Bulletproof Coffee

Anybody ever done this before? It's my first morning and so far, so good.

Bulletproof coffee

12 oz very high quality organic coffee ... make sure the beans are mold free
2 tbsp grass fed, unsalted butter
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa

It's about 340 calories .... supposed to last me until lunch time without needing to snack and significantly improve energy and alertness levels. I worked out this morning at 6 AM (30 minutes cardio), had a bulletproof coffee at 7 AM. It's now 8:45 AM and I'm comfortable, good energy levels, alert, etc.

From a flavor perspective, it wasn't bad at all. Was like an unsweetened mocha, basically. I think I'm going to find a darker roast coffee.

The original source is The Bulletproof Executive



  • EricCowperthwaite
    Update to this. I'll post other updates as I go along if folks are interested. In the meantime ....

    I had the coffee at 7:00 AM and didn't begin to feel hungry at all until 12:00 AM. For lunch I had 6 oz of beef, 1 cup green beans, 1 cup beef stock and 20 oz water and once again I feel great. Energy levels are solid, I'm alert and I'm working hard. I do not feel nearly as uncomfortably full as I do eating eggs, protein and spinach for breakfast. I have eaten essentially the same amount of calories as I normally would. My macro intake for the day is 81/22/7 .... by dinner I expect that to end up at about 70/30/10.

    My current plan is to have the bulletproof coffee each day that I workout in the morning. On days where I'm not working out, I will have a normal breakfast (only normal to us low carb types).
  • EricCowperthwaite
    So, thought I would update ....

    After three days of drinking bulletproof coffee for breakfast, I have a few interesting discoveries.

    The first is that I am still full of energy all morning, full up after drinking it and very alert and happy.

    The second is that I appear to have got my weight loss back on track. We'll see how that goes, but here's the deal. For quite a while now I would gain 2.5 - 3.0 lbs throughout the course of the day, and then lose 3.0 - 3.5 lbs from dinner to the next morning. This was resulting in plateaus followed by a sudden drop over a couple days of perhaps 1.5 lbs, followed by another 5-7 day plateau.

    So, on day 1 of bulletproof coffee I noticed that I had only gained 1.5 lbs throughout the day. No weight change yesterday AM. Then, yesterday PM ... no weight gain at all during the day, although I ate a normal lunch and snack. And this morning, lo and behold, I've lost a full pound. Now, it's too early to tell, of course, going to have to keep it up and see what the trend is. But it seems to me this is an indicator that I've got fat burning during the whole day going again. If so, that's awesome.

    Third interesting thing ... I still am enjoying the coffee for breakfast, butter and coconut oil and all!
  • MarissaCB39
    MarissaCB39 Posts: 115 Member
    This sounds interesting...might need to try.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    That's what I said a couple of weeks ago when I first heard about it.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Could you put sweetener in it? Like Splenda or Stevia?
  • EricCowperthwaite
    That's exactly what my wife asked .... according to the bulletproof exec guy's diet guidelines (quite paleo/primal) .... xylitol, stevia, maltitol and dextrose are all perfectly acceptable sweeteners. I would think you could sweeten it. I don't find I need a sweetener, but I have essentially no sweet tooth ;-)
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I have this almost everyday minus the cocoa.. I just use coffee, heavy cream and coconut oil.. its a fantastic energy source and I sometimes forget to eat since it keeps hunger at bay..
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    I'm also guessing decaf would not have the same effect! I have heart issues that prevent me from having caffiene. I drink decaf all day.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    caffeine is only a piece of it, though. taking your body from a fasting state, where it is burning fat, to a non-fasted state with nothing but fat (basically) means you stay in that place where you are burning nothing but fat. I think that's a big part of what works here.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Great! I'll give it a try then!! THANKS.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    Day four update

    Yesterday evening I got home and actually weighed 1/2 lb less than when I did my morning weigh-in. Yes, I weigh twice a day right now. I was having trouble losing weight and trying to discover what was going on with that included weighing twice a day to understand what was happening over the course of every 24 hours.

    This morning I got up, did my normal Friday morning cardio (stretching, 2.5 mile run, 3 minute cool down), had my fruit/carb load (a grapefruit) post workout and then did my weigh in. This is my absolutely normal morning, so nothing there to explain the changes. I also have not changed my daytime eating at all ... lunch and dinner are same macro-nutrient balance and calorie load as normal.

    The one thing that has changed is my breakfast is now bulletproof coffee.

    ANd my weigh-in this morning was a 3 lb loss. So yesterday's weigh-in was a 1 lb loss, today was a 3 lb loss ... I'm down 4 lbs in two days. And my calories, macros, cardio are not dramatically changing in some fashion. My conclusion is that I've dramatically changed my fat burning. I don't know how well it will work for anyone else, but it is working great for me.

  • BlessedWith3
    I am very intrigued. Is the drink enjoyable/palatable? Do you drink any coffee after that? I love coffee, the taste. I can drink regular or decaf, makes no difference to me, I just love the taste. I would want a cup afterwards and wonder if that thwarts the efforts.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    I find it enjoyable. I do have a second cup of just "normal" coffee about 8:30 at work. Doesn't seem to be an issue.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    sounds like this is your ticket!

    I enjoy bulletproof coffe, I call it "Supergirl coffee" I make mine with decaf though :wink: , heavy cream and coconut oil....and yes I need a little sweetener......being a girl....'cause we are sweet!

    Thanks for posting your process with this. bullet proof coffee is a terrific energy source (even decaf!)

  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    And you don't eat breakfast? In afraid I'll get hungry at work and eat something bad. I guess I could bring a low carb snack...just in case. Sorry, just a little skeptical. As far as taste-it sounds great! Like a Mounds bar! Do you put the cocoa in the basket of the coffee maker or straight in the coffee? And if in the coffee, does it mix okay? I'm working on trying it.
  • Clownfish423
    Clownfish423 Posts: 108 Member
    The first thing I have every morning (after a tall glass of water) is coffee with coconut oil and organic half & half. Never thought about putting butter in my coffee, but I do have some of the Kerrygold on hand. I wonder if using 2 TBSP of the coconut oil would do the same thing? I'm curious now and may have to try the butter!
  • charovnitza
    Bump. Will try this, thanks.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I love my coffee, but haven't thought of putting butter in it. I'll have to give this a try.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    And you don't eat breakfast? In afraid I'll get hungry at work and eat something bad. I guess I could bring a low carb snack...just in case. Sorry, just a little skeptical. As far as taste-it sounds great! Like a Mounds bar! Do you put the cocoa in the basket of the coffee maker or straight in the coffee? And if in the coffee, does it mix okay? I'm working on trying it.

    I don't eat breakfast. Or, rather, my breakfast is the bulletproof coffee. That cup of coffee is about 350 calories, almost all saturated fat. My normal eggs and spinach and beef breakfast was about 380 calories and about a 55/35/10 balance on fat, protein and carb.

    I was skeptical too, so I took olives and pistachios with me "just in case" ... Never needed 'em. If you need a bit more calories, add a little more butter or coconut oil.
  • shaymonieq
    shaymonieq Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you for this I have done it for the last two days and love it!