Daily Insane chat, banter and progress!

Hi everybody!

I thought it would be a nice idea to have a thread where we post what and how we're doing with the workouts, how we're feeling and stuff like that! Nice to have a group atmosphere around here :)

I did my first pure cardio today (day 5, week 1) and it was so hard! This was the first day that I really struggled to get through the workout, I think it was just harder mentally because there are no breaks. It was a surprise for me! Next time I'll be more mentally prepared so hopefully I'll find it easier motivation-wise! I'm finding the warm-ups slightly easier now! I went all the way through without breaking today and managed to step up the speed the final time. I burnt 410 calories that session, which wasn't as high as I thought it would be considering my HR was pretty much 180 the whole time. I did have to stop a lot so that might be why.

Moving back on Plyometric Cardio circuit tomorrow and interested to see how I find it in comparison to Friday!

Hope you guys all have good workouts today! I'm off for a refreshing cold shower and something to eat! :)


  • debbiek75
    debbiek75 Posts: 50

    I just managed day 1 plymetric workout out it was good doing it but am aching loads now lol
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158

    I just managed day 1 plymetric workout out it was good doing it but am aching loads now lol

    I know how you feel so much! I felt like I was dying during that workout when I first did it on Friday! Got it again tomorrow so hope it's a little easier on me, but I doubt it! Just remember to stretch lots :)
  • thetemplateblog
    thetemplateblog Posts: 53 Member
    Day 1 is today for me. I have done the Fit Test a few times to try to get my body somewhat acclimated to what I am about to do...
  • rea1980
    rea1980 Posts: 93 Member
    I did day 8 this morning, second time for Pure Cardio. I think this is the most fun of the workouts. Although my next pure cardio day I get the addition of Cardio Abs, so I might feel a little differently after that.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    I did day 8 this morning, second time for Pure Cardio. I think this is the most fun of the workouts. Although my next pure cardio day I get the addition of Cardio Abs, so I might feel a little differently after that.

    So many people have said this! I think its still a little early for me to tell! It does give you a great feeling after though - getting through all of that! The title is the clue lol ;)

    the templateblog - that's a good idea. I found the fitness test a big eye opener and was so glad that that was all i had to do on the 1st day. Later on I think we have to do the fit test and a max workout I think! Hope your first day goes well!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Pure cardio was my favourite month 1 workout too!
  • thetemplateblog
    thetemplateblog Posts: 53 Member
    Insanity Day 1 - My arm really hurts from a fall the other day playing ice hockey so I can't really do the Push-up Jacks. I did them from my knees

    Switch Kicks- 80
    Power Jacks- 30
    Power Knees- 57
    Power jumps- 30
    Globe Jumps- 5
    Suicide Jumps- 5
    Push-Up Jacks- 9 from knees
    Low Plank Oblique- 37
  • Eileen889
    Eileen889 Posts: 117
    Beginning the recovery week of Insanity today. I am a little nervous about starting the second month next week.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Beginning the recovery week of Insanity today. I am a little nervous about starting the second month next week.

    You'll do great! I've heard most say it's a challenge at first, especially after a week of recovery but this is where most results are seen and as Shaun T loves to say, I'm sure you'll find a way to dig deep and push through it! Just remember how hard you first found insanity and you completed month 1! So you can def do it again :)
  • Eileen889
    Eileen889 Posts: 117
    Beginning the recovery week of Insanity today. I am a little nervous about starting the second month next week.

    You'll do great! I've heard most say it's a challenge at first, especially after a week of recovery but this is where most results are seen and as Shaun T loves to say, I'm sure you'll find a way to dig deep and push through it! Just remember how hard you first found insanity and you completed month 1! So you can def do it again :)
    Thanks for the encouraging words. I was fit before starting Insanity, therefore the first month wasn't bad at all.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Anyone else HATE the recovery week workout? It's just rubbish! It's not hardcore insane, and it's not just crazy stretching like cardio recovery.... I just don't like it!
  • Anyone else HATE the recovery week workout? It's just rubbish! It's not hardcore insane, and it's not just crazy stretching like cardio recovery.... I just don't like it!

    I liked recovery week because I knew that the next month will be hard and the body needs to rejuvenate a bit before the next round. I had a lot of energy as I entered month two but my body hurt a lot the first week of month two, I didn't hurt at the beginning of the programme.
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    Completed the final Max Recovery workout of this round of Insanity today! (Month 2, Week 3). Only 8 more workouts to go...and then I'm thinking of doing a Recovery Week again after Month 2 to prepare me for either Insanity Asylum or Tapout XT.
    Beginning the recovery week of Insanity today. I am a little nervous about starting the second month next week.
    Anyone else HATE the recovery week workout? It's just rubbish! It's not hardcore insane, and it's not just crazy stretching like cardio recovery.... I just don't like it!

    I've learned to both love and appreciate the Recovery Week. The first time I tried doing Insanity, I skipped the recovery week because i also thought it was "rubbish" (to steal the previous poster's adjective). However, I didn't make it out of Week 1 of Month 2 that time around. This time through Insanity, I learned that the recovery week is, indeed, necessary.

    1) Your body needs the rest. You need to recoup from the beating your body took in Month 1 to be able to do the Month 2 workouts - and especially to be able to do them with correct form.

    2) Most importantly, the Recovery Week let my mind reset as well as my body. At the end of Month 1, you should be able to complete the Month 1 workouts without needing too many breaks. Your mind gets into this "I'm going to dominate this workout" mode and you are able to push yourself in the Month 1 workouts. Month 2 is a different story. If you go into Month 2 thinking you should be able to perform in the workouts as you did toward the end of the Month 1 workout, you're in for a rude awakening. For me, that rude awakening caused me to quit the first time around. This time around, I noticed that the recovery week prepared me mentally for what was about to come in the Month 2 workouts. I was able to reset my mind back to "Just push play, do what you can and get through the workout" mode. By the 2nd week of Month 2, I was able to start pushing myself again in the workouts. No question in my mind - the recovery week is very beneficial and allowed both my body and mind to recover and prepare for Month 2.

    Just remember in Month 2 to go back to the same mindset you had when you started Month 1. Do what you can, take breaks if you need to and push yourself when you feel that you can. Don't get discouraged! Month 2 is challenging but, with the right mindset, "YOU CAN DO IT!" (am I the only one who says that to their self when the DVD starts and Shawn T says this at the end of the Insanity intro?)
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Rest day today. I start Month 2 tomorrow :noway:
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    Today I started week 2 of round 2.Big difference from the first time!(:
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Great advice dsendre! I'll remember that for when I get there! Feels a long way off right now but I'm excited a little journey!

    Got my last workout out week 1 today - back to plyo cardio circuit! I'm in a hotel right now so I hope my neighbours don't mind... Thank goodness I've got enough space, I was worried about that!

    Blueeyedww - no problem :) it's what we're here for! I guess just go into it with no preconceptions - no point worrying about it beforehand. If you're in good shape (which it sounds like you def are) then you'll be able to handle it! You'll probably enjoy that it stretches you more than month 1 did - it'll feel more gratifying when you're done!
  • My wife and I are on our second straight round of Insanity and just reached recovery week again. Trust me, by the time you hit month 2, you'll be plenty strong enough to push through the workouts! The only thing I would have done different is to throw a recovery week in between starting Insanity over again. We finished, took one day, then started right up again. My weight has been at a stand still for the last 2 weeks, but I feel stronger than ever! I lost 22lbs the first go around, and only 2lbs through the first 4 weeks this time. At first, I was GLUED to my scale! Now, I feel stronger, I've lost several inches, and I'm not worried about the scale anymore.
    Good luck to everyone completing Insanity! Push through, stay strong, and DIG DEEP!!!
  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member
    feeling sick today...on a Pure Cardio day :(
    oh well, still gotta press play! We'll see how it goes...
  • Pure cardio was definitely my fave w/o on month 1. Probably because each exercise was done once, unlike the other circuits, this made me push myself more.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    I had Pure Cardio today. I'm doing a hybrid, so tomorrow is Hip hop Abs.
    I originally wanted to do another full week of Core Cardio & Balance between finishing Month 2 and starting this hybrid, but I just went for it. I love that workout! When I first finished month two, the month one workouts felt so much easier: less time per move and I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't hate Butt Kicks so much, lol. Now, two weeks into the hybrid and my body is slowing down and some things are getting challenging again. Thursday I start back into month two workouts...has me kinda nervous. :) "I'm smiling because I like it!"