Daily Insane chat, banter and progress!



  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Oh no!! Now I'm really worried...

    Pure cardio and cardio abs kicked my bum today! I did them completely back to back without a break but I got through it! Then did a walk round Berlin. I called it 5 hours on mfp but it's probs more like 6 or 6.5. Anyway my feet and legs are knackered - so I'm off to have a curry :)
  • Did pure cardio and cardio abs yesterday back to back, was a little worried when he said let's start the warmup! Week 2 is done and I can't wait to step on the scale tomorrow and do my second fit test.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Completed Day 2 Plyometric Cardio Circuit, it was awful I felt like I wanted to die by the end of the workout. I have a feeling its going to be a really long 9 weeks.
  • Woolified
    Woolified Posts: 65 Member
    Today is my rest day... I just finished out Week 2 (Round 1). Luckily I am doing back to back night shifts or I would probably skip the rest day. It feels so great after the work out is finished. I can't wait to see some progress here!

  • suwei907
    suwei907 Posts: 9
    Week 2 done! Today is my rest day. I can't believe the results I can see and feel already. Hopefully this is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Day 3 Power Cardio and Resistance, today's workout was better than yesterday's. I'm hoping that by Week 2 everything feels a little less exhausting.
  • carleycalla
    carleycalla Posts: 6 Member
    Week one is done! Tomorrow is my rest day, and lord do I need it.

    I'm glad my roommate and I are doing this together but today I did it alone. It was Pylo, which I really struggle with, and I think I did pretty well! I'm glad I could prove to myself that I didn't need to be with my roommate to do it, AND that I can push myself without his incessant high fives.

    Thinking about going on a run tomorrow... does anyone do workouts on top of Insanity?
  • Just did 2nd fit test and it still kicked my butt! Here are my 1st results compared to my 2nd!

    1. 32-40
    2. 32-37
    3. 60-100
    4. 17-25
    5. 5-6
    6. 7-9
    7. 16-20
    8. 32-40

    I can see some change in my stomach but I still have a long ways to go!!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    AND that I can push myself without his incessant high fives.

    That's funny
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    Day 4 Cardio Recovery, I loved this workout. It was a really nice break in the middle of the workout week.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    I doubled up Insanity workouts yesterday because I missed Sunday, and boy am I feeling it today! My knees and legs in general are sore!! Got another Pylo cardio circuit today and then my rest day tomorrow. I feel bad that I went away this weekend - i mean I generally kept up with workouts, but my food was terrible. We ate out nearly every meal and whilst i never went over TDEE it's not like what I was eating was all veg and fruit either.

    Need to start taking nutrition a whole lot more seriously, which is much easier now I'm at home. Meal planning is the key I think!
  • cynpin34
    cynpin34 Posts: 41 Member
    Well I missed my second workout today...I'm sick and have been sleeping in before my 12 hr nightshift...I feel awful and don't know what my game plan is...during week 2 I missed 3 days so I started the week over...tomorrow is my rest day and I'm coming off of 2 weeks of nights, so I'm usually useless on those days...Not sure if I should start the week over or just get back on track with week 4...sigh, this sucks.
  • Pure cardio & cardio abs. Lack of sleep is catching up with me, was wanting to take a nap after work instead of working out. I decided not to nap and do these back to back again! Took a lot for me to make it through but I did! Wasn't my best performance but I hit play and pushed through!!!
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    Just started my second round of Insanity this week. The first round results yielded approximately a 14 lb loss and being able to squeeze into a size 10! I know it seems odd but Month 1 feels just like Month 2 (if that makes sense) I don't know if it feels that way because it has been a few weeks and I haven't being working out as hard. I think I did ok on the fit test. See results below

    4/16 fit test

    Switch kicks 116 (58)
    power jacks 60
    power knees 90
    power jumps 30
    globe jumps 12
    suicide jumps 12
    push up jacks 30
    low plank oblique 60
  • Woolified
    Woolified Posts: 65 Member
    Did my Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs today... I like that combo... I appreciate the non-repetativeness of Pure Cardio :o)

    Now working night shift, having some issues keeping my calories where they need to be by Insanity's suggestion and by MFP's suggestion. Tough to eat every 3 hours at a job that doesn't even let me pee in 12hrs lol.
  • I think I need to join this thread to get some motivation to do my Insanity workouts. Of late I've been finding excuses to skip it but I hate doing that so hopefully by contributing to this thread I'll find the support to get it done

    Currently, I'm on Month2, first time round. Started this week and last night did Max Cardio Conditioning which pretty much kicked my butt, however the awesome feeling you get when its over was still there, its pretty much the reason I do it.

    I'm aiming to complete Month 2 then repeat the whole 60 days before I go on my summer vacation in July, hoping to get that beach body! I've also got a 10k run scheduled for June so hopefully completing Insanity will go some way to helping with my training for that.

    While I'm here, anyone should feel free to add me as a MFP buddy, I need all the support you can give me to get through this.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Hi dougt17 - I've added you :) Don't be too hard on yourself - I hear month 2 is a monster and i think it's perfectly natural to feel overwhelmed, and if you do your workouts later in the day, they can seem a bit daunting! Just take it one day at a time, and tell yourself - it's only an hour out of your day! And the results are def worthwhile :)

    I did pure cardio and cardio abs today. I found it really difficult! I burnt 545 cals which is good but not as high as last time, i just couldn't push myself any harder. I'd already done a 2.5 walk around town with my german class, so I think my legs were already tired. Plus it's suddenly got super hot over here so my room didn't have a whole lot of oxygen to spare!! I just got breathless really quickly and my HR was 180 about 8 mins into the warmup!! Anyway glad I did it, and now I'm off for a huge lunch to replenish myself!

    Today was my 1st day of the last week of month 1, so start recovery week next week.

    I have to admit I'm getting increasingly nervous about the prospect of month 2. It terrifies me.. I don't know whether to watch parts of the videos to prepare myself or what... Or just accept it's going to be really really hard and try not to think about it too much!
  • Hi - request accepted, thanks:smile:

    Like you I was nervous about Month 2 before I got into it. I wasn't sure what to expect. From my 3 days experience of it so far, I can tell you it is tough but also different. The warmup excercises are a little different, and possibly a little shorter it seems. Sure, the workouts are longer at an hour or so, and you work harder during them but you are still encouraged to take a break when you need it and go at your own pace. In fact towards the end of Max Cardio Conditioning, Shaun actually says "Take a break if you need it. Take ten breaks if you need to" and I found that very encouraging as I lay on my floor in a puddle of sweat. As he says over and over "Its all about form". I find the Max workouts to be more varied as well - in Month 1 you'd do the same excercises three or four times maybe - in the Max ones I've done so far, it seems to be only once or twice before you move on to something else.

    Another thing to know is that it can hurt. You are going that bit longer, that bit harder and I actually can feel some pain today, particularly around the tops of my arms and shoulders. I'm sure it will pass in a couple of days, as it did when I started Month 1.

    On the upside, I no longer fear Pure Cardio from Month 1- that will be easy compared to Month 2.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Ha! This is what worries me... If I find Pure Cardio hard to get through then what about Month 2?? Still the body is adaptable I guess so where there's a will there's a way. And I think sometimes I forget how I was at the beginning of this month. Had to take breaks all the time whereas now not soooooo much. I'd love to be able to get through a month 1 workout without a break though, that was my goal! 5 more left, see how I do ;)
  • ASecretBobby
    ASecretBobby Posts: 38 Member
    I did max cardio conditioning and nearly managed to keep up with the team, first time round I thought I was going to snap. Month 2 is sooo much better than month 1