April Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Today wasn't too bad, but it's over my 2000cal limit and I ate like I was in an eating competition so it's considered a binge.

    Summer - 8
    The Binge - 9

    Binge free for: - days
  • escapepod
    escapepod Posts: 68 Member
    Me 13
    The Binge 3
    Today's day 6 of binge-free. Somebody brought in doughnuts to celebrate the safe return of our Boston Marathoner - I'm reminding myself that I did NOT run a marathon, and if I give in to a donut, or half a donut, or a bite of a donut, it's likely to turn into an an EATING marathon for me. No way! Not this girl! I'm determined to get to the end of a full week of no-binging, I get stronger every day!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    April 17th.

    Kate - 14.
    Binge - 3.
  • toothwalker_
    toothwalker_ Posts: 32 Member
    Kim: 15
    Binge: 2
    (April 2, 11)

    Currently in a 6-day run of good decisions, and was able to resist the last few times I've been out and able to binge. Considering how often my binges were in March and before MFP, I'm going to guess that buying less crap/things I binge on is the key. I do miss having sweets around sometimes, but then I just tell myself that if I really want to, I can buy a dessert at lunch the next day, and I rarely do. This weekend will be tough though -- I'll be on a trip to Belgium (oh hai chocolate!) and staying with a friend's family, so I'll be out of comfort zone, food-wise. *fingers crossed*
  • angelaengbrecht
    angelaengbrecht Posts: 55 Member
    Angela: 11
    The Binge: 6

    I lost this one. I tried to pull back, and the worst part is, part of me didn't want to. Something told me to just keep eating and worry about the consequences later.

    I know I shouldn't "make-up" for it, but it's so hard not to plan tomorrow that way.

    I'm thinking, if I can just eat 1/2 to 2/3 my normal calories, for just ONE DAY, I won't make up for it, but I might do some damage control... As long as I'm not skipping meals, or eating TOO little, this isn't terrible, right?

    I know nothing can make up for it, and I just have to move forward (I used to spend WEEKS trying to right these wrongs...) but eating a little less for one is probably okay?

    Ugh. I thought I was doing so well. It's like a monster took control of me!

    Oops--I replied to your post in the other thread. Didn't see that you had posted here.

    I was thrown off by the continuation message! Sorry for posting this twice!
  • yoshna
    yoshna Posts: 69
    Me: 17
    Binge: 0
    Angela: 11
    The Binge: 6

    I lost this one. I tried to pull back, and the worst part is, part of me didn't want to. Something told me to just keep eating and worry about the consequences later.

    I know I shouldn't "make-up" for it, but it's so hard not to plan tomorrow that way.

    I'm thinking, if I can just eat 1/2 to 2/3 my normal calories, for just ONE DAY, I won't make up for it, but I might do some damage control... As long as I'm not skipping meals, or eating TOO little, this isn't terrible, right?

    I know nothing can make up for it, and I just have to move forward (I used to spend WEEKS trying to right these wrongs...) but eating a little less for one is probably okay?

    Ugh. I thought I was doing so well. It's like a monster took control of me!

    Angela - I know exactly how you feel, the part of you that just wants to do it, even though the logical part of you knows it won't make you happy really. And I also know it's easy to try to under-eat the next day to feel like you're balancing it out; but from experience, for me, that just makes me more likely to end up bingeing again when the evening rolls round and I'm feeling a bit hungry. I'd say just go straight back to normal, forgive yourself and get on with your journey. You ARE doing so well, and tomorrow can be a better day!
  • Chocoholic55555
    Chocoholic55555 Posts: 173 Member
    April 17th

    Just put myself to bed (so I think it's safe to log today as I shouldn't eat any more) &, although I indulged a lot today, it stayed within my calorie allowance & didn't binge, yay!

    That makes it;

    Me : 14
    Binge : 3
  • angelaengbrecht
    angelaengbrecht Posts: 55 Member
    The Binge: 6

    I lost this one. I tried to pull back, and the worst part is, part of me didn't want to. Something told me to just keep eating and worry about the consequences later.

    I know I shouldn't "make-up" for it, but it's so hard not to plan tomorrow that way.

    I'm thinking, if I can just eat 1/2 to 2/3 my normal calories, for just ONE DAY, I won't make up for it, but I might do some damage control... As long as I'm not skipping meals, or eating TOO little, this isn't terrible, right?

    I know nothing can make up for it, and I just have to move forward (I used to spend WEEKS trying to right these wrongs...) but eating a little less for one is probably okay?

    Ugh. I was doing so well. It was like a monster took control of me.

    Honestly, I think the best thing you can do to truly move forward is to acknowledge that this is a problem for you, forgive yourself, and move forward without restricting calories the next day. Otherwise, it's more likely to become a self-reinforcing circle--restrict, binge, restrict, binge. And accompanied by the feeling of needing to punish yourself for something that's not worthy of punishment.

    Also, think of it as You lost this ONE. It's not a trend, it's not going to be like this forever. It was this one time. And if it happens again, it's still that one time.

    My last binge (last Monday, I remember it well) was triggered by that same voice that told me to keep eating. My voice sounded a lot like an adolescent's, so after my therapist and I discussed it, we decided that I'd take a parenting type of approach should that voice pop up again. Kind of like, "Yes, I understand you want to eat all of the things. Here's an alternative: how about we do something else for 15 minutes? If you still want to eat all of the things after 15 minutes, we'll negotiate that." And then, should I still want to eat all of the things after 15 minutes, I'll compromise with that adolescent and say, "Well, eating ALL of the things doesn't sound like a good idea. How about you have a FEW of the things [or whatever seems a more reasonable alterative] and then move on?" Because, for me at least, it just doesn't work to completely ignore that voice. That voice just gets more obnoxious and digs its heels in, so to speak.

    Anyway, these are just some thoughts.

    And, YES! You are making progress!

    That's wonderful advice. Thank you for the insight.

    I'm notoriously terrible at taking advice, but I think I will follow yours, because it seems very reasonable! The fact is, I HAVE been stuck in a 'binge-->restrict-->binge' cycle and you're right. I must move on and treat each day as a new opportunity to be healthy.

    Your plan to sort of coach or guide The Binge, as a reasonable adult would guide a youth in their care, seems like an excellent intervention. I like the idea of compromise, because it allows one to break outside of the 'all or nothing' mindset that many of us seem to adhere to.
  • angelaengbrecht
    angelaengbrecht Posts: 55 Member
    Me: 17
    Binge: 0
    Angela: 11
    The Binge: 6

    I lost this one. I tried to pull back, and the worst part is, part of me didn't want to. Something told me to just keep eating and worry about the consequences later.

    I know I shouldn't "make-up" for it, but it's so hard not to plan tomorrow that way.

    I'm thinking, if I can just eat 1/2 to 2/3 my normal calories, for just ONE DAY, I won't make up for it, but I might do some damage control... As long as I'm not skipping meals, or eating TOO little, this isn't terrible, right?

    I know nothing can make up for it, and I just have to move forward (I used to spend WEEKS trying to right these wrongs...) but eating a little less for one is probably okay?

    Ugh. I thought I was doing so well. It's like a monster took control of me!

    Angela - I know exactly how you feel, the part of you that just wants to do it, even though the logical part of you knows it won't make you happy really. And I also know it's easy to try to under-eat the next day to feel like you're balancing it out; but from experience, for me, that just makes me more likely to end up bingeing again when the evening rolls round and I'm feeling a bit hungry. I'd say just go straight back to normal, forgive yourself and get on with your journey. You ARE doing so well, and tomorrow can be a better day!

    This is good advice.

    It was hard for me to be logical directly after my binge. My brain was still in that state of reacting instead of analyzing.

    Thank you. I'm going to try to eat normally today for three reasons:

    1) Eating less today could perpetuate the cycle by making me more hungry later.
    2) Eating less today sends my brain the message that it's okay to binge, because I can "fix it" later, but restriction ISN'T fixing the true problem here, which is more about emotions and less about calories.
    3) Food is not a reward or punishment. I should eat when I am truly hungry.

    Okay. This is all easier said than done... I'm going to give it an honest shot though.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Me: 17
    Binge: 0
    Angela: 11
    The Binge: 6

    I lost this one. I tried to pull back, and the worst part is, part of me didn't want to. Something told me to just keep eating and worry about the consequences later.

    I know I shouldn't "make-up" for it, but it's so hard not to plan tomorrow that way.

    I'm thinking, if I can just eat 1/2 to 2/3 my normal calories, for just ONE DAY, I won't make up for it, but I might do some damage control... As long as I'm not skipping meals, or eating TOO little, this isn't terrible, right?

    I know nothing can make up for it, and I just have to move forward (I used to spend WEEKS trying to right these wrongs...) but eating a little less for one is probably okay?

    Ugh. I thought I was doing so well. It's like a monster took control of me!

    Angela - I know exactly how you feel, the part of you that just wants to do it, even though the logical part of you knows it won't make you happy really. And I also know it's easy to try to under-eat the next day to feel like you're balancing it out; but from experience, for me, that just makes me more likely to end up bingeing again when the evening rolls round and I'm feeling a bit hungry. I'd say just go straight back to normal, forgive yourself and get on with your journey. You ARE doing so well, and tomorrow can be a better day!

    I remember well the battle. All the time I was heading to the shops, with a binge in mind, raiding the shelves of every type of food I wished I could eat daily, my mind was screaming at me to stop, but the urge to just eat and lose myself temporarily, always overwhelmed any rational thought. It is as if the sensible thoughts got pushed back to a quiet whisper, while the binge voice was screaming loudly for all the unhealthy foods. Fortunately, although it is still difficult, I do not tend to go on planned binges like that now and can just about manage to walk past the shelves.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    Me: 16
    The Binge: 0
  • Made it another day!
    Kyle: 10
    Binge: 2
  • anorangie
    anorangie Posts: 975 Member
    [/i]April 17[/i]

    me: 15

    bingemonster: 2
  • TiaTia2003
    TiaTia2003 Posts: 112 Member
    April 17

    The B-3
  • rincoglionita
    rincoglionita Posts: 177 Member
    Me: 16
    The Binge: 0

    Look at you! Fantastic!
  • Phoenix212
    Phoenix212 Posts: 54 Member
    Had to make an emergency run to the store for sugarfree gum but I managed to barely win this one >_<
    It's getting harder and harder, don't know how much longer I can last but I'm trying really hard!

    Me: 17
    Binge: 0

    This weekend is going to be brutal
  • hdkerr
    hdkerr Posts: 145 Member
    Heather: 16
    Binge: 1
  • elowder77
    elowder77 Posts: 9 Member
    april 17

    me: 8
    b word: 9

    SO close! very proud of my 8 day run. the only processed food i ate today was one piece of whole grain bread. everything else was whole food, lots of colorful veggies and fish. go me!
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    April 17

    ME: 6
    BINGE: 11
  • Kimblesnbits
    Kimblesnbits Posts: 321 Member
    Kim: 15
    The binge: 2

    Totally lost tonight so sad about it :(