March Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • SarahRea32
    SarahRea32 Posts: 167 Member
    March 18th

    Sarah: 13 :)
    The Binge: 5
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    March 17, 2013

    Me: 13
    Binge: 4 (3/1,3/3, 3/7, 3/16)

    Binge-free for: 1 day

    Managed to fight against the urges and stress yesterday. Scale showed a gain this week, but hoping its because of my first week of strength training!
  • jessicagomes15
    jessicagomes15 Posts: 92 Member
    March 18, 2013

    ME: 2
    BINGE: 0
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    March 2013:
    Karen 10
    The Binge 7

    Days Left 14

    Binge Days

    Another binge for me.....I am having a tough time!!!
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Summer - 11
    Binge - 7
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member

    Me: 13

    The Binge: 5

    If I could just get through the month without any more binges, I would have a lower binge number than last month (which was 8 binges)

    If I can slowly get these binge stats down I know I could get back to losing weight (Since lately it's just been going up and down 8 lbs depending on what day it is... if I'm restricting or binge eating... it really impacts what the scale says and drives me crazy. I'm ready for consistency. )
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    March 2013:
    Mollie - 10
    The Binge - 6 (2nd, 9th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 17th)

    Days did not log it all - 2 (10th, 14th, 17th)
    Jan - 4 days I did not log it ALL
    Feb- 3 days I did not log it ALL

  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Kate - 10.
    Binge - 8.

    Binge free days - 4.
  • March 18th
  • toothwalker_
    toothwalker_ Posts: 32 Member
    Kim - 16
    Binge - 2
    (13th, 14th)

    Some close calls over the past few days, but luckily I either ran out of binge items, or was able to control it.
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    Sooo...I lost count but i'm pretty sure my binge days outweigh my non-binge days. I got so depressed the obsessed, and finally snapped. I had been struggling and fighting to get this weight off the right way, and it seemed like the harder I tried the less progress I made, and it drove me crazy. So I ate. Not always the stuff my face with everything in sight in one sitting, but just eating way too much, more than needed in a day.

    But i'm not giving up! I will beat the binge monster, and I will win this battle!

  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Sooo...I lost count but i'm pretty sure my binge days outweigh my non-binge days. I got so depressed the obsessed, and finally snapped. I had been struggling and fighting to get this weight off the right way, and it seemed like the harder I tried the less progress I made, and it drove me crazy. So I ate. Not always the stuff my face with everything in sight in one sitting, but just eating way too much, more than needed in a day.

    But i'm not giving up! I will beat the binge monster, and I will win this battle!


    Netta I love your determination. You can get yourself back on track!!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    March 18

    Me: 14
    Binge: 4
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    March 18

    Me: 7
    Binge: 1

    No binge today...glad.
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    March 18, 2013

    Me: 14
    Binge: 4 (3/1,3/3, 3/7, 3/16)

    Binge-free for: 2 days
  • Chasinadream
    Chasinadream Posts: 15 Member
    March 18th
    Me- 5
    This is the first time I have ever tracked my bingeing and it is really tough to see how often I am letting the monster win, but I can feel my competitive side coming out and it is pushing me to keep on trying to make my numbers better and better! I will win this!
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    Me: 14
    Binge: 3

    Today was the first easy day in a long time :)
  • SarahRea32
    SarahRea32 Posts: 167 Member
    March 19th

    Sarah: 14
    Binge: 5

    Today was hard, very nearly came to a binge. over by about 170 calories, but managed to keep control of myself.
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member

    Me: 14
    Binge: 5 (3/2, 3/4, 3/8, 3/9, 3/15)

    Logging in early today for some accountability. There is another luncheon which is sure to be filled with triggering foods so I'm going to avoid the lounge like it's my job. I've fallen into some restricting the past few days but think my numbers are getting better now. I'm trying to get used to the feeling of 'hunger' and knowing that it's okay, food will always be there and I don't need to be scared of feeling hungry once in awhile.
    Have a great Tuesday, dears! Focus on taking steps forward, no matter how slowly you go.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Looks like some of us are struggling while others are doing great!

    I had an 8 day streak with no binges. Now I am on the third day with a binge. I am ruining any weight loss I have had. I am so sick of doing this to myself. I will have a lot to talk about in therapy next visit!

    I have to end the month ahead!! Keeing track of the binges helps me see how many days! It is awful. No wonder I lose and gain over and over again.

    March 2013:
    Karen 10
    The Binge 8

    Days Left 13

    Binge Days