Introduce yourself - again



  • Hello evryone,

    My name is Keyshia and Im new to the group. I am a mother of 2 beautiful boys (20months and 4 months). I have just started back using mfp and I am determined. I started this journey (again) 11 days ago starting at 325 now at 314. (highest weight 327. I would like to lose bout 75/100 pounds and I would be great. have never been thin girl so anything iin oneder land is not for me. I look forward to getting to know everyone
  • Becoming_Palm
    Becoming_Palm Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Tamar. I am 5'1. Never been married and no kids. Like the rest of you, I have a lot to lose. I told myself that this year would be the year for me. So, with that being said, please feel free to add to me!!! We all need supportive people in our corner.

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    My name is Veronica. I just turned 36. I joined MFP last April and then decided to create a new profile.

    I started at 357, dropped a bit over the spring, dropped a lot over the summer, and then hit a plateau around Thanksgiving. I expected it, since I tend to plateau every time I drop 40 pounds. Thankfully, the weight is coming off again.

    My next mini-goal is to get to 309 (BMI under 50) and then 307 (50 pounds lost). Then, I cannot WAIT to get to 299. :) I haven't seen the 200s since 2008.
  • TooBIGdotNet
    TooBIGdotNet Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone soon to be 34 year old father 7 husband here in Michigan. I have tried everything you can imagine to lose weight with the exception of surgery as it's just not for me mentally but I don't knock it at all for anything that has had it done.

    About a year ago I tried out and made it as a semi finalist on EMWLE with trainer Chris Powell about a month or two before filming I was told I wasn't picked for the show.

    This made me realize that even if I was on the show the work and effort was still going to have to come from me more so from within me. I have a 2 year old daughter that keeps me dedicated now to this journey.

    I blog about my weight loss on my site and my EMWLE story if anyone is interested can be found on my site at the links just below the banner with the scale.

    My heaviest weight was 523 in Feb 12 when I auditioned for EMWLE I was 505 today I'm almost a year later I'm about 70lbs down and still going.

    Thank you all for crating a group with people who i know get me and can relate to each others struggles. I welcome anyone that would like to become a friend.

    Thanks Jess
  • MadameMC
    MadameMC Posts: 63 Member
    Hi all, my name is Melissa and I'm from Washington (the state, not DC). I joined this site about a week ago, which I found by accident when I was looking for a program to track my food calories and carbs in. I was thrilled to find such a great site with such an extensive database. It makes this tracking thing SO much easier. Now I'm venturing out into the groups. I tend to be more of a lurker than a poster.

    My boyfriend and I started a massive change in our eating lifestyle on January 1st, and so far we're doing pretty good with it. We allowed ourselves to splurge for a special occasion a couple days ago, just that one meal, and amusingly enough we still wound up making healthier food choices than we used to.

    He doesn't have a whole lot to lose, but I am currently at 362.8. I'd like to be at 150 someday, but I think I'd be happy even at 225. I just want to be able to get around better and fit back into my old clothes again. And I'd like for someone to hire me... because I've been unemployed for a year, and I think my weight is one reason people aren't hiring me. :-\
  • dfelteau
    dfelteau Posts: 9 Member
    Hey all, my name is Doug from Atlanta GA. I've started using Fitbit to track my sleep and as a pedometer and have the wireless scale which is great for accountability because it automatically sends out my weight to the and MFP sites! Also started tracking food late last year and have been working on moving more and eating less.

    I've always been heavy but am ready for a change since I just turned 40!

    Feel free to friend me to keep me going!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Hello! Name's Tiana. Started my journey at 310lbs while I was 8 months pregnant with my baby boy. Had a gallbladder attack that put me in the hospital. Was told I had to go on a low-fat diet of <20g of fat a day until I could get it taken out... That was November 25th, 2012. A week ago, I got my gallbladder taken out, but I'm still at it. I've already lost 41lbs as of today!
  • Hi There! (: My Name is Britt! I'm a 19 year old Junior in college! I've been overweight pretty much my whole life. Now that I'm in college It's really starting to effect a lot of different aspects in my life for instance the biggest one is my self confidence. I love going out and having fun but not being able to shop in the same store as your best friends sucks! So I've finally dedicated myself to becoming a healthier me. I've lost 12 pounds so far and I'm 7 pounds from my first crossover! I'm really excited about that. I joined myfitnesspal for emotional support and to track my food. I also used to play softball and with me gaining weight that slowly went out the window and I really want to get back in there because its one of my passions along with singing. Being overweight effects everything! I can't singing as well as I'm able to because the weight effects my breath flow. I'm a bit shy but I'm looking forward to talking to you guys! I love making new friends! Looking forward to this long yet rewarding journey ahead of me! 146 pounds to go! It's a lot but I can do it! Well I guess that's enough for now (: hope to talk to some of you soon! :D

    Love britt!

    The cutie looking for her figure!

    Height: 5'6
    SW: 318
    CW: 306
    First Goal: 298 (20 pounds)
    GW: 155-160
    Overall: 163 Pounds

    I'm Ready! :D

    Definitely looking for optimistic, uplifting fun people to talk too!
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    Hey Everyone! My name's Jeremiah...I am a married 35 y/o with a 15 y/o son. I hit my highest weight about 2 years ago at 340. Started hitting the gym off and on but just was maintaining, not losing. I joined MFP 21 days ago, the same day I became a non-smoker. Started at 317 and am down 13 pounds so far...My family history is high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes and joint(read knee) issues requiring surgery prior to age 55. I work an 84 hour work week with rotating day to night and back shifts. Strength training 4 days a week with 5-6 days of cardio. My goal by the time I am 37 is to perform the Marine Corp PFT at the same level I did as a corpsman in 1996: 18minute 3-mile run, 20 pull-ups and 75 situps. I had to stop my cholesterol medication recently because my liver enzymes started elevating and will not succumb to heart disease as my grandfather did, he had a heart attack at age 50. It is a long ways off I know but I figure if I get into and maintain the healthy lifestyle now I'll be better off in the long run. Please friend/message/follow me if you wish. Looking forward to the journey.
  • sharae216
    sharae216 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm Sharae in Atlanta, GA. Been on this site a year this month! Highest weight was about 315 in 2011. Started out last January really strong with workouts and adjusting my eating habits, it was good about 4.5 months then summer came did a lot of traveling for work and things started going downhill with the adjustments I'd been making. My 5days a week at the gym became maybe 5-10 times a month. Can't say I continued to lose but thankfully didn't go back over 300. So started back at it full time this month because I could tell the difference when I was working out and eating better had on my body, normal aches and joint pain didn't exist and I didn't want that feel to come back. About a week ago I went to doctor for annual physical and he said that all numbers were great, cholesterol, sugar etc, and blood pressure. But I've been on Blood pressure pills so thats helping that stay maintained. But he said that we could take you off of it if you get some more of this weight off, so he challenged to lose 40lbs by July. Today I'm at 285 and can't wait to continue to watch the scale go down! I turned 35 in November and I said that the longer I stay at this weight and get older that those numbers could one day not be good so I've been very focused to achieve my goals. The support of my friends, family and coworkers is amazing! They keep me motivated and insprired to continue! Everyday is a challenge and I face that challenge head on! I don't let one bad meal determine the remainder of the day or week! I keep pressing!

    Good luck to all!
  • SHawkins320
    SHawkins320 Posts: 1 Member
    my name is shannon hawkins i lost 14 lbs since i joined this group please help thank u i weighed 313.2 and i live in fairdealing mo is there anyone who live close to me
  • Kasper2010
    Kasper2010 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everybody!!!! I am Jennifer! My start weight was 320 (Highest weight) and I am on track to see the first number to be a "1"! I am in my 2nd week of healthy eating and exercise. I cannot wait to talk with all of you and it helps knowing we all are going through the same struggles right now!!!! Add my to your fitness pal, we all need the best encouragement we can get!
  • sapulliam
    sapulliam Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, Sarah in Dallas/Mesquite, TX! I started out a lot smaller than I am today, so I am starting at 300 and seeking community and accountability. I am the mother of three (natural) and three (spouse's) children...that is right....6! My husband and I were married almost 5 years ago, and since our wedding, I have been packing on the pounds. Our lives are busy with kids and work. I have a sedentary job, and have some health challenges (none of which are benefited by the extra weight).

    I recently completed my Master's Degree in Public Administration, and I can say the past two years have been two years of continual weight gain. I also lost my father this past year and coupled with my bipolar disorder, it has been just a recipe for disaster from beginning to the end.

    Enough excuses. My time has to be now, or I will not live to see my grandchildren enter the world, and that would be devestating!

    Thanks for any and all support. I look forward to working with you all!
  • breajohnson
    breajohnson Posts: 109 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Brea and i am a mother of two. I have struggled with weight my whole life but today is a new day. i am looking forward to sharing my journey with you all and hope that all of us at some point will be able to post our before and after pictures. I am looking to lose about 100 lbs., maybe a little more. Good luck all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My ultimate goal is to have a "little" black dress. lol
  • Lainie_F
    Lainie_F Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! My name is Lainie and I am 32 years old. I have attempted so many times throughout my life to lose weight and it just never seemed to stick! A group of friends and I started our own Biggest Loser competition and with their support (and maybe some new people on here) I might just be able to reach my goals! My biggest problem is giving up whenever a healthy lifestyle seems like work...and I don't know why but I feel like this time is different. I am determined to get OUT of the 300 range and become a much healthier and happier me! <3 Please feel free to add me!
  • Hi all! Im Lindsey! My weight tipped the scales at 315 while in nursing school. It was mortifying when we did practicals and I had to be weighed. Finally taking back my waist line and food addiction! Im also a native Texan relocated to Kentucky. Definitely could use all the support I can get!
  • Rivmage
    Rivmage Posts: 48 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Scott. My current weight is 320 (give or take a pound). I haven't been very faithful in logging my food, just started up again. This time seems a bit different from the previous attempts.

    I'm in the Denver metro area.

  • paygoddess
    paygoddess Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Robin. I am 54 years old and the mother of three, Noni to four lovely grandbabies. I have been heavy my entire life. I eat when I am stressed, I eat when I am unhappy, I eat when I am happy, basically, I love food! But the wrong foods. I joined Weight Watchers again last year and this is the longest I have kept going.....I have lost and gained 20 pounds over the past year and who am I fooling? I have kept that weight off, but many other members are way ahead of me in pounds lost. There I go again, comparing myself to others, and always coming up short. My daughter Hannah introduced me to this site and I joined in October, but haven't followed thru with it. It is working for her because she just hit the 50 pounds lost mark and I am so proud of her! My other daughter is heavy also and has yo -yo dieted just like me and it is not healthy. I want to eat better, exercise, I just get so damn tired! I want to go on another cruise with my husband next March and my goal is to be another 100 pounds lighter by then. Are there other members out there who would like to communicate on a regular basis and help me with my journey? I am currently at about 365 and my family has a history of diabetes and high blood pressure. I have no symptoms yet, but I am scared and I want to be around awhile for my children and my grandchildren.......If you would like to chat, communicate or offer support, please respond.........Thank you! Blessed Be.
  • Hello! I am new. I am 26 years old and starting this journey at 320 pounds, which is my highest weight. I'm trying to get down to somewhere between 140-160. I've never been thin, but I would like to be fitter and healthier so I can actually do the things I've always enjoyed doing. I am more out of shape now than I ever have been and something has really gotta stop. I'm a writer, so that translates to a lot of sitting on my butt or things just don't get done. It's hard to find the time to walk away and get to the exercise when I am on a roll. I am currently trying to teach myself how to make better food choices and add more vegetables into my diet. I hate vegetables lol. I'm looking for friends, too, and add just about anyone, so please feel free to get in touch!
  • Lunarbeanie
    Lunarbeanie Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, I'm new, and on week 2.5. I've done this before and just quit! But not this time. I will DO this. I am not healthy and I want to be.

    I hit my all time peak of 307. Several years ago I lost 50lbs on WW but I started at 276.

    I WILLLL DO this!