Week 1



  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Hi everyone! Completed W1D1 yesterday on the treadmill. 4.16 miles (with the warm up/cool down) at a speed of 5.0 and zero incline. I had a little pain in the inside of my heal during the first run, but it went away during the first walk and never came back (thankfully). Felt great overall. Eventually I'll make it outside again, I usually do once I get too bored with the treadmill. Anyone else on the treadmill?

    I tried the treadmill but ended up injuring myself, now I am a dedicated outdoors runner. The worst day was last week, I did my run at -25C, not such a great idea,lol. But otherwise, anything warmer than -10C is fine for running. You need to stick to what works best for you, keep on going:)
  • schmidtka70
    W1D2 completed on 1/24/12...little harder than the first day...think I ate lunch too close to running (45 min). Day three tomorrow.
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,515 Member
    A month later than originally planned but I FINALLY made it here! I completed C25K on Friday with a 40 minute 5k, so I wasn't anticipating any problem with Week 1, and Day 1 was incident free. I knocked the speed back to 4.5mph to be on the safe side but I'll pick that up a bit next time.

    All of my running has been done on the treadmill so far - it doesn't seem to suit everyone but I'm happy with the progress I'm making :smile:
  • seapard
    seapard Posts: 33 Member
    I'm going the Freeway to 10k route because I like the podcast so much. It's 9 weeks instead of 6 and starts with shorter intervals.

    I felt really sore the last week of C25k and definitely felt "off" on W1D1 of F210k. I ran W1D2 yesterday and felt pretty decent, though!

    I was running four minute intervals at 6 mph and two minute recovery intervals at 4 mph (30 minutes total). With 5 minutes of warm-up and a three minute cooldown I just barely passed 5k.

    I've been doing all my running on a treadmill at the local gym -- listening to my podcast, watching the Food Network with closed-captioning, and stretching in the steam room. Life is good!
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    WTF ive done c25k and have done 7 k on the treadmill then i picked up 2 injuries so have had 2 weeks off which included copious amounts of beer ................................but ive committed to a 10 k in June so downloaded an app/podcast so there i am amongst athletes either side going hell for leather on their treadmills so decide to up my speed by 1.0k i thought yea i can do this for 10 min with a break and then some more .............................................................what happens there's no break im running for 30 min eventually gave in at 20min .........................................................i have to review the blooody podcast it was meant to be 4x10min runs which i think i could have done ...........................................never mind back to the drawing board :bigsmile:

  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    so there i am amongst athletes either side going hell for leather on their treadmills so decide to up my speed by 1.0k i thought yea i can do this for 10 min with a break and then some more .............................................................what happens there's no break im running for 30 min eventually gave in at 20min .........................................................i have to review the blooody podcast it was meant to be 4x10min runs which i think i could have done ...........................................never mind back to the drawing board :bigsmile:

    I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time but I can just picture you keeping on keeping on, wondering if it would ever end...:wink: I liked Bluefin's Bridge to 10K app if you need a replacement. Don't worry, you'll get there, when I started the 4th 10 minute run was an absolute slow-motion nightmare... :grumble:
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Hi everyone - done C25K and did my first race on Sunday in 30.37. I am signing up for a 10km on 2nd September in Glasgow, Scotland and started Bridge to 10km today. Looking forward to being part of this group!
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    i restarted the program again.. week 1 i finished today...anyone still here..lol
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Hello B210K ers
    Made it through my first run session today (W1D1) and even added 5 minutes to the end of the run... WooHoo... Great run this morning. I am kinda glad I challenged myself to go for 50 minutes on my last C25K run (and I am really glad my body was able to put up with it... LOL) b/c it helped with my merging into this program. I am still quite amazed at how far I have come with the running with my 12 weeks of C25K and then today. Great stuff. Looking forward to my Thursday run. Keep it comin'. Great job to all here staying Active. Keep it up everyone.
  • kreisad
    kreisad Posts: 12 Member
    I'm going to start B210K in about a week. I've completed C25K and B210K before but I got "out of shape" last winter and I started the running programs over. I've got a little bit left of C25K and then I'll be done. Feel free to add me for motivation. Good luck!
  • fitnessyeoja
    fitnessyeoja Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all!!! This evening I completed B210K WEEK 1 DAY 1.

    Here are the details:
    - Ran outdoors and it felt GREAT! I normally run inside on the treadmill and thought I preferred this but I think outdoor running may be growing on me.
    - Did the 5 minute warm up beforehand.
    - 44 minutes per the program directions - 353 cal burned/Avg HR 78%.
    - Intentionally was working on keeping my HR low. Try to get stronger base. I'll work on speed as the weeks progress.
    - No idea how much distance I covered. That's okay.
    - When I need to start paying attn to distance, I will measure it on the treadmill.

    Anyone who's serious about the B210K training, please friend me. I'd love for us to cheer each other on! :flowerforyou:
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Got up and looked at the clock and I was like...."Holy sleepy time Batman" I overslept a bit this morning. I threw on the shorts and shirt "Swoosh" did a couple of stretches and got out the door so I could conquer the run (W1 D2)... which I did "KPow" "Thwap"... LOL. I only did 2.5 minute warmup walk and cooldown. Did the Intervals as written (10-1-10-1-10-1-11), but added one minute to the last interval. It took 49 minutes for the whole sesssion. It all turned out wonderfully. Good morning world and Happy Thursday. :D
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Either I woke up crazy this morning :tongue: or just really energized :happy: b/c on my session this morning (W1 D3) I added (1) 10 minute interval to the run instead of doing (4) like the program sugests. I did the 5 minute warmup and a 10 minute cooldown which was sooo needed. I made it through without to much trouble. My legs did feel like jello when I was complete but I am glad I went the extra mile (literally)... LOL Now I am ready for Week 2 and those 15 minute intervals. Looking forward to my next dose of running on Monday.

    P.S. I remembered to stretch before and after the session. Sooo important. And plenty of water... I hope.. before...during... and after the run.
  • hellotherecupcake
    I finished W1D2 a little wile ago. I'm not sure I like the minute rests, lol. I think I would actually find it easier to just keep jogging, but for now I'm planning on sticking to the program because doing that really helped me with Couch to 5K!
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Great job helloothercup!! Way to get your run in today. I found those 1 minute rests helped me get some water without bouncin' up and down during the jog...LOL. Looking forward to my run W6D2 session tomorrow. Not looking forward to the 35 degrees I will get to run in though...brrrr.
  • hellotherecupcake
    Wow, you're almost done! What are you planning to do after you're done?

    I've yet to tackle running in really cold weather. Brr!
  • hellotherecupcake
    Finished Week 1! Didn't hit 4.2 miles this time because it was suuuuper windy and I took it realllly slow. No regrets. At least now I know that I can still run in winds gusting up to 33 mph. Not sure I'll do that again. -_- Bring it on, Week 2!
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    For my run tomorrow (Sunday morning) it looks like it will be in the mid 40's. After B210K I will probably run 1 or 2 times a week when the weather allows since winter is close... Then in the Spring I am thinking of working on speed training and continue to run 5K and 10K's.

    Happy running.
  • HealthyJess88
    HealthyJess88 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm here to join you guys - W1D1 of B210K complete and I'm excited about the rest of the programme :D
  • clhardy5
    clhardy5 Posts: 68 Member
    Trying to revive the topics :-) I'm going out to do week1 day 3 today!! I've decided to do the mileage plan as opposed to the minutes - so here comes 1 mile run - 1 minute rest!!! I can do this!!