Fun topic - What Bothers You Now That Didn't Before?



  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I have just been irrationally angry everything! Especially my husband. I feel bad because he's been so great but I am constently pissed off at him, and half the time he didn't really do anything. Seriously, he'll roll over in his sleep and I'll get irritated....oh pregnancy hormones!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 195 Member
    HOnestly i think everything pisses me off now. I am angry when i have to do laundry, im angry when i have to cook, clean or pretty much anything. My boyfriend is a typical guy that doesnt normally do this stuff unless asked. I am too stubborn to ask so i just do it all myself, of course i make alot of noise while i am doing i ( slamming stuff down) and tell him that nothing is wrong. I was NEVER like this before i just went with the flow.

    Also my boyfriends family has REALLY been irritating me, to the point i would love nothing more than to move away from them! its terrible! I am teriible! lol I know its the hormones but man do i feel like an uber b*tch!!!!!!

    I also feel like this. I am usually laid back and easy going, but I am feeling overwhelmed with chores and have my older children cleaning everyday, telling them snack time will not start until their room is clean! I mean, I feel so horrible, like the grinch! The next minute I am hugging and kissing them, and DH is just going with the flow and not paying me any attention because he actually understands me now, which is weird... He gives me space when I need it, cleans before I open my mouth, and hugs me when I need it most. he has been wonderful and I have been this moody basket case! smh
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    This is going to sound totally lame and stupid, but all of my husband's family members seem to think that our son's characteristics and everything to do with this pregnancy revolves around them. My MIL said she "knew" he was a boy because all the first born in her family are boys and then the second child is a girl. So of course she's sure our next child will be a girl. My FIL is convinced that my son's head shape is "the Crofford genes" and I'm going to have a hard time pushing him out. My DH's grandmother on his dad's side said you can definitely tell he's a "Crofford baby" because he looks "exactly like" her husband, my DH's grandfather. The baby is still in the womb for crying out loud, I don't think he looks like either one of us in particular. My parents personally think he has my nose but I really don't care either way as long as I have a happy, healthy baby. I know it's natural for families to do this but lately it's just irritating me LOL.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    My big belly irritated me before, but it's getting REALLY annoying now, since it's getting even bigger!
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    When I went to my first obgyn appointment I wasn't quite sure how far along I was. I had just taken a home test so I called to schedule an appointment as soon as I could. Anyway, my husband couldn't go with me because he couldn't get off of work, and he pretty much made me take my mother-in-law along with me.....I love her but I was not up for sharing such an intimate experience with her...and not in the mood! We were living in a Central America at that time and the scale is right in the waiting room with no privacy at all, and when the nurse weighs you she says your weight loudly so everyone in the room can here it! To go along with that my MIL followed me over to the scale to see. Then she wouldn't stop commenting on how 130 pounds is a "good weight to carry the baby" meaning I had plenty of fat to support the baby, and how my face looked filled in already....I was soooo annoyed considering I am 5' 7" and 130 is by no means large for my frame, but since I am a lot taller than most women there and especially women in her family I was made to feel like a giant whale lol. The funny thing was I only ended up being 6 weeks along at the time, and my face was clearly not swollen yet. The baby is only the size of a grain of rice at 6 weeks! Then she kept telling me that since I didn't get nausea "that bad" I would probably gain a ton of weight.
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    Hummm... Lets see.... Everything bothers me. LOL. I am up at 3:45 because my stupid husband won't stop snoring. ughhhhh Other then that.... When people 'name' your baby, ie. Naming him/her something stupid then referring to my unborn baby that way every time they see you (this one really gets on my nerves). I know there are so many more but like I said., its 3:45am. ;p
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    This is going to sound totally lame and stupid, but all of my husband's family members seem to think that our son's characteristics and everything to do with this pregnancy revolves around them. My MIL said she "knew" he was a boy because all the first born in her family are boys and then the second child is a girl. So of course she's sure our next child will be a girl. My FIL is convinced that my son's head shape is "the Crofford genes" and I'm going to have a hard time pushing him out. My DH's grandmother on his dad's side said you can definitely tell he's a "Crofford baby" because he looks "exactly like" her husband, my DH's grandfather. The baby is still in the womb for crying out loud, I don't think he looks like either one of us in particular. My parents personally think he has my nose but I really don't care either way as long as I have a happy, healthy baby. I know it's natural for families to do this but lately it's just irritating me LOL.

    My MIL does this, too. My due date is May 26th, which is actually my late grandmother's birthday (not that I'd expect her to know that), but her two sons' birthdays (not my husband's but his brothers') are May 29th and June 1st. However we have a history in MY family (as in the women whose pregnancies I've followed almost to a T) of going early, which is what happened to me last time. My MIL went on and on about how cool close it is to their birthdays, but one of those BILs with the close birthday mentioned that it's also close to - oh, yeah - MY birthday. And my mother's. And my sister's. But no, MIL mentions that it's also close to her deadbeat brother's birthday, the same brother who admitted to me that he defrauds their mother. Her awesome brother is so much more important to my baby than ME, my mother, my sister, or my late grandmother.

    I think they just get excited and don't stop to think that there is indeed another entire set of genetics involved in the whole having a baby thing.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    When I went to my first obgyn appointment I wasn't quite sure how far along I was. I had just taken a home test so I called to schedule an appointment as soon as I could. Anyway, my husband couldn't go with me because he couldn't get off of work, and he pretty much made me take my mother-in-law along with me.....I love her but I was not up for sharing such an intimate experience with her...and not in the mood! We were living in a Central America at that time and the scale is right in the waiting room with no privacy at all, and when the nurse weighs you she says your weight loudly so everyone in the room can here it! To go along with that my MIL followed me over to the scale to see. Then she wouldn't stop commenting on how 130 pounds is a "good weight to carry the baby" meaning I had plenty of fat to support the baby, and how my face looked filled in already....I was soooo annoyed considering I am 5' 7" and 130 is by no means large for my frame, but since I am a lot taller than most women there and especially women in her family I was made to feel like a giant whale lol. The funny thing was I only ended up being 6 weeks along at the time, and my face was clearly not swollen yet. The baby is only the size of a grain of rice at 6 weeks! Then she kept telling me that since I didn't get nausea "that bad" I would probably gain a ton of weight.

    I would kill my MIL in the waiting room before they even had a chance to weigh me. My husband knows to keep her as far away as possible!

    Not advocating violence, and I wouldn't actually kill her :) I just can only take her in small doses and try to keep her at arm's length with regard to anything that doesn't directly involve her.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hummm... Lets see.... Everything bothers me. LOL. I am up at 3:45 because my stupid husband won't stop snoring. ughhhhh Other then that.... When people 'name' your baby, ie. Naming him/her something stupid then referring to my unborn baby that way every time they see you (this one really gets on my nerves). I know there are so many more but like I said., its 3:45am. ;p

    I was up with you that early! (I was up from 3:15 to 5:45, then my alarm went off at 6:15.)

    One of our staff members is convinced I'm having a girl. Although I'm 23 weeks and had the big ultrasound already, we're letting the baby's sex be a surprise, just like we did with our son. However, she's insistent that I'm having a girl (even though I secretly confessed to preferring to have a boy - but I'd really be happy to have a healthy baby either way), and she WILL NOT shut up about it. We just got a new intern, and instead of allowing me to mention it to her that I'm having a baby, she took it upon herself to announce it to her, then trotted her into my office to go on and on about what a great big brother my son is going to be to his little sister, etc.

    This same lady already tried to do the whole "Do you look pregnant thing yet?" but I (nicely) shut that down. I explained that with my last pregnancy I had a co-worker who would have me stand there every day, and she'd determine if I "looked preggo," and it had made me very self-conscious and incredibly uncomfortable. As such she now knows not to mention how big or small I look and hasn't brought it up since.

    Baby nicknames are for the parents, not others. I'd smack someone if they called my baby something silly/cute, like "peanut." It's my baby. If I choose to call it something other than "the baby" or his/her name, that's for me to do, thanks!

    (Again, not advocating violence, and I would never literally hit anyone.)
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I think they just get excited and don't stop to think that there is indeed another entire set of genetics involved in the whole having a baby thing.

    Yep exactly! I "try" to remember that (key word - TRY) but my family doesn't say stupid crap like that so I am kind of biased, LOL. I also called my MIL today to talk to her about getting a whooping cough shot and she answers the phone, "Are you in labor?" I said NO, and don't get your hopes up because the doctor and my doula both think I am going to go over 40 weeks... the inlaws have started this "countdown" to the due date and keep saying he's coming "on or before." Um, no. He could come after, too! I already disabled "timeline" posts on my Facebook because I am not about to deal with everyone asking, "Where's the baby" or "No baby yet?" or blah blah blah. My life does not revolve around other people getting into my business and these days people expect "real time" updates on EVERYTHING. My poor friend recently went through that and had about ten posts from the same day. Hello people, don't you see that 2-3 people asked her that an hour ago?!!! Ugh.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    this has always bugged me, but now that I'm pregnant it bugs me more...the way that if you are a pregnant woman in a male dominated field you suddenly are a second class citizen and a dirt bag. I have tried to keep up with the boys but they won't even let me, I go to do something and they are like "oh no, we will do it, you just stay here" then a week later they give me crap for "not doing anything"
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    this has always bugged me, but now that I'm pregnant it bugs me more...the way that if you are a pregnant woman in a male dominated field you suddenly are a second class citizen and a dirt bag. I have tried to keep up with the boys but they won't even let me, I go to do something and they are like "oh no, we will do it, you just stay here" then a week later they give me crap for "not doing anything"

    I think that most men just don't get it. We're not sick (at least not after MS passes). We may have some temporary physical limitations, but our brains work just fine.

    I left my last firm before I could come back from maternity leave. I worked right up until the night I went into labor, and I wasn't happy there. I had a feeling they were going to promote this other attorney compared to whom I had much more experience - and he was still a law student working summers when I started working there. He's a good guy and a good attorney, but I know I was better. However I knew he would be promoted instead of me given that he had yet to get married, have kids, etc., meanwhile I was about to start a family. I understand that with its being a smaller firm, they might have needed a guy without kids, but the thought that I might be passed over based on my having a baby really stung. Frankly if I had come back, and they had promoted him, I'd have quit anyway. It turns out that shortly after I told them I wasn't coming back, they promoted him. (I have nothing against him and actually still talk to him from time to time, since I often give them referrals, as I don't work in the same field anymore, but I think they were probably hoping I'd decide not to come back!)

    Point being, it sucks how pregnancy and maternity leave can mess with your career. I just wish we could be more family-friendly in this country when it comes to the workplace.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member

    Point being, it sucks how pregnancy and maternity leave can mess with your career. I just wish we could be more family-friendly in this country when it comes to the workplace.

    amen to that!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    How about something that bothered you before and doesn't now...for me, that would be "the runs"....I'm usually so backed up these days that the runs is a nice change of pace and I feel like I finally cleaned things out :laugh: :wink: Sorry if that's TMI hehe
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    How about something that bothered you before and doesn't now...for me, that would be "the runs"....I'm usually so backed up these days that the runs is a nice change of pace and I feel like I finally cleaned things out :laugh: :wink: Sorry if that's TMI hehe

    No, not TMI! That's totally a pain in the butt (no pun intended) when you're pregnant! I used to be very regular and erred on the side of being "runny," but now I "go" once every 2-3 days if I'm lucky :frown:
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    How about I am only 24 weeks pregnant. Why can't I get one !@#$@#$^@#@#$%@##$$@# night of sleep? This weekend we are going to a waterpark and our room has a jacuzzi tub. I will probably be spending most of the night in there. At least I'll be happy while not sleeping!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    How about something that bothered you before and doesn't now...for me, that would be "the runs"....I'm usually so backed up these days that the runs is a nice change of pace and I feel like I finally cleaned things out :laugh: :wink: Sorry if that's TMI hehe

    I call it the pregnancy constirrhea!
  • Bump for later. Making the BF read this form because honestly what bothers me now that didn't before is his complete lack of knowledge on how to associate with a pregnant woman in general. He has no emotions and cannot come to terms with the fact that there is a person inside of me.

    Also, I have to make all of these lifestyle changes and am expected to be happy about it. I understand I am pregnant but that doesn't mean that I as a person do not matter anymore. It's really not all about the baby. I'm still here!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Bump for later. Making the BF read this form because honestly what bothers me now that didn't before is his complete lack of knowledge on how to associate with a pregnant woman in general. He has no emotions and cannot come to terms with the fact that there is a person inside of me.

    Also, I have to make all of these lifestyle changes and am expected to be happy about it. I understand I am pregnant but that doesn't mean that I as a person do not matter anymore. It's really not all about the baby. I'm still here!

    It's a hard adjustment huh? Especially when you have people telling you "oh you shouldn't eat this, oh you shouldn't do that" Well guess what jerk, it's all I can stomach right now and I'm just working on getting some type of food to my body! Yes it's ok for me to eat spicy food, yes it's ok for a pregnant woman to have a glass of wine once in a while, yes it's ok for me to take 10 minutes out of my day to do something that makes ME happy and has nothing to do with the baby or preparing for the baby. I got a gift card for my brithday and my husband kept pointing out baby stuff for me to buy I said "nope, this is MY gift card I'm buying stuff for ME"
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Also, I have to make all of these lifestyle changes and am expected to be happy about it. I understand I am pregnant but that doesn't mean that I as a person do not matter anymore. It's really not all about the baby. I'm still here!

    I have to say, this is what I feel most of the time. When people want to discuss with me the personal aspects of being pregnant (not counting the ladies here, since, well, that's what we're here for, among other things), it makes me feel like a science experiment. For example, when I was about 8 or 9 weeks pregnant, my MIL asked me if I had to get up and pee in the middle of the night yet. The answer was, and still is at nearly 25 weeks, no, but would that be an appropriate question to ask me if I weren't pregnant? Absolutely not. In which case, it shouldn't be asked.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ok, we've got some newcomers to this group, so I figured I'd revive this thread. Any takers?
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    This was a good thread....I didn't read all of the others, but going along with the last really bothers me when people focus in on my belly and don't look me in the first it made me feel self-conscious, but now it just annoys me because I feel like my belly is all they notice....I am glad that I'm now obviously showing and my belly is bigger every week (sometimes I feel like it's bigger by the day) and I'm excited about it because it means I'm getting closer to the big day. But I do feel like people stop seeing you as a person and only see you as pregnant. Also, whenever I start talking about anything else, such as a job prospect, people automatically assume that I can't do it or won't be able to do it with a baby. I do understand that everything is about to change, but it doesn't mean that I won't ever be able to do anything again! I grew up with a mother who worked full time and had four kids, and my parents found a way to balance parenting with personal goals, and so will my husband and I, whether I work part-time or full-time or decide to wait a little longer before going back to work.
  • So glad I found this thread. Everything is irritating me.

    I can't sleep well at night. AT ALL.
    My bed is too soft now. My couch is too narrow. My guest bed is angled and I'm tired!
    I feel that everyone is being way too clingy right now. My daughter prefers me over her dad. My dog won't sleep anywhere but attached to my leg and my husband, bless his heart, hasn't gotten any in weeks.
    I won't even bother bringing up work.

    There are a few people who have the nerve to assume that I've gained weight back and choose to gossip rather than learning that I'm now with child. It's a good character eye opener.

    On top of it all- I'm not disabled. I can and will do things on my own and am a BIG girl to ask for help when I need it. I am tired of people who think and treat me like I'm incapable of doing something.
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    Oh... I love this topic... LOL!

    - People that think they have to tell me what I should and shouldn't eat... and how I should workout. I have made it VERY clear that I have talked to my doctor about how much I should eat / gain, and I have her OK about my workout routine... including the heavy lifting... I did it before, things are going well, I can (at this point) continue... ugh... All the sudden everyone is an expert... LOL :laugh:

    hmm... and despite the fact I lift big weights I *can't* possibly lift a box on my own... I appreciate that people want to be helpful but seriously... I can carry the paper to the copy machine... :laugh:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I do understand that everything is about to change, but it doesn't mean that I won't ever be able to do anything again!

    I've had people tell me that I won't be able to get back in shape after this pregnancy (1) because it's my second pregnancy and (2) because I'll have two kids.

    Um, STFU, please. Most people WITHOUT kids don't force their a**es out of bed at 6AM to go for a run, but I did it with a 6-month-old even if I had to get up in the middle of the night to be with him. I do have a husband who actually gives a crap and wants to help me succeed at my fitness goals, and guess what? He's NOT incompetent!

    But thanks for assuming I will fail. Next time you tell me you are trying to succeed at something, I'll tell you not to bother because you'll only fail - then see how it feels. :grumble:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    On top of it all- I'm not disabled. I can and will do things on my own and am a BIG girl to ask for help when I need it. I am tired of people who think and treat me like I'm incapable of doing something.

    This one bothers me, too. My husband made a comment last night that I was not "mobile." I had a good laugh about it - what he meant was not that I'm not mobile but that I can't carry heavy things around - but I told him that if he keeps it up I will make sure that he is no longer mobile :wink:

    But seriously there are people who are acting like I shouldn't be doing ANYTHING. We rescued a puppy in mid-January, and unlike our other dogs who can hang at home during the work day, since he needs to be let out often, we bring him into the office with us. One day he pooped on the floor of my office. I cleaned it up, no big deal. Our receptionist (who believes in old wives' tales) told me that I shouldn't be cleaning up dog poop because it could make me sick. I told her it was cat poop that poses the greatest risk, and it's not like I was cleaning up diarrhea. It was basically: go grab a bunch of toilet paper, pick up the poop, flush it down the toilet, and spot clean the carpet. No big deal. Then she saw me carrying the puppy, who's now about 15 lbs, and scolded me for carrying him. I told her he is hardly too heavy for me to be carrying. Heck, I carry my 31-lb son if I have to (though thankfully he prefers to walk).

    She also says dumb *kitten* all the time... For example, if I'm trying to decide what I want to eat for lunch, she'll ask, "Well, what does BABY want to eat?" Seriously, don't make me smack you. Baby doesn't give a *kitten* about what s/he wants to eat. I eat, s/he gets nutrients. What matters is whether *I* want to eat it. I do exist outside of my uterus, thanks.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Well, here is a funny one. I met my husband for lunch one day. I look very young. I am almost 37, but sometimes am still asked if I am still in high school. My husband, well, he pretty much looks his age.

    I met him for lunch one day. He was wearing his wedding band. I wasn't, since I have some afternoons when my hands swell at this point. We were seated at a fairly private table at the back of the restaurant. There were 2 other tables that seemed to think that I may be carrying his love child instead of being his wife, kept glaring at me and staring through our meal. On our way out, one of the tables even commented, how disgusting! Yeah, how disgusting that a couple that has been married for 16 years is having a child together!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Well, here is a funny one. I met my husband for lunch one day. I look very young. I am almost 37, but sometimes am still asked if I am still in high school. My husband, well, he pretty much looks his age.

    I met him for lunch one day. He was wearing his wedding band. I wasn't, since I have some afternoons when my hands swell at this point. We were seated at a fairly private table at the back of the restaurant. There were 2 other tables that seemed to think that I may be carrying his love child instead of being his wife, kept glaring at me and staring through our meal. On our way out, one of the tables even commented, how disgusting! Yeah, how disgusting that a couple that has been married for 16 years is having a child together!

    My best friend from high school (to whom I still talk fairly regularly) is like that. She just looks young - and at 33, that is now starting to pay off! She had a baby last May, and she heard a ton of crap from people who didn't know her about how she was too young to have a baby, etc. She would just laugh and say, "I'm 32 and married, but thanks."

    Oh, and she's an anesthesiologist. I can't even imagine what these people would say if they came across her in the hospital if they think she's too young to be a mother.

    I can't believe someone had the nerve to say something out loud about you! Did you respond? I think I'd have to have something on reserve for comments like that. (I'd have been tempted to say something really scandalous, like, "Oh, I'm the babysitter." But I'm also non-confrontational, so I probably wouldn't have said a word. You could pull out your driver's license to prove that you're not a teenager, and they'd probably judge you for some other reason, so it's likely not worth the effort to correct such rude people.)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I just realized this thread is almost 6 months old - WOW! I never thought I'd be anything but stuck permanently in the first trimester, and I'm quickly approaching the home stretch! Crazy.

    Someone should write a book about this stuff, seriously.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Well, here is a funny one. I met my husband for lunch one day. I look very young. I am almost 37, but sometimes am still asked if I am still in high school. My husband, well, he pretty much looks his age.

    I met him for lunch one day. He was wearing his wedding band. I wasn't, since I have some afternoons when my hands swell at this point. We were seated at a fairly private table at the back of the restaurant. There were 2 other tables that seemed to think that I may be carrying his love child instead of being his wife, kept glaring at me and staring through our meal. On our way out, one of the tables even commented, how disgusting! Yeah, how disgusting that a couple that has been married for 16 years is having a child together!

    Haha! I still think looking younger is a bonus, even when people assume bad things.

    I have the same problem. I work at an alternate school that houses a teen mom program. A substitute teacher started chatting me up in the hallway one day and asked me if I was a student in the teen mom program.

    I was like "no, I work here..."