2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Just finished writing a nice long post and somehow deleted it!!! Hate when that happens!

    Amy- we just finished SOA season 2 last night....and holy cliff hanger!!! Thankfullyy I don't have to wait a whole season to see what happens next!

    Jen- that is soooo exciting!!!

    Beeps- I hear ya on the struggling! I switched up my workouts quite a bit in the last month, since I joined that gym so I am hoping that is what is throwing the scale out of whack!

    I did a TRX suspension class last night which was pretty neat, it was my first time. And then I did the mat Pilates class. I am thinking next Monday I will do cycling instead of Pilates though. It all seemed like a bit much last night.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    That's so cool, Jen, I bet that is good motivation-being on a dvd! You have to let us know where to buy!
    Beeps, that is strange about the height thing, but honestly, if you were 5'9" and you've become compacted, is your TDEE really different?!
    I can see how frustrating that would be. I KNOW in about 1997 I went to Dr and they measured me and said I was 65 inches and was in the paper gown, doing the math, and figured out I was 5'5" and went with it, but then I have never been 5'5" again, always 5'4" now.

    Yesterday was good. I almost talked myself out of working out but I was like, no, there is nothing you have to do, go workout til 6pm! and I did... I felt better afterwards too. dinner was very reasonable and I did have a little Bailey's in milk reward and I logged it.

    Today I have to do a little shuttling for my dad. He needs to get a scan, so even if everything goes well, I won't be home until 7pm, so I am not sure what I will be able to do for a workout but maybe I can get on the treadmill for Day 2 workout.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    chloe, we finished season 4 last night and now season 5 isn't on Netflix! do I buy it?! I think it's out...

    I want to try TRX too, did you think it was a good workout?

    I don't know what to try after vacation, and I am not sure how to choose...
    Or, I could try this:
  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member
    Following my running schedule diligently.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I'd love to respond to each of you, but I have been out of the loop since Thursday and so much has happened!! :smile: Here's a tip for you all though. If you write a long post, before hitting "Post Reply" do a select all and copy (control C) and then if it dissapears, you can paste (control v) and viola! There is you post. I learned this after losing several long posts and many minutes of writing.

    So I have been doing relatively well. My drinking has been in check. I have been drinking more days maybe, but less amount which is my goal for February. Maybe next month I'll go for less days too....

    I've been keeping on track with my running schedule. I knocked out my long run (5 miles) yesterday for the week, 25 pound stroller, 22 pound baby and all. The weather was nicish here and I was off (sick kid recovering = no day care) so I figured I'd take advantage. Saturday is supposed to snow. I like running in the sunshine more than running in the snow. My race went well Saturday. I was a little slow, but that's fine. I got to run with friends and work on some hills. And even saw a guy taking a poop in the woods during the race! Really dude? It's a 4 mile race. Walk it off! Or at least hike a little further into the woods to do your business.

    I did not do any food prep on Sunday. I painted instead. So last night I rallied (after 3 glasses of wine) and cooked chicken and greens at 9:30. Yay me. So I plan on eating healthy lunches (protein and veggies) for lunch through Friday. I'll be cooking in every night. I will probably even make V-Day dinner in. I've got a 3-4 mile run to get done tomorrow. I may do it at lunch if it's not snowing and/or raining. I may try some calesthenics tonight if I beat my family home, which is doubtful as Eric has a dr. appointment that should put them home early. I hope to see a better number on the scale on Thursday. I took a peek and was down 1.5 Friday, but I am feeling a bit pufffy and TOM is on the way so we'll see. This weekend we probably will go out to dinner at least once, but I'll keep the workout momentum going and hopefully make good food choices!

    I hope you all have a great week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    We are eating in for v-day dinner, too, Ashley. I have these itty bitty bacon-wrapped filets (110 cals each) and a crab-cake (170 cals each) serving with salad and either sweet potato or rice. So, should be able to have wine and cookies, then we go to a concert, where I will probably have a couple of beers. that's funny about the race, I have heard that running has that effect on some people, and I know friends who will take an immodium before, like, a half-marathon! 4 miles, though, really, I kinda feel for him, when you gotta go...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Just decided officially I am giving up sweets for lent.....so No cookies, cakes, ice cream, chocolate, etc for 40 days. The only thing I will allow is a little honey with my fruit and yogurt (which tends to be my dessert). This could be a very good thing. It will get me through V-Day, a few birthdays and a baby shower with no sweets. I need to tell my husband to make sure he doesn't by me candy for Valentines day.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I usually don't give things up for Lent because I never pick anything that I really can't live without, but I feel like I should give something up this year. I heard someone say french fries and I thought that could be good, but honestly I have fries like once a month. Maybe all fried food. I don't eat a ton of that either though. I'll have to think about that. Call me a bad churchgoer, but when does Lent officially begin?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    We are eating in for v-day dinner, too, Ashley. I have these itty bitty bacon-wrapped filets (110 cals each) and a crab-cake (170 cals each) serving with salad and either sweet potato or rice. So, should be able to have wine and cookies, then we go to a concert, where I will probably have a couple of beers. that's funny about the race, I have heard that running has that effect on some people, and I know friends who will take an immodium before, like, a half-marathon! 4 miles, though, really, I kinda feel for him, when you gotta go...

    Yum! Yeah, I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go... Poor dude.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Better - Lent begins tomorrow which is Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. I have given up various things over the years for Lent. The year I gave up sweets I actually lost some weight (although that wasn't my goal at the time) even though I think I ate more than usual to make up for it. I have given up coffee - not fun - and alcohol - that was the hardest, but I have also done non-food things too. One year I gave up Netlfx and this year I am going to give up Faceboook. I rarely post, but I find myself constantly wasting time reading everyone else's. I'm like a Facebook stalker!

    Anyways, I keep forgetting to log, but I am keeping up with the workouts and trying to contraol my eating habits as much as possible. I just seem to be hungry all the time.

    Beeps - that is a bummer about your height. I am actually 5' 8.5" but I like to pretend I am 5' 9" - that's what I tell everyone anyways. My husband is the same height as me, but he used to be an inch taller in high school, but he collapsed a vertebrae in his back in a basketball accident - yuck!

    Jen - really exciting about the fitness DVD!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Well, good luck to all you Lent-giver-uppers....I'm totally against the "giving up" thing (yep, I was raised staunch Roman Catholic) and am trying to teach my kids to "add" things into their lives, instead. Do something nice for someone else. Do a chore that someone else usually does. Whatever - it's the OPPOSITE of Lent - it's TNEL, lol!

    Abigail - I have always told people "I'm just under 5'9"....and, I used 5'8.5" to figure out my BMR, RMR, TDEE, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I took the time, yesterday, to figure all of it out at 5'8". It will now take me until mid-April, or maybe even BEGINNING OF MAY, to see my full fat loss. Frankly, if I had known that in late September, I'd have probably never even TRIED this. But, now that I'm kind of over the half-way mark, I'm going to see it through and, with luck and effort, I'll have my Venus body this spring!

    PS - maybe that dude was just squatting to pee....maybe it wasn't anything else?? I don't know. In any event, it makes "racing" even LESS attractive to me (and, for me, it wasn't very attractive to begin with)!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps- I am with you on adding things to your life rather than giving up, I am doing the no sweet thing more so for me....I am also going to make sure I say something nice or compliment someone everyday. I would like that to be a lifelong thing also, not just lent.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Thanks ladies!! Right now we are just going to do a sample DVD and see how the retailers respond to it...fingers crossed!

    Sounds like some of those things given up for lent can really help with the fitness/health goals. I'm with Beeps and Chloe on the adding instead of giving up. I REALLY need to add running into my regime 1. for something different and 2. because I am signed up for two 5ks,one in May called the Dashing Divas and Warrior Dash in June.

    Ok, I have parent teacher conferences for 4 straight hours, gotta go!

    You all are doing great!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I'm giving up road rage for Lent. I tend to drive pretty agressively (usually because I'm running late). I figured that's not like taking something away from me, but making me more calm and safer, so all around good, right? I'd also like to do some sort of kind act everyday whether it's giving a compliment, unloading the dishwasher at work (I helped this morning put away silverware...score!), picking up trash, or doing something nice for my husband.

    No workout for me last night. I'm planning a 3 mile run after work. I brought running clothes to work, but it looks like it's going to be much nicer after work: sunny and 40's instead of snowy/rainy and 30's.

    I peeked at the scale (clothed) this morning and it was 0.5 higher than last week. I felt all puffy. Maybe from the red wine I drank last night. No wine tonight and I hope to see a loss on the scale tomorrow.

    I'm determined to log everything over the weekend. I know I tend to sabotage on weekends, but I don't think I realize the extent sometimes. I know this past weekend had it's defininte downs: dinner out one night and my friends and I made these ridiculous brownies that had 2 sticks of butter. Three of us (my husband had maybe 1.5 brownies) ate the whole pan over the course of the weekend. I'm about 100% sure the 5 miles we ran didn't touch that calorie intake......
  • PleasantOH
    My 2 week challenge will be to ween myself off of anything containing surgar. Started two days ago and the head pain was awful. I'm assuming it's sugar withdrawl.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    jen - keep us updated as to the progress of your DVD.....I'm totally impressed with this endeavour! How AWESOME!

    Better - logging on the weekends is the ONLY thing that keeps me even one iota "honest".

    Today I am doing my first "B" work-out in Stage 1 of NROL4Life. I'm excited! And, it's weigh-in day....although, if my weigh-in isn't too great, I still have Friday to recoup. But, that also means I have to eat very little today, in preparation for my Valentine's Day dinner out with hubby tonight. Will choose the protein and veggie options and stay away from the starch.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    That is cool, Jen, good luck!

    I managed to stay under cals yesterday, but no workouts in my future. I am just stressed about everything I have to do before we leave on vacation.

    Cals will be hard to manage today, luncheon at Olive Garden for a departing co-worker! Making tacos tonight for my friends. We started watching the show "Girls". It is pretty good. Different from, say, Sex and the City. the characters are much younger than me, very different life, but I admire Leana Dunham, who stars in it, writes and directs. That's pretty talented...
  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Maybe I'll give up the scale for Lent. I spend a lot of energy focusing on it that could be put to a positive use elsewhere. Hmmm. As it is I'm not supposed to get on it again for another two weeks, so I have a minute to decide if I'll commit to it, even though Lent starts today, ha! I've always tried to be more focused on something positive for Lent too, as opposed to giving up sweets or whatever. In the past I've given up gossip, saying negative things, being jealous of others, for example.

    Chloe - I want to try TRX, it looks like a killer workout!

    Better - I always log on the weekends, it definitely keeps me focused!

    Jen - congrats on the DVD, I hope it all goes well!

    Beeps - Enjoy your Valentine's dinner :)

    Amy - Hubs and I watch Girls every week. It's so weird and funny! One second we're cringing at the awkwardness, then something so random and funny happens. Mmm, tacos. I haven't made those a for a while...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I like "Girls", too, Amy....that head actress was at the Grammy's sitting in the same row with fun. Is she dating one of them? She's AWESOME!

    ShmoozyQ - the scale is NOT my friend, right now, either. It's showing me up 0.4 lbs from last week...and that is AFTER my "mini-fast" from yesterday. Harumph.

    But, because of the various contests/challenges I'm in, giving up the scale isn't allowed, just now. So, that means I have to be 100% accurate with my calories. Fine. I can do that. I think I might be at another "plateau"....because, really, I've only lost 2.4 lbs since january 1st....which isn't anything to write home about.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I thought "Girls" would be a show I would like too. I might have to check that out.

    Beeps- what is your cal goal if you don't mind me asking?

    SchmoozyQ- ugggh that stupid scale! I should give that up too!

    Amy- Yumm on Olive Garden! I have been craving pasta lately, I might have to give in soon.

    I had a good day yesterday, got in my run and stuck with my cals. Tonight I have Yoga and that Barre Ride class again. I am still sore from Mondays TRX and Pilates though, so hopefully the yoga will do me some good. Tomorrow I have a delicious meal of filet and scallops with mushrooms and a salad planned. No dessert bc I gave it up for lent. And I budgeted for some champagne and wine. I am going to skip my morning smoothie to make it all fit in my cals. I will also get a run in tomorrow when I get home before we start cooking.