New Rules Supercharged



  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    What are you using for the pushaways? They sound interesting.

    I work out at home, so I use my furniture sliders. I'm not a fan of this exercise; I don't feel like I'm getting anything from it. Funny how we all have different experiences with the same exercises.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Yankee, you're probably much more fit than I am!

    I did 3B on Friday. I was really rushed and did it in 45 minutes with short rests and 3 sets. But I did manage to increase my weights on everything. I am still really struggling with the Front Squats. I *think* I have great form, but it still really strains my wrists and I feel like I could do much higher weights if it wasn't for this.

    My new favorite HIIT is box jumps. So fun. I normally do 3 intervals of treadmill and 3 intervals of box jumps or farmer's carries. LOVE IT!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I feel exactly the same way about the front squats. I have figured out that my right wrist has terrible range of motion and I am going to work on increasing it as much as possible.

    I also LOVE doing box jumps as an interval. I like to combine them with battle rope intervals, so I get upper and lower body work in the same workout. I do 3 sets of each.

    My other favorite enders are farmers carries (45 lb x2) and/or waiters carries (20 lb x2) followed by treadmill intervals. The waiters carries are arm/shoulder/back/core-killers after a hard workout.

    I still need to get a jump rope, because I want to try that as an interval, too.
  • leannan24
    leannan24 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new to lifting and just finished my BT1 for the first time. This is my first experience with this type of workout but it kicked my butt more than Jillian was with Body Revolution first 2 weeks. It also showed me how out of shape I am. Any suggestions advice for a real newbie??
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Just follow the workouts. If a set is too easy, increase your weights; if you are having problems maintaining proper form, decrease your weights. Don't be afraid to lift heavy!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I FINALLY finished BT II on Sunday, so tomorrow I start BT III. This is what I have planned:

    Workout A
    Core/Dynamic stability - Plank with pulldown (I did this in BT I, and it was SO hard. Thought I'd give it another go.)
    Power - Kettlebell swing
    Hinge - Kettlebell sumo deadlift
    Push - Dumb bell bench press
    Lunge - Barbell reverse lunge
    Pull - Barbell pendlay rows
    Combination - Squat & press
    Intervals - Slam ball

    Workout B
    Core/Dynamic stability - Mountain climber
    Power - Box jump (hoping to use my higher box this time and not fall on my face)
    Squat - Barbell back squat
    Pull - Kneeling lat pulldown with a triangle grip
    Single leg stance - Cross over step up
    Push - Dumb bell shoulder press
    Combination - Romanian deadlift & row (I did this in BT II, but there aren't that many combination exercises I can do, so I'm repeating.)
    Intervals - Jump rope
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new to lifting and just finished my BT1 for the first time. This is my first experience with this type of workout but it kicked my butt more than Jillian was with Body Revolution first 2 weeks. It also showed me how out of shape I am. Any suggestions advice for a real newbie??

    Use the book when you're doing the exercises the first few times to make sure you're doing the moves right. I also watch videos online when I'm doing something new. I have terrible coordination, so I like to prepare a lot before I do something new.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new to lifting and just finished my BT1 for the first time. This is my first experience with this type of workout but it kicked my butt more than Jillian was with Body Revolution first 2 weeks. It also showed me how out of shape I am. Any suggestions advice for a real newbie??

    I second what Yankee and Sunshine said. Make SURE you're doing the exercises correctly! Don't get down on yourself if you CAN'T increase weights as quickly as you want, but also push yourself so that every workout is a great one!

    Yankee, BTIII looks great. Aren't you happy be doing back squats again? I miss those.

    Sunshine, I use the same exact weights for the farmer's carries and waiter's carries. Funny.

    Getting 4B done today. Looking forward to those jackknife push-ups (NOT!).
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm new to lifting and just finished my BT1 for the first time. This is my first experience with this type of workout but it kicked my butt more than Jillian was with Body Revolution first 2 weeks. It also showed me how out of shape I am. Any suggestions advice for a real newbie??

    I second what Yankee and Sunshine said. Make SURE you're doing the exercises correctly! Don't get down on yourself if you CAN'T increase weights as quickly as you want, but also push yourself so that every workout is a great one!

    Yankee, BTIII looks great. Aren't you happy be doing back squats again? I miss those.

    Sunshine, I use the same exact weights for the farmer's carries and waiter's carries. Funny.

    Getting 4B done today. Looking forward to those jackknife push-ups (NOT!).

    Yes, I love back squats! I'm going to keep them in all my programs now.

    I did workout A last night, and it was HARD! But I loved the sumo dead lifts and the squat and press. Those felt great. I ended with slam ball intervals, and that was really intense!
  • leannan24
    leannan24 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all for the responses!! Doing workout b BT1 today. Only doing 2 a week right now because of work schedule. I am looking at this week and next as a warm up as going on vacation for 2 weeks and won't have my weights. I plan on taking my bands and doing a lot of beach walking though :)
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Okay, you all have to try the weighted squat jumps in one of your workouts. I thought every guy in the weight room was going to give me a standing ovation when I finished my second set with two 25 lb dumbbells. They seriously rock!

    I will say that my Basic IIB workout is very heavy on squats and jumps, which makes it really intense. I'm half way through Basic II because I got sidetracked so much, but I'm looking forward to planning III.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jump squats ARE awesome! They definitely draw the looks at the gym too.
    I've been happy with my weight increases during this stage. I've been doing 3 sets, so I may try 4 sets for these last 4 workouts.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Okay, you all have to try the weighted squat jumps in one of your workouts. I thought every guy in the weight room was going to give me a standing ovation when I finished my second set with two 25 lb dumbbells. They seriously rock!

    I will say that my Basic IIB workout is very heavy on squats and jumps, which makes it really intense. I'm half way through Basic II because I got sidetracked so much, but I'm looking forward to planning III.

    25 lb dumb bells is really amazing! Here I thought I was doing well with 15s. :)

    I've got a question for you all... Has anyone done the crossover step ups? If you have, maybe you know this. Once you get both feet up on the step, do you step down with both too? Or do you keep one foot on the box at all times? The videos I find online seem to mostly have you keeping one foot on the box all the time, but this doesn't seem to be what the book is saying. I'm confused, and with my lack of coordination and balance, this is even harder! LOL
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I haven't tried the cross over step-ups. Like you I really couldn't figure out how to do them.

    I finished BTII 6A today. Hopefully finish BTII Friday. Looking forward to new exercises!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I haven't tried the cross over step-ups. Like you I really couldn't figure out how to do them.

    I finished BTII 6A today. Hopefully finish BTII Friday. Looking forward to new exercises!

    Yeah! I love planning the new exercises!

    I'm struggling with knee pain, and it's worse now with BTIII. Today I'm supposed to do reverse lunges with the barbell, but I'm going to lower my weight with that. I have a 15 lb bell in addition to the 45, so I think I'll use that with maybe a total of 30 pounds. I can handle the weight of the 45 bb, but my knees are killing me...
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    My knees have been really sore during BTII...I think it's all the squats, step-ups, lunges, and box jumps combined. I don't know if its my form or if my body is just adjusting to these new exercises. It seems to be getting better, but I've never had this issue before.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    BTII is finished!

    I was really happy with my weight increases this Stage.

    Static hold: 30-->50lbs
    Reverse lunge: 20-->25lbs
    Standing cable row:60lbs-->70lbs

    Jump squat: 25 -->32.5lbs
    Step-up:15-->32.5lbs (step comes to mid thigh)
    Front squat: 65lbs-->75lbs
    Pull down: 60-->72lbs

    The front squats were really challenging, but I finally got the hang of them during the last two B workouts.

    BT III Workouts

    Mountain Climbers
    Jump Squats
    Romanian DL
    Reverse lunge from step
    DB two point row
    Squat and press

    Cable tall kneeling chop
    Explosive push-up
    Off set overhead squat
    Standing lat pulldown
    Single-leg RDL
    Cable chest press
    Push-up and row (these look incredibly challenging!)

    HIIT: whatever I feel like doing a the time!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    BTII is finished!

    I was really happy with my weight increases this Stage.

    Static hold: 30-->50lbs
    Reverse lunge: 20-->25lbs
    Standing cable row:60lbs-->70lbs

    Jump squat: 25 -->32.5lbs
    Step-up:15-->32.5lbs (step comes to mid thigh)
    Front squat: 65lbs-->75lbs
    Pull down: 60-->72lbs

    The front squats were really challenging, but I finally got the hang of them during the last two B workouts.

    BT III Workouts

    Mountain Climbers
    Jump Squats
    Romanian DL
    Reverse lunge from step
    DB two point row
    Squat and press

    Cable tall kneeling chop
    Explosive push-up
    Off set overhead squat
    Standing lat pulldown
    Single-leg RDL
    Cable chest press
    Push-up and row (these look incredibly challenging!)

    HIIT: whatever I feel like doing a the time!

    Excellent increases! You are strong! :)

    You've got some great exercises planned for BTIII. Can't wait to hear how it goes!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    How is everyone doing?

    My BTIII workout A is really tough. My whole body was very sore after Monday. Yesterday I didn't feel like doing B, but I did. It's very focused on the upper body. My shoulders were burning like I've never felt them burn. I think I may switch my two power exercises so that my arms can handle 3 sets of the chest press and the push-ups with rows. Yesterday I barely finished 2. If I do explosive push-ups for WO A and jump squats for WO B maybe it will help.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I haven't lifted since Sunday. I went riding on Monday and totally destroyed my legs so I took Tuesday off. Then my son got sick and we spent all day Wednesday at the ER and docs. I haven't been able to get my head back in the game. I've decided to just take a mental health break till Sunday, which is my normal lifting day. I'll be back at it then!