Jennie, I'm so glad you are feeling better!!

    Liv, those are some seriously impressive losses!! I'm very envious!

    I haven't started Stage 4, instead, I'm working on "problem" areas to prep me for Stage 4. I did walking lunges with a 25# BB on my shoulders, inverted squats @ 100#, overhead presses on the bosu ball (OMG my balance so sux!!) and chest presses on the machine. My shoulder is so weak! I broke my collarbone several years ago (am I repeating myself?), it healed with about 1/4" of the bone overlapping itself, and now I snap crackle and pop every time I press! I think it was never rehabbed completely, so I'm doing it now. I have a real difficult time pressing evenly, left is always lagged.

    I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning to see what workout the guy has planned for me! It's as much fun as NROL4W!

    LB, those little victories mean so much, right? After the walking lunges Monday morning, my butt and quads are pretty sore, but nowhere near what they were the first few times I did them in Stage 1

    Blue, I did that for a while too, but I kept perstering my husband to move our bench out from the wall so I had access to the squat rack. It made a huge difference! Check online. The little racks trees are not too expensive. I dont' know if you have anyone at home spotting you, but I didn't have any problems walking the weighting in and out of the rack. ..and welcome!!
  • Vicki_78
    Vicki_78 Posts: 81 Member
    hi... i'm new here :) lol
    anyways... been off & on with my workouts for a while now and ready to get back to it seriously. Gonna start with just some cardio while i really try to learn NROL... so of course any suggestions are welcome... i want to lose weight but mostly tone, i have always been either "thick" or "skinny fat" and i really want to have tone and definition and worry so much about the number on the scale. I plan to take measurements & pics before i start and go from there.
    and... anyone wanna be my friend? :) i need some motiviation at times :)
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Hi Vicki welcome and feel free to add me!

    Psyching myself up for 4A2 this afternoon. I hate the FSPP SOOOOO much. And 3 sets is just a killer. But I think I will go back to splitting it up and just admit my wrists don't work like that and do a squat and a press separately.
  • Livingdeadgirl44
    Livingdeadgirl44 Posts: 264 Member
    Yesterdays workout, Stage 1 workout 6. Really wasn't feeling myself yesterday, couldn't lift as much as I did the previous workout, especually the shoulder press which I had to go down 2kg on. It was TOM so maybe that hindered me a bit. Does anyone else find there a bit weaker during TOM?
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Livingdead, I do notice that TOM has an effect on what I do at the gym. I'm generally more tired and get worn out a lot quicker and easier than on a regular day. Don't fret just keep on pushing :)

    Today is 1A3 for me. Time to bump up the weight a bit. I'm nervous but I think it will be good. I've always been sort of muscle-y in the arm area (thanks for years of gymnastics as a child and being athletic through college) but last night my husband saw me on the spin bike and told me afterwards how great my arms are looking. I like where they are at now so I'm hoping I will be able to just create more definition vs. mass but I don't think you can really get one without the other.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, what typically ends up happening for me is that I eat at a 600 cal cut on the weekdays and eat around maintenance on the weekends and it evens out to a 400 cut. But you have to remember that most of my non-workout days are still very active days so I am still able to eat quite a bit.
    Vicki, welcome!
    Livingdead, TOM definitely makes me tire easily. I know I've read that the small amount of blood loss and fluid loss can play a role. Hope your next workout is better!
    LB2LL, I wouldn't worry too much about your arms gaining mass if you are eating at a deficit. Generally in order to increase muscle size, you have to be eating at a surplus or maintenance. You will get definition by losing body fat. Sometimes you may not lose any weight and it will seem that your muscles are growing, but it is *usually* the muscles retaining water and your body is burning fat showing more definition.