March Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    Me: 7 :drinker:
    Binge: 1:devil:

    Calm day!
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I got sick this week and I gave up. I just ate all the time.

    March 2013:
    Karen 3
    The Binge 5

    Days Left 23

    Binge Days

    Today is a new day!
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    March 8
    Greeky - 3
    Binge - 4

    I *will* even the score out today though, tomorrow will be greeky-4 binge-4. I am determined!!!

    I've decided that snacking is what's killing me - especially at work, so I've decided to try the no-s "diet" (I don't use that word but that's what it's called) No snacks, sweets, or seconds except on s-days...and I can usually handle snacks on the weekend so I am excited to try this. It's easier for me to not snack at all than to try to moderate. Nine times out of ten my snacking turns into bingeing. I'm such a food addict.

    March 9
    Greeky - 4
    Binge - 4

    I totally wanted to eat after lunch yesterday at work but I fought it...YAY!!! It was hard for a little while but I just tried to distract myself and had a piece of gum and waited till dinner. I knew I had another meal coming and I was able to wait for it. This seems like a huge accomplishment, to me, especially because of the restentment and anger I am currently having at work. I actually felt my feelings yesterday afternoon instead of stuffing them with food. It didn't feel good, but I don't feel good after a binge either.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Here is my update for this month

    Suzanne: 6
    Binge: 2

    This habit is really hard to kick. It's the endless cycle, having the urge, fighting the urge, giving in, and then feeling guilty. There's just days I feel like giving up. I feel tired of fighting sometimes. I know that's not the way to go, its liking fighting a villian. You keep fighting until you have defeated them. I want to be the victorious one on my end. Not the binge. :cry:
    -I often think my therapist is right. Maybe I don't want to let go of the addiction yet.

    I agree. Some days I look forward to binging, and even make trips to the grocery store for a binge that I've already planned in my head. It's completely awful. It really is an exhausting battle, but hopefully over time I can keep my binges down to one a month. That would be ideal. I don't I'll ever truly say I've defeated binging, but if I can limit it, that will be a huge accomplishment.

    I totally relate to both of you...I feel like that and I do I don't really have anything to add, except that at this point I'd be happy to be down to 1-2 binges a WEEK. I hope one day to get to 1-2 binges a month but right now I'm just trying to make progress with where I'm at. :smile:
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Kate - 4.
    Binge - 5.

    Had a success today. Yes, I had a small binge, but instead of continuing and adding more to it, I went to the gym as planned, instead of detouring to the coffee shop for more food, and worked out hard so damage minimised.
  • brownll
    brownll Posts: 29 Member

    So far, I have 8 days of no bingeing.
    Last night, I was tempted to go over my calories. That doesn't count as a binge, but it leads to one, always. Even when I feign ignorance that it's not going to. After eating 2 servings of part of my dinner, I realized I was headed down a slippery slope. It was the night after weigh-in, where before this contest I felt I could binge and still make up for it by the next weigh-in. But now, points are at stake.

    Fortunately, I was able to cut out something that I'd planned for later in my evening and I didn't end up going over my calories or bingeing, last night. The direct thing that helped me was I pictured my contest chart that was in the other room. I have a photo on it labeled Binge Monster and I wasn't going to give Binge Monster a point.

    Now I am relaxing this afternoon and I am struggling not to eat beyond what I planned. Unstructured time where I am doing nothing but watching TV is not good, so I am doing some decluttering. I took a computer break to record 2 pieces of gum and write here. Then I'll go back and stay busy until dinner. I have a little more faith in myself today than I did 9 days ago, but I don't take it for granted.
  • brownll
    brownll Posts: 29 Member
    Kate - 4.
    Binge - 5.

    Had a success today. Yes, I had a small binge, but instead of continuing and adding more to it, I went to the gym as planned, instead of detouring to the coffee shop for more food, and worked out hard so damage minimised.

    That's big, that you kept it small.
    Not adding to it and compensating with exercise to help you feel mentally and physically better were two good choices.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    March 2013

    Diane: 6
    Binge: 2
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Kate - 4.
    Binge - 5.

    Had a success today. Yes, I had a small binge, but instead of continuing and adding more to it, I went to the gym as planned, instead of detouring to the coffee shop for more food, and worked out hard so damage minimised.

    That's big, that you kept it small.
    Not adding to it and compensating with exercise to help you feel mentally and physically better were two good choices.

    Yes, sometimes I think my safest option is to stay in if I am tired and if I can tell I will be going for the food when out, lol. But the food tends to win. Not that I have a weight problem, and I don't mind going over my daily calories sometimes, that in itself does not trigger binges for me at all. But all out binges are just bad for the stomach, the mind and always leave me feeling pretty poo for days afterwards.
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member

    So far, I have 8 days of no bingeing.
    Last night, I was tempted to go over my calories. That doesn't count as a binge, but it leads to one, always. Even when I feign ignorance that it's not going to. After eating 2 servings of part of my dinner, I realized I was headed down a slippery slope. It was the night after weigh-in, where before this contest I felt I could binge and still make up for it by the next weigh-in. But now, points are at stake.

    Fortunately, I was able to cut out something that I'd planned for later in my evening and I didn't end up going over my calories or bingeing, last night. The direct thing that helped me was I pictured my contest chart that was in the other room. I have a photo on it labeled Binge Monster and I wasn't going to give Binge Monster a point.

    Now I am relaxing this afternoon and I am struggling not to eat beyond what I planned. Unstructured time where I am doing nothing but watching TV is not good, so I am doing some decluttering. I took a computer break to record 2 pieces of gum and write here. Then I'll go back and stay busy until dinner. I have a little more faith in myself today than I did 9 days ago, but I don't take it for granted.

    It looks like you've got your head in the right place. Way to go on your 8 day streak. Keep going, I know you can do it!
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    March 9, 2013

    Me: 6
    Binge: 3 (3/1,3/3, 3/7)

    So today I faced reality. The number of 14 lbs lost is no more, and I took my measurements which have increased quite a bit. I'm giving into food, and losing all my progress. Now, I am making a change, and I'm kicking this binge monster to the curb. On Monday, I'm starting a school challenge, and I will be trying to win the greatest % increase in muscle mass over about 6 weeks. I'm also starting with a school personal trainer on Monday. I know that while I start to lift weights, the scale won't always make me happy, but I have to focus on measurements. Time to get back on track. My 100th day of logging didn't show the progress I wanted, so now it's time to work hard for 200. On Monday, I will finally change my weight on MFP, and re-start my journey. It's time to take back this fight, and win!

    Binge-free for: 2 days
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    March 2013:
    Mollie - 7
    The Binge - 2 (2nd, 9th)

    Days did not log it all - 0
    Jan - 4 days I did not log it ALL
    Feb- 3 days I did not log it ALL
  • Rukia_Kuchiki
  • SarahRea32
    SarahRea32 Posts: 167 Member
    March 10th

    Sarah : 5
    Binge: 5

    Feeling ok. Today and yesterday have been binge-free. I did go over my calories by a fair bit on Saturday - which I didn't log :( - it was deliberate and not in an urgent ?I have to eat this" uncontrolled way. I was trying to feed myself more good nutritious foods in an effort to not binge and it did work.

    It was pretty hard not to binge today, but I've realised that although for me it is always a super emotional event that triggers the initial binge that breaks a binge-free run, it is the habit/addiction of it that I fall back into. Its a bit like quitting cigarettes

    Hope everyone survived the weekend. Saw some great posts for people making wonderful progress! Well done. :)
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Summer - 7
    Binge - 3

    Last night almost escalated to a bad binge... except I fell asleep!! THANKFULLY
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Greeky - 4
    Binge - 5

    Had a binge on what I call healthy snacks. I will not be buying those anymore. Eating one always turns into more. Now I'm even more convinced that sweets and snacks are my downfall.

    Today I will not be having any sweets or snacks...just three meals and see how that goes. Friday went really well when I did that.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Summer - 7
    Binge - 3

    Last night almost escalated to a bad binge... except I fell asleep!! THANKFULLY

    Summer - 6
    Binge - 4

    Just had a bad binge again. I thought I was better than this til I saw the overflowing bread basket sigh what is wrong with me... 1700 calories in 30 minutes. Awesome.
  • Chasinadream
    Chasinadream Posts: 15 Member
    Binge monster- 8 :(
    Having a really hard time doing what I need to do! Frustrated, sad, and not sure how to gain control over it!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Binge monster- 8 :(
    Having a really hard time doing what I need to do! Frustrated, sad, and not sure how to gain control over it!

    Hang in there, and if you can, try and get in an intense workout before eating, it seems to be the only way I manage to break the cycle once it is bad.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Kate - 5.
    Binge - 5.